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1c2c820 You are so beautiful, he mouthed. But of course she couldn't see his lips. Guess he was going to have to show her. J.R. Ward
671cdeb I wish I were whole. I wish I could have given you young if you'd wanted them and could conceive them. I wish I could have told you that it killed me when you thought I had been with anyone else. I wish I had spent the last year waking up every night and telling you that I loved you. I wish I had mated you properly the evening you came back to me from dead. I wish. . ." "I wish I were half as strong as you are and I wish I deserved you. And.. J.R. Ward
a591c55 I brought us all Big Macs," he said happily. "I know you dig 'em, remember?" "What the..." Tohr tightened his grip on his shellan, just in case . . . well, shit, with the way things were going lately, anything could happen. "What are you doing here?" "It's your lucky day, motherfucker." lassiter J.R. Ward
d0f134d Use me. You've done so much for us-" Marissa said. "Not.....for you." V said. "He's alive because of you. So that's everything." V shook his head and turned away from the wrist. "Can't." "I need you. I'm sick from what I do. I need you." Butch whispered. Vishous fixated on Butch. "Only not me." "For both of us" "All of us," Marissa interjtected. V took a deep breth and bit into the wrist." -- marissa vishous J.R. Ward
59479bb All right, big guy, down you go." Oh,yeah. Bed. Bed was good. "And look who's here. It's Nurse Vishous." rhage vishous J.R. Ward
af61fe8 Marissa, " he mumbled, taking her hand. "Don't want to see you drink so much?" Wait, not really what he'd been going for. "Ah...don't you to see me drink so much...want." Whatever. God...he was so confused.~Butch" J.R. Ward
1c9806b Cause nothing said lovin' like a shitload of motion detectors. J.R. Ward
7f58f88 I can smell you," he groaned against her ear as he ran his fangs up her throat. "The most beautiful thing in the world--except for your taste." J.R. Ward
0d6074f Slipping in the side door to the VIP section , she scanned the crowd , well aware that she was looking for one male in particular. And he was there. Fucking John Matthew. J.R. Ward
3ead603 As that fucking chandelier twinkled overhead, Blay said roughly, "I'm still in love with him." Saxton dropped his eyes and brushed a the top of his thigh, as if there might have been a tiny piece of lint there. "I know. You thought you weren't?" As if that were rather stupid of him. "I'm so fucking tired of it. I really am." "That I believe." "Im so fucking..." God, those sounds, that muted pounding , that audible confirmation of what he ha.. qhuay saxton blaylock lover-reborn J.R. Ward
2bf978a Fucking hell. "Did you guys plan that out?" "Yeah, and if you don't fight us"--Hollywood bit down on his grape Tootsie-Pop--"we'll do it again--only with dance moves this time." "Spare me." "Fine. Unless you agree to home it, we will rock the dance moves.". To prove the point, the moron linked his palms behind his head and started doing something obscene with his hips. Which was backed up by a series of, "Uh-huh, uh-huh, ohhh, yeeeeeeaaa.. rhage J.R. Ward
e85b5e5 Rough times." Qhuinn shrugged. "And I'm not interested in saints." "Really? You're in love with one," Layla chimed in. As Qhuinn glanced over at Blay, his mismatched eyes narrowed. "Damn straight I am," he said softly. As the redhead turned red--natch--that connection between the two males became positively tangible. Love was such a beautiful thing." blaylock layla qhuinn paranormal-romance J.R. Ward
ea0641a When they got to thew bottom of the stairwell, they stopped dead. Blay's father was facing off with a lesser, a Civil War sword in one hand, a dagger in the other. Behind his Joe Friday glasses, his eyes were lit like torches, and they flicked over for a split second. "Stay out of this. This one's mine." The shit was done faster than you can say, . Blay's father went Ginsu on the slayer, carving the thing up like a turkey, then stabbing.. blaylock john-matthew qhuinn J.R. Ward
1ccbd6d You will not live through this if she does not vishous J.R. Ward
1c35012 God, I miss you," he said in a voice that cracked. "Every night. Every day..." tohrment J.R. Ward
8ee61ec Sounds like you want a date, Lash, " Qhuinn barked. "Good deal, 'cause you keep that shit up, you're going to get fucked, buddy." J.R. Ward
893a07e He didn't say anything. Didn't try any of the hugging bullshit, either, which was just as well. Instead, he placed a wooden case next to Tohr on the bed, exhaled some Turkish smoke, and went back for the exit like he couldn't wait to get out of the room. Except he stopped before he left, "I gotchu, my brother," he said to the door. "I know, V. You always have. ~Vishous and Tohrment Lover Reborn" i-gotchu tohrment lover-reborn vishous J.R. Ward
a887026 Fucking lilacs. I'm the only immortal with allergies. I swear.' - Eddie, Crave J.R. Ward
d835b00 You love it right?" Lassiter asked, holding his Bible high. "I mean, you told me to go on the internet. I did. I even printed out my diploma or whatever the hell it's called." Opening the cover of the King James version, he took out a piece of paper and waved it around. "See? Nice and legal-like" Beth leaned in "Wow". "I know right? Just like Harvard" "Impressive" "I'm totally framing that shit, wha-what." humor lassiter the-king J.R. Ward
17aad4a Wrath was in a bad mood, and he knew this because the sound of the doggen waxing the wooden balustrade at the top of the main staircase was making him want to light the whole fucking mansion on fire. J.R. Ward
d44635b See, this was his kind of decorating. An active mind don't need distractions in its physical environment. It needed a collection of outstanding books and a good lamp. Maybe some cheese and crackers J.R. Ward
540edbb In the center was a tiny handprint in red paint. J.R. Ward
87aa204 Phury nodded. "And if she lives with us, we get to keep the cat." boo phury black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward dark-lover J.R. Ward
aa88df0 Ehlena: Look, the reason I called was -- Rehv: Because you needed an excuse. You shut me down in the exam room, but really wanted to talk to me. So you called me on the phone. And now you have me. (That voice dropped even lower) Do I get to pick what you do with me? rehv rehvenge J.R. Ward
c29b32a Abruptly, she yanked the covers over her crippled one, hiding it from him. Tohr marched right back over to her, and resolutely pulled the duvet back where it had been. Tracing the badly healed wounds with his fingertips, he met her squarely in the eye. "You're beautiful. Every inch of you. Don't think for a moment there's anything wrong with you. We clear?" "But-" "Nope. I'm not hearing that." Bending down he pressed his lips to her shin, .. tohrment J.R. Ward
5b6eb6a His blush was the color of Valentine's Day and she had to tell her heart to calm the fuck down as it started to beat fast. J.R. Ward
34322d2 Wow," she breathed. "I know, right? Hung like a horse." "If you're really nice-and you live through this-I'll promise not to tell V." "About my size." She laughed a little, "No, that you assumed I'd look at you in any fashion other than professionally." lassiter lover-reborn vishous J.R. Ward
0a12df9 Qhuinn looking a Blay] A tear escaped from that eye . Welling up along the lower lid, it coalesced at the far corner, formed a crystal circle, and grew so fat it couldn't hold on to the lashes. Slipping free, it meandered downward, getting lost in dark hair at the temple. qhuay qhuinn-and-blay J.R. Ward
ca5e8ab So what'd you do to the lesser?" a male voice said. "I lit his cigarette with a sawed-off," another one answered. "He didn't come down for breakfast, you feel me?" J.R. Ward
09556ca Do you think I haven't noticed? You can't wait to be free of me. I drink and then you bolt up, as if you've had to force yourself to endure my presence." She'd started to sob then. "I've always tried to be clean when I come to you. I spend hours in the tub, washing myself. But I cannot find the dirt that you see." -Marissa to Wrath" marissa wrath J.R. Ward
eb7bf4f Good? No, that didn't go far enough. She'd made him feel... alive. Awakened. black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward zsadist vampires J.R. Ward
cb77bd1 Then again, the urge to commit matricide was stressful as shit-when you couldn't act on it. J.R. Ward
cec9a6c Butch was quiet for a time. Then he said, "I think that's why I like Jane." "huh?" "When you look at her? You actually see her, and when's the last time that's happened for you?" V geared himself up, then stared hard into Butch's eyes. "I saw you. even though it was wrong. I saw you." Shit, he sounded sad. Sad and...lonely. Which made him want to change the subject." v lover-unbound J.R. Ward
982a0b6 No offense-but until I see it, I'm not going to believe it." "And that is why you will fail." Adrian cursed and hit the door. "Great, you've got him channeling Yoda again. Can we get moving before he levitates my fucking bike?" J.R. Ward
07a55ed The hardest thing is being with other people - it's like they're on a different wavelenght, but only you know it. They talk about their lives and what's wrong with them, and you kind of, like, just let them go. It's a whole different language, and you've got to remember that you can only respond in their mother tongue. It's really hard to relate. relationship life-and-living life-lessons life J.R. Ward
dc13070 Sometimes your whole life could hinge on a fraction of an inch. Or the beat of nanosecond. Or the knock on a door. Kind of made a male believe in the divine. It really did. inspirational page-418 phury john heroin J.R. Ward
7b7713a This place is just too frickin precious," the cop said, eyeing a guy dressed in a hot pink leisure suit with makeup to match. "Give me rednecks and home-grown beer any day of the week over this X-culture bullshit." J.R. Ward
7c1d9cb She'd ended up passing out, and sometime later, John must have gotten up to use the loo and left the light on. Probably to make sure she didn't feel lost if she woke up. Because that's the kind of male he was. J.R. Ward
f5fddd7 Man, that did his ego good. Matter of fact, she hit him with anything like that again, he was going to feel like he could bench-press a city bus. With a jet plane on its roof. tohr tohrment J.R. Ward
b580d08 I will not fall in love with you," she said. "I can't let myself. I won't." "That's all right. I'll love you enough for the both of us." J.R. Ward
5880bb1 Yanking his inner manwhore back to the land of polite conversating, he forced his hands to stop J.R. Ward
c8ecfc9 When he nodded, the physician disappeared into thin air, and then a moment later, Payne felt a warm palm encompass hers. It was Vishous's un-gloved hand against her own and the connection between them eased her in ways she couldn't name. Verily, she had lost her mother . . . but if she lived through this, she still had family. On this side. payne sister vishous J.R. Ward
d04f72f Phury Syndrome--a condition whereupon one brother was so fucked-up that the other fell into a black hole trying to save him. J.R. Ward
18d76c1 Courage doesn't mean you aren't scared. J.R. Ward