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eeeb3f5 When he got quiet again, she assumed he was done talking. Instead, he spoke up one last time: "I only have one other secret." "What's that?" "Don't tell anyone . . . but I like that goddamn cat of yours." Tilting her head to the side, Beth smiled at the Shadow. "I have a feeling . . . he's pretty fond of you, too." J.R. Ward
226604c But then, gifts are like beauty, are they not. It is in the eye of the recipient that they find their seat, not in the hand of the giver. sv vishous J.R. Ward
3df61b2 He nodded and curled over his paper, writing quickly. As his words took form on the white page, she got to watch him...and realized she never wanted him to go. She wanted him here beside her forever. lover-mine john-matthew xhex john J.R. Ward
922c405 Rhage raised his hand. "Pastor Ass-hat, I have a question." "Yes, my son, you ARE going to hell." Lassiter made the sign of the cross and then looked around." humors lassiter rhage the-king J.R. Ward
b24f7a8 Lassiter hit pause and clamped a hard hand on his shoulder."Sit the fuck back. Watch and learn." "What? How much I hate rom-coms? How 'bout we just stipulate that and let me go." "You're going to need this." " For my second career as a pussy?" lassiter tohr J.R. Ward
856118d Tohr jacked forward his in his seat. "What the hell!" As Lassiter's big body cut through the projection onto the screen, a gigantic pair of flapping breasts covered his face and chest. "Adventures in the Milfy Way. A true classic." "It's porn!" "Duh--" "Okay, I am not sitting through this with you" The angel, still standing up. shrugged. "Just wanted to make sure you know what you're missing." lassiter tohr J.R. Ward
d0b8a53 Wellsie frowned. "I'd like you to stay away from him, okay? He's...not right in a lot of ways. Do you know what I mean?" Actually, John wasn't so sure about that. Yeah, the guy was enough to make you think fondly of the boogeyman sometimes, but clearly he wasn't all bad." J.R. Ward
b47bed5 You are the male I might have been. You are the potential I had and lost. You are the honor and the strength and the kindness she needs. You'll take care of her. I want you to take care of her. lover-awakened zsadist J.R. Ward
8bc104d Tohr took a pull of his beer. "What the hell is this?" "When Harry Met Sally." Tohr lowered the longneck from his mouth. "What?" "Shut it. After this, we're going to watch an episode of Moonlighting. Then An Affair to Remember--the old-school one, not that stupidity with Warren Beatty. Then The Princess Bride--" Tohr hit the switch by his hip and straightened the chair up. "Okay. Right. Have fun with this--" humor lassiter tohrment J.R. Ward
65bb31f Then again, he supposed the healing process, in contrast to trauma, was gentle and slow... The soft closing of a door, rather than a slam.- John healing-insights healing-journey healing-process healing-trauma healing-the-past traumatized J.R. Ward
61c7805 I could take you down on this sidewalk and be up that skirt of yours in a heartbeat. And you wouldn't fight me, would you? No, she probably wouldn't. Wrath and Beth J.R. Ward
9763053 Life has gotten in the way of our life. J.R. Ward
631ffa8 The rejection didn't faze him. "Fine. If I can't have you, then you do the taking. Have all of me, part of me, a small piece, whatever you want. Just please, have something." J.R. Ward
6879634 In so many ways, he had wanted this his whole life--or at least ever since he'd survived his transition and had any sexual impulse at all. This moment was the culmination of countless daydreams and innumerable fantasies, his secret desire made manifest. J.R. Ward
fa1d0cb Giving in to a shrill instinct, she ran around the side of the building. Butch was marching toward his car as if he were carrying an unstable load, and she rushed to catch up with them. "Wait. I need to ask him a question." "You want to know his shoe size or something?" Butch snapped. "Fourteen," Wrath drawled. "I'll remember that at Christmas, asshole." J.R. Ward
7398a96 Man, it was a good thing vampires didn't get cancer. Lately he'd been chain-smoking like a felon. humor life cancer smoking J.R. Ward
4c6062e I'll cab it home." "Naw. I'll hang until you're through. Then I'll drag you back to your apartment. Watch you throw up for an hour. Push you into bed. Before I leave I'll get the coffee machine set up. Aspirin will be right next to the sugar bowl." "I don't have a sugar bowl." "So it'll be next to the bag." Butch smiled. "You'd have made a great wife, Jose." "That's what mine tells me." J.R. Ward
1b9c2db His slut of a cousin, his cocksucking, suit-wearing, Montblanc-up-theass cousin Saxton the Magnificent, was standing next to the queen, looking like a combination of Cary Grant and some model in a goddamn cologne ad. Not that Qhuinn was bitter. Because the guy was sharing Blay's bed. Nah. Nope. Not at all. qhuinn-and-blay J.R. Ward
2926e55 With a deliberate shrug, he stepped free of the hold on his shoulder. "Tell me something, boys," he drawled. "Do you wear that leather to turn each other on? I mean, is it a dick thing with you all?" Butch got slammed so hard against the door that his back teeth rattled. The model shoved his perfect face into Butch's. "I'd watch your mouth, if I were you." "Why bother, when you're keeping an eye on it for me? You gonna kiss me now?" A gr.. J.R. Ward
5efd3dd For shit's sake, it wasn't like there was a twelve-step for being the Scribe Virgin's kid: Hi, I'm Vishous. I'm her son and I've been her son for three hundred years. HI, VISHOUS. She's done a head job on me again, and I'm trying not to go to the Other Side and scream bloody murder at her. WE UNDERSTAND, VISHOUS. And on the bloody note, I'd like to dig up my father and kill him all over again, but I can't. So I'm just going to try to keep m.. vicious J.R. Ward
a40d86c A cold blast hit him and he laughed at the sting as he stepped outside, surveyed the night sky, and drank deeply. Such a good liar he was. Such a good one. Everyone thought he was fine because he'd camo'd his little problems. He wore a Sox hat to hide the eye twitch. Set his wristwatch to go off every half hour to beat back the dream. Ate though he wasn't angry. Laughed though he found nothing funny. And he'd always smoked like a chimney. J.R. Ward
e02735e Do me a favor?" he whispered. Beth's hold tightened on his hand. "Anything, what do you need?" "Hum the Jeopardy theme." There was a pause.Then Beth burst out laughing and swatted his shoulder. "Wrath-" "Actually,take your clothes off and hum it while doing some belly grooves." As his shellan bent down and kissed his forehead, he looked up at her through his wraparounds. "You think I'm kidding? Come on, we both need the distraction. And.. J.R. Ward
60c59af A soooooooooooooooooooooon! I'm having a sooooooooooooooooooooooooon! J.R. Ward
8f291cc Among the problems with shame was that it in fact did not make you shorter or quieter or less visible. You just felt like you were. sadness shame J.R. Ward
c2ec503 What kind of look are you going for?" he asked instead. "Clothed." xcor J.R. Ward
849f4a8 Put on your big girl pants and deal. J.R. Ward
60eaafd As much as we have free choice, absolute destiny is immutable. What is meant to happen does, through one measure or another. J.R. Ward
a9a9c11 No stonger allies no greater friends no bigger fighters of honor could a king behould then these assembled afore me mine brothers mine blood J.R. Ward
a3c3728 I'm going to love you so good and so long you're gonna be convinced no earthly thing could have brought us together J.R. Ward
4e5f05b Qhuinn looked at each of the hoods again. How ironic, he thought. Nearly two years ago, an Honor Guard of black robes had been sent to him to make sure he knew his family didn't want him. And now, here these males were, come to draw him into a different kind of fold-- that was every bit as strong as that of blood. qhuinn J.R. Ward
ea29915 Surely it wasn't possible that Vin diPietro was the first assignment. "Hello?" DiPietro waved. "You in there?" Nah, Jim thought. Can't be. That would be above and beyond any call of duty. Over the guy's shoulder, the commercial that was on the TV suddenly showed a price of $49.99-no, $29.99, with a little red arrow that ... considering where Vin was standing, poined right at his head. "Sh*t, no" Jim muttered. This was the guy? On the Tv s.. J.R. Ward
d64e5a1 Lassiter came in alone, likely because Doc Jane had returned to the Pit. And the angel was naked as a jaybird... and just frickin' fine. No bullet holes, no scars, no contusions. "You keep looking at me like that and you'd better buy me dinner afterward." J.R. Ward
d8e22ff Even if he got shanked, even if his precious little ego and his dumb-ass little heart got shattered into a million pieces, it was time to stop the bullshit. It was time to be a male. As Blay started to straighten, like a message had been received, Qhuinn thought, That's right Buddy. qhuinn J.R. Ward
3652491 Okay, so, Beth, follow me. 'I, Beth, a totally awesome chick ...'" Beth barked out a giggle. "I, Beth ..." "Where's the 'awesome chick' part? What? Come on, I have a license from the Internet. I know what I'm doing." Wrath nodded at his . "He's right. You are, in fact, awesome. I think we need to hear it." "Can I get an amen!" Lassiter shouted. "Ammmmmmmmmen!" echoed throughout the mansion. "Fine, fine, fine," she said. "I, Beth, a totally.. wedding-vows J.R. Ward
d6b51af Vishous: "...we both would slaughter anything that so much as startled you." Jane: "I'm scared of mice and spiders. But you don't need to use that gun on your hip to blow a hole in a wall if I ran into one, okay? Havaheart traps and rolled newspapers work just as well. Plus, you don't need a Sheetrock patch and plaster job afterward. I'm just saying." J.R. Ward
b8e8e9b Do not kill him. That shit would totally bum Jane out. J.R. Ward
0da19b0 Sometimes, you didn't get what you wanted. But if you had all you needed? Life was good. J.R. Ward
94aaa2b Yeah." Rhage sighed. "All I want is one good female. But I guess I'll settle for quantity until I find her. Life just sucks, doesn't it?" J.R. Ward
86fecab I don't do farm animals. Can't stand hay in your leathers? Or wool in my teeth. vishous J.R. Ward
ff6091f It was right then and there that she'd realized there was no quota on misery for people, no quantifiable threshold that once reached, got you miraculously taken out of the distress pool. J.R. Ward
be675fd Thank fuck you're not a Yankees fan." "Don't use the Y-word. We're in mixed company." vishous J.R. Ward
6f4702d By the power vested in me thanks to Google, I know pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride! wedding J.R. Ward
ccc8b94 Destiny had a 518 area code..who knew." - Ehlena" J.R. Ward
bf0d94e Phury was the only other possibility, but he was a celibate with a broken frickin' heart. Not really man-whore material. J.R. Ward