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d0f0788 Run your tongue...up me...and around my head...." Keeping her stare locked on his, she extended her tongue...and leaned back down to follow instruction. "Elise..." Yup," J.R. Ward
ae1572f he was ever alone now, set apart from those around him, separated by a divide he could see across but never cover. To be without family was a strange, unseeable prison, the bars of loneliness and rootlessness enclosing ever more tightly as years and experience accumulated, isolating a male such that he touched naught and naught touched him. Darius J.R. Ward
30a3044 I love the way you taste," she said as she licked her lips. And that made his erection flare in her hand. "Climb up on me," he said gruffly. "I want to be inside you--climb up." For" J.R. Ward
9c0ccf2 I'm getting really fucking tired of being manhandled like this!" Wrath hollered. Tohr" J.R. Ward
6e5a225 He was the one doing the Dr. Phil bullshit-- Okaaaaaaaaaay, J.R. Ward
f2b1662 concentrate to do so J.R. Ward
f6fad7a The windshield wipers were on, and periodically, they made a swipe that gave her a momentarily clear view of the opposite shore. And it was funny, life was a bit like that, wasn't it. You went along, doing your thing, not really seeing the full landscape of where you were for all the daily minutiae you had to take care of--when suddenly, things crystallized and you got a brief picture that left you going, Ah so I am here. J.R. Ward
8708826 There were times in life when, as much as you wanted to fight for something, you just had to let it go. You didn't have to like the failure. You didn't have to feel really fucking great about the way things turned out. And you certainly didn't walk away from the shit scot-free, without being seriously damaged by the loss, crippled even. But you needed to let that stuff go, because expending the energy wasn't going to get you anywhere, and y.. J.R. Ward
5e9c0f0 Thank you," Trez said roughly. "Save the gratitude for if I bring back something worth having." "That's not what I'm talking about." Rehv leaned down, offering his dagger hand. "Anything I got is yours." Trez had to blink hard. Then pass his hand over his eyes. "Your friendship's all I need, my man. 'Cuz it's pretty damn priceless." J.R. Ward
f559171 Oh, shut it. Look, the pills have to be taken with food. You got a ham 'n' cheese on rye on you? I don't." "I'da made you some linguine with Sal sauce and brought it over for you. Give me more notice next time." Rehv headed out of the office. "You mind not being thoughtful. Makes me feel like shit." "Your prob, not mine." J.R. Ward
b700a6f Butch let his head fall loose on his shoulders and he wept openly... though not out of happiness, as they must have assumed. He wept at the hollowness he felt. Because however wonderful this all was, it seemed empty to him. Without his mate to share his life with, he was but a screen for events and circumstances to pass through. He was not even empty, for he was no vessel to hold even the thinnest of air. He lived, though was not truly aliv.. J.R. Ward
bb90d74 You know what you just proved?" "What? That even real males need airsick bags sometimes?" "No." She kissed him again. "That somebody can say 'I love you' without speaking." J.R. Ward
40ecf69 Io non sono tua.>> sussurro lei. Lui non si lascio scoraggiare. <> J.R. Ward
f3e5a45 Sapeva di essere dispotico, ma era piu forte di lui. Era un vampiro innamorato. E la sua femmina era incinta. C'erano ben poche cose piu aggressive o pericolose sulla faccia della terra, e si chiamavano uragani. gravidanza innamorato J.R. Ward
9834ef0 Wrath sapeva di aver stampato in faccia uno stupido sorriso soddisfatto e che per questo i fratelli lo avrebbero sfottuto alla grande. Ma non gli importava. Stava per avere una shellan. Stava per sposarsi. E loro potevano andare all'inferno. felicità innamorato sposarsi matrimonio J.R. Ward
24a1187 she could have sworn the high-end Viking stove was glaring at her. The animosity was mutual. J.R. Ward
9b9dce0 Ehi tutti fermi. Zanne. Aveva delle zanne. Beth si protese verso lo specchio toccandole. Mangiare con quei due dentacci avrebbe richiesto un po' di pratica, penso. D'impulso alzo le mani, piego la testa e soffio come un gatto. Fico! D'ora in poi Halloween sarebbe stato un vero sballo. vampiro zanne halloween J.R. Ward
57d10f2 No, non hai capito niente, John.>> Leggendo le sue emozioni scosse la testa. <> sopravvivere valore J.R. Ward
c19d7cf Possessions weren't the thing. The car your drove and the house you lived in and the clothes you wore...were nothing but vocabulary. They weren't the true communication that mattered, they weren't the connections that were important. J.R. Ward
89a9e8d We are made of the same core elements we were at first constructed of, but we are never the same afterward. We are permanently altered. If we are lucky and we are smart and we are freed at the right time, we are improved. If we are aged too long, we are ruined forever. Timing, like fate, is everything. J.R. Ward
8c23547 It was good to be where you belong... And best to do the things you can live with. Even if it killed you in the short run. J.R. Ward
9ced55a I never could have done that last one without you." Her voice was both shy and lovely. "You know ... my birth sire? He never did anything like that for me. He never ... he didn't even want me to go to the clinic. You know, even though I was hurt..." She cleared her throat. "So thank you. You're the best father ever." J.R. Ward
8abae9e But love had a funny way of giving you faith in the one who loved you back. And nothing was guaranteed in life, neither riches nor health. At the end of the day, you just had to let yourself go ... and the best place to land was in the arms of a good man. J.R. Ward
13bae2c They massacred the servants before killing my parents. I saw it all through a knothole in the wood. As I said, my eyes were better back then. vampires J.R. Ward
39ea9a0 The quick and the dead are all the same. Everyone is just looking for a home. J.R. Ward
d9b8a92 When you were young, you thought time was a burden, something to be discharged as fast as possible so you could be grown-up. But it was such a bait-n-switch--- when you were an adult, you came to realize that minutes and hours were the single most precious thing you had. No one got forever. And it was a fucking crime to waste what you were given. J.R. Ward
a330271 My client's arrived, I can tell the purr of a Porsche anywhere. It's like the sound of a woman's orgasm--something you never forget." Turning away, he paused at the archway. "Something for you to work toward with her, Richard. Good luck with that, and call me if you need any instruction. I gave her her first one." J.R. Ward
e8d5b5f Unlike the female of John's fantasies, this one spiked way high on the feminine scale and suffered from hair-related Tourette's, a condition that manifested itself in incessant J.R. Ward
2f0b4a3 Beth>> bisbiglio. <> Ripete l'operazione cercando di farle bere il suo sangue. <> Le candele guizzarono nella stanza. <> morire sangue J.R. Ward
e847b58 Non voglio innamorarmi di te.>> disse. <> <> sussurro Rhage. innamorarsi J.R. Ward
322969e Il paziente, intanto, fece un bel respiro tutto da solo. Poi un altro. E un altro ancora. Poi quegli inquietanti occhi di diamante si posarono su di lei, e Jane smise di divincolarsi come soggiogata dalla sua forza di volonta. Ci fu un attimo di silenzio. Poi, in tono aspro, l'uomo a cui lei aveva salvato la vita pronuncio quattro parole che cambiarono tutto, cambiarono la sua vita, cambiarono il suo destino: <> salvato salvare-la-vita vita destino J.R. Ward
725c5da Le si raggelo il sangue nelle vene. Zanne. Due lunghi canini spiccavano in mezzo agli altri denti. Aveva le zanne. Doveva essersi lasciata sfuggire un'esclamazione perche lui farfuglio: <> <> mormoro lei. <> <> Mary indietreggio lentamente fino a toccare il muro. <> chiese con voce strozzata. <> Rhage.. sole vampiro zanne J.R. Ward
3dae103 Guardando il bel viso del suo migliore amico, Qhuinn ebbe la sensazione di conoscere da sempre quei capelli rossi, quegli occhi azzurri, quelle labbra, quella mascella. E fu proprio in virtu della loro lunga storia in comune che cerco qualcosa da dire, qualcosa in grado di riportarli al punto di partenza. Tutto cio che gli venne in mente fu... Mi manchi. Mi manchi talmente tanto che sto male, ma non so come trovarti, anche se sei qui davant.. mancanza mi-manchi trovarti J.R. Ward
4248af7 Passare del tempo con te e come guardare la vernice che si asciuga.>> La voce di Lassiter riecheggio fino alle stalattiti appese all'alta volta della Tomba. <> <>, disse Tohr. <> J.R. Ward
0189317 Gli aveva salvato la vita. Senza dubbio Xhex, gli aveva restituito il suo futuro prima ancora che lui si rendesse conto che stava per perderlo. salvare-la-vita vita futuro J.R. Ward
1e313b7 Mi dispiace...>> <> Beth scosse la testa con decisione. <> Fu allora che Wrath si mise a piangere; fortuna mi-dispiace piangere famiglia perdita J.R. Ward
80f1174 No>> sibilo. Con la voce che gli risuonava nel cranio decise di ascoltare se stesso. Basta. Doveva chiuderla li. Molto tempo prima aveva perso la testa per quella persona. No c'era motivo di perdere anche l'anima. J.R. Ward
05156d9 Cristo, il fato ci sapeva fare quando doveva darti una lezione, anche se ti accorgevi sempre troppo tardi di averne bisogno: aveva passato decisamente troppo tempo ripiegato su se stesso, a rimuginare sul suo difetto fisico e sulla delusione che rappresentava per la sua famiglia e per la societa. Per un sacco di tempo era stato un casino ambulante, un groviglio inestricabile, e Blay, che gli voleva bene, era stato risucchiato nel vortice. depressione fato vortice destino J.R. Ward
8d719d6 Piu tardi, molto piu tardi, lui si sarebbe ricordato di quel momento tra loro...sembrava dover durare per sempre, allungarsi verso l'infinito. Tutti i dettagli si impressero nella sua memoria, dalla scintilla nei suoi occhi alla lucentezza dei capelli, dal modo in cui sorrideva al rossore sulle guance. I ricordi diventano speciali quando sono tutto quello che ti rimarra dell'amata. capelli dettagli memoria momenti occhi per-sempre ricordi sorriso infinito J.R. Ward
b39012e He frowned, thinking of when he'd found Jane in that crumpled Audi at the side of the road. J.R. Ward
5c6f0f0 Rimasero cosi per un tempo interminabile, lui a fissare il pavimento, lo sguardo di lei verso il soffitto. Poi, nel silenzio, lui si rese conto che avevano raggiunto il punto piu alto della consapevolezza di chi erano come individui e cosa significavano insieme. Era l'essenza di entrambi: i loro sbagli, percepiti e veri, erano sul tavolo, non avevano piu segreti, e la loro eternita era ancora intatta. coppia eternità insieme sbagli segreti J.R. Ward
8600a90 Il silenzio e l'immobilita della morte erano un vuoto, un buco nero che attirava a se tutto quello che gli stava vicino; e la spinta era cosi potente che le vite degli altri si interrompevano, momentaneamente paralizzate da quella forza tremenda e contagiosa. ferita perdita silenzio morte J.R. Ward
477a29e The poor thing had cowered away from the sides of the pan, blackened on top, and developed drying cracks. It was inedible, better suited to the construction supply trade than to a dinner plate. A few dozen more of these and some mortar and she'd have that wall she wanted around her terrace. J.R. Ward
aabb38c Trez had run into when he'd finally dropped himself out of the air . . . also the one where Rehv had had to do the duty with that nasty symphath Princess who'd been blackmailing him. Trez had taken shelter when Rehv had arrived and fucked the bitch standing up a couple of times. Afterward, she had left him in a mess on the floor, the poison she'd put on her skin having leveled Rehvenge. Caring for the guy had only seemed natural. And in ret.. J.R. Ward