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ee8d047 Life. In all it's mundane majesty. well-said relatable wise J.R. Ward
d70ddc0 Zsadist scese dall'auto e giro intorno al baule. Dopo un secolo in cui per scelta era sempre stato a stecchetto, adesso aveva messo su dodici chili abbondanti sui suoi quasi due metri di altezza. La cicatrice in faccia restava evidente, cosi come le fasce che gli avevano tatuato intorno al collo e ai polsi quand'era uno schiavo di sangue, ma grazie a Bella, la sua shellan, i suoi occhi non erano piu due pozzi neri d'odio. Quasi piu. passato rinascita schiavitù odio J.R. Ward
d20dbe5 Il timbro tenorile era cosi terso, cosi puro da far venire la pelle d'oca, e riempiva i petti di un calore struggente. Le dolci note musicali sollevavano il soffitto con la loro gloriosa magnificenza, trasformando la stanza in una cattedrale e i fratelli in un tabernacolo. Il paradiso era li, a portata di mano. Sembrava quasi di poter toccare il cielo con un dito. Era Zsadist. A occhi chiusi, con il capo reclinato all'indietro e la bocca sp.. lirica pelle-d-oca struggente tenore tenorile voce J.R. Ward
a70dfb9 The past is what it is--good and bad, it's written and unchanging. And there's solace to be had in that." Tears pricked her eyes. "What do you mean?" There was a long pause. "The good parts are more luminous because you can trust them. And the bad parts can't get any more tragic for precisely the same reason. The past is safe because it is indelible." past life J.R. Ward
cf83082 O forse si stava solo illudendo. Cio di cui era sicuro era che avrebbe fatto qualsiasi cosa pur di salvare suo fratello. Ed era pronto ad essere maledettamente creativo. fratello illusione salvare J.R. Ward
0ad3388 Ci fu un silenzio tonante, ma solo nella stanza. Nella testa tatuata? Il suo cervello era attivissimo, ogni tipo di pensiero e immagine tormentavano la sua coscienza, era come se la sua materia grigia fosse diventata una scimmia e stesse lanciando merda per tutta la gabbia. confusione-coscienza scimmia J.R. Ward
09db2c6 dressed in blue-and-orange and red-and-white. "What is this?" she asked numbly. "On the screen?" "It's the Iron Bowl from 'thirteen. Auburn-'Bama. Auburn wins with a one-hundred-and-nine-yard kick back run. War Damn Eagle." -- J.R. Ward
ebb464e A leader gathered his thoughts before he spoke; he did not rush to the podium to be adored. Ego, after all, was the root of evil. J.R. Ward
6db3c84 Shut the door behind you. Or don't. I don't give a fuck. But if I don't leave now, I'm going to have to explain to Elise why I killed you, and I'd rather talk about her class schedule." --" J.R. Ward
774ab5a Matthias was in the dark. And it wasn't the kind of dark that came with a room that didn't have any lights on or when you were walking around at night in the country. This was not even the kind you got when you shut your eyes and wrapped your head in a blanket. This was the one that seeped in through your skin and filled the spaces between your molecules, the one that polluted your flesh into a permanent state of rotting, the one that wiped.. J.R. Ward
2097246 She had everything to offer; he had nothing. And yet she wanted him anyway. It was at that moment that he fell in love with her. J.R. Ward
f5a8936 I'm so sorry about Payne, I wanted to talk to you, but she'd made up her mind. I tried to work with her, I really did, but in the end, I just . . . I didn't . . . I didn't want you to be the one to do it. I would have rather lived with the horrible truth on my conscience for an eternity than have you kill your sister. Or have her hurt herself even more than she was." - Jane" lover-unleashed vishous J.R. Ward
e2db8d2 Stroking Jane's soft hair, he murmured, "About . . . the things I have here. If you're game, I'm still going to want to play . . . if you know what I mean. But from now on, it's just for fun, and only for you and me." Hell, they'd had a shitload of good, leathered-up, freaky sex in this place, and he was always going to want that with her. Hopefully, she'd feel the same-- "I like what we do here." She smiled. "It turns me on." Well . . . di.. lover-unleashed vishous J.R. Ward
b1206fe With a gentle hand, he brushed his shellan's cheek. "I've never been in a relationship before you. I should have known that we'd hit a wall at some point." "That's the way it works." lover-unleashed vishous J.R. Ward
fa6ca9a You are everything I need" - Vishous to Jane" lover-unleashed vishous J.R. Ward
7a325f6 As they passed, Duke nodded, and John Matthew, as he was called, did the same--and that was the extent of it. No one had ever heard the SOB say a word, but by the same token, anyone built like that didn't have to talk. J.R. Ward
b8a2e10 Lessers were fewer and farther between now than ever, and there had been sightings, by others in the Brotherhood, of a very different kind of foe. J.R. Ward
5e19956 For him, the control over his subs' minds and bodies was what he was after. The things he did to them sexually or otherwise, the things he said, what he made them was all carefully calibrated for effect. Sure, there was pain involved, and yeah, maybe they cried from the vulnerability and the fear. But they begged him for more. J.R. Ward
a716c2c You don't have to--" "Stop it." Trez had to look away. "Don't make me cry. I hate feeling like a pussy." "You'd do the same for me." "You've already saved me once." "I like to think we saved each other." J.R. Ward
01f4b44 El otono es mi estacion favorita del ano --dijo el al cabo de un rato--. No es que yo este tonteando o algo asi... pero me gustan las hojas cuando se tornan rojas y anaranjadas. Son hermosas a la luz de la luna, pero mas concretamente, se trata de una transformacion imposible. El verde de la primavera y el verano son solo una sombra de la identidad autentica de los arboles, y todo ese color cuando las noches se vuelven frias es un milagro c.. J.R. Ward
519afcf Trez looked at his hands. "I didn't ask for this." "No one asks for life." The executioner hiked iAm's body up higher. "And sometimes they do not ask for death." -- J.R. Ward
afd9d5e it was one of the frickin' Golden Girls: J.R. Ward
c40ea88 doing here, George." The supportive chuff he got in return was exactly the vote of" J.R. Ward
2ab99b1 You know, you sound like birds when you do that chuckle thing. It's nice." Over to the left, Vishous put his head in his hands." J.R. Ward
e95f908 I'm going bald! J.R. Ward
96b2be0 She nodded. And dematerialized right out of his hand. J.R. Ward
8e3a60e archway and hit the light switch for the J.R. Ward
a2c6090 Not the point. No offense, but these are wicked Village People. J.R. Ward
5dc9b23 He had to look. J.R. Ward
8fbf73f White trash had a way of finding their graves. Along with wife beating and beer sucking, dying was probably their only core competency. J.R. Ward
765aa4e He ran for his toilet to throw up, but he didn't make it that far. J.R. Ward
4be5e3c You asked me to speak. If this is a problem, the solution is not to get defensive because you don't like what you hear. The answer is to not invite me to talk. J.R. Ward
4485242 V frowned. There was only a hissing sound coming from the voice mail. But then a clatter had him yanking the phone away from his ear. Now Butch's voice, hard, loud: "Dematerialize. Dematerialize now." A scared male: "But-but-" "Now! For fuck's sake, get your ass out of here..." Sounds of muffled flapping. "Why are you doing this? You're just a human-" "I am so sick of hearing that. Leave!" There was a metallic shifting, a gun being reloade.. lover-revealed vishous butch J.R Ward
07185b0 V frowned. There was only a hissing sound coming from the voice mail. But then a clatter had him yanking the phone away from his ear. Now Butch's voice, hard, loud: "Dematerialize. Dematerialize now." A scared male: "But-but-" "Now! For fuck's sake, get your ass out of here..." Sounds of muffled flapping. "Why are you doing this? You're just a human-" "I am so sick of hearing that. Leave!" There was a metallic shifting, a gun being reloaded.. vishous butch J.R. Ward
97ab12a Some things are destined to be-- it just takes us a couple of tries to get there. J.R. Ward
5c02112 You are a manipulator." "I like to think of myself more as an outcome engineer." J.R. Ward
8467c13 Esto iba a doler, penso Saxton. Pero esto no iba a romperlo. Finalmente lo superaria. Sanar, seguir adelante. Los corazones se rompen todo el tiempo... ?No habia una cancion sobre esto? J.R. Ward
3792de3 I sometimes wonder . . ." She shrugged. "I mean, what if everyone's lied about death? What if there is no Fade, but instead you're just stuck in your body forever, conscious but unable to move?" Great. She'd wanted to try to lighten the mood. Nice. Try. "Well, bodies do . . ." He cleared his throat. "You know, rot." J.R. Ward
802923d Body parts really don't like to be cut, stabbed or hacked into sections, and they express their anger by leaking all over the fuck. Jesus, we're, like, seventy percent water or something? And you learn that's so fucking true when you go to a fresh scene. Pools of it. Drips of it. Speckles of it. Then you got the stained clothes, rugs, bedsheets, walls, flooring--or if it's outside, the ground cover, the concrete, the asphalt. And then there.. J.R. Ward
0313c79 Sometimes the fact that you were forced to be strong J.R. Ward
335e008 Tell you what," A.J. offered. "I've got some errands to run today. We'll hijack the truck and pick up a new one together." "You askin' me on a date?" Chester asked wolfishly. "I suppose I am." "You buyin' or am I?" "If you're talking about the wheelbarrow, I am," Devlin interjected. "But what about food? If it's a date, ya need food." "Probably not a lot of that at the local hardware store," A.J. said with a grin. "Considering your days of .. J.R. Ward
75d1702 The past is safe because it is indelible. J.R. Ward
6e0c78f Lassiter had been the wild card, and he had not lasted. Distracted by physical yearnings, he had gotten into epic trouble and been banished, lost to a destiny and destination of which Colin was only vaguely aware. J.R. Ward
f17eb7f The fact that the guy who was arguably his best friend had to watch the whole thing was just part of the cluster-fuck carousel, an added ball crusher. J.R. Ward