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4fb4bac As he kissed her back, she thought about what happily-ever-afters were about, and decided that true love didn't mean effortless, and ever-after wasn't about cruise control. You started with the attraction, and then you opened your heart and your soul--but all that, which was no small thing, just got you to first base. There were many, many other trips to take to deeper levels of greater acceptance and understanding. That was where you found.. J.R. Ward
a44e548 When a plate was put in front of him, he glanced up. "No veggies? Not that I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth." "Vegetable matter is a waste of porcelain space." Phury pushed a knife and fork across the butcher block. "Ask yourself, would I sacrifice the surface area of mashed or stuffing for peas?" "I love you." J.R. Ward
d0cc317 What you just had is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside of you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is. I want to do you from behind. I want to screw you standing up, against the wall. I want you to sit on my hips and ride me until I can't breathe." His stare .. J.R. Ward
814817e Butch clasped his hands to his chest. "Was? Was? I can't believe you've lost interest." He threw one arm over his eyes, all Sarah Bernhardt. "My dreams of our future are shattered--" "Shut it, cop." Butch looked out from under his arm. "Are you kidding me? The reality show I had planned was fantastic. Was going to pitch it to VH1. Two Bites Are Better Than One. We were going to make millions." J.R. Ward
ed3c731 Sometimes the only thing that got you through hell was that you were in too deep to pull out. -Ehlena's thoughts too-deep J.R. Ward
e6a386d Life. In all its mundane majesty. And you couldn't take advantage of it if you were sitting on your ass in the shadows...whether that was in actuality, or metaphorically J.R. Ward
97c6875 You like to be chased, nalla," Z said in a voice so deep it distorted. Bella's smile got even wider as she backed up into a corner. "Maybe." "So run some more, why don't you." J.R. Ward
1b9d5c9 If any guy breaks your heart or treats you like shit, I will bust him apart with my bare hands and leave his broken, bloody body for the sun." Blay's laughter rumbled around the tiled walls. "Of course you will--" "I'm dead fucking serious." Blay's blue eyes shot over his shoulder. "If there are any who dare to hurt you," Qhuinn growled in the Old Language, "I shall see them staked afore me and shall leave their bodies in ruin." *" J.R. Ward
3fc2c89 Got a problem." "I can't fix your personality, sorry." Lassiter laughed, the sound ringing through the house like church bells. "No. I like myself just as I am, thank you." "Can't help your delusional nature, either." J.R. Ward
5461ed7 Answer me one thing," her twin said. "What." "Do you love the bas--him. Do you love him?" Payne looked back through the glass at the human on the bed. "Yes. I am in love with him. And if you try to dissuade me by the fact that I have not lived yet enough to judge, I say unto you . . . fuck off." -Vishous & Payne" love J.R. Ward
396ea11 Man, Rhage is playin' with fire," Butch said as he started to rack up the balls. "I give Fritz thirty seconds before he's--Here he comes." "I'm going to pretend I'm not here." V took a swig of his Goose. "Me too." While they got busy grabbing balls, Fritz came steaming across the foyer like a missile seeking a heat source. "Watch your ass, Hollywood, true?" V muttered as Rhage came over with a basket of popped-and-fluffy. "It's good f.. fritz playing-with-fire popcorn rhage vishous haha J.R. Ward
a952cdd In their world, dominion was established through force and manipulation by individuals of the male persuasion. Position was earned or lost by contests of will that were often bloody and resulted in a body count. When one came from that orientation, one most certainly did not expect to be castrated in one's own galley by a woman who didn't even have a knife. And would likely have to get up on a stepladder to remove said anatomy. -Assail's t.. J.R. Ward
235f218 the moment he'd seen that female he'd forgotten his own name, most of his English vocabulary, and seventy-five percent of his sense of balance. Instant. Cosmic. Attraction. -Trez's thoughts about Selena J.R. Ward
fca00c2 You are so beautiful," he said softly. "Only because you make me that way." "Oh, you're so wrong about that." -Rehv & Ehlena" J.R. Ward
64deb26 The phone went off. Private caller. "Thank fuck," he said as he accepted it. "Payne--" "No." Manny closed his eyes: Her brother sounded like hell. "Where is she." "We don't know. And there's nothing that we can do from here--we're trapped inside." The guy exhaled like he was smoking something. "What the fuck happened before she left? I thought she'd be spending all night with you. It's cool if you two . . . you know . . . but why did.. manny what-the-fuck-are-you-thinking vishous J.R. Ward
3ba2540 Oh, this smells fantastic." She slid up onto one of the stools. "Italian. And you said you could only make one thing." "Yeah, I really slaved over this." He turned toward the oven with a flourish and removed a flat pan with... Ehlena burst out laughing. "French-bread pizza." "Only the best for you." "DiGiorno?" "Of course. And I splurged on the supreme kind. I figured you could pick off what you don't like." He used a pair of sterlin.. J.R. Ward
d78802a And why had those prayers focused heavenward? Well, it kind of made sense, didn't it? Even when there were no more options for the body, the heart's wishes find a way out, and as with all warmth, love rises. Besides, the will to fly was in the nature of the soul, so its home had to be up above. And gifts did come from the sky, like spring rain and summer breezes and fall sun and winter snow. J.R. Ward
cc84aaf You went along, building ties or breaking them, moving forward or backward in relationships, riding out the sea of your emotions and the emotions of others--but for the most part, it was a trees-for-the-forest kind of thing, a piecemeal one-step/two-step dance of choices and decisions more trail than marker, more random direction than compass. Except then, suddenly, the camera aperture opened so fast you got existential whiplash, and you we.. J.R. Ward
0f1978a Gentlemen," the king called out, "and ladies, First Meal is getting cold." Which was the cue for everyone to head back to the dining room and actually eat what had been only studiously ignored up until now. With Payne safe and at home, appetites were free to roam once more . . . although as God was his witness he was not going to think about what the hell that surgeon and his sister were no doubt about to get into. As he groaned, Jane ti.. sex payne brother not-old-enough jane vishous haha J.R. Ward
10e424b I'll let you help." When he smiled broadly, because he was getting his way, she cut through his robin-breasted satisfaction. "But there are conditions." He laughed. "You're putting restrictions on a gift given to you?" "It's not a gift." She stared at him with dead seriousness. "It's only until I find some kind of work, not my dream job. And I want to pay you back." He lost a little of his satisfaction. "I don't want your money." "And.. J.R. Ward
fdddf90 Yes, I want you." Payne stopped, and then looked over her shoulder again. After a moment, she said, "You are a fine healer and you have done your job, as you so aptly pointed out. We have no further cause to speak." When she resumed walking, his footsteps approached fast and he caught her, wheeling her around. "If I didn't keep my pants on, I couldn't have kept myself out of you." "Really." "Give me your hand." Without looking, she hel.. J.R. Ward
73d8127 So out of the six major subcontractors who buy from us, there are two left? Man, that's a turf war, right there." "And whoever's pulling this shit is probably going to try to work his way up the food chain." Trez spoke up. "Which is why iAm and I think you should have someone with you twenty-four/seven until this shit shakes out." Rehv seemed annoyed but he didn't disagree. "We got any intel on who's leaving all those bodies around?" "We.. J.R. Ward
bd95b33 We are all products of our upbringings, Primale. The constructions that result from our choices are laid upon the foundation set by our parents and their parents before them. We are but the next level in the house or paver in the path." Phury shook his head slowly. "We can choose a different direction. We can move ourselves along a different heading of the compass." "Of that I am not sure." "Of that I must be sure... or I'm not going to mak.. J.R. Ward
34855ac The entire restaurant moved around the center core of the elevator shaft and what must have been the kitchen space. J.R. Ward
52a5cea Although he could have been wearing a seventies lounge suit and she probably would have drooled over the polyester. J.R. Ward
c7eab43 Voy a pasar eso por alto, Z. Pero solo porque se cuanto te gusta que te golpeen, y no estoy de humor para hacerte feliz. J.R. Ward
2b07d33 Grandioso. Alli estaba, desnuda bajo una bata, sola con mas de quinientos kilos de vampiro. Intentar hacerse la indiferente era imposible (...) J.R. Ward
78d4a1d No podia recordar exactamente como habia entrado en su apartamento, o lo que le habia dicho. Pero todo lo que habian hecho en posicion horizontal era endiabladamente vivido. J.R. Ward
391f701 she wished she could capture the moment and make it physical somehow, turn it into something that she could hold in her hands, or put somewhere safe like she would a book or a vase. But life wasn't like that. You didn't get to hold on to the moments that defined you or touch the things that touched you--not in the palm of your hand or with the tips of your fingers, at least. Destiny's machinations were as elusive as a sculptor's tool, swoop.. J.R. Ward
27f4106 Wrath shut the door. "Let's do it," he said to George. And the dog knew right where to go, leading him to the entrance--which Wrath opened with his mind. "Hi, honey, I'm home!" he hollered. "Did you bring flowers?" Lassiter shouted back. "Not for you." "Damn it. Well, I'm on deck tonight with Tohr, so can we get moving? There's a full list of appointments, but I want to get back for Hell's Kitchen." "Don't you DVR that shit?" Wrath groused .. J.R. Ward
0b9a79a Well . . . the good news in all this, he supposed, was that finding out his former trauma surgeon was a ghost? Barely a blip on his radar. His mind had been blown too many times to count, and like a joint that had been dislocated, it had total and complete freedom of movement. Of course, its functionality was fucked. But who was counting. J.R. Ward
4dc7125 Paradise, blooded daughter of Abalone, First Adviser to the King, frowned at the screen of her Apple lappy. She'd set herself up here in her father's library ever since he'd started working each night for Wrath, son of Wrath, because in the old rambling Tudor mansion, Wi-Fi was strongest at this desk. Not that a good signal was helping her at the moment. Her Hotmail account was full of unread messages, because, with iMessage on her phone an.. J.R. Ward
4d78c34 Not his circus, not his monkeys, J.R. Ward
eb8d4b4 If he had been one of Xcor's males, the Brother might well have had to be killed so that Xcor could retain his prime position: It was a basic tenent of leadership that one eliminated those who presented a potential challenge to one's position ... although it wasn't as if his band were incompetents--after all, one had to eliminate the weak as well. The Bloodletter had taught him that and so much more. bloodletter xcor J.R. Ward
0789d9a Perfect date material, she thought. A vampire with the social equivalent of road rage. J.R. Ward
6e3afab And the storm he was deliberately creating raked over the decimated landscape of his soul, obscuring the ragged, desolated mess he was. J.R. Ward
ae3d926 As she hung up on her end, she actually fanned herself with her hand, something she'd assumed people only did in TV commercials and bad sitcoms. And then she couldn't hold it in. Bursting up from her workstation, she ran around her house like a crazy person, making a bizarre kind of eeeee noise as she completed the circuit back to her desk. At which point there might have been some pirouetting. J.R. Ward
8e161c0 A big white bag with a red star was passed over the console. "Thanks for coming in--my name's Antoine, by the way. If you want to come back for shoes." After shoving his former clothes inside, Xcor found himself bowing at the waist. "Your assistance has been much appreciated." Antoine raised his palm like he was getting ready to do a clap on the shoulder again. But once more, he caught himself and smiled instead. "Knock her dead, my man." ".. J.R. Ward
714ad2a Courtesy of their tempers, both were now dressed in the Captain Asshole costume--which included, for no extra charge, the cape of disgrace, the booties of shame, and keys to the Fuck Up mobile. Christ, J.R. Ward
72336c4 Still, good boys liked to make their moms happy, and Blay had always been a good boy. His J.R. Ward
1659486 John-who-wasn't-gonna-get-none J.R. Ward
136c6eb Eu nao sou qualquer um. Enquanto olhava fixamente os olhos de ametista de Rehvenge, Ehlena pensou que ele tinha toda a razao. lover-avenged J.R. Ward
da2a627 Fezes sao um bom fertilizante. -Entao vamos espalhar voce na terra pra ver o que acontece. lover-avenged J.R. Ward
f1954b8 Axe...I think I'm falling in love with you." --" J.R. Ward