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735faae The princess stood in the center of the cabin, her brilliant red robes and the rubies at her throat and her bloodred eyes all the color of hatred. With her stark hair twisted up off her neck, and her pale skin, and the live albino scorpions she wore as earring, she was an exquisite horror, a Kabuki doll constructed by an evil hand. And she was evil, her darkness coming to him in waves, emanating from the center of her chest even as nothing .. J.R. Ward
17b9e1d How'm I doin'?" Jim asked in his own voice--hey, he could talk out of the bastard's mouth, too. Across the way, Adrian shrugged. "Pretty damn good--I can't sense you. But I gotta ask--the pair of you want a cigarette? Or are you going for a twofer?" J.R. Ward
5252122 You hurt,too?" When the female nodded, Marissa was stunned. Then a little relieved. "It wasn't all painful. I mean, what led up to it was ... is amazing. Butch makes me... he's just so... the way he touches me, I get... Oh, God, I can't believe I'm talking like this. And I can't explain what it's like with him." Beth chuckled. "That's all right. I know what you mean." "Really?" "Oh, yeah." The queen's dark blue eyes glowed. "I know exactly .. marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed beth butch J.R. Ward
c9c0cb9 Straight up, Mels, the only reason I haven't completely jumped you is because I can't. I...can't." He threw up his free hand and let it fall back down to the bedspread. "And you know what sucks? I've been with a lot of women." Annnnnnnd that made her chest hurt. "Before you were injured..." He nodded. "Of all the things for my memory to come back on, right?" Cue another kick in the solar plexus. "You remember them?" "I hate it- because I wo.. mels J.R. Ward
c76a8bf Payne put her palm up to her pounding heart. "I . . . don't understand why you would . . . do this?" He glanced over his shoulder, staring at the human she loved. "You're my sister. And he's what you want." He shrugged. "And . . . well, I fell in love with a human. I fell in love with my Jane within an hour of meeting her -- and . . . yeah. I've got nothing without her. If what you feel for Manello is even half what I have for my shellan, y.. payne lover-unleashed vishous J.R. Ward
d7c8bb8 Blay found himself envying the couple a little. Not about the familial estrangement, for sure. But God ... to be able to be seen with your mate in public, show your love for them, have your relationship respected by everyone else? Heterosexual couples took that for granted because they never knew anything different. Their unions were sanctioned by the glymera, even if the pairs were not in love, or were cheating on each other or were otherw.. J.R. Ward
91c1a18 A gust of wind went Nike across the flat landscape jr-ward J.R. Ward
5ef6cc2 He had been aware of the distance traveled by his heart, similar to the way a hiker became lost in the wilderness. A half mile out and you could still see where you had started, could easily find the way back home. But ten miles and a number of forks in your trail later and there was no going back. At that point, you had no choice but to marshal the resources to build yourself a shelter and put down fresh roots. J.R. Ward
1e0cd9b Panting, he looked into a face he couldn't see. "What the fuck is your problem?" "I'm bored." With that, she head-butted him right in the goddamn nose." warth J.R. Ward
eb0100f Butch sighed in relief. "Listen, man, do me a favor. Warn me before you pull another stunt like that. I'd rather choose." Then he smiled a little. "And we still ain't dating." lover-awakened vishous butch J.R. Ward
9f63192 May I take your vein for a moment? I find myself... curiously depleted" Okay, right. Talk about your Johnny-on-the-spots: He locked them in and all but tore off his arm and threw it at her." payne J.R. Ward
848eb96 Normally, Lassiter was the kind of guy who was so upbeat most folks couldn't decide whether to shoot him to put everyone out of their misery ... or just grab some popcorn and a Coke and watch the show. Because even if he pissed you off, it was always hella funny J.R. Ward
9128afa Did you have fun with morale when you were in charge?" Wrath muttered to Xcor. "All the time. The stronger the warrior--" "The harder the head." "--the harder the head." As they finished the sentence with the same words, and in an identically exhausted tone, she was surprised. And yet they had faced the same issues, hadn't they, both leaders of groups of males that were highly charged in the best of situations ... and downright dangerous in.. J.R. Ward
78b6f30 He wanted her nails in his back and her tongue in his mouth and her hips rocking under his until he came so hard he saw stars. Then he wanted to sleep with her in his arms afterward. And wake up and eat and make love again. And talk in the dark about things both stupid and serious-- Oh, God. He was bonding with her. The bonding thing was happening. J.R. Ward
a77fc57 No matter what it takes, I'm going to prove that I love you and I need you and I want you--and that those kids are yours." With" J.R. Ward
1e9154b You're so beautiful." "I'm still covered," she moaned. "But it doesn't matter what you look like." He lifted his head and stared at her. "The details of size and shape don't matter to me. The fact that it is you...that is what makes it beautiful to me." J.R. Ward
23b7bd0 Someone, or someones, more like it, had Little Mermaided their bathroom: There were Little Mermaid towels hanging on all the hooks and rods, a Little Mermaid rug in front of the double sinks . . . Little Mermaid cups and toothbrushes and kids' toothpaste on the counters . . . Little Mermaid shampoo and conditioner in the shower . . . action figures lined up on the lip around the tub and down the sill of the big window that looked out over t.. J.R. Ward
20e6d75 Why can't I use my laptop to take notes?" To which the Brother Tohrment had replied, "Because the tap-tapping of a keyboard makes me want to get my shotgun. Do you feel like having a cranial leak tonight?" Ward, J.R. (2015-12-01). Blood Kiss: Black Dagger Legacy (p. 229). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition." laptop shotgun tohrment J.R. Ward
3880f2e Rhage glanced over in the relative silence. "You are a genius." "Harold Ramis is." "I'm sorry?" "You ever see Stripes? My favorite movie of all time. I based this thing on Bill Murray's ride." J.R. Ward
3aa2c1b Holy shit . . . They'd joined the war. blay blaylock john-matthew lover-enshrined the-boys qhuinn black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward J.R. Ward
6299f57 Do you like what you see?" he said in a quiet voice" J.R. Ward
d50c893 Will you take me to the motherboard," he said, turning around to her. The and into your bed part he left off. What a gentleman. "Of course." J.R. Ward
fe337bc And suddenly it wasn't a joke. The further she went, the more serious Lassiter got, and the shakier Wrath's shellan became, as if the words she were speaking were ones of great value and meaning. This was tradition for her, he realized. J.R. Ward
51d7589 Rehv cleared his throat. "What book is that?" The Moor looked up, his almond-shaped eyes focusing with a sharpness Rehv could have done without. "You're awake." "What book?" "It's The Shadow Death Lexicon." "Light reading. And here I thought you were a Candace Bushnell fan." trez J.R. Ward
299e91d Death was one sure way to find peace, Rhage thought. And everyone died. Even vampires. Eventually. J.R. Ward
a81abbd Eventually, V cursed. "I wish I knew what would help you, my brother. I mean, if you need a reassuring hug ... I can probably pay someone to give you one." J.R. Ward
91aca24 The door opened a crack, and then Lassiter, in his game gear, stepped inside the room. As he held something out, Mary couldn't see what it was-- Wait a minute, was that a Snickers bar? "What are you doing?" she blurted as he cautiously approached. The beast snapped to attention, its jowls curling up in a snarl at the angel. But Lassiter was undaunted--so not a shocker. "Here," he said. "Have a Snickers. You're not yourself when you're hangr.. J.R. Ward
876ee6f Though she remained earthbound, the freedom in her soul made her fly. freedom J.R. Ward
231a998 It was such a shame, John thought to himself, that it took death to make him appreciate the living so much. J.R. Ward
0066207 Grief . . . is a sacred way of honoring those we love. J.R. Ward
269f9da My Lord!" the doggen exclaimed. "Sire! Oh, it is good that you have arrived home before the storm! May I get you a libation?" Fritz's smile was like that of a basset hound's, all wrinkles and enthusiasm, and the butler had a dog's lack of time conception, his joy as if the pair of them had been gone for five years, not an hour. "How 'bout a couple of bulletproof vests," V said under his breath. "But of course! Would you care for the Point B.. J.R. Ward
d2ebedd Mary." Turning at the soft sound of her name, she glanced behind herself. Then frowned. "Lassiter?" "I'm over here." "Where?" She looked all around. "Why is your voice echoing?" "Chimney." "What?" "I'm stuck in the fucking chimney." She raced over to the fireplace and got on her hands and knees. Looking up into the dark flue, she shook her head. "Lass? What the hell are you doing up there?" His voice emanated from somewhere above he.. earrings mothers-tears playing-santa so-sweet stuck-in-the-chimney haha gift never-again J.R. Ward
cde1a48 You stay away from Xcor." "You are not in a position to give orders, female." He laughed in a hard burst. "Jesus Christ, I can't believe this is all over someone like him. Who the hell is that piece of shit anyway--" "He's your fucking brother," she snapped. "That's who he is." J.R. Ward
4aa9e50 As the brother put the carving knife aside, he said, "Stuffing?" "Am I breathing?" Phury shoved a spoon into the bird and piled high. "Mashed?" "Do you have gravy?" "Am breathing?" V cracked a smile. "Roger that. And affirmative on the gravy." When a plate was put in front of him, he glanced up. "No veggies? Not that I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth." "Vegetable matter is a waste of porcelain space." Phury pushed a knife and fork acro.. J.R. Ward
df24a04 How old are you?" "Eighteen years out of my transition. You?" He raised his cocktail glass. "Three hundred fifty-eight years and two months." "Not even middle-aged." "No." He smiled. "Not old. Now, if we were humans, this would be inappropriate." "Well, you would be dead. So yes, necrophilia is creepy." J.R. Ward
7be610e Isaac Rothe, Matthias J.R. Ward
7338887 Goddamn Lassiter. Dinner invite. Sal's. WTF. The last thing he wanted to do was sit across from that angel and listen to a Reservoir Dogs opener about dick symbolism in Deadpool. The problem? His brother, iAm, did make the best Bolognese anywhere, and besides, if Trez didn't show? Lassiter was just the flavor of asshole to turn up here in a clown costume and honk his nose until Trez lost his mind. J.R. Ward
f38f783 Tell her it's...Hal. Hal E. Wood. J.R. Ward
0cded18 I like to think of myself more as an outcome engineer. J.R. Ward
e17352e I've never stopped wanting you, Lizzie. Thinking about you. Wishing you were with me. Hell, I feel like I've been in a relationship with a ghost ... I see you in my dreams every night - you're so real that I can touch you, feel you, be with you." "You've got to stop." "I can't. Lizzie...I can't." J.R. Ward
8311058 Xcor's hands shifted up her body until he cupped her face. "It was all worth it." "What?" she choked out. "All that came before this one moment where I am loved by you. Even though we must part, I can say that what I feel for you made it all worth it." And then, with one final kiss...he was gone." J.R. Ward
e5eeaed We don't get to pick who we fall were not wrong in loving him, true? That part, no one can blame you for...and you've suffered enough. He J.R. Ward
02605d9 It makes me crazy, your voice. Every day, after we'd hang up the phone, I would sleep with the fucking thing on my chest. Like maybe part of your voice, part of you was still in it. J.R. Ward
c71adad I'm not cock-blocking for kicks and giggles. The mother ship called. J.R. Ward