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b16f6df On the backs of her lids,all she saw were the bare-naked breasts laid out before him,his dark head descending,his tongue flicking free of his mouth...and then his eyes lifting and meeting hers. sola J.R. Ward
f588ce7 No," Wrath said without looking away from Xcor. "Before we kumbaya this shit, you're going to do something for me, right here and now." The King pointed to the carpet at his feet. "On your knees, bastard." --" J.R. Ward
88d71be F*ck that - why is your GPS in your kitchen" "Because that's where I was when I took it out of my phone" J.R. Ward
912ad60 The great thing about family, Mary mused, was that they showed up. When it really mattered, your family, be they blood or by choice, were always where you needed them to be, even though they had busy lives and jobs and children of their own. J.R. Ward
f83fe9f There was something about the people you grew up around, the ones you'd seen throughout your childhood, the folks you couldn't remember not knowing. Even if the past was a complicated mess, as you aged, you were just glad the sons of bitches were still on the planet. It gave you the illusion that life wasn't as fragile as it actually was--and on occasion, that was the only thing that got you through the night. family-history siblings J.R. Ward
1766964 The effect she had on him was druglike, a tantalizing combination of sexual need and profound ease. Like he was having an orgasm and falling into a peaceful sleep at the same time. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. J.R. Ward
931dd07 Reilly's closet looked like Marilyn Manson's. Assuming he'd been reborn as an accountant. J.R. Ward
3ab7980 Reilly is fine." For a moment, his lids dropped low, and she could have sworn that he muttered under his breath something like, She sure is. But no doubt it was her new underwear making her hear things." J.R. Ward
f369630 As he shut the door, he was painfully aware that they were each talking about their young--only Wrath's had four paws and a tail. Least he didn't have to worry about George succeeding him or being blind. J.R. Ward
6278b90 These were gym towels. They were supposed to be thin and mean, the terry-cloth equivalent of coyotes. When you were sweating like a pig and couldn't feel the bottoms of your feet from exertion, you didn't want to pat yourself down with a Pomeranian. J.R. Ward
348c672 Holy Christ! There was a frickin' melee in the alley. Lessers. Brothers. Two civilians crouched and quivering in the middle. And big bad Butch O'Neal. black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed butch J.R. Ward
f4800f8 Dear . . . God," she blurted as she recoiled. The hallway beyond was filled with the males of the house, the Brothers and other fighters and Manny sitting on the floor with their backs to the bare walls, their legs stretched out, propped up, crossed at the knees or crossed at the ankles. Apparently there had been quite a bit of drinking going on, empty bottles of vodka and whiskey littered around them, glasses in hands or on thighs. "This i.. J.R. Ward
9714de6 I gotta go," he said. Like now. "Yes... me, too." She flushed and stepped back, her eyes meeting his briefly and skirting away. "Anyway, I'll see you. Around." She turned away and started walking quickly back up to the house. And guess who appeared in the doorway to meet her: Rehvenge. Rehv... so strong... so powerful... so completely able to feed her. Marissa didn't make it another yard. Butch shot out of the SUV, grabbed her around the wa.. rehvenge marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed butch J.R. Ward
87c1840 He was wearing a scuba mask and snorkel set pushed off his handsome face . . . a set of flippers that slapped over the slick floor as he approached the pool's edge . . . a slingshot bathing suit that was hot pink . . . and a children's J.R. Ward
d302c7c Do you want to hold her?" Qhuinn asked. Xcor recoiled as if someone had inquired whether he'd like a hot poker in his hands. Then he recovered, shaking his head as he made a manly show of scrubbing his tears away like they were permanent marker on his cheeks. "I don't think I'm quite ready for that. She delicate." "She's strong, though. She's got her blood in her, too." Qhuinn looked at Blay. "And she's got good parents. They.. J.R. Ward
d744765 As he kissed her back, she thought about what happily-ever-afters were about, and decided that true love didn't mean effortless, and ever-after wasn't about cruise control. You started with the attraction, and then you opened your heart and your soul--but all that, which was no small thing, just got you to first base. There were many, many other trips to take to deeper levels of greater acceptance and understanding. That was where you found.. J.R. Ward
2816414 You could choose some paths and not others. Not always, of course. At times destiny just drove you to a destination and dropped your ass off and that was that. But on occasion you were able to pick the address. And if you had half a brain, no matter how hard it was or how weird it felt, you went into the house. And found yourself. J.R. Ward
b9fe5a2 You're one in a million, John Matthew, J.R. Ward
43c06a9 This is getting us nowhere, he muttered after a moment. You're absolutely right. So fuck off. Have a nice life, hope all your holier-than-thou keeps you warm during the day. ~ Paradise to Craeg J.R. Ward
98fa1ad you know what they say about messengers, right"? Excuse me?" Too much bad news will get you shot." J.R. Ward
a1d87fa She shook her head. "I'm not leaving him. And I'm out here waiting only because I was making him crazy. The sight of me... isn't good for his mental health at this moment. I'm hoping that's no longer true after he breaks this second treadmill." "Second?" "I'm pretty damn sure that flapping and the smell of smoke about fifteen minutes ago meant he ran one of them into the ground." "Damn." "Yup." xhex john J.R. Ward
1d974e7 Stepping onto the bath mat, that was also done in that god-awful deep pinky red, he toweled himself off. Still erect. Glancing at his fighting clothes, he found himself loath to put them upon his skin. Rough. Scratchy. Dirty. Mayhap the feminine environment was contaminating him. Xcor ended up in the big bed, naked, upon his back. Still erect. J.R. Ward
107e7fb Because love in its many forms always endured. It was the infinite. The eternal. That which sustained. J.R. Ward
fae5294 Life is such a glorious trauma, is it not? - Wrath J.R. Ward
d7a28b7 I see you, he thought. And you are beautiful to me. J.R. Ward
6432477 I am safe, he thought to himself. With her, and her alone, I am safe... -- J.R. Ward
5c238ad Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge. J.R. Ward
8709b2e Wrath pulled the trigger on the brotherhood... J.R. Ward
1b1cb87 Your past was the same as your skin: with you for life, both the proverbial beauty marks . . . and the scars. J.R. Ward
68c71c6 The angel passed by the row of brothers, and paused in front of Vishous. In a low voice, he whispered, "Who's your daddy?" J.R. Ward
1fd954c Her deep sigh was the best compliment he'd ever been paid. J.R. Ward
03cdd3a Rehv cleared his throat. "What book is that?" The Moor looked up, his almond-shaped eyes focusing with a sharpness Rehv could have done without. "You're awake." "What book?" "It's The Shadow Death Lexicon." "Light reading. And here I thought you were a Candace Bushnell fan." -- trez J.R. Ward
c95088d Problems is, the word of an addict is just that. A word. nothing more. J.R. Ward
9c37c32 I can't go back, Lane. I'm sorry. I just can't." He fell silent. And then after a long while, he nodded. "All right, but can I ask you for one thing?" No. "Yes." "Just don't hate me anymore. I'm doing plenty of that on my own time." J.R. Ward
1311cce Proprio non capisci, Ehlena?" Con delicatezza le accarezzo il polpaccio e le sollevo il piede, posandolo sulla propria coscia. Poi, slacciando le stringhe della misera ballerina di tela Keds, mormoro: "Qualunque cosa indossi... per me sarai sempre una regina." J.R. Ward
8336dbf God, now she knew what decent men felt like, the disquiet before taking someone for their first time. J.R. Ward
cdcc710 The past is what it is--good and bad, it's written and unchanging. And there's solace to be had in that. J.R. Ward
0be0279 Democracy, however, when it is truly exercised, is a stone fortress that cannot be surmounted, blown asunder, or burrowed under. J.R. Ward
cd119af Wrath: look at how their folklore portrays our species. There's Dracula for Christ's sake, an evil bloodsucker who preys on the defenseless. There's piss-poor B movies and porn. And don't get me started on the whole Halloween thing. Plastic fangs. Black capes. The only thing the idiots got right are that we drink blood and that we can't go out in daylight. The rest is bullshit, fabricated to alienate us and stimulate fear in the masses. Or .. irony humor wrath J.R. Ward
215b9cf Rhage raised his hand. "Pastor Ass-hat, I have a question." "Yes, my son, you are going to hell." Lassiter made the sign of the cross and then looked around." J.R. Ward
6158b2f I'll be here waiting for you and for whoever else you love. That's what the other side is. It's just love J.R. Ward
bbe85a5 Tell me something," Xcor drawled. "Yes?" "Is his piggish head still attached to that weak little body of his?" Assail chuckled. "No." "Do you know that is among my favorite ways of killing?" "A warming for me, Xcor? ... "No," he declared. "Just something we have in common. Fare thee well, Assail, for what is left of this night." "Yourself as well. And in the words of our mutual acquaintance, I must needs go. Afore I am forced to slaughter t.. lover-at-last bdb xcor J.R. Ward
1bb027b After all, tragedy didn't discriminate, so everyone was subject to the same whims of fate. No matter what your skin color was or how much money you had, whether you were gay or straight, or an atheist or a true believer, from where she stood, everyone was equal. And loved by someone, somewhere. J.R. Ward
0d66de1 But for some reason, his feelings were hurt. Which was insane. The plan had been for the two of them to use each other. Fair trade. No emotions, just fucking. It was his standard currency. So what the hell was his problem? J.R. Ward