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444887a How can something so . . . huge happen so fast? J.R. Ward
f9b4729 It's not big," Veck said, "but it's flawless. That was important to me. I wanted to give you something...flawless" J.R. Ward
89da260 I mean, come on. He's kind of cute, in a Godzilla sort of way. J.R. Ward
d19ffbb Because, hey, nothing says, "I wanna date ya," like grounds for a restraining order." J.R. Ward
f8967cf But come on, like she hadn't seen every aisle in his grocery store already? J.R. Ward
007b619 Tell me this isn't permanent" "No, you have to give me my weapon back at the end." Har-har, hardy-har-har. "I'm talking to Jim." "No, it's not," the angel answered from out of Veck's mouth. "I can get free as easily as I got in." "You sure about that?" "Nope." "Fabulous." -- J.R. Ward
380df61 Hello? You tracking at all? Or were you planning on sleeping through this round." The lids on that red stare lifted. "I'm not sleeping." "Meditating. Whatever." "I wasn't meditating." "Fine. Psychically manipulating energy fields----" "You make me dizzy when you pace. It's vertigo diversion." J.R. Ward
b02ed8f In the oh-my-God-this-has-to-be-Christmas silence that followed, he struggled to reorder the last six months, to catch up with this reality they'd somehow missed. He wanted her. She wanted him. Was it true? marissa lover-revealed butch J.R. Ward
9753691 I don't do one-night stands," she blurted. "Who says one will be enough." J.R. Ward
9a20eab The bottom line is...if you were in the civilian population, you'd be a serial killer. Working for the government means you get to wave the American flag around when it suits you, but the truth is, you do what you do because you enjoy picking the wings off of flies. And everybody's an insect in your eyes. J.R. Ward
4d2d2a6 The collision was impending and electric, but the moment was soft and sweet: She positively glowed as she looked up at him. "What," she whispered, palming his face. Vin took a moment to memorize her features and the way she felt beneath him, seeing her not just through his eyes, but feeling her with his skin and his heart. "Hello, lovely lady...hello." vin J.R. Ward
fb3024a Qhuinn climaxed on his next swallow, the orgasm shooting out of him before he could think of any kind of boring and unattractive distraction, the pleasure cresting with such power, he sagged in his own skin. Blay's chuckle was erotic as hell. Whatever, payback was going to be a bitch, Qhuinn vowed to himself. payback qhinn J.R. Ward
79341f6 Can somebody tell me what the fucks going on before I lose my shit all over this fucking room? J.R. Ward
1b16394 Why ever are you here?" she whispered, putting her hands to his face. "Because I love you." In so many ways, that explained nothing ... and told her everything she needed to know." J.R. Ward
7afc7c3 Time to the face the music, J.R. Ward
1811166 Every night I went into Hannah's room and sat with her stuff. The thing I couldn't get was how her clothes and her books and her drawings were still there, but she wasn't. It just didn't compute. Her room was a like a car without an engine, everything where it should be, except all it was was potential. None of it was going to get used again. J.R. Ward
7aba829 The thing was, the places of your life, like the clothes you wore and the car you drove and the friends and associates you had, were a product of the way you lived. inspirational-life inspirational realizations J.R. Ward
7bc1cda As she stood down below him on the street,it seemed impossible that she'd connected with him as she had,but then,the phone was virtual relating,one step up from being online.Both people were in their own environments,invisible to each other,only their voices mixing.It was false intimacy. rehvenge ehlena lover-avenged J.R. Ward
3e688e0 Besides, the mhis that surrounded the compound could scramble anything from GPS to Santa Claus. J.R. Ward
5af8263 McDonald's, he thought. Why couldn't she have wanted Mickey D's. Or Pizza Hut. Taco Hell-- J.R. Ward
7e06ce1 Z was the last to come over, and as he opened his arms wide, for some reason, the slave bands that had been tattooed around his throat and wrists stood out to her. J.R. Ward
73314f0 The scarred one, the soulless one, had the voice of an angel. J.R. Ward
b80d580 Hi. How are you feeling?" "Downright perky, thanks for asking." She smiled a little until she came up to him. With her night vision, she saw that he was lying on top of the covers with only a pair of boxers on. He had a gauze pad around his belly and was covered with bruises. And-oh God-his leg... "Don't worry,". he said dryly. I haven't had that foot-and-shin combo for over a century. And I really am okay. Just some aesthetic damage." "The.. sash phury bella J.R. Ward
fea4628 Marissa in a long creamy gown. The cop in front of her, stroking her face, evidently poleaxed. All around them, the delicious scent of sex in the air. marissa J.R. Ward
eeb2659 Scars, though, left wounds on the inside of you, and as with skin that didn't heal right, you still felt the rough spots from time to time. J.R. Ward
0d54847 Listen, I don't want things to get weird, okay." "Oh, yeah, no, weird is bad." "But just so you and I are clear, I really fucking want to kiss you right now." kiss sissy j-r-ward immortal jim J.R. Ward
04a180a Hollywood Expressed his inner Godzilla again" V to Z" v j-r-ward-bdb rhage black-dagger-brotherhood vishous hollywood J.R. Ward
82909a5 Ten minutes," Butch whispered into Marissa's ear. "Can I have ten minutes with you before you go? Please, baby..." V rolled his eyes and was relieved to be annoyed at the lovey-dovey routine. At least all the testosterone in him hadn't dried up. "Baby... please?" V took a pull on his mug. "Marissa, throw the sap bastard a bone, would you? The simpering wears on my nerves." "Well, we can't have that, can we?" Marissa packed up her papers wit.. marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
903ede0 Al rallentatore, Vishous chino la testa bruna e Butch senti come una carezza vellutata quando il pizzetto gli sfioro la gola. Con precisione millimetrica, V premette le zanne contro la vena che saliva dal cuore dell'amico, poi lentamente, inesorabilmente, lo trafisse. I loro petti si toccarono. Butch chiuse gli occhi, assaporando quella sensazione, il calore dovuto alla vicinanza fisica, la morbidezza dei capelli di V sulla mascella, la pot.. J.R. Ward
2471317 Will you live over there?" Phury asked. "Live over where?" Butch cut in. "You mean you won't be able to fight with us? Or, like... hang?" "No, I made that a condition of the deal." As Butch exhaled in relief, V tried not to get sapped out that his roommate cared about seeing him as much as he cared about being seen." butch-vishous phury black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
ed3ae5c Even with the Brotherhood as support, going to the colony was a suicide mission--and she was willing to bet there were a lot of people having sex under the mansion's roof right now. Sometimes you had to have a taste of life right before you knocked on the Grim Reaper's front door. J.R. Ward
9734334 So will you meet me?" "Yeah. Sure. Where." "Montrag's safe house in Connecticut. If you were the one who killed him, you know the address." J.R. Ward
c0f8cee Fine. It was Goddamn Cat, then. J.R. Ward
1fcdc19 G'on now.' he murmured with that Southern drawl. 'Lie on back and let me take care of you. I promise to go slow...real slow.' - Issac Rothe, Crave J.R. Ward
7ff1bdc For her, he was . . . the one. J.R. Ward
53d3922 Oh, and I can do something really great with my tongue and a cherry stem. J.R. Ward
7f17a89 None of them knew that it wasn't because he was a nice guy; it was because he was one of them. The hard reality was that life had put them all where they didn't want to be, namely on their backs for people they didn't want to be fucking. J.R. Ward
10ce783 I wish to be naked before you," she commanded. "Make it so, Manuel." J.R. Ward
f8af62c They sat side by side in silence--because sometimes that was all you could do for someone you loved: There were paths that had to be walked alone. And that just sucked. J.R. Ward
10fa2fb Don't trust me. Don't like me. I could give a shit. But don't you ever lie to me. J.R. Ward
305ad4a just like peaches," he said, stripping off her panties. "And I love peaches." -Wrath" -- J.R. Ward
36cac92 Cuz it sure as hell appeared that his library card was getting stamped tonight. J.R. Ward
5ad46c4 As soon as he was free from the library, he raced away from the Sanctuary, returning his faithless body to his bedroom at the mansion. He was still erect when he got there. Duh. Staring down at his button fly, he tried to find another explanation. Maybe he'd thrown a clot? A cock clot ... or maybe ... shit... There was no way he could be attracted to another female. J.R. Ward
b3f196e Saxton shifted exhausted eyes over. "Must we do this?" "What happened --" "I think you and he need to talk. And once you do, I won't have to worry about being jumped like a felon again." Blay frowned. "He and I have nothing to say to each other --" "with all due respect, the ligature marks on my neck would suggest otherwise." saxton blay blaylock lover-at-last j-r-ward J.R. Ward