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5f00a52 No, it's not, Holmesy. You pick your endings, and your beginnings. You get to pick the frame, you know? Maybe you don't choose what's in the picture, but you decide the frame. John Green
117008b Okay," he said. "I gotta go to sleep. It's almost one." "Okay," I said. "Okay," he said. I giggled and said, "Okay." And then the line was quiet but not dead. I almost felt like he was there in my room with me, but in a way it was better, like I was not in my room and he was not in his, but instead we were together in some invisible and tenuous third space that could only be visited on the phone. "Okay," he said after forever. "Maybe oka.. John Green
a61440d You're awfully philosophical for a girl that just got busted. John Green
eb36565 I am in the midst of a soliloquy! I wrote this out and memorized it and if you interrupt me I will completely screw it up,' Augustus interrupted. 'Please to be eating your sandwich and listening. the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
35cdd6f Everybody should have true love, and it should last at least as long as your life does. John Green
774fc70 I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now. John Green
7af11eb How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" to a margin note written in her loop-heavy cursive: Straight & Fast." John Green
cafef50 I don't think your missing pieces ever fit inside you again once they go missing. John Green
75912ae It's a weird phrase in English, in love, like it's a sea you drown in or a town you live in. You don't get to be in anything else--in friendship or in anger or in hope. All you can be in is love. John Green
9b3da92 The feeling of loving her and being loved by her welled up in him, and he could taste the adrenaline in the back of his throat, and maybe it wasn't over, and maybe he could feel her hand in his again and hear her loud, brash voice contort itself into a whisper to say I-love-you as if it were a secret, and an immense one. heartbreak love i-love-you John Green
40da458 Babies are made through an act that you will eventually find intriguing but for right now will just sort of horrify you, and also sometimes people do stuff that involves baby-making parts that does not actually involve making babies, like for instance kiss each other in places that are not on the face. John Green
90064a8 The world," he said, "is not a wish-granting factory." John Green
dd826ea We acknowledge that being the person God made you cannot separate you from God's love. John Green
8a21b9c To be fair to Monica," I said, "what you did to her wasn't very nice either." "What'd I do to her?" he asked, defensive. "You know, going blind and everything." "But that's not my fault," Isaac said. "I'm not saying it was your fault. I'm saying it wasn't nice." hazel-and-isaac nice John Green
0456b1a We didn't talk much. But we didn't need to. John Green
986427d And so much depends, I told Augustus, upon a blue sky cut open by the branches of the trees above. So much depends upon the transparent G-tube erupting from the gut of the blue-lipped boy. So much depends upon the observer of the universe. John Green
5e853f3 It's more impressive," I said out loud. "From a distance, I mean. You can't see the wear on things, you know? You can't see the rust or the weeds or the paint cracking. You see the place as someone once imagined it." paper-towns John Green
76566ea the world wasn't made for us, we were made for the world indianapolis cancer hazel-grace tfios the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
0637abc Before I got here, I thought for a long time that the way out of the labyrinth was to pretend that it did not exist, to build a small, self-sufficient world in a back corner of, the endless maze and to pretend that I was not lost, but home. But that only led to a lonely life accompanied only by the last words of the looking for a Great Perhaps, for real friends, and a more-than minor life. And then i screwed up and the Colonel screwed up.. forgiving forgiven labyrinth pudge letter sorry note forgotten John Green
dd0f9cb Do you guys remember that one time, in the minivan, twenty minutes ago, that we somehow didn't die? John Green
80714b6 Principled hate is a hell of a lot stronger than "Boy, I wish you hadn't mummified me and thrown me into the lake" hate." humor John Green
2646b6b It's the eternal struggle, Pudge. The good versus the naughty. ... Sometimes you lose a battle. But mischief always wins the war. John Green
3dd1a5a Alaska finished her cigarette and flicked it into the river. looking-for-alaska John Green Looking for Alaska
f464cb5 Yeah, about the test... life test John Green
4a8db5d I've lived here for eighteen years and I have never once in my life come across anyone who cares about anything that matters. John Green
7d0511b Alaska decided to go help Dolores with dinner. She said that it was sexist to leave the cooking to the women, but better to have good sexist food than crappy boy-prepared food. gender-roles John Green
1839b4f that while the world wasn't built for humans, we were built for the world. John Green
b9a4802 Being in a relationship, that's something you choose. Being friends, that's something you just are. tiny-cooper will-grayson John Green
cd6b469 I hated talking, and I hated listening to everyone else stumble on their words and try to phrase things in the vaguest possible way so they wouldn't sound dumb. talking John Green
59c3b2c I'd had nearly four years of experience looking at these clocks, but their sluggishness never ceased to surprise. If I am ever told that I have one day to live, I will head straight to the hallowed halls of Winter Park High School, where a day has been known to last a thousand years. time John Green
3caa4fb You will not kill my girlfriend today, International Terrorists of Ambiguous Nationality! funny the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
d16eab8 Also, I feel that crying is almost--like, aside from deaths of relatives or whatever-- totally avoidable if you follow two very simple rules: 1.Don't care too much. 2. Shut up. Everything unfortunate that has ever happened to me has stemmed from failure to follow one of the rules. John Green
5c1612e I still think that maybe the "afterlife" is just something we made up to ease the pain of loss, to make our time in the labyrinth bearable. Maybe we are just matter, and matter gets recycled" John Green
d06925b You are a side effect," Van Houten continued, "of an evolutionary process that cares little for individual lives. You are a failed experiment in mutation." van-houten-being-a-douche side-effects failure John Green
500457d Girls think they're only allowed to wear dresses on formal occasions, but I like a woman who says, you know, I'm going over to see a boy who is having a nervous breakdown, a boy whose connection to the sense of sight itself is tenuous, and gosh dang it, I am going to wear a dress for him. the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
1f49c81 One of the challenges with pain--physical or psychic--is that we can really only approach it through metaphor. It can't be represented the way a table or a body can. In some ways pain is the opposite of language. pain John Green
2a785e3 Spirals grow infinitely small the farther you follow them inward, but they also grow infinitely large the farther you follow them out. John Green
89bc2c2 You know what I hate? The outdoors. I mean, generally. I don't like outside. I'm an inside person. I'm all about refrigeration and indoor plumbing and Judge Judy. John Green
96e5de4 There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't. thoughts hope inner-thoughts brains mental-illness mental-health John Green
8c48ab4 He shook his head, just looking at me. - "What?" I asked. - "Nothing" he said. - "Why are you looking at me like that?" Augustus half smiled. "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence." A brief awkward silence ensued. Augustus plowed through: "I mean, particularly given that, as you so deliciously pointed out, all of this will end in obliv.. lover lovers silence life love real-life awkward flirt gorgeous looking-at-me natalie-portman turn-me-on vendetta john-green boy the-fault-in-our-stars real girl smile smiling beautiful hazel John Green The Fault in Our Stars
4cf675d Last words are always harder to remember when no one knows that someone's about to die. last-words remember John Green
34ab0f3 So I wasn't lying, exactly. I was just choosing among truths. John Green
cbc976d No matter how hard you kick, no matter how high you get, you can't go all the way around. John Green
f62acb7 I is the hardest word to define. turtles-all-the-way-down John Green