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1121464 You're a bundle of questions this afternoon, aren't you?" "I wouldn't have to be," she retorted, clearly regaining her wits, "if you'd actually say something of substance." "Until next time, Miss Bridgerton," he murmured, slipping out into the hall. "But when?" came her exasperated voice. He laughed all the way out." Julia Quinn
4a5bddc Have you anything that is ready to wear today? I'd like nothing better than to be rid of that thing she has on now. You can use her measurements to fashion a few more." "I have one or two I could quickly alter to her size. In fact there is one right there." She pointed to a pale yellow day dress draped over a dressmaker's model. Dunford was just about to say that it would do when he saw Henry's face. She was staring at the dress like a star.. Julia Quinn
c6212d7 All--all right," she said, looking dubiously at the chair. "I--um, I need to change, though." "I'll just wait in the hall." He straightened his spine and walked from the room, deciding he was the noblest, most chivalrous, and possibly the most stupid man in all Britain." Julia Quinn
e25f441 No," he said hoarsely, "the chair will do just fine, thank you." "If I know you are uncomfortable, I shan't be able to sleep." She sounded remarkably like a damsel in distress. Dunford shuddered. He had never been able to resist playing hero. Slowly he got to his feet and walked to the empty side of the bed. How bad could it be?" humor hero Julia Quinn
1170472 Oh, come now, you two," Lady Manston said, "surely it can be no surprise that I have long hoped for an alliance between the Rokesbys and Bridgertons." "Alliance?" Billie echoed, and all George could think was that it was a terrible, clinical word, one that could never encompass all that he had come to feel for her." marriage feelings family love word Julia Quinn
d23f31e But just for the sake of argument, let's say I am cornered. Or perhaps I am in the middle of a crowded ballroom and do not want to make a scene. If you were flirting with a young lady who had just told you not to call her sweetheart, what would you do?" "I would accede to her wishes and bid her good night," he said starchily. "You would not!" Henry accused with a playful smile. "You're a terrible rake, Dunford. Belle told me." "Belle talks .. Julia Quinn
1b6d156 Do you really think anyone saves our programs from one year to the next?" Sarah asked. "My mother does," Daisy said. "So does mine," Sarah answered, "but it's not as if she pulls them out and compares them side by side." "My mother does," Daisy said again. "Dear God," Iris moaned." Julia Quinn
454d9df It has no piano part," Honoria reminded her. "I have no objection," Sarah said quickly. From behind the piano." Julia Quinn
ad553c6 Something without the cello," she muttered. "If I have to do it, you have to do it," Sarah said with a smirk. Iris glared at her with all the fury of a misunderstood artist. "You don't understand." "Oh, believe me, I do," Sarah said with great feeling. "I played last year, if you recall. I've had an entire year to understand." Julia Quinn
c6a3f66 Why is everyone complaining?" Daisy asked impatiently. "This is exciting! We get to perform. Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?" "Unfortunately, yes," Sarah said flatly. "About as long as I have been dreading it," Iris muttered." Julia Quinn
6f2161c She shrugged. "I'm surprised your mother didn't inform you of my presence. Or Belle. She has spoken about you a great deal." His eyes narrowed as his heart sank. "You've become friendly with Belle?" He saw all his hopes for a flirtation with this girl going up in smoke." Julia Quinn
2f70c3a Honoria couldn't help but watch her make her way over to Daisy, and Mr. Bridgerton said, "Don't worry, she's mostly harmless." "My cousin Daisy?" she asked dubiously. "No," he replied, momentarily nonplussed. "Lady Danbury." Honoria looked past him to Daisy and Lady Danbury. "Is she deaf?" "Your cousin Daisy?" "No, Lady Danbury." "I don't believe so." "Oh." Honoria winced. "That's too bad. She might be by the time Daisy is through with her... Julia Quinn
fca868e Places I Would Rather Be, Edition 1821 By Lady Olivia Bevelstoke France With Miranda With Miranda in France In bed with a cup of chocolate and a newspaper Anywhere with a cup of chocolate and a newspaper Anywhere with either with a cup of chocolate or a newspaper Julia Quinn
c557bc3 Five years with the dowager - Good God, she ought to be given a title in her own right as a penance for such as that. No one had done more for England. Julia Quinn
4a1f1b1 It's still horrible. The whole thing." "Dreadful," Grace agreed. Amelia turned and looked at her directly. "Sodding bad." Grace gasped, "Amelia!" Amelia's face wrinkled in thought. "Did I use that correctly?" "I wouldn't know." "Oh, come now, don't tell me you haven't thought something just as unladylike." "I wouldn't say it." The look Amelia gave her was clear as a dare. "But you thought it." Grace felt her lips twitch. "It's a dammed sham.. Julia Quinn
3eb7b1a Tea?" Daniel asked, signaling to the innkeeper. "Please. Or anything that is hot." She pulled off her gloves, pausing to frown at a little hole that was growing at the tip of her right forefinger. That wouldn't do. She needed all the dignity she could muster in that finger. Heaven knew she shook it at the girls often enough." anne julia-quinn daniel Julia Quinn
828ed62 Ella parecio indecisa, de modo que le tironeo la mano, acercandola mas, no mas de una pulgada, pero en cierto modo tuvo la impresion de que ella estaba a solo la distancia de un beso. Julia Quinn
ede3847 Somebody up there is deuced mad at me," she yelled, "and I want to know why!" The heavens opened in earnest and within seconds she was soaked to the skin. "Remind me never to question Your purposes again," she muttered ungraciously, not sounding particularly like the God-fearing young lady her father had raised her to be. "Clearly You don't like to be second-guessed." Lightning streaked through the sky, followed by a booming clap of thunder.. Julia Quinn
7a5c02b I hope you will save me a dance.' 'Of course,' she said ... The other two ladies stood there, utterly still, eyes large and unblinking. It brought to mind a pair of ostriches, actually, and then Marcus realized what was expected of him. 'I hope you will all three save dances for me,' he said politely. Julia Quinn
9809bae He closed his eyes. The insides of his eyelids were a brownish black, not at all the same as the thick purple of the night. Darkness had so many colors. It was strange, that, and perhaps a little disquieting. But-- --Oh!|| A foot slammed into his left calf, and he opened his eyes just in time to see a woman tumbling backward. Right onto his blanket. He smiled. The gods still loved him. hilarious Julia Quinn
67143ce You'll marry the earl and carry on with the nephew on the side." "Grandmother!" bevelstoke sebastian-grey ten-things-i-love-about-you julia-quinn Julia Quinn
ffc1bf9 Ellie had a feeling he thought she was exaggerating. Charles teased. Ellie burst out. Julia Quinn
afd4f0e I miss my dog." ... "What was his name again?" "Mouse." "That was very unkind of you." "Naming him mouse?" "Isn't he a greyhound?" "I could have named hum Turtle." "Frederick!"... "It's better than Frederic," Annabel said, "Good heavens, that's my brother's name." Julia Quinn
5fbf56e It was just a book. An inanimate object. The only power it held was what she chose to give it. It could only be important in her life if she made it such. Of course, that didn't explain why she half expected it to glow in the dark every time she peered into her satchel. Julia Quinn
a98bc37 Kate-nek voltak bizonyos alapelvei, es ezek koze tartozott az is, hogy csukott ajtoval ne vitatkozzon. Julia Quinn
937a5f8 The slanted light of dawn was rippling through the windowpane, and Miss Anne Sainsbury was huddled beneath her thin blanket, wondering, as she often did, where she would find money for her next meal." That was really good. Even he wanted to know what happened to Miss Sainsbury, and he was making it up." Julia Quinn
b8b1078 I should love to see a ground-glass blue ocean Julia Quinn
463ff7b I really must tell you, I have never been a thespian.' Harriet waved this off like a gnat. 'That is what is so wonderful about my plays. Anyone can enjoy himself.' ... 'I am *not* playing a frog.' His eyes narrowed wickedly. 'Unless you [Anne] do, too.' 'There is only one frog in the play,' Harriet said blithely. 'But isn't the title The Marsh of the Frogs?' he asked, even though he should have known better. 'Plural?' Good Lord, the entire .. Julia Quinn
82a04ab Am I not allowed to have my pride? Or is that an emotion reserved for the elite? Julia Quinn
f373036 The dark-haired stranger's head snapped around. "Daphne? Did he say Daphne?" She drew back, unnerved by his direct question and the rather intense look in his eyes. "Yes." "Your name is Daphne?" Now she was beginning to wonder if he was an idiot. "Yes." He groaned. "Not Daphne Bridgerton." Her face slid into a puzzled frown. "The very one." Simon staggered back a step. He suddenly felt physically ill, as his brain finally processed th.. Julia Quinn
669292f I suggest," Colin said, raising one brow into a perfectly debonair arch, "that we flee the scene." Julia Quinn
3a1bb37 He didn't know if there was a word to describe what he felt in that moment, how he saw the lines of his own heart when her eyes met his. romance love sir-richard-kentworth julia-quinn Julia Quinn
d430748 He loved her. He'd said it, and even though she couldn't quite believe it, she believed *him*. Julia Quinn
1b9c335 Be strong. Be diligent. Be conscientious. There is never anything to be gained by taking the easy road. Julia Quinn
a92602e Don't settle. Know what you want and reach for it. And if you don't know what you want, be patient. The answers will come to you in time, and you may find that your heart's desire has been right under your nose all the while. And Julia Quinn
4d492d8 Say!" Benedict exclaimed. "Why don't save her, Hastings?" Simon took one look at Lady Bridgerton (who at that point had her hand firmly wrapped around Macclesfield's forearm) and decided he'd rather be branded an eternal coward. "Since we haven't been introduced, I'm sure it would be most improper," he improvised. "I'm sure it wouldn't," Anthony returned. "You're a duke." "So?" "So?" Anthony echoed. "Mother would forgive any impropri.. Julia Quinn
633e0e8 And are you thirsty," she asked, "or were you merely being polite?" "I am always polite," he said with a wicked grin, "but I am thirsty as well." Kate took one look at that grin, lethally combined with those devastating green eyes, and nearly groaned. "You are a rake as well," she said with a sigh. Colin choked-- on what, she did not know, but he choked nonetheless. "I beg your pardon?" Kate's face flushed as she realized with horror th.. Julia Quinn
7f43e5c What happened?' 'He humiliated me.' 'Oh, my Lord, Belle. He didn't...' 'No. But I wish I had. Then he'd have to marry me, and I-' 'Belle, you don't know what you're saying.' 'I know exactly what I'm saying! Why is it that no one can credit me with the ability to know my own mind? Julia Quinn
4dd9e19 I give in," she gasped. "What has turned your evening into such a dreadful affair?" "What or ?" "' Whom'?" she echoed, tilting her head as she looked at him. "This grows even more interesting." "I can think of any number of adjectives to describe all of the 'whoms' I have had the pleasure of meeting this evening, but 'interesting' is not one of them." "Now, now," she chided, "don't be rude. I did see you chatting with my brothers, afte.. Julia Quinn
d755ff7 We've been through nothing, you ridiculous man, but I suppose you may call me Daphne nonetheless." "Excellent." He nodded in a condescending manner. "You may call me 'your grace." Julia Quinn
cb08db3 There was something about Miss Lyndon that made him glad she was on his side. Not that he thought she would make a vicious enemy, just that she seemed loyal, level-headed, and fair. And she had a wicked sense of humor. Just the sort of person a man would want standing beside him when he needed support. Julia Quinn
09c1c35 Anne strove for honesty whenever possible, probably because it so often wasn't possible. Julia Quinn
4305630 I need to know how you can be so certain,' Daniel said, his voice dropping into a furious hush. 'Well...' Hugh brought his glass to his lips and took something deeper than a sip. 'If you must know, I told him that if anything happens to you, I would kill myself.' If Daniel had been holding anything, anything at all, it would have crashed to the ground. It was a remarkable thing that *he* did not crash to the ground. 'My father knows me well.. Julia Quinn
9b050ab He came to a halt three feet away from her. Beyond the length of his arms. He trusted himself, but not completely. 'You shouldn't do this,' she whispered. But he was too far gone. 'I *wish* to kiss you. That is what I wanted you to know. Because if I'm not going to do it, and it appears that I am not, because it isn't what you want, at least not right now...but if I'm not going to do it, you need to know that I wanted it.' He paused, starin.. Julia Quinn