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100291d The weather is fine,' she said after a moment. 'Have we already run out of things to say?' His voice was light and teasing, and when she turned to steal a glance at his face, he was looking straight ahead, a small, secret smile touching his lips. 'The weather is very fine,' she amended. His smile deepened. So did hers. Julia Quinn
48ee5b6 when he called her Anne, it was the first time she felt as if the name was truly hers. Julia Quinn
8d16fe1 His hands cupped her cheeks, holding her steady so that he might drink in the sight of her. It was too dark to see the exact colors that made her unforgettable face, but Simon knew that her lips were soft and pink, with just a tinge of peach at the corners. He knew that her eyes were made up of dozens of shades of brown, with that one enchanting circle of green constantly daring him to take a closer look, to see if it was really there or ju.. Julia Quinn
e820124 She tried to say something witty; she tried to say something seductive. But her bravado failed her at the last moment. She'd never been kissed before, and now that she had all but invited him to be the first, she didn't know what to do. His fingers loosened slightly around her wrist, but then they tugged, pulling her along with him as he stepped behind a tall, elaborately carved hedge. He whispered her name, touched her cheek. Her eyes wide.. Julia Quinn
fafbcd3 Dizem que uma pessoa inteligente aprende com os seus erros (...), mas uma pessoa verdadeiramente inteligente aprende com os erros dos outros. Julia Quinn
29cf652 I've always thought that violet ribbons look especially nice with brown hair. miranda-cheever nigel-bevelstoke viscount-turner julia-quinn Julia Quinn
728b6b7 Laugh. Laugh out loud, and laugh often. And when circumstances call for silence, turn your laugh into a smile. Don Julia Quinn
b35227a he was helpless against his own devilish nature when it came to this girl Julia Quinn
0d298ea He touched her cheek, and he looked into her eyes. He saw his whole world there world love eyes Julia Quinn
ab8b489 Simon gave her a startled look. 'I don't believe I have ever been condescended to by a woman before.' She shrugged. 'It was probably past time. romance funny romance-book-quotes Julia Quinn
79c72b0 It's bacon. How can anything in the world seem bleak when one is eating bacon? Julia Quinn
9ebea32 Bloody hell," Phillip finally burst out. "If you're going to break my legs, would you just go ahead and do it now?" lol Julia Quinn
996d2de It seems silly now, but I was so worried you weren't the perfect man of my dreams." "No one is perfect," he said quietly. "I know." She leaned over and planted an impulsive kiss on his cheek. "You're the imperfect man of my heart, and that's even better." Julia Quinn
89cc533 Good," Colin muttered, taking a bite. "I'm famished." "How can you think of food?" Gregory said angrily. "I always think of food," Colin replied, his eyes searching the table until he located the butter. "What else is there?" "Your wife," Benedict drawled." Julia Quinn
1a12078 when he found her, upstairs in the hall outside her bedchamber, her hair had gone white. As, it seemed, had the rest of her. Bloody hell. 'Oliver!' he bellowed. 'Amanda!' 'Oh, they're long gone,' Eloisa bit off. She looked up at him with fuming eyes. Fuming eyes which, he couldn't help but note, were the only part of her not covered with a remarkably thick coating of flour. Well, good for her for closing them in time. He'd always admired qu.. Julia Quinn
6231c79 This was Penelope, and this was love. Julia Quinn
f686350 He's an idiot," Harry said again. "One who doesn't deserve to lick your feet. You'll thank me someday." "I have no intention of allowing him to lick me anywhere," she retorted, then turned utterly red when she realized what she's said." lick Julia Quinn
4d54cc1 Daphne looked down and noticed that her hand was clenched into a fist. Then she looked up and realized her mother was staring at her, clearly waiting for her to say something. Since she had already exhaled, Daphne cleared her throat, and said, "I'm sure Lady Whistledown's little column is not going to hurt my chances for a husband." "Daphne, it's been two years!" "And Lady Whistledown has only been publishing for three months, so I hardl.. Julia Quinn
8fbeb71 Change what you can and accept what you can't. Julia Quinn
2de237c He took a step toward her, his clothing slipping from his fingers. 'There has been a terrible mistake.' 'Yes, there has,' she said, her entire body shaking with emotion. 'I was mistaken to think I could ever be enough of a woman to please you, to ever think that I could learn what it means to be anyone else but me. Julia Quinn
4ab1954 Every time he thought he knew everything about her, had unwillingly memorized every last detail, something inside her flickered and changed, and he felt himself falling anew. Julia Quinn
d1307ca Even while he'd been gone, she'd always know he was /there/, sharing the same planet with her, walking the same earth. Julia Quinn
99ddc76 Well, I'll be," she said mischievously. "You might just be a nice person after all." "I'm hardly nice," he scoffed. "Perhaps, but you're hardly cruel, either." -Daphne & Simon" Julia Quinn
76e99ac I would like to request the honor of your daughter's hand in marriage". Olivia gasped, then squealed, then jumped up and down, which turned out to be a bad idea. "Ow!" she yelped smacking her head on the window. She poked her head back out and beamed down at Harry with tears in her eyes. "Oh Harry", she signed." proposal-through-window Julia Quinn
0da6433 Leaning forward, he set out to conquer Miss Henrietta Barrett the same way he'd conquered women across Britain. Simply by being himself. Julia Quinn
1b2e065 Alaycilik gercek duygularin yuzeye cikmasini engelleyen tek seydir ve inan bana o duygularla yuzlesmek istemezsin. featherington penelope-featherington penelope-bridgerton colin-bridgerton Julia Quinn
4b3b818 He did things to her, she realized. Strange, shivery things that left her breathless. He need only to look at her--not in his usual, conversational way, but to really look at her, to let his eyes settle on hers, deeply blue and insightful, and she felt naked, her soul bared. Julia Quinn
07a8af6 Of course. The team on your carriage was beautiful. They are yours, aren't they?" He ignored her and walked ahead until his foot connected with soft mushy ground. "Shit," he muttered. "Exactly." He glared at her, thinking himself a saint for not going for her throat." humor Julia Quinn
268236f He ground his teeth and slapped some slop down into a pile. The stench was beyond overwhelming. "I thought you said pigs are clean." "Cleaner than people usually think, but not as clean as you and I." She looked at his messy boots, amusement dancing in her gray eyes. "Well, usually." Julia Quinn
8d7aa3a a dor de um coracao partido nunca vai embora, apenas fica anestesiada. pain love portugues portuguese Julia Quinn
aeeefb0 This was different. He didn't want a woman. He wanted her. And he supposed that if he had to spend the afternoon being strange, sad, and disfigured just to be in her company, it would be well worth it. Then he remembered the wart. He turned to Miss Wynter and said firmly, "I am not getting a wart." Really, a man had to draw the line somewhere." humorous warts Julia Quinn
d19c4cf Is there something you wish to tell me?" Violet asked gently. Hyacinth shook her head. How did one share something such as this with one's mother? --Oh, yes, by the by and in case you're interested, it has recently come to my attention that my affianced husband asked me to marry him because he wished to infuriate his father. --Oh, and did I mention that I am no longer a virgin? No getting out of it now! No, that wasn't going to work" Julia Quinn
98bfd82 The eggs were extremely interesting, as was the bacon,and the hydrangeas outside the window were absolutely fascinating. hydrangeas.who would have imagined? Julia Quinn
8f5e4b7 I must protest." "To whom?" That seemed to flummox him. "I don't know," he finally said. "But a protest must be lodged nonetheless." "I don't think the dog meant to shoot him," Iris demurred. "You mean the author does not make the canine's motivations clear?" Iris assumed a scrupulously even expression. "Even she lacks such talent." Julia Quinn
7a06390 Dunford arrived a few minutes later and gave her an approving nod. "You look lovely, Henry." She smiled her thanks but decided not to put too much stock in his compliment. It sounded like the sort of thing he said automatically to any woman in his vicinity." Julia Quinn
1b64e22 They climbed up into the carriage and were on their way. Henry caught her bonnet on the doorframe as she was getting in, a circumstance which caused her to mutter most ungraciously under her breath. Dunford thought he heard her say, "Bloody bleeding blooming bonnet," but he couldn't be certain." Julia Quinn
9ed3cfd Watch over Honoria, will you? See she doesn't marry an idiot. (Daniel Smythe-Smith) love Julia Quinn
c4ff68e Not," Caroline had said, "that I disapprove of your moniker. It is simply that my husband's name is also Henry, and it's rather disconcerting for me to use it on a girl of your tender years." Henry had only smiled and told her that that was just fine. It had been so long since she had had a maternal figure that she would have been inclined to let Caroline call her Esmerelda if she so desired." Julia Quinn
2298f0b tumbling to the ground. "Didja...didja hafta open it fast?" he mumbled." Julia Quinn
62ae587 Mother, I spoke to the duke. He understands that this is not a formal meal. And he specifically told me that he was looking forward to a change of pace. He has no family himself, so he has never experienced anything like a Bridgerton family dinner." "God help us." Violet's face went utterly pale." Julia Quinn
50cbf95 Honoria nodded and was about to say something utterly forgettable when she saw that his hand had been bandaged. "I hope your injury is not severe," she said politely. "Oh, this?" he held up his hand. His fingers were free to waggle, but the rest of it looked rather like a mitt. "It's nothing. An altercation with a letter opener." "Well, please do be careful of infection," Honoria said, somewhat more forcefully than was de rigueur. "If it gr.. Julia Quinn
04bd730 Let me try," he said, and he took the ends and positioned himself in front of her mirror. She watched him for about two seconds before declaring, "You're going to have to go home." His eyes did not leave the reflection of his neckcloth in the mirror. "I haven't even got past the first knot." "And you're not going to." He gave her a supercilious look, brow quirked and all. "You're never going to get it right," she pronounced. "I must say, be.. Julia Quinn
2cd18a5 I suppose. I do hope Charlotte thinks to give her an extra day off this week." Lady Winstead gave a little nod, as if agreeing with herself. "I believe I will go find her right now and make that suggestion. It is the least we can do. Miss Wynter truly saved the day." Honoria and Iris watched her leave, then Iris said, "I suppose it depends upon your definition of the word 'saved." Julia Quinn
78dff6c She Looked doubtful."If you insist." "I do." "Very well." With barely a moment for either of them to prepare, she drew back and let fly.Before James had any idea what was happening, he was sprawled on the ground, and his right eye socket was throbbing. Elizabeth, rather than displaying any sort of worry or concern over his health, was jumping up and down,squealing with glee. "I did it! I really did it! Did you see it? Did you see it?" "No,".. Julia Quinn