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1089c1b His hand skimmed softly over her stomach, then he said, "I think I'm a little overdressed, don't you?" Kate's eyes widened as he left the bed and stripped off the rest of his clothing. His body was perfection, his chest finely muscled, his arms and legs powerful, and his-- "Oh, my God," she gasped. He grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment." -Anthony & Kate" Julia Quinn
32f55c7 His tongue slid down the inner length of her finger, then traced the lines on her palm. "Such lovely hands," he murmured, nibbling on the fleshy part of her thumb as his fingers entwined with hers. "Strong, and yet so graceful and delicate." "You're talking nonsense," Kate said self-consciously. "My hands--" But he silenced her with a finger to her lips. "Shhh," he admonished. "Haven't you learned that you should never ever contradict you.. Julia Quinn
5832b10 He laid her down on the mattress, his eyes never leaving her charmingly disheveled form as he methodically stripped off his clothing. First his gloves, one by one, then his coat, already rumpled by his ardor. He caught her eyes, dark and large and filled with wonder, and he smiled, slowly and with satisfaction. "You've never seen a naked man before, have you?" he murmured. She shook her head. "Good." He leaned forward and plucked one of .. Julia Quinn
e4f8793 Anthony," she whispered, his name a benediction, a plea, a prayer all in one. "Anything," he replied raggedly, dropping to his knees before her, his lips trailing a hot path along her skin as his fingers frantically worked to release her from her gown. "Ask me anything," he groaned. "Anything in my power, I give to you." Kate felt her head fall back, felt the last of her resistance melting away. "Just love me," she whispered. "Just love m.. Julia Quinn
5ec878f When Anthony kissed her, she felt as if she were losing her mind. And when he kissed her twice, she wasn't even sure if she wanted it back! -Kate's thoughts Julia Quinn
2c06e25 Anthony glared at his brother, then for good measure at Miss Sheffield, who was looking at him as if he'd just despoiled ten virgins in her presence. Julia Quinn
73da5d5 You don't want to do this, Miss Sheffield," he warned. "Oh," she said with great feeling, "I . I really, really do." And then, with quite the most evil grin her lips had ever formed, she drew back her mallet and smacked her ball with every ounce of every single emotion within her. It knocked into his with stunning force, sending it hurtling even farther down the hill. Farther . . . Farther . . . Right into the lake. Openmouthed with d.. Julia Quinn
4e10a77 My sisters call him Slinky Simon.' Alec chuckled. 'It's only funny if he's not your cousin.' 'It's funny because it's true. Julia Quinn
584b586 Benedict advanced immediately, lunging and attacking, but Colin had always been particularly fleet of foot, and he retreated carefully, meeting Benedict's attack with an expert parry. "You're in a bloody bad mood today," Colin said, lunging forward and just nearly catching Benedict on the shoulder. Benedict stepped out of his way, lifting his blade to block the attack. "Yes, well, I had a bad"-- he advanced again, his foil stretched strai.. marry-sophie siblings Julia Quinn
5585fbf Shall we play youngest to oldest?" Colin suggested, with a gallant bow in Edwina's direction. She shook her head. "I should rather go last, so that I might have a chance to observe the play of those more experienced than I." "A wise woman," Colin murmured. "Then we shall play oldest to youngest. Anthony, I believe you're the most ancient among us." "Sorry, brother dear, but Hastings has a few months on me." "Why," Edwina whispered in Ka.. Julia Quinn
0800b20 She fiddled with the flower some more, then blurted out, "You shouldn't have picked this." "You should have a tulip," he said matter-of-factly. "It isn't right that Edwina receives all the flowers." Kate's stomach, already tense and prickly, did a little flip. "Nonetheless," she managed to say, "your gardener will surely not appreciate the mutilation of his work." He smiled devilishly. "He'll blame one of my younger siblings." She could.. Julia Quinn
e8e5d03 Violet sniffed and shot him a haughty look. "I should not be so quick to mock me, my son. I merely point out the truth. You should be down on your hands and knees thanking your maker every day that you don't to marry an heiress. Most men don't have the luxury of free will when it comes to marriage, you know." Anthony just smiled. "I should be thanking my maker? Or my mother?" "You are a beast." He clucked her gently under the chin. "A .. Julia Quinn
e2c9c3e This is madness," he whispered against her ear. But he made no move to let her go. Her reply was an incoherent, confused moan, and her body became slightly more pliant in his arms, allowing him to mold her even closer to his form. He knew he should stop, knew he damned well shouldn't have started, but his blood was racing with need, and she felt so . . .so . . . So . He groaned, his lips leaving hers to taste the slightly salty skin of .. Julia Quinn
e4bbefa amidst the horrors of war, it became apparent that there was no way he could possibly survive the carnage. And if by some stroke of fate he managed to come through the conflict with his body intact, he knew that his soul would not be so lucky. Julia Quinn
0492829 Como tiene el ojo? -pregunto ella. Tenia peor aspecto con la fuerte luz diurna, casi como si la magulladura se extendiera sobre el caballete de su nariz. Pero al menos ahora sabia de que color tenia los ojos: azul claro intenso. Era casi absurdo lo mucho que le habia intrigado aquello. -No me molesta demasiado si no me lo toco -le dijo-. Intente reprimirse y no arrojarme piedras a la cara, se lo agradecere de corazon. -Todos mis planes para.. romance Julia Quinn
dceefb5 With Mary standing in the hall, Kate and Anthony exited out the doorway and headed west on Milner Street. "I usually stay to the smaller streets and make my way up to Brompton Road," Kate explained, thinking that he might not be very familiar with this area of town, "then take that to Hyde Park. But we can walk straight up Sloane Street, if you prefer." "Whatever you wish," he demurred. "I shall follow your direction." "Very well," Kate r.. Julia Quinn
edcdff9 It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Sheffield," he said politely. "I do hope you will favor me with one of your dances this evening." "I-- Of course." She cleared her throat. "I would be honored." "Kate," Mary said, nudging her softly, "show him your dance card." "Oh! Yes, of course." Kate fumbled for her dance card, which was tied prettily to her wrist with a green ribbon. That she had to fumble for anything actually tied to her body was.. Julia Quinn
e8f4d77 Anthony Bridgerton leaned back in his leather chair, regarded his scotch with a thoughtful expression as he swirled it about, and then announced, "I'm thinking about getting married." Benedict Bridgerton, who had been indulging in a habit his mother detested-- tipping his chair drunkenly on the back two legs-- fell over. Colin Bridgerton started to choke. Luckily for Colin, Benedict regained his seat with enough time to smack him soundly.. Julia Quinn
11a5af2 Lady Whistledown always had all the latest , and unlike other columnists, she wasn't hesitant about using people's full names. Having decided last week, for example, that Kate didn't look good in yellow, she wrote, clear as day: "The color yellow makes the dark-haired Miss Katharine Sheffield look like a singed daffodil." Kate hadn't minded the insult. She'd heard it said on more than one occasion that one could not consider oneself "arri.. Julia Quinn
7819498 With great reluctance-- sitting in the chair with Kate and doing nothing but hold her was surprisingly satisfying-- he stood, lifting her in his arms as he did so, and then set her back in the chair. "This has been a delightful interlude," he murmured, leaning down to drop a kiss on her forehead. "But I fear your mother's early return. I shall see you Saturday morning?" She blinked. "Saturday?" "A superstition of my mother's," he said with.. Julia Quinn
78a0c61 He still had dreams about it. Certainly not nightmares - it could not be worth the energy. But every month or so he woke up from one of those annoying visions where he was back at school (rather absurdly at his current age of eight-and-twenty). It was always of a similar nature. He looked down at his schedule and suddenly realized he'd forgotten to attend Latin class for an entire term. Or arrived for an exam without his trousers. Julia Quinn
fab6696 You should thank your lucky stars that you have them," Sophie said, her voice more forceful than it had been all afternoon. "I'd give anything for--" But she didn't finish her sentence. "You'd give anything for what?" Benedict asked, surprised by how much he wanted to hear her answer. She gazed soulfully out the window as she replied, "To have a family like yours." "You have no one," he said, his words a statement, not a question. "I've.. Julia Quinn
ca05b3e There's more, you know," he whispered, letting his breath caress her ear. "I'm sure there must be," she replied, her voice mere breath. "You are?" he asked teasingly, squeezing her again. "I'm not so green that I think one can make a baby from what we've been doing." "I'd be happy to show you the rest," he murmured. "Not-- Oh!" He'd squeezed again, this time allowing his fingers to tickle her skin. He loved that she couldn't think whe.. Julia Quinn
2c80c36 He was taking a nap," Kate explained. "He's a very sound sleeper." But once awake, Newton refused to be left out of the action, and with a slightly more awake bark, he leaped up onto the chair, landing on Kate's lap. "Newton!" she squealed. "Oh, for the love of--" But Anthony's mutterings were cut short by a big, sloppy kiss from Newton. "I think he likes you," Kate said, so amused by Anthony's disgusted expression that she forgot to be.. Julia Quinn
ec29861 His mouth moved along the line of her jaw to her neck, pausing only to whisper, "Where is your mother?" "Out," Kate gasped. His teeth tugged at the edge of her bodice. "For how long?" "I don't know." She let out a little squeal as his tongue dipped below the muslin and traced an erotic line on her skin. "Good heavens, Anthony, what are you doing?" "How long?" he repeated. "An hour. Maybe two." Anthony glanced up to make sure he'd shut.. Julia Quinn
d5039a7 This will work," he said with great authority. "You'll see." She looked doubtful, but she nodded. Of course, there was little else she could do. She'd just been caught by the biggest gossip in London with a man's mouth on her chest. If he hadn't offered to marry her, she'd have been ruined forever. And if she'd refused to marry him . . . well, then she'd be branded a fallen woman an idiot. Anthony suddenly stood. "Mother!" he barked, l.. Julia Quinn
ea5677a Am I a terrible person?" she whispered, more for her ears than for his. "Does this mean I am fallen?" But he heard her, and his voice was hot and moist on the skin of her cheek. He moved to her ear and made her listen more closely. He traveled to her lips and forced her to swallow the word. Kate felt her head fall back. His voice was low and seductive, and it almost made her feel like she'd been born for this moment. "You're perf.. Julia Quinn
d46a3e3 The trip to Ireland...' her father was saying. 'Is to determine his legitimacy,' Wyndham confirmed. And then, with a morbidly jolly expression, he continued, 'It's going to be quite a party. Even my grandmother is going. Julia Quinn
b74456e One hour later Sophie was in Benedict's sitting room, perched on the very same sofa on which she had lost her innocence just a few weeks earlier. Lady Bridgerton had questioned the wisdom (and propriety) of Sophie's going to Benedict's home by herself, but he had given her such a look that she had quickly backed down, saying only, "Just have her home by seven." Which gave them one hour together. "I'm sorry," Sophie blurted out, the instan.. love benedict-and-sophie Julia Quinn
cf3c141 Her unintended striptease was all the more sensual because Belle was lowering her stocking with agonizing slowness not because she had an audience but because she seemed to love the feel of the silk sliding along her soft skin. Julia Quinn
4f8e0e9 I love you," he said, laughing over her squeal of surprise. "Not as much as I love you." He gave her his best look of condescension. "You only think you know what you're talking about." She smiled. It was not the first time they had had this conversation. Julia Quinn The Bridgertons Happily Ever After
5a6a286 I love you," he said, laughing over her squeal of surprise. "Not as much as I love you." He gave her his best look of condescension. "You only think you know what you're talking about." Julia Quinn The Bridgertons Happily Ever After
aef66ad That ought to do it.' He stood up and held out his hand to her, but she ignored it, rolling over so that she could sit on the grassy knoll. He stood there awkwardly until she patted the spot on the grass next to her. He hesitated, and Belle finally groaned and slapped her down on the ground with considerable force. 'Oh, please,' she said in a semi-irritated voice. 'I'm not going to bite.' John sat down. Julia Quinn
0fca84f Some moments are easy. They are good and fun and beautiful, and I'm happy. Others aren't so easy. But it is my decision to be happy during the hard times as well as the easy ones. I cannot control most things, but I can control my feelings. And I want to be happy. So I find something in every moment that I can enjoy. Julia Quinn
7f4acdc Ele se inclinou e deu um beijo de leve nos labios dela. - Eu tenho voce - murmurou -, e nao vou desperdicar nem um segundo que temos juntos. Os labios de Kate se abriram num sorriso. - O que isso significa? - Significa que o amor nao tem nada a ver com o medo de que tudo acabe, mas com encontrar alguem que o complete, que faca de voce um ser humano melhor do que jamais sonhou ser. love chapter-22 kate-sheffield bridgertons the-viscount-who-loved-me julia-quinn historical-romance Julia Quinn
70bd025 A mae sempre dissera que, quando uma mulher estava bem-vestida, se sentia bem. women lady-whistledown os-segredos-de-colin-bridgerton penelope-featherington colin-bridgerton romancing-mister-bridgerton julia-quinn dress Julia Quinn
bc143cf He wanted to come along," said the one in the corner, the only one who hadn't yet tried to kill Phillip. Phillip decided he liked this one best, especially when he wrapped his hand around Gregory's forearm to prevent the younger man from launching himself at Eloise. Which," Julia Quinn
1ee480e At the end of the day, he was going to find himself either dead or married, and he wasn't quite prepared to let the Bridgerton brothers take the matter to a vote. And Julia Quinn
6533d22 Was it possible that Octavia had misjudged her? What was he thinking? Of course, it was possible. Octavia was a dear, but she was nineteen years old and thinking of Octavia. The last thing she wanted in her life was a staggeringly beautiful rival who was not conveniently evil. Julia Quinn
db28c6c she decided to watch the leaves on the tree across the way. How many would fall off in such a strong wind? ... She now knew why people made such a fuss about weddings. It was to keep the bride's mind occupied, lest she fall into strange mental chasms. Julia Quinn
a12fc7f It was remarkable, but every time he kissed her, her lips seemed to grow sweeter, her scent more beguiling. And his need grew, too. His blood was racing with desire, and it was taking his every last shred of restraint not to push her back onto the sofa and tear her clothes from her body. That would come later, he thought with a secret smile. But this-- surely her first time-- would be slow and tender and everything a young girl dreamed. W.. benedicts-thoughts-about-sophie naughty-naughty sophie Julia Quinn
2abf6f2 Once Spencer was safely out of the shop, John yanked her around to face him and said, 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' Before she had a chance to answer him, Alex showed up at his side, grabbed Emma similarly and hissed, 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' Persephone looked at Dunford and smiled, waiting for her turn, but much to her disappointment, he just stood there and glared at all three women. Julia Quinn
e110c8e I hate maps.' 'Really?' She sounded stunned, and maybe just a little bit delighted by his admission. 'Why?' He told her the truth. 'I haven't the talent for reading them.' 'And you, a highwayman.' 'What has that to do with it?' 'Don't you need to know where you're going?' 'Not nearly so much as I need to know where I've been ... There are certain areas of the country - possibly all of Kent, to be honest - it is best that I avoid.' 'This is .. Julia Quinn
fb03427 did this to him. Only her. It was a humbling thought. Gritting his teeth against his baser urges, Benedict began to move within her, slowly stroking when what he really wanted to do was let go completely. "Sophie, Sophie," he grunted, repeating her name, trying to remind himself that this time was about . He was here to please needs, not his own. It would be perfect. It had to be perfect. He needed her to love this. He needed her to l.. Julia Quinn