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786bb48 We are going to pick up our instruments and play Mozart," Honoria announced. "And we are going to do it with smiles on our faces." "I have no idea what any of you are talking about," Daisy said. "I will play," Sarah said, "but I make no promises about a smile." She looked at the piano and blinked. "And I am not picking up my instrument." Iris actually giggled. Then her eyes lit up. "I could help you." "Pick it up?" Iris's grin grew positive.. Julia Quinn
8196e9b I don't know why people persist in believing women are inferior, when it is quite clear that men are the more feeble-minded of the two. Julia Quinn
43c93ea There was a huge difference between dislike and disregard. Julia Quinn
673ecb8 I"m going to kill her," Francesca said to no one in particular. Which was probably a good thing, as there was no one else present. "Who are you talking to?" Hyacinth demanded. "God," Francesca said baldly. "And I do believe I have been given divine leave to murder you." "Hmmph," was Hyacinth"s response. "If it was that easy, I"d have asked permission to eliminate half the ton years ago." Francesca decided just then that not all of Hyacinth".. Julia Quinn
33fd700 He watched her as she carried the stone over to one of the walls and set it down. She exhaled and wiped her brow. Then she glared at him. He smiled--one of his best, he thought. "You ought to bend your legs when you lift the stones," he called out. "It's better for your back." "It's better for your back," she mimicked under her breath, "lazy, good-for-nothing, stupid little--" "Excuse me?" "Thank you for your advice." Her voice was sweetnes.. Julia Quinn
6904a00 Then, with a cheeky quirk of his brows, he leaned forward and murmured, "Would it be improper of me to admit that I am inordinately flattered by your attention to the details of my face?" Anne snorted out a laugh. "Improper and ludicrous." "It is true that I have never felt quite so colorful," he said, with a clearly feigned sigh. "You are a veritable rainbow," she agreed. "I see red and . . . well, no orange and yellow, but certainly green.. anne julia-quinn daniel Julia Quinn
532d5fa I'm trying to embroider." Hyacinth held up her handiwork as proof. "You're trying to avoid--" Her mother stopped, blinking. "I say, why does that flower have an ear?" "It's not an ear." Hyacinth looked down. "And it's not a flower." "Wasn't it a flower yesterday?" "I have a very creative mind," Hyacinth ground out, giving the blasted flower another ear. "That," Violet said, "has never been in any doubt." Hyacinth looked down at the mess on .. Julia Quinn
cbdb1f1 You're charm can be terrifying." "I suppose if you put it that way I cannot help but be complimented." Julia Quinn
585d0bd Happiness could be like a head cold. Or cholera. Catching. Julia Quinn
0b664a7 I thought you wanted food," she gasped. "I do," he murmured, tugging on the bodice of her dress. "But I want you more." penelope-bridgerton Julia Quinn
d6a9617 Because if he looked like he was unaffected by her smile, then she would not realize that, in actuality, he was in an utter panic because somewhere deep down inside he'd realized that his life had just changed forever. Julia Quinn
cdba9ec Forget This was much closer to Julia Quinn
e1e0b07 A lot of women want children." "Right," he said, coughing on the word. "Of course. But... don"t you think you might want a husband first?" "Of course." -- Julia Quinn
4bba276 The youngest one," she interrupted. "The youngest son, I mean. The one who is unmarried." "I know who he is." "Very well, then. What is wrong with him?" At that she cocked her head to the side and waited expectantly. He thought for a moment. "Nothing." "You--wait." She blinked. "Nothing?" He shook his head, then shifted his weight a little; his good foot was beginning to fall asleep. "Nothing comes immediately to mind." It was true. She cou.. marriage humor Julia Quinn
7d120fc This was killing her. She had to break the silence. This was not natural. It was too awful. People were meant to talk. Julia Quinn
8aa0702 The Smythe-Smith musicale. Thankfully, it came around just once per year, because Hyacinth was quite certain it would take a full twelve months for her ears to recover. Julia Quinn
c994b3f I cannot feel like a duchess in my mother's sitting room." "What do you feel like, then?" "Hmmm." She took a sip of her tea. "Just Daphne Bridgerton, I suppose. It's difficult to shed the surname in this clan. In spirit, that is." "I hope that is a compliment," Lady Bridgerton remarked. Daphne just smiled at her mother. "I shall never escape you, I'm afraid." She turned to Gareth. "There is nothing like one's family to make one feel like on.. Julia Quinn
efaca5d If someone loved you -someone decent and kind that is- you had a responsibility not to trample all over her heart. And while he had no intention of hurting Emma, he knew that he could injure her just by not loving her back. Of course, maybe, he did love her back. But then again, maybe she didn't love him in the first place. She hadn't actually said as much. He couldn't very well love someone back if she didn't love him first. He could, how.. romance Julia Quinn
8c35139 I like my parents," Olivia said. Sebastian shook his head, "A concept so alien I think it must be unpatriotic." Julia Quinn
8519230 Sebastian," Katarina said, turning to her nephew. "You've grown." "It happens," Sebastian quipped, flashing her his usual lopsided grin. "Goodness," she said with smile, "you'll be a danger to the ladies soon." Harry very nearly rolled his eyes. Sebastian had already made conquests of nearly all the girls in the village near Hesslewhite. He must give off some sort of scent, because the females positively fell at his feet. It would have bee.. humor Julia Quinn
c28d25f All of this presupposes that I have set my sights on a single male.' Susan's eyes bugged out. 'You certainly cannot set your signs on a married man!' 'I meant a particular man,' Elizabeth retorted, swatting her sister on the shoulder. Julia Quinn
ce057ec I like my life dull.' 'If you like your life dull, then that can only mean that you do not understand the nature of excitement. Julia Quinn
b6cd745 I want you. I want you now, in every way a man can want a woman. daniel-smyth-smith smythe-smith anne-wynter Julia Quinn
eea96e7 I thought you wouldn't want weepy words of love and all that.' Belle swatted him on the shoulder. 'Of course I do! Every woman does. Especially from the man she actually wants to accept. So devise some weepy words and I'll-' 'Aha! So you accept! Julia Quinn
0beebf3 I believe we were discussing your dissatisfaction with life as the most popular man in London.' Her voice rose on the last four words, and Colin realized he'd been scolded. Soundly. Which he found extraordinarily irritating. 'I don't know why I thought you'd understand,' he bit off, hating the childish tinge in his voice but completely unable to edit it out. 'I'm sorry,' she said, 'but it's a little difficult for me to sit here and listen t.. Julia Quinn
73c64ab It was those eyes as much as anything that had earned him his reputation as a man to be reckoned with. When he stared at a person, clear and unwavering, men grew uncomfortable. Women positively shivered. stare Julia Quinn
a88ebae Sophie stared at the door, trying desperately to keep her eyes focused on anything but Benedict. She'd spent all week hoping for a glimpse,but now that he was here, all she wanted was to escape. If she looked at his face, her eyes inevitably strayed to his lips. And if she looked at his lips, her thoughts immediately went to their kiss. And if she thought about the kiss... "I need that thimble," she blurted out, jumping to her feet. There w.. Julia Quinn
32d9d38 You are a terrible liar, did you know that?" He straightened, tugging slightly at his waistcoat as he lifted his chin. "Actually, I'm an excellent liar. But what I'm really good at is appearing appropriately sheepish and adorable after I'm caught." What, Penelope wondered, was she meant to say to that? Because surely there was no one more adorably sheepish (sheepishly adorable?) than Colin Bridgerton with his hands clasped behind his back, .. Julia Quinn
abb205b Raw toast," Lucas said grimly, shaking his head. "It goes against the very nature of man." toast Julia Quinn
162f18e One of us should save her," Benedict mused. "Nah," Colin said, grinning. "Mother's only had her over there with Macclesfield for ten minutes." "Macclesfield?" Simon asked. "The earl," Benedict replied. "Castleford's son." "Ten minutes?" Anthony asked. "Poor Macclesfield." Simon shot him a curious look. "Not that Daphne is such a chore," Anthony quickly added, "but when Mother gets it in her head to, ah . . ." "Pursue," Benedict fille.. Julia Quinn
3a6fc59 Standing still is always more tiring than walking Julia Quinn
2885b33 She thumped her weapon (others might call it a cane, but he knew better) against the floor. "Fell off your horse?" "No, I--" "Tripped down the stairs? Dropped a bottle on your foot?" Her expression grew sly. "Or does it involve a woman?" He fought the urge to cross his arms. She was looking up at him with a bit of a smirk. She liked poking fun at her companions; she'd once told him that the best part of growing old was that she could say an.. Julia Quinn
dbed79d So he decided to stay out of it and instead turned back to Lady Bridgerton, who was, as it happened, the closest person to him, anyway. "And how are you this afternoon?" he asked. Lady Bridgerton gave him a very small smile as she handed him his cup of tea. "Smart man," she murmured. "It's self-preservation, really," he said noncommittally. "Don't say that. They wouldn't hurt you." "No, but I'm sure to be injured in the cross fire." Julia Quinn
cf88104 Francesca actually felt her chin drop. "Mother," she said, shaking her head, "you really should have stopped at seven." "Children, you mean?" Violet asked, sipping at her tea. "Sometimes I do wonder." "Mother!" Hyacinth exclaimed. Violet just smiled at her. "Salt?" "It took her eight tries to get it right," Hyacinth announced, thrusting the salt cellar at her mother with a decided lack of grace. "And does that mean that you, too, hope to ha.. Julia Quinn
51eeaac I had a feeling you'd like that," he said with a satisfied grin. "Why do I feel it . . . everywhere?" "Everywhere?" he murmured. His fingers moved between her legs. "Or here?" "Everywhere," she said breathlessly, "but there most of all." the-sum-of-all-kisses sarah julia-quinn Julia Quinn
8489833 Oranges and unicorns say the bells of St. . . ." She looked to Harriet for inspiration. "Clunicorns?" "Somehow I don't think so." "Moonicorns." Sarah cocked her head to the side. "Better," she judged. "Spoonicorns? Zoomicorns." And . . . that was enough. Sarah turned back to her book. "We're done now, Harriet." "Parunicorns." Sarah couldn't even imagine where that one had come from. But still, she found herself humming as she read. Oranges .. sarah Julia Quinn
03b2138 No, Belle needed him. He had to save her from a disastrous marriage. And then, he supposed, he'd simply marry her himself. John wasn't unaware that he was about to pull one of the greatest about-faces in history. He could only hope that Belle would understand that he had realized she'd had been right all along. People made mistakes, didn't they? After all, he wasn't some infallible storybook hero. splendid Julia Quinn
399a5d3 With an admittedly goofy spring in his step, he made his way across the main hall to the breakfast room, pausing only to peek through the sitting room at the large window, which some enterprising footman had pulled open to let in the warm, spring air. What a day, what a day. Birds were chirping, the sky was blue, the grass was green (as always, but it was still an excellent thing), and he had kissed Miss Wynter. He nearly bounced right off .. daniel-the-goof julia-quiin Julia Quinn
19660b4 Then it's settled," Harriet said. "We shall work out the smaller roles later." "What about you?" Elizabeth demanded. "Oh, I'm going to be the goddess of the sun and moon." "The tale gets stranger and stranger," Daniel said. "Just wait until act seven," Miss Wynter told him. "Seven?" His head snapped up. "There are seven acts?" "Twelve," Harriet corrected, "but don't worry, you're in only eleven of them. Now then, Miss Wynter, when do you pr.. Julia Quinn
509c05a It was nearly impossible to keep anything a secret, especially from her sisters, the youngest of whom--Hyacinth--could probably have won the war against Napoleon in half the time if His Majesty had only thought to draft her into the espionage service. Julia Quinn
d77680b Never," he spat out, "kick a man who is pointing a gun at you." Julia Quinn
14b5ffd Oakley won't," the duke said. She turned and blinked. "I beg your pardon." "Lord Oakley. He won't forget to find us rooms. I've known him for years. The only thing that is making this bearable is that he must be dying inside over all this." "You don't like him?" "On the contrary. I've long considered him a friend. It's why I enjoy his misery so much." funny Julia Quinn
19f1170 No, of course not," Belle said, playfully swatting him on the shoulder. "I never, never even once thought I was making a mistake. I was just a bit at odds with myself because my wedding wasn't exactly how I dreamed it was going to be." "I'm sorry," John said softly. "No, no, don't be. Just because it wasn't what I thought I wanted doesn't mean it wasn't absolutely perfect. Oh, dear, am I making any sense at all.?" John nodded solemnly. "I t.. Julia Quinn
df92fed Most people would have probably lost count around seven. This was, Harry knew from his extensive reading on logic and arithmetic, the largest number that most people could visually appreciate. Put seven dots on a page, and most people can take a quick glance and declare, "Seven." Switch to eight, and the majority of humanity was lost." humanity numbers seven mathematics Julia Quinn