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abd26fe She slid a slim volume of poetry off the shelf and returned to her chair, swishing her rather unnattractive skirts before she sat down. Benedict frowned. He'd never really noticed before how ugly her dress was. Not as bad as the one Mrs. Cabtree had lent her, but certainly not anything designed to bring out the best in a woman. He ought to buy her a new dress. She would never accept it,of course, but maybe if her current garments were acci.. Julia Quinn
9f623ad And what renders him so unmarriageable?" Eloise asked. Francesca leveled a serious stare at her older sister. Eloise was mad if she thought she should set her cap for Michael. "Well?" Eloise prodded. "He could never remain faithful to one woman," Francesca said, "and I doubt you'd be willing to put up with infidelities." "No," Eloise murmured, "not unless he'd be willing to put up with severe bodily injury." -- Julia Quinn
59d6f0a His leg throbbed, but his heart felt lighter, and for the first time in years, the world seemed to be filled with possibility. "I love you," he said. And he thought to himself, That makes five. Five times he'd said it. It wasn't nearly enough. "And I love you." She bent down and kissed his leg. He touched his face and felt tears. He hadn't realized he was crying. "I love you," he said again." the-sum-of-all-kisses sarah julia-quinn Julia Quinn
92095d6 Oh, Daniel," his mother exclaimed, catching him before he could make his escape, "do come join us. We're trying to decide if Honoria should be married in lavender-blue or blue-lavender." He opened his mouth to ask the difference, then decided against it. "Blue-lavender," he said firmly, not having a clue as to what he was talking about. "Do you think so?" his mother responded, frowning. "I really think lavender-blue would be better." The ob.. julia-quinn daniel Julia Quinn
266ddce The ranks of society are once again filled with Ambitious Mamas, whose only aim is to see their Darling Daughters married off to Determined Bachelors Julia Quinn
8be9a64 Children," Lady Bridgerton said with a sigh as she retook her seat. "I am never quite certain if I'm glad I had them." Julia Quinn
1344143 When the dead body said, "Good evening," Annabel had to face the grim conclusion that it wasn't as dead as she'd hoped." Julia Quinn
2de551d Rehearsels, actually." "Rehearsals?" "For the-" Oh,no. "-musicale." The Smythe-Smith musical.It finished off what the Crusades had begun.There wasn't a man alive who could maintain a romantic thought when faced with the memory-or the threat-of a Smythe-Smith musicale." Julia Quinn
d13d17a You are so beautiful," he whispered. He stepped closer, but before she could touch him he took her hand and brought it to his lips. "When I saw you tonight I think my heart stopped beating." "And is it now?" she whispered. He took her hand and laid it over his heart. She could feel it pounding beneath his skin, almost hear it reverberating through her own body. He was so strong, and so solid, and so wonderfully male. "Do you know what I.. love share Julia Quinn
6fdc29a I think you're going to break more hearts this spring than I'll be able to count." "It isn't your job to count them," he said, his voice quiet and hard. "No, it isn't, is it?" She looked over at him and smile wryly. "But I'm going to end up doing it all the same, won't I?" "And why is that?" She didn't seem to have an answer to that, and then, just when he was sure she would say no more, she whispered, "Because I won't be able to stop mysel.. julia quinn
cccab00 He'd tried so hard to convince himself that it didn't matter if she loved him, that having her as his wife was enough. But now... Now that she'd said it, now that he knew, now that his heart had soared, he knew better. This was heaven. This was bliss. This was something he'd never dared hope to feel, something he never could have dreamed existed. This was love. --(Michael) Julia Quinn
c587fb4 A lot could happen in a week. Just look at the last one. Julia Quinn
c7b85a5 Love works in mysterious ways, live love Julia Quinn
6edbef1 Daniel immediately knelt at her side, pulling her close. "It's all right," he murmured. "Everything is going to be all right." Anne shook her head. "No, it's not." She looked up, her eyes shining with love. "It's going to be so much better." Julia Quinn
e356e4a Her hand tightened around the handle of the serving spoon. "Don't do it," he warned. "Do what?" "Throw the spoon." "I wouldn't dream of it," she said tightly. He laughed aloud. "Oh,yes you would. You're dreaming of it right now. You just wouldn't it." Sophie's hand was gripping the spoon so hard it shook. Benedict was chuckling so hard his bed shook. Sophie stood,still holding the spoon. Benedict smiled. "Are you planning to take that wit.. Julia Quinn
d6c1d52 Music was not so very different from mathematics. It was all just patterns and sequences. The only difference was that they hung in the air instead of on a piece of paper. Dancing was a grand equation. One side was sound, the other movement. The dancer's job was to make them equal. music dancer dancing math mathematics Julia Quinn
fba27b3 He smacked the heel of his hand against his forhead, as if that could knock the mental picture out of his head. Hell, he though irritably, he didn't want to knock the image just out of his head. He wanted to send it clear across the room and out the window. romance julia-quinn Julia Quinn
60d6cbb I had the pleasure of dining with your brother." "Gregory? Really? You'd classify it as a pleasure?" But he was grinning as he said it, and Honoria could instantly picture what life must be like in the Bridgerton household: a great deal of teasing and a great deal of love. "He was most gracious to me," she said with a smile. "Shall I tell you a secret?" Mr. Bridgerton murmured, and Honoria decided that in his case, it was right and proper t.. Julia Quinn
282d12c But he wanted to smile. He would have done, if he'd been able. Surely that had to be the most important thing. The jabbing at his leg stopped for a bit, then started up again. Then there was a lovely, short pause, and then- Damn, that hurt. But not enough to cry out. Although he might have moaned. He wasn't sure. They'd poured hot water on him. Lots of it. He wondered if they were trying to poach his leg. Boiled meat. How terribly British o.. Julia Quinn
8ab79f6 He'd thought he would stop looking for her. He was a practical man, and he'd assumed that eventually he would simply give up. And in some ways, he had. After a few months he found himself back in the habit of turning down more invitations than he accepted. A few months after that, he realized that he was once again able to meet women and not automatically compare them to her. But he couldn't stop himself from watching for her. He might not .. Julia Quinn
1df4c8b I love you," he said, and it felt as if the whole world settled into place when he finally told her. "I love you, and I cannot bear the thought of a moment without you. I want you at my side and in my bed. I want you to bear my children, and I want every bloody person in the world to know that you are mine." daniel-smythe-smith Julia Quinn
3e05c96 Look at me," John gasped. "I cannot remember the last time I allowed myself to be so happy. I smile all day long without knowing why. I climbed a bloody tree, vaulted through your window, and here I am--laughing.It's the middle of the night, and yet here I am with you. Dancing at midnight, holding perfection in my arms." -John Blackwood to Arabella Blydon" Julia Quinn
45faf9d It's just that I don't think friends tie friends to the bedpost." James choked on his tea. "Caroline, you have no idea." Julia Quinn
dbb5b7f He was proud and stubborn, and all the looked up to him. Men curried his favor, women flirted like mad. And all the while he'd been terrified every time he'd opened his mouth. Julia Quinn
0b82752 Elizabeth, you resemble nothing so much as a hen trying to hatch a book. elizabeth hen Julia Quinn
1abe871 For the love of God, woman, there's only one rule in that bloody book worth following.' 'And that is?' Elizabeth asked disdainfully. 'That you marry your damned marquis! Julia Quinn
768cdb1 She was so beautiful it made her teeth ache. He made a mental note not to attempt poetry. Julia Quinn
921aa3a Marcus's appearance the day before had been discussed, dissected, analyzed, and--by Lady Sarah Pleinsworth, Honoria's cousin and one of her closest friends --rendered into poetry. "He came in the rain," Sarah intoned. "The day had been plain." Honoria nearly spit out her tea. "It was muddy, this lane--" Cecily Royle smiled slyly over her teacup. "Have you considered free verse?" "--our heroine, in pain--" "I was cold," Honoria put in. Iris .. Julia Quinn
cfe651f If looks could have killed, Susan would have been bleeding profusely from the forehead. annoying Julia Quinn
70df737 It was juvenile, he knew, this need to assign blame, but everyone had a right to childish emotions from time to time, didn't they? love-story romance truthful Julia Quinn
a036784 Shake, Newton. Julia Quinn
9620162 And she never knew that he laid awake the whole time, his lips at her temple, his hand against her hair. Whispering her name. Whispering other words as well. michael-stirling unrequited-love Julia Quinn
9f97be6 There were a lot of things in life to be afraid of, but strangeness ought not be among them. Julia Quinn
dc26c2c Daniel chuckled. Whoever that poor girl was, he hoped his family was paying her well. And then, finally, she lifted her fingers from the keys as Daisy began her painful violin solo. He watched her exhale, stretching her fingers, and then . . . She looked up. Time stopped. It simply stopped. It was the most maudlin and cliched way of describing it, but those few seconds when her face was lifted toward his . . . they stretched and pulled, mel.. anne julia-quinn daniel Julia Quinn
a12d3dc What about me?" Frances asked. "The butler," Harriet replied without even a second of hesitation. Frances's mouth immediately opened to protest. "No, no," Harriet said. "It's the best role, I promise. You get to do everything." "Except be a unicorn," Daniel murmured. Frances tilted her head to the side with a resigned expression. "The next play," Harriet finally gave in. "I shall find a way to include a unicorn in the one I'm working on rig.. don-t-even-ask julia-quinn Julia Quinn
e59f847 Is your head bothering you?" Louisa asked. But she wasn't paying much attention. Frederick, her ridiculously fat basset hounds, had spotted a fellow canine in the distance and was yanking on the lead. "Frederick!" she yelped, tripping on a step or two before she found her footing. Frederick stopped, althought it wasn't clear if it was due to Louisa's hold on the lead or outright exhaustion. He let out a hugh sigh, and frankly, Annabel was s.. Julia Quinn
291c7e7 Why didn't you just let me run home?" she asked. "I wanted you here," he said simply. "But why?" she persisted. He shrugged. "I don't know.Punishment, perhaps, for spying on me." "I wasn't-" Sophie's denial was automatic, but she cut herself off halfway through, because of course she'd been spying on him. "Smart girl," he murmured. She scowled at him. She would have liked to have said something utterly droll and witty, but she had a feeling.. Julia Quinn
3b78922 You do realize, Kilmartin,' Colin said, his voice so soft it was almost chilling, 'that there is no reason you can't marry her. None at all. Except, of course,' he added, almost as an afterthought, 'the reasons you manufacture for yourself. Julia Quinn
f35036c He looked down at the first entry. 2 MARCH1810 Today I fell in love. A tear welled up in his eye. "Me too, my love. Me too." Julia Quinn
33df72d Stirlings of old had been so damned besotted with their newfound earldom that they couldn't think to put any other name on anything...It was a wonder he didn't drink Kilmartin Tea and sit on a Kilmartin-style chair. In fact, he probably would be doing just that if his grandmother had found a way to manage it without actually taking the family into trade. julia-quinn titles Julia Quinn
5d7c653 I have to go out," she said, her words oddly curt and abrupt. "There"s something I need to do." "At half eight in the morning?" "I"ll be back soon," she said, hurrying toward the door. "Don"t go anywhere." "Well, damn," he tried to joke, "there go my plans to visit the King." Julia Quinn
9925044 People saw what they expected to see. It was one of the basic truisms of life. truisim Julia Quinn
58e50f1 The girl doesn't need a violin," he added. "She needs to have her hands bound so she can never touch an instrument again." Julia Quinn
c1d5107 You don't have to kiss a lot of frogs to recognize a prince when you find one." -Henrietta Barrett, (Minx, Splendid Trilogy book #3)" romance Julia Quinn