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f020acf It wasn't one of my favorite boots," Marcus said, trying to cheer Miss Royle up. She looked as if someone had decapitated a puppy." Julia Quinn
cbf2750 All three men looked at the woman in the doorway, but they all saw different things. Alex saw a rather attractive young lady with a remarkable air of vitality in her silver eyes. John saw the woman he'd come to like and admire tremendously this past week, looking rather fetching and grown-up in her new gown and coiffure. Dunford saw an angel. Julia Quinn
3da4282 He saw nothing but the gentle ruffling of the leaves in the wind, but as he finished his sweep of the area, he somehow . "Sophie!" He heard a gasp, followed by a huge flurry of activity. "Sophie Beckett," he yelled, "if you run from me right now, I swear I will follow you,and I will not take the time to don my clothing." The noises coming from the shore slowed. "I catch up with you," he continued, "because I'm stronger and faster. And I .. Julia Quinn
6436902 You'll stay," he said firmly. "But-" He crossed his arms. "Do I look like a man in the mood to be argued with?" She stared at him mutinously. "If you run," he warned, "I catch you." Sophie eyed the distance between them, then tried to judge the distance back to My Cottage.If he stopped to pull on his clothing she might have a chance of escaping, but if he ... "Sophie," he said, "I can practically see the steam coming out of your ears. S.. Julia Quinn
fc29fae A man only got one shot at declaring himself to his true love; he didn't want to muck it up completely. Julia Quinn
373bcc2 Love was the best present of all... Julia Quinn
a3d32c3 In this room,in this minite,she was his everything Julia Quinn
5013419 Shall we return to the dining room?" Anthony queried. "I imagine you're hungry, and if we tarry much longer, Colin is sure to have eaten our host out of house and home." Eloise nodded. "Either that, or they've all killed him by now." Anthony paused to consider that. "It would save me the expense of a wedding." "Anthony!" "It's a joke, Eloise," he said, giving his head a weary shake. "Come along, now. Let's make sure your Sir Phillip still r.. Julia Quinn
5f827d0 Yes." She sighed again, with even more drama, not that Gregory would have imagined it possible. "It is all so romantic," she added. "The bride, the groom..." "Both are considered standard in the ceremony, I understand." His mother shot him a peevish look. "How could I have raised a son who is so unromantic?" Gregory decided there could not possibly be an answer to that." Julia Quinn
0b8b4c8 no one thought her the least bit unattractive, but at the same time, no one was dazzled by her beauty, stunned into speechlessness by her presence, or moved to write poetry in her honor. Men, she thought with disgust, were interested only in women who terrified them ... They all adored her, or so they said, because she was so easy to talk to, and she always seemed to understand how a man felt. As one of the men Daphne had thought might make.. Julia Quinn
dda8cdb You do remember my brothers?" Anthony queried politely. "Benedict and Colin. Benedict I'm sure you recall from Eton. He was the one who dogged our footsteps for three months when he first arrived." "Not true!" Benedict said with a laugh. "I don't know if you've met Colin, actually," Anthony continued. "He was probably too young to have crossed your path." "Pleased to meet you," Colin said jovially. Simon noted the rascally glint in the .. Julia Quinn
25253cc For a moment he could do nothing but close his eyes. Was this a taste of the rest of his life as Billie Bridgerton's husband? Was he destined to live in terror, wondering what sort of danger she'd thrown herself into that day? Was it worth it? "George?" she whispered. She sounded uneasy. Had she seen something in his expression? A sign of doubt? He touched her cheek, and he looked into her eyes. He saw his whole world there. "I love you," .. doubt world happiness love Julia Quinn
109e9fa Why don't you purchase an Italian dictionary? I will assume the expense." "I have one," she said, "but I don't think it's very good. Half the words are missing." "Half?" "Well, some," she amended. "But truly, that's not the problem." He blinked, waiting for her to continue. She did. Of course. "I don't think Italian is the author's native tongue," she said. "The author of the dictionary?" he queried. "Yes. It's not terribly idiomatic." humor italian dictionary Julia Quinn
c62ef20 He leaned down and whispered, "I love you," in Honoria's ear. Just because he wanted to. She didn't look up, but she smiled. And he smiled, too" Julia Quinn
269a5d8 Do you know what I like about you, Elizabeth?" She couldn't even possibly imagine. "You're as kind and good a person as they come," he continued, "but unlike most kind and good people, you don't preach or cloy, or try to make everyone else kind and good ... And underneath all that kindness and goodness, you seem to possess a wicked sense of humor, no matter how hard you occasionally try to suppress it." Julia Quinn
5ebfb1e Love your siblings. Love them well, for they are your blood, and when you are unsure,or times are difficult, they will be the ones to stand by your side. Julia Quinn
bf244df How delightful! Dunford had just come into an unexpected inheritance. She rather hoped it was something good. One of her friends had just unwillingly inherited thirty-seven cats. inheritance Julia Quinn
c18ef49 But when he said he couldn't shoot, it just seemed to make an odd sort of sense to tell him that Hermione couldn't dance. It fit, really. Men were supposed to shoot, and women were supposed to dance, and trusty best friends were supposed to keep their foolish mouths shut. Clearly, all three of them needed a bit of instruction. Julia Quinn
33123c9 Let it be said, Marcus thought dryly,that nothing cooled a man's ardor like the Crusades. Julia Quinn
e401a7f He always smelled like warm wood and brandy, even when he hadn't had a drop of drink. Funny how he managed that. Funny how his smell was in her bed. Henry's eyelids fluttered open. Funny how he was in her bed. Julia Quinn
98b79b6 Come along, Sally," she called out to her maid, who was lagging at least a dozen steps behind. "it's eraly," Sally moaned. "It's half seven," Olivia told her, holding steady for a few moments to allow Sally to catch up. "That's early." "Normally, I would agree with you, but as it happens I believe I am turning over a new leaf. Just see how lovely it is outside. The sun is shinning, there is music in the air..." "I hear no music," Sally grum.. Julia Quinn
9f9e410 What is this 'baronet'?" the prince asked. "Endlessly in between," Harry replied with a sigh. "A bit like purgatory, really." Julia Quinn
9872110 It's good that you can be horrid when neccesary. It's a useful skill." She leaned on her elbow, settling her chin onto her hand. "Funny, my brother never seemed to think so." Julia Quinn
f33c68c It's because she doesn't have eyelashes," Daisy said. Iris turned to her with complete calm and said, "I hate you." "That's a terrible thing to say, Daisy," Honoria said, turning on her with a stern expression. It was true that Iris was extraordinarily pale, with the kind of strawberry blond hair that seemed to render her lashes and brows almost invisible. But she'd always thought Iris was absolutely gorgeous, almost ethereal-looking. "If s.. Julia Quinn
aba80a2 That sounded good," Daisy said with surprise. "It sounded like a fish vomiting," Sarah said into the piano. "A charming image," Honoria remarked. "I don't think fish do vomit," Daisy remarked, "and if they did, I don't think it would sound like--" Julia Quinn
251fc2c Iris was interrupted by a resounding crash. Or not exactly a crash. More like a splintering sound. With a few pops. And twangs. "What was that?" Iris asked. "I don't know." Honoria craned her neck. "It sounded like--" "Oh, Honoria!" they heard Daisy shriek. "Your violin!" "What?" Honoria walked slowly toward the commotion, not quite able to put two and two together. "Oh, my heavens," Iris said abruptly, her hand coming to her mouth. She lay.. Julia Quinn
5c6d191 Blake looked around and gulped. He'd forgotten about the mess on the floor. Chamber pot shards, his shaving kit, a towel or two... "I... ah..." It seemed to him that it was far easier to lie for the sake of national security than it was to his older sister. "Is that a bar of soap stuck to the wall?" Penelope asked. "Um... yes, it appears to be." -- soap Julia Quinn
2c370f1 Grace-" He scowled, then laughed. "What the devil is your middle name?" "Catriona." she whispered. "Grace Catriona Eversleigh," he said, loud and sure, "I love you." Julia Quinn
ea74c34 The world seemed somehow different when one was lying down. Darker, more dangerous ... And in that moment, as he slowly closed the distance between them, he became her entire world. Julia Quinn
07137e0 You've already danced with him," Louisa said. Annabel nodded. "I know." "People will talk." Annabel turned and blinked, trying to set her cousin's face into focus. "People are already talking," she said. Louisa opened her mouth as if she planned to say more, but then she just smiled. "Annabel Winslow," she said softly, "I do believe you are falling in love." That snapped Annabel right out of her daze. "I'm not." "Oh, you are." "I hardly kno.. bevelstoke sebastian-grey ten-things-i-love-about-you julia-quinn Julia Quinn
696bb49 You'll lose your audience and then where will we be? We have future gray-eyed babies to feed, you know. bevelstoke sebastian-grey ten-things-i-love-about-you julia-quinn Julia Quinn
4574b78 This has been a perfect day," Anne said quietly. "Almost," Daniel whispered, and then she was in his arms again. He kissed her, but it was different this time. Less urgent. Less fiery. The touch of their lips was achingly soft, and maybe it didn't make her feel crazed, like she wanted to press herself against him and take him within her. Maybe instead he made her feel weightless, as if she could take his hand and float away, just as long a.. daniel Julia Quinn
24cc217 Sebastian Grey. The worrds rang like a miserable moan in her head. On the list of men she ought not to be kissing, he had to rank at the top, along with the King, Lord Liverpool, and the chimney sweep. Julia Quinn
8ed12a2 Is what worth it?' He let go of her hand just long enough to wave at the crowd. 'This. This endless parade of parties' ... She fell silent for a moment, her eyes taking on a faraway look as she said, 'But yes, I suppose it is worth it. It has to be worth it ... I want a husband. I want a family. It's not so silly when you think about it. I'm fourth of eight children. All I know are large families. I shouldn't know how to exist outside of on.. Julia Quinn
7d1e3b4 She tried to remind herself that beauty was only skin deep, but that didn't offer any helpful excuses when she was berating herself for never knowing what to say to people. There was nothing more depressing than an ugly girl with no personality. It hurts, because deep inside, she knew who she was, and that person was smart and kind and often very funny, but somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, a.. personality self-esteem Julia Quinn
ab0a709 What can I do for you, Mother?" he asked. "And don't say 'Dance with Hermione Smythe-Smith.' Last time I did that I nearly lost three toes in the process." "I wasn't going to ask anything of the sort," Violet replied. "I was going to ask you to dance with Prudence Featherington." "Have Mercy, Mother," he moaned. "She's even worse." "I'm not asking you to marry the chit," she said. "Just dance with her." Benedict fought a groan. Prudence Fea.. Julia Quinn
f1eea06 Miss Featherington!' Lady D boomed. 'You haven't told me who you suspect.' 'No, Penelope,' Colin said, a rather smirky smile on his face, 'you haven't.' Penelope's first instinct was to mumble something under her breath and hope that Lady Danbury's age had left her hard enough of hearing that she would assume that any lack of understanding was the fault of her own ears and not Penelope's lips. But even without glancing to her side, she coul.. Julia Quinn
93f08b4 Penelope gulped down the tea she'd been in the process of sipping. Colin had a way of looking at a person, his green eyes so focused and intent that you felt as if you must be the only two people in the universe. Unfortunately for Penelope, it also seemed to have a way of reducing her to a stammering imbecile. If they were in the midst of a conversation, she could generally hold her own, but when he surprised her like that, turning his atte.. Julia Quinn
f29f59e Oh, very well, do you want to know why Ireally think you should keep a journal?" She nodded. "Because someday you're going to grow into yourself, and you will be as beautiful as you already are smart. And then you can look back into your diary and realize just how silly little girls like Fiona Bennet are. And you'll laugh when you remember that your mother said your legs started at your shoulders. And maybe you'll save a little smile for me.. julia-quinn Julia Quinn
956a560 Caroline Trent hadn't meant to shoot Percival Prewitt, but she had, and now he was dead. Or at least she thought he was dead. Julia Quinn
4f56897 Forty-five minutes later, Benedict was slouching in his chair, his eyes glazed. Every now and then he had to stop and make sure his mouth wasn't hanging open. His mother's conversation was boring. The young lady she had wanted to discuss with him had actually turned out to be seven young ladies, each of which she him was better than the last. Benedict thought he might go mad. Right here in his mother's sitting room he was going to go st.. Julia Quinn
d289500 It was cold. Really cold. And there was an awful scurrying noise that definitely belong to a small, four-legged creature.Or even worse, a large, four-legged creature. Or to be more precise, a large version of a small, four-legged creature. Rats. "Oh,God," Sophie moaned. She didn't often take the Lord's name in vain, but now seemed as good a time as any to start. Maybe He would hear, and maybe He would smite the rats. Yes, that would do very.. Julia Quinn
172b41e What is there not to like about cupids?" "You don't find them rather dangerous?" "Chubby little babies?" "Carrying deadly weapons." Julia Quinn
39c4d10 If he hadn't married Iris, he'd want her for a friend Julia Quinn