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f513d7f You're twisting my words." "I think you are doing a fine job of twisting them yourself." Julia Quinn
a8eee7c Honoria had a plan. It had come to her in church that morning. (The ladies went; the gentlemen somehow managed to get out of it.) It wasn't terribly complicated; she needed only a sunny day, a halfway acceptable sense of direction, and a shovel. just-like-heaven julia-quinn Julia Quinn
52cfffd You should do that more often," he said. "Laugh, I mean." "I know." But that sounded sad, and she didn't want to be sad, so she added, "I don't often get to torture grown men, though." "Really?" he murmured. "I would think you do it all the time." She looked at him. "When you walk into a room," he said softly, "the air changes." -- love-story romance julia-quinn Julia Quinn
0eda2c0 Michael wondered what the legal ramifications were for strangling a knight of the realm. Surely nothing he couldn"t live with." Julia Quinn
025cbee If I wanted Belle," he cut in, "I would have asked her to marry me." He pulled her more tightly against him. "Henry, I love you. I'd love you if you wore a sackcloth. I'd love you if you had a mustache." He paused and tweaked her nose. "Well, the mustache would be difficult. Please promise me you won't grow one." Julia Quinn
b173f22 Finally, he reached his street. It was quiet, blessedly so, and the only sound was his own groan as he lifted his foot to the first stone step at the entrance to Winstead House. The only sound, that was, until someone whispered his name. He froze. "Anne?" A figure stepped out of the shadows, trembling in the night. "Daniel," she said again, and if she said anything more, he did not hear it. He was down the stairs in an instant, and she was .. anne julia-quinn daniel Julia Quinn
17180ed Alex finally turned around and noticed that there were three women in the room. He quickly swept his eyes over them, taking in their comfortable position. As his gaze settled on Emma, she lifted her teacup to her lips and took a sip. "My, my," he drawled, "aren't we the best of friends?" All three women shot him irritated glances. Alex looked a trifle disgruntled at their collective unfavorable response to his presence." Julia Quinn
f198543 she could not bear to let someone else perform a task when she could do it better herself. Julia Quinn
035d6f3 I wanted to skewer her with a stare, flay her with a frown, impale her with a--I say, what are you doing?" Charles would have answered her, but he was laughing so hard he was doubled over." Julia Quinn
9e40015 A misunderstanding?" Elizabeth echoed. "With an anvil?" "Oh, stop," Harriet admonished her. "I think he looks very dashing." "As if he dashed into an anvil." humor Julia Quinn
440872b Very well," he said with a small sigh. "Ladies today are so very capable. It breaks my hea rt, really." He leaned in, almost as if sharing a secret. "No one likes to feel superfluous." Grace just stared at him. "Rendered mute by my grace and charm," he said, stepping back to allow them to exit. "It happens all the time. Really, I shouldn"t be allowed near the ladies. I have such a vexing effect on you." Julia Quinn
9367742 I--" She swallowed, perhaps summoning her courage, then continued, "I would not lie to you and say that I did not want this." "Me," he cut in peevishly. "You wanted me." She closed her eyes. "Yes," she finally said, "I wanted you." Part of him wanted to interrupt again, to remind her that she still wanted him, that it wasn't and would never be in the past. "But I can't have you," she said quietly, "and because of that, you can't have me." A.. smyth-smith-quartet anne-wynter daniel-smythe-smith julia-quinn Julia Quinn
9419a7d This is why I didn't get married last year," she said to him. "I wouldn't be here to nurse you." She thought about that for a moment. "Of course, one could make the argument that you wouldn't be in this situation if not for me. But we're not going to dwell upon that." Julia Quinn
058a8af I don't think Henrietta suits anyone," she replied. Then she offered him her cheeky smile, and Alex saw in an instant why Dunford was falling like a rock for this girl. She had spirit, and although she didn't realize it yet, she had beauty, and Dunford didn't have a chance." Julia Quinn
148c15b I believe I may kill you before the season is out," Sarah remarked in much the same tone she used when saying, I believe I shall have lemonade instead of tea." Julia Quinn
987261b Honoria sighed. "We can't do what we did last year." "I don't see why not," Sarah said. "I can't imagine anyone would recognize it from our interpretation" Julia Quinn
641ba95 I may not like performing in musicales, but I love rehearsing with the three of you." Her three cousins stared at her, momentarily nonplussed. "Don't you realize how lucky we are?" Honoria said. And then, when no one leapt to agree, she added, "To have each other?" "Couldn't we have each other over a game of cards?" Iris suggested." Julia Quinn
3825e2c Listen to me," Iris said again. "If we attempt this piece, we will be massacred." "By whom?" Daisy asked. Iris just looked at her, completely unable to articulate a reply. "By the music," Sarah put in. "Oh, you've decided to join the discussion, then," Honoria said. "Don't be sarcastic," Sarah snipped. "Where were the two of you when I was trying to pick something out?" "They were moving the piano." "Daisy!" all three of them yelled. "What .. Julia Quinn
1ce7484 Go, go," she urged. "Don't worry about me. I'll find some other poor unsuspecting fool to torture. And yes, before you feel the need to protest, I did just call you a fool." "That, I think, may be the one privilege that consanguinity does allow." She cackled with delight. "You are a prince among nephews," she proclaimed. "Your second favorite," he murmured. "You'll rise to the top of the list if you find a way to destroy her violin." Julia Quinn
2da17ea Honoria Smythe-Smith," Sarah said, positively grinning, "I am so proud of you." "I would ask why," Honoria replied warily, "but I'm not sure I want to know the answer" Julia Quinn
3d0ead0 A shiver raced down Daphne's spine, causing her to sway. In just a moment, she would belong to this man forever. Simon's head turned slightly, his eyes darting to her face. his eyes asked. She nodded, a tiny little jog of her chin that only he could see. Something blazed in his eyes-- could it be relief? -- Gregory sneezed for a fourth time, then a fifth and sixth, completely obliterating the archbishop's "man and wife." Daphne felt a.. Julia Quinn
6788f6c I wasn't in any danger," Henry said quickly. "Dunford likes to exaggerate." "He does?" Alex asked, raising his brows. "He was very anxious," she told him, then turned to Emma as if she had to explain. "He gets very anxious." "Anxious?" Emma echoed. "Dunford?" Alex asked at the very same time. "You must be joking," Emma added, in a tone that suggested there could be no other possible alternative." Julia Quinn
877452d con-tu-ber-nal(noun). One who occupies the same tent; a tent-fellow, comrade. The thought of Percy Prewitt as my contubernal causes me to break out in hives. -From the personal dictionary of Caroline Trent Julia Quinn
563efca Are you certain you'll be happy?" she asked. Eloise smiled ruefully. "It's a little late to wonder, don't you think?" "It might be too late to do anything about it, but it's never too late to wonder." Julia Quinn
1f1b63f Neither one of you is going to kill, maim, attack, or even hug the other for at least thirty minutes. Julia Quinn
23afd1d Have you found the milk," he asked, "or must I venture out in search of a cow?" Julia Quinn
0e66e15 I should thank you'', she said. His lips stilled, and she felt him smile against his skin. ''For what?'' ''Everything, really. But mostly for being you personality love Julia Quinn
99dc879 You have asked her to marry you, I hope'' ''I might have demanded it'', he admitted. ''Even better marriage Julia Quinn
7b5eba1 But I wouldn't choose to spend time with them." Sebastian considered this, "Especially my father. As he's dead." Julia Quinn
f82f2df So when the weather wasn't too overbearingly hot he tucked her arm in the crook of his elbow, and they walked about town, running errands and asking questions. And falling in love love Julia Quinn
98b4c7c You have a freckle," he murmured. "Right" - he leaned down and dropped a light kiss near the inside of her elbow - "here." "You've seen it before," she said softly. It wasn't in an immodest spot; she had plenty of frocks with short sleeves. He chuckled. "But I've never given it it's proper due." "Really." "Mmm-hmm." He lifted her arm, twisting it just a bit so that he could pretend to be studying her freckle. "It is clearly the most de.. sex discovery love freckle investigation Julia Quinn
6d95ae0 Guilty?" George's face betrayed his surprise. "Whatever for?" "That neither of your brothers ever offered for me." Another thing she probably should not have said. But as it happened, Billie did think that Lady Manston felt this way. And when George's expression slid from curiosity to something that might have been jealousy... well, Billie could not help but feel a little pleased. "So I think she's trying to make it up to me," she said .. jealousy love idea Julia Quinn
759ee52 Francesca couldn't say anything, because that would just make her mother feel even worse, and so instead they stood there as they always did, thinking the same thing but never speaking of it, wondering which of them hurt more. Julia Quinn
582e29b He was always dependable, she realized. She was usually too busy being irritated by him to notice. Julia Quinn
be33348 Were you tempted?" "Of course not! Kate would slit my throat." "I'm not talking about what Kate would do to you if you strayed, although I'm of the opinion that she would not start at your throat." Julia Quinn
38d3219 What are you up to?" she asked. "Why would you think I'm up to anything?" Her lips pursed before she said, "You wouldn't be you if you weren't up to something." He smiled at that. "I do believe that was a compliment." "It wasn't necessarily intended as such." "But nonetheless," he said mildly, "that's how I choose to take it." Julia Quinn
319466a He made her miserable!" Benedict protested. "As her brothers, it's our duty to--" "Respect her intelligence enough to let her solve her own problems," Violet snapped." Julia Quinn
f7b39a6 A gentleman might have stopped then. She had climaxed, and she was still a virgin, and he was probably a beast for wanting to make love to her fully, but he simply couldn't...not. She was his. But not, he was coming to realize, quite as much as he was hers. Julia Quinn
a6283d4 Lovely house," Jack said, as he was led--hands still bound--through the grand entrance of Belgrave. He turned to the old lady. "Did you decorate? It has that woman"s touch." Miss Eversleigh was trailing behind, but he could hear her choke back a bubble of laughter. "Oh, let it out, Miss Eversleigh," he called over his shoulder. "Much better for your constitution." Julia Quinn
be75b4d His hand was on her arm, and he could feel her skin, feel the soft warmth of it, and then when he looked down, her face was tilted toward his, and her eyes, deep and blue but so completely unmysterious, were gazing up at him, and in truth there was no way--simply no way--he could do anything in that moment but kiss her. Anything else would have been a tragedy. Julia Quinn
0371049 I don"t know what to say," she whispered. "Normally, I"d advise ,,thank you," but as I am the one thanking you, a mere ,,You are a prince among men" would suffice." Julia Quinn
3e8dd7f Maybe this, then, was the definition of love. When you wanted someone, needed her, adored her still, even when you were utterly furious and quite ready to tie her to the bed just to keep her from going out and making more trouble. This Julia Quinn
1af52c7 He'd mesmerized her, held her soul captive. And she couldn't move. "Unless you want more than a dream," he said. She did. "Will you stay?" he whispered. "Or will you go?" Julia Quinn
9d909cc You are a Bridgerton. I don't care who you marry or what your name becomes when you stand up before a priest and say your vows. You will always be a Bridgerton, and we behave with honor and honesty, not because it is expected of us, but because that is what we are." Eloise" -- Julia Quinn