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9486d0d | Her goals had been the goals of radical women a century ago: to become a lawyer . . . to compete toe-to-toe with men. But like any second-hand goal, it felt like a burden. It had already been fulfilled ten million times over by other women. Penny wanted a dream of her own, but she had no idea how that dream would look. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
8dffc78 | I'm the one who still needs rewriting. Don't we all? | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
e1003d6 | I loathe the kind of game-show context in which so much of our lives is determined: proving my memory and mental skills in a sedentary situation under the pressure of limited time. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
c5d78c0 | The body ages, grows, passes through near-lunatic phases of reproductive frenzy, but you are born and die essentially the same person. That... that is proof of your deathless soul. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
aae0c66 | E cumplit de greu sa uiti de durere, dar e si mai greu sa-ti amintesti momentele minunate. Fericirea nu lasa cicatrici. Nu invatam mai nimic din perioadele de tihna. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
e435741 | By bitching and bitching and bitching, they could exhaust the drama of their own horror stories. Grow bored. Only then could they accept a new story for their lives. Move forward. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
d79ed98 | You're that tree falling in the forest that nobody gives a rat's ass about. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
0f9f8ab | Somewhere en route to Port Via in the New Hebrides, for my last meal I serve dinner the way I've always dreamed. Anybody caught buttering their bread before breaking it, I promise to shoot them. Anybody who drinks their beverage with food still in their mouth will also be shot. Anybody caught spooning toward themself will be shot. Anybody caught without a napkin in their lap- Anybody caught using their fingers to move their food- Anybody w.. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
9d924dd | To be or not to be. God's gift to animals is they don't get a choice. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
63767b6 | Days she's wasted locked up here in this room, and nothing she's done is half as good as the sketch of a chair she did while shitting her pants. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
758fe67 | The people I know who used to sit in the bathroom with pornography, now they sit in the bathroom with their IKEA furniture catalogue. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
6703270 | Adam said the other blessing you have to give up in the outside world is darkness. You can close your eyes, and sit in a cupboard, but that's not the same thing. The darkness at night in the church district colony is complete. The stars are thick above us in this kind of darkness. You can see how the moon is rough with mountain ranges and etched with rivers and smoothed with oceans. On a night without the moon or stars you can't see a thin.. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
1eba1fc | It's not that I want to get married. I admire guys who can commit to a tattoo. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
2af9249 | This is all my identification, my birth certificate, my everything. You can be Shannon McFarland from now on. My career. The ninety-degree attention. It's yours. All of it. Everything. I hope it's enough for you. It's everything I have left. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
4b64a22 | The same way a compact disk isn't responsible for what's recorded on it, that's how we are. You're about as free to act as a programmed computer. You're about as one-of-a-kind as a dollar bill | free-will freedom individualism individuality philosophical | Chuck Palahniuk | |
235d94c | Me, personally, I tell dude 137 how I'm adding an embossed slogan to my dildos. Cast in high-relief going around the base, it's going to say, "The Dick That Killed Cassie Wright..." On the thickest part, so if you twist it the letters of the writing stimulate the clit." | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
8aae2fc | If no sing, all youth condemned into poverty. Denied possible advancement and self-realization | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
e27dff7 | The sun's outside the bathroom window, trying to show us we're all being stupid. All you have to do is look around. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
eb10675 | For instance, if Jesus Christ had died in prison, with no one watching and with no one there to mourn or torture him, would we be saved? With all due respect. According to the agent, the biggest factor that makes you a saint is the amount of press coverage you get. | palahniuk religion | Chuck Palahniuk | |
1db2b97 | If you never been rabid, you ain't never lived. | living rabid | Chuck Palahniuk | |
b0b7197 | Ako ne znaesh kakvo iskash - kaza portier't, - nakraia ti se natrupvat suma ti neshcha, deto ne gi iskash. | fight-club | Chuck Palahniuk | |
d3db76f | n lns dh '`tqdw 'n tHtDr , y`Twnk kml htmmhm .. dh knt hdhh hy akhr mr@ yrwnk fyh yrwnk Hqan .. wynswn kl shy akhr `n dftr shykthm w'Gny lrdyw w l`ny@ bsh`rhm . nk tZhr bhtmmhm lkml .. | death novel | Chuck Palahniuk | |
0bd6817 | What they don't teach you in art school is never, ever to tell people you wanted to be an artist. Just so you know, for the rest of your life, people will torture you by saying how you used to love to draw when you were young. You used to love to paint. A couple drinks. A couple aspirin. Repeat. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
8a76490 | I fought against everything, but more and more I worry that I was never for anything... I can criticize and complain and judge everything, but what does that get me?... Griping isn't the same as creating something... Rebelling isn't rebuilding. Ridiculing isn't replacing... We've taken the world apart, but we have no idea what to do with the pieces... My generation, all of our making fun of things isn't making the world any better. We've sp.. | reflections | Chuck Palahniuk | |
decffb0 | The most I can ever do is write things down. To remember them. The details. To honor them in some way. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
e1d06b5 | I used to think the secret to a happy ending was to bring down the curtain at the exact right time. A moment after happiness, then everything's all wrong, again. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
92e0cc0 | A thud, and the second wheel hits the tarmac. The staccato of a hundred seat-belt buckles snapping open, and the single-use friend you almost died sitting next to says: I hope you make your connection. Yeah, me too. And this is how long your moment lasted. And life goes on. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
ffb5cad | Pretty much nobody is getting their emotional needs met. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
9461068 | How is it you can keep mutating and still be the same deadly virus? | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
482937c | Our real discoveries come from chaos. From going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
98fde90 | May I never be complete May I never be content May I never be perfect | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
ec37741 | Your being born make your parents God. You owe them your life, and they can control you. Then puberty makes you Satan just because you want something better. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
0f608b7 | Get out of here, and do your little life, but remember I'm watching you, Raymond Hessel, and I'd rather kill you than see you working a shit job for just enough money to buy cheese and watch television. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
b5d729f | In all seriousness, Archer claims that if you, as a living, alive person, hear the song "You're the One That I Want" from the musical Grease three times in a single day - seemingly by accident, whether in an elevator, on a radio, a telephone hold button, or whatever - it indicates that you'll surely die before sunset." | grease hell premonition | Chuck Palahniuk | |
3e5f251 | your folks are like God because you want to know they're out there and you want them to approve of your life, still you only call them when you're in crisis and need something. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
951acc8 | Cancer will be like that, I tell Marla. There will be mistakes, and maybe the point is not to forget the rest of yourself if one little part might go bad. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
0949d2c | Where I'm is one of those stair climbing machines the agent has installed. You climb and climb forever and never get off the ground. You're trapped in your hotel room. It's the mystical sweat love lodge experience of our time, the only sort of Indian vision quest we can schedule into our daily planner. Our StairMaster to Heaven. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
7a5fda6 | We are all self-composting. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
e2d04b2 | Jump to another weird sick disappointment just coming over the horizon. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
4dfc7c7 | This is how it is with insomnia. Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a copy. The insomnia distance of everything, you can't touch anything and nothing can touch you. | insomniacs | Chuck Palahniuk | |
bc48fd2 | You could choke on the silence. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
903a7bc | Overrun with Goths wearing sandals and soaking lentils at home, the future I wanted is gone. The future I was promised. Everything I expected. The way everything was supposed to turn out. Happiness and peace and love and comfort. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
0cb985a | My hips bristle with totems and talismans, proof that I am not simply a character in a fixed book or film. I am no single narrative. As neither Rebecca de Winter nor Jane Eyre, I am free to revise my story, to reinvent myself, my world, at any given moment. | Chuck Palahniuk | ||
94aac8b | I want you to know I won't always be here,' Fertility says, 'but I'll always find you. | Chuck Palahniuk |