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4eaafbb Pero que es la decencia? ?Negar todo lo que uno quiere verdaderamente? Laura Esquivel
5126155 One is never truly alone, even when our only company is our thoughts, because what are thoughts if not the memory of interactions with others? Laura Esquivel
e8f8a05 Para a mesa e para a cama, uma so vez se chama. como-Água-para-chocolate laura-esquivel mesa Laura Esquivel
e2b54ca Carefully studying the delicate form of the doll, she was thinking how easy it was to wish for things as a child. Then nothing seemed impossible. Growing up, one realizes how many things one cannot wish for, the things that are forbidden, sinful. Indecent. latin-american magic-realism Laura Esquivel
347369b The trouble with crying over an onion is that once the chopping gets you started and the tears begin to well up, the next thing you know you just can't stop. latin-american romance Laura Esquivel
a5b7052 I don't feel like getting my ass kicked by Braden, but for some crazy reason me walkin' out of here without me knowing you'll still be here drives me fucking insane," I admit, holding her gaze. "I won't leave here without you promising me you'll still be here, Megan." Emma Hart
3f93d16 You could go to the ends of the Earth and love would still follow you there. It's not a place or a memory, oh no. Love is something inside you, something that only you can feel, because your love is yours. You'll never leave it behind. You could go cross-country, cross oceans or travel to the moon and that love? It'll still be there, tucked away in a dark corner of your heart just waiting for you to acknowledge it. Emma Hart
0c65d96 Besides, I wouldn't say I was a bitch. I'm just brutally honest, and there is a difference. So it's a thin line, but it's there. Emma Hart
279ac9a I play more than dirty, sweetheart. I play downright filthy. Emma Hart
987fa92 I love you the way the center of my world should be loved. Emma Hart
dc7c992 We're oil and water. Chalk and cheese. Snow and sun. Equally, though, we're fire and gasoline, burning matches and fireworks, kindling wood and a bonfire. We're opposite but explosive. Opposite but unhealthy. Opposite and possibly a little bit toxic. A lot toxic, because the man riles me up like no other. Emma Hart
8c9b356 Tonight has been the craziest, most insane night of perhaps my entire life--except the one I was born. I imagine that's insane, coming out of a vagina and all that. Emma Hart
3dc3e6c pull my gun from the boot. His eyebrows go up, his smirk growing, and I put it back. "But neither Chucks nor heels hide a gun," Emma Hart
3e356de Cupcakes are like sex for stress. Just a lot cleaner and slightly less pleasurable. Emma Hart
5d0599d I look at him like he's the north to my south, the east to my west. I look at him like he's the song to my silence. I look at him like he's the constellation to my night sky. He is. He's all those things and more. Emma Hart
8e91d0c Once again confirms that there is no such thing as genetically pure classification into different races. Bryan Sykes
3cad518 The path is a ribbon of moonlight across a dusky sea. The wind sings a song that beckons us To that great and mighty tree. We are the Greenowls of Ambala, clad in raiments of moss, Sprigged with lichens and grasses Then gilded with silvery frost. Fair and square we play- for a sporting lot we are. We ride the boisterous Balefire gusts And we reach for every star. Kathryn Lasky
d42c777 I am like glass to him, like water . . Kathryn Lasky
fcb2f8f Indeed, nobility is not always found in the flash of battle claws or flying through the embered wakes of firestorms, or even in making strong the weak, mending the broken, vanquishing the proud, or making powerless those who abuse the frail." Soren's gizzard grew quiet as Boron spoke. "It is also found in the resolute heart, the gizzard that can withstand the temptations of false dreams, the mind that has the imagination to comprehend anoth.. Kathryn Lasky
7b6fce9 Set your wings upon the sea wind Set your eyes upon the stream Feel the billow of the updraft And believe in your dream Know the mercy of these waters Know the safety of the sky Hear the voices in the distance And believe - they will not lie. Kathryn Lasky
6225b41 At the edge of the avalanche At the glacier's icy rim Grows the flower of the snowfields Trembling in the wintry wind. It dares to live in edges Where naught else would ever grow. So fragile, so unlikely An owl slices through this blow. She dares the katabats Her gizzard madly quivers, But for her dearest of friends She vows she shall deliver. Like the lily of the avalanche The glacier's icy rose Like a flower of the wind The bright fiercen.. Kathryn Lasky
30267ca And the beautiful are forgiven; no matter how egregious their shortcomings, they are forgiven. Alexander McCall Smith
ca59571 None of us knows how we will cope with snakes until the moment arises, and then most of us find out that we do not do it very well. Snakes were one of the tests which life sent for us, and there was no telling how we might respond until the moment arrived. Snakes and men. These were the things sent to try women, and the outcome was not always what we might want it to be. Alexander McCall Smith
dd8b2f1 has it ever occurred to people that love at first sight might be the rule rather than the exception? How many people fall in love gradually rather than on the first occasion they meet the other person? Alexander McCall Smith
fc2e256 There's a difference, I think, between falling in love and knowing it. Alexander McCall Smith
7671cd5 Anthropology, she thought, like charity, surely begins at home. Alexander McCall Smith
36901a3 We chose younger and younger politicians to lead us because they looked good on television and were sharp. But really we should be looking for wisdom, and choosing people who had acquired it; and such people, in general, looked bad on television - gray, lined, thoughtful. television youth politicians Alexander McCall Smith
48097e3 Women, as usual, were expected to behave better than men, and inevitably attracted criticism for doing things that men were licensed to do with impunity. Alexander McCall Smith
86436ef The problem with being me, thought Isabel, as she walked along George IV Bridge, is that I keep thinking about the problem of being me. Alexander McCall Smith
ecd2f7d There are so many ways of falling off the high moral ground you've carefully built up for yourself. Moral ground is like that--slippery at the edges. Alexander McCall Smith
3e5866f The value of money is subjective, depending on age. At the age of one, one multiplies the actual sum by 145,000, making one pound seem like 145,000 pounds to a one-year-old. At seven - Bertie's age - the multiplier is 24, so that five pounds seems like 120 pounds. At the age of twenty four, five pounds is five pounds; at forty five it is divided by 5, so that it seems like one pound and one pound seems like twenty pence. (All figures courte.. Alexander McCall Smith
2eb13db Resolution. Musicians know all about that, don't they? Pieces of music seek resolution, have to end on a particular note, or it sounds all wrong. The same applies to our lives. It's exactly the same. Alexander McCall Smith
bc80ba7 Moisturiser and a good cry: two things for modern men to think about. Alexander McCall Smith
8e3dca1 Mma Ramotswe had listened to a World Service broadcast on her radio one day which had simply taken her breath away. It was about philosophers who called themselves existentialists and who, as far as Mma Ramotswe could ascertain, lived in France. These French people said that you should just live in a way which made you feel real, and that the real thing to do was the right thing too. Mma Ramotswe had listened in astonishment. You did not ha.. morality philosophy Alexander McCall Smith
d927802 Well," said Mma Ramotswe, "I have felt that anger. I felt it when I saw that the van had gone. I felt it a bit in the truck on the way back. But what is the point of anger now, Mma? I don't think that anger will help us." Mma Makutsi sighed. "You are right about anger," she said. "There is no point in it." Alexander McCall Smith
c38284d So it was perfectly possible that there were men who liked shopping, men who understood exactly what it was all about, but Mma Ramotwe had yet to meet such a man. Maybe they existed elsewhere - in France, perhaps - but they did not seem to be much in evidence in Botswana. mma-ramotswe humour Alexander McCall Smith
8041e31 It was just too easy to say that adults did not like stories that were simple, and perhaps that was wrong. Perhaps that was what adults really wanted, searched for and rarely found: a simple story in which good triumphs against cynicism and dispair. That was what she wanted, but she was aware of the fact that one did not publicise the fact too widely, certainly not in sophisticated circles. Such circles wanted complexity, dysfunction and ir.. Alexander McCall Smith
8190b96 It is the search for beauty...That is what it is. We find ourselves on this earth--gods and men--and we know that it is beautiful. That is one of the few things we understand--beauty; because it is there, in the world, and we can see it all about us. We want beauty. It requires our love. It just does. Alexander McCall Smith
729177e Will he come to me, Dream Angus, Come quietly through the evening light, Come when I do not expect him, and I am sleepy, Come when I am drowsy, when I am ready for rest; Will he come to me, Dream Angus? ... Will I see the birds about his head, The birds that are his kisses? Will I believe that each of us, Even he who thinks himself unloved, May be transformed, made different By one who finds him marvellous? Will I think that? ... .. ease-of-mind Alexander McCall Smith
44ef0be Dislike required energy and a good memory for slights; geniality was so much less demanding, and at the end of the day felt better too. Alexander McCall Smith
3893f93 What does it matter, she thought, if businesses are left unattended, if people are not always as we want them to be; we need the time just to be human, to enjoy something like this: a boy chasing ants, a dry land drinking at last, birds in the the sky, a rainbow. Alexander McCall Smith
476c815 It is hard, she thought, it is hard for us to think of people who dislike us because none of us, in our heart, believes that we deserve the hatred of others. hatred Alexander McCall Smith
fb71196 The trouble with technology is that it's dehumanised us - it's removed the restraints of ordinary human interactions. So we lose the notion that the person with whom we're dealing is a person like us, with failings and feelings. It's exactly the same as in wartime. When people are engaged in conflict, they very easily lose sight of the humanity of the other. They become capable of doing things that they would never do in their ordinary live.. Alexander McCall Smith
fef5b86 Hospitals were to her a memento mori in bricks and mortar; an awful reminder of the inevitable end that was coming to all of us but which she felt was best ignored while one got on with the business of life. Alexander McCall Smith