Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
647412f | They're walking around in clothing but they're still the same animals who lived in caves, feared the dark, and smashed one another over the head for beans. | Rita Mae Brown | ||
883f229 | I hope there is a special hell for people who mistreat animals. | animals-rights | Rita Mae Brown | |
2998fe5 | small log cabin once stood near the creek, but as the Jones family's fortunes | Rita Mae Brown | ||
b64bde2 | Raleigh | Rita Mae Brown | ||
c04fb78 | full bloom, the pastures turning an impossible emerald green, she | Rita Mae Brown | ||
9faf9ef | A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.' Rita Mae Brown | Daniel Chidiac | ||
7778b0b | The Prodigal Dark morning rain Meant to fall On a prison and a schoolyard, Falling meanwhile On my mother and her old dog. How slow she shuffles now In my father's Sunday shoes. The dog by her side Trembling with each step As he tries to keep up. I am on another corner waiting With my head shaved. My mind hops like a sparrow In the rain. I'm always watching and worrying about her. Everything is a magic ritual, A secret cinema, The way.. | Charles Simic | ||
a272a5f | In the circle of yellow lamplight, These few roof-beams and columns Of what could be a Mogul Emperor's palace. The Prince chews his long nails, The Princess lowers her green eyelids. They both smoke too much, Never go to bed before daybreak. | Charles Simic | ||
b006753 | Most of the American films were made in southern California, so if you were in Europe, watching those palm trees swaying in the wind with someone like Rita Hayworth gliding underneath them in a white convertible, you got all kinds of wonderfully wrong ideas about the place. | Charles Simic | ||
44b3b90 | Once I knew, then I forgot. It was as if I had fallen asleep in a field only to discover at waking that a grove of trees had grown up around me. "Doubt nothing, believe everything," was my friend's idea of metaphysics, although his brother ran away with his wife. He still bought her a rose every day, sat in the empty house for the next twenty years talking to her about the weather. I was already dozing off in the shade, dreaming that the .. | the-self | Charles Simic | |
3d19561 | Charles Simic once said that when you lean over to lace up your shoes, you "look into the earth." Simon Strantzas knows the truth of it. He's come with shovel and pickaxe to show you the way." | Simon Strantzas | ||
3d63340 | Son manosas las palabras, y rebeldes, y huidizas. No les gusta ser domesticadas. Domar una palabra (convertirla en un topico) es acabar con ella. | Rosa Montero | ||
8a88f35 | She spent the vestigial hours of the night huddled in a large wing-chair, looking too small for it, her little harmonica-sized transistor radio purring away at her elbow. She kept it on the Paterson station, WPAT, which stayed on all night. There were others that did too, but they were crawling with commercials; this one wasn't. It kept murmuring the melodies of Roberta and Can-Can and My Fair Lady, while the night went by and the world, ou.. | radio-shows | Cornell Woolrich | |
17664f2 | She was the kind of shopkeeper who finishes the paragraph she is reading before waiting on the customer. | service cashiers shopkeeper | Cornell Woolrich | |
68bc3e6 | The hallmarks of the noir style are fear, guilt and loneliness, breakdown and despair, sexual obsession and social corruption, a sense that the world is controlled by, malignant forces preying on us, a rejection of happy endings and a preference for resolutions heavy with doom, but always redeemed by a breathtakingly vivid poetry of word (if the work was a novel or story) or image (if it was a movie). ("Introduction")" | noir noir-fiction crime | Francis M. Nevins | |
ba80694 | His most characteristic detective stories end with the realization that no rational account of events is possible, and his suspense stories tend to close with terror not dissipated but omnipresent, like God. ("Introduction")" | crime-fiction noir noir-fiction | Francis M. Nevins | |
eace725 | In Woolrich's crime fiction there is a gradual development from pulp to noir. The earlier a story, the more likely it stresses pulp elements: one-dimensional macho protagonists, preposterous methods of murder, hordes of cardboard gangsters, dialogue full of whiny insults, blistering fast action. But even in some of his earliest crime stories one finds aspects of noir, and over time the stream works itself pure. In mature Woolrich the world .. | fiction cornell-woolrich the-great-depression pulp noir crime police | Francis M. Nevins | |
0db8513 | The cemetery watchman left the room and returned with a tray holding three small skulls and a large one. I could feel the short hairs on the back of my neck standing up of their own accord. None of them were real though; they were wood or celluloid imitations. They all had flaps that opened at the top; one was a jug and the other three steins. | pulp secret-society secret-societys | Cornell Woolrich | |
3cf9a17 | All we can do about this nightmare we live in is to create, if we are very lucky, a few islands of love and trust to sustain us and help us forget. But love dies while the lovers go on living, and Woolrich excels at making us watch while relationships corrode. He knew the horrors that both love and lovelessness can breed, yet he created very few irredeemably evil characters; for with whoever loves or needs love, Woolrich identifies, all of .. | life crime-fiction noir noir-fiction | Francis M. Nevins | |
ada3d05 | The story thread suddenly dropped in a hopeless snarl, just as he was about to get it through the needle's eye of the first line. | Cornell Woolrich | ||
6ed6459 | We don't marry women, he thought; we marry angels, and in this moment or two of the marriage act, the scales fall from our eyes and we see them as they really are, perhaps never to glimpse it again. How lovely she is, how unearthly lovely. | marriage love | Cornell Woolrich | |
5aa4dbd | Lew had never seen a dead man before. He just stood there, and looked and looked. Then he went a step closer, and looked some more. 'So that's what it's like!' he murmured inaudibly. Finally Lew reached out slowly and touched him on the face, and cringed as he met the clammy feel of it, pulled his hand back and whipped it down, as though to get something off it. The flesh was still warm and Lew knew suddenly he had no time alibi. He threw.. | dying | Cornell Woolrich | |
bad29c6 | He was standing by the window, looking down, when I went in. Even the sight of his back, sloping a little at the top with the inclination of his head, did something to me. And anyone that can love a back, can love. ("Don't Wait Up For Me Tonight")" | Cornell Woolrich | ||
8e6ad40 | I didn't look over my shoulder; there wasn't a sound behind me on the pavement, but I knew he was coming slowly after me. The crawl of the skin up and down my back told me. Little needles of warning that gathered at the back of my skull told me. I'd never known until then that the jungles aren't so very far behind us, after all, and tails, and four feet instead of two. Where else did those symptoms come from? ("Don't Wait Up For Me, Tonight.. | stalking suspense | Cornell Woolrich | |
8b81798 | He should have caught up with me inside of fifteen minutes at the outside, if he'd been able to get on the next train after mine. But then there was that station agent to be considered. And Rafe didn't have a solitary coin on him; he'd have to break one of those fifties. I now remembered something that I'd been noticing half my life and that had never meant anything to me until today - a little sign outside each subway change booth, advisin.. | Cornell Woolrich | ||
f0fe496 | The old frame house down near the waterfront had never held so many people since the day it was put up. It must have been a pleasant place fifty years before: trees overhanging the limpid water, cows grazing in the meadows on both sides of the river, little frame houses like this one dotting the banks here and there. It wasn't a pleasant place any more: garbage scows, coal yards, the river a greasy gray soup. Dead-end blocks of decrepit ten.. | urban-decay waterfront | Cornell Woolrich | |
2cdd64e | Murder is such an elastic term, isn't it? ("Mind Over Murder")" | Cornell Woolrich | ||
6c99a90 | El amor apasionado, ese que te abre las puertas al paraiso, es raro y exquisito. Y solo soportan esta intensidad los seres fuertes, aquellos que no se escapan ante el primer desafio. Por eso muchos jamas lo conocen, muchos claudican ante la primera incomodidad. | Hania Czajkowski | ||
5de99fc | Ser maldito es saber que tu discurso no puede tener eco, porque no hay oidos que lleguen a entenderte. En esto se parece a la locura --solto de repente Soledad--. Ser maldito es no coincidir con tu tiempo, con tu clase, con tu entorno, con tu lengua, con la cultura a la que se supone que perteneces. Ser maldito es desear ser como los demas pero no poder. Y querer que te quieran pero solo producir miedo o quiza risa. Ser maldito es no soport.. | Rosa Montero | ||
5f58831 | Cuando morimos nos llevamos un pedazo del mundo. | Rosa Montero | ||
7aea0f2 | Marie Curie no fue solo la primera mujer en recibir un premio Nobel y la unica en recibir dos, sino tambien la primera en licenciarse en Ciencias en la Sorbona, la primera en doctorarse en Ciencias en Francia, la primera en tener una catedra... Fue la primera en tantos frentes que resulta imposible enumerarlos. Una pionera absoluta. Un ser distinto. Tambien fue la primera mujer en ser enterrada por sus propios meritos en el Panteon de Hombr.. | Rosa Montero | ||
d0445c1 | La #Intimidad: no tener muy claro donde acabas tu y empieza el otro. Y saberlo todo de esa persona, o al menos saber tanto. En | Rosa Montero | ||
ce1b1ef | Te joden bien, tu padre y tu madre. Quiza no sea su intencion, pero lo hacen. Te han colmado con los fallos que ellos tenian Y han anadido algo extra, solo para ti. Pero ellos fueron jodidos a su vez Por cretinos vestidos con abrigos y sombreros anticuados, Que la mitad del tiempo se comportaban entre nonos y severos Y la otra mitad se la pasaban peleando. La miseria se transmite de persona en persona. Se va haciendo tan honda como una fosa.. | Rosa Montero | ||
1325029 | Las chicas de hoy tienen una Lady Gaga, que se viste de hombre, de mujer o de filete de ternera, segun le viene en gana. | Rosa Montero | ||
aa00a7d | Era ese momento de la alta madrugada en el que la noche esta a punto de rendirse al dia y hay un tiempo que parece estar fuera del tiempo. Un instante de pura eternidad. | Rosa Montero | ||
fea4d75 | Ya no quiero pensar mas en vivir para mi misma, ya no tengo el deseo ni la facultad para ello, ya no me siento para nada viva ni joven, ya no se que es la alegria ni el placer. | Rosa Montero | ||
479cf38 | Pero supongo que hace falta vivir mucho, y lograr aprender de lo vivido, para llegar a comprender que no hay nada tan importante ni tan esplendido como el canto de una nina bajo una higuera. | Rosa Montero | ||
f8100d8 | El amor es una mentira, pero funciona. | Rosa Montero | ||
d871f9d | nuestros prejuicios nos encierran, nos achican la cabeza, nos idiotizan; y cuando estos prejuicios coinciden, como suele suceder, con la convencion mayoritaria, nos convierten en complices del abuso y la injusticia, como en el caso de Wilde. | Rosa Montero | ||
b52048d | Ir en contra de la corriente general es algo sumamente incomodo. Puede que la mayoria de las miserias morales e intelectuales se cometan por eso: por no contradecir las ideas de tus patronos, de tus vecinos, de tus amigos. Un pensamiento independiente es un lugar solitario y ventoso. | Rosa Montero | ||
43a3f6c | Volvieron a quedarse en silencio, pero era un silencio lleno de compania. | amor | Rosa Montero | |
89fda17 | Asi se van perdiendo los dias y la vida, en el despenadero de la desmemoria. | Rosa Montero | ||
4b33a6b | comprendio el papel decisivo que podrian tener los rayos X si conseguia llevarlos al frente, porque permitirian calibrar las fracturas y encontrar y extraer la metralla minimizando la violencia quirurgica. En un tiempo record, Madame Curie convencio de su proyecto a las autoridades, se apropio de los aparatos de rayos X que habia en las universidades o en las consultas de los medicos movilizados, consiguio que le cedieran suficientes vehicu.. | Rosa Montero | ||
a74511d | Sabe el traidor quien es? Si, como es evidente, dependemos para construir nuestra identidad de lo que los demas opinan de nosotros, el traidor ha de ser por fuerza un sujeto confuso. Hay traidores que practican la impostura prolongada, como los espias, y otros que cometen su traicion de manera definitiva e instantanea. Pero todos defraudan la confianza que los demas han depositado en ellos. Esto es, rompen la continuidad de su propia imagen.. | Rosa Montero |