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2c39f68 she explained why all the normal acts of life had become small acts of rebellion and political insubordination to her and to other young people like her. All her life she was shielded. She was never let out of sight; she never had a private corner in which to think, to feel, to dream, to write. She was not allowed to meet any young men on her own. Her family not only instructed her on how to behave around men--they seemed to think they coul.. Azar Nafisi
d592102 Putting the pastries onto a large tray, I asked Manna if she envisioned the words to her poems in colors. Nabokov writes in his autobiography that he and his mother saw the letters of the alphabet in color, I explained. He says of himself that he is a painterly writer. The Islamic Republic coarsened my taste in colors, Manna said, fingering the discarded leaves of her roses. I want to wear outrageous colors, like shocking pink or tomato red.. Azar Nafisi
6482d1d We lived in a culture that denied any merit to literary works, considering them important only when they were handmaidens to something seemingly more urgent--namely ideology. This was a country where all gestures, even the most private, were interpreted in political terms. The colors of my head scarf or my father's tie were symbols of Western decadence and imperialist tendencies. Not wearing a beard, shaking hands with members of the opposi.. Azar Nafisi
dbf5690 Experience had proven that the only way these regulations would be heeded was if they were implemented by force. Azar Nafisi
091ad21 Again she repeated that she would never get married, never ever. She said that for her a man always existed in books, that she would spend the rest of her life with Mr. Darcy--even in the books, there were few men for her. What was wrong with that? Azar Nafisi
247a7e2 Sempre mantive o habito prazeroso dos tempos de faculdade, de sublinhar passagens e fazer anotacoes. Grande parte de minhas notas de Orgulho e Preconceito, A herdeira, O morro dos ventos uivantes, Madame Bovary e Tom Jones foi feita durante as noites de insonia. 224 Azar Nafisi
9cfd168 The only way to leave the circle, to stop dancing with the jailer, is to find a way to preserve one's individuality, that unique quality which evades description but differentiates one human being from the other. totalitarianism women-writers Azar Nafisi
d50c619 Between my first book tour, in 2003, and the next one, in 2009, many of the places I visited had undergone a significant transformation or vanished: Cody's in Berkeley, seven branch libraries in Philadelphia, twelve of the fourteen bookstores in Harvard Square, Harry W. Schwartz in Milwaukee and, in my own hometown of Washington, D.C., Olsson's and Chapters. reading publishing bookstores Azar Nafisi
4cd79d1 We were all victims of the arbitrary nature of a totalitarian regime that constantly intruded into the most private corners of our lives and imposed its relentless fictions on us. Was this rule the rule of Islam? What memories were we creating for our children? This constant assault, this persistent lack of kindness, was what frightened me most. Azar Nafisi
f70856e The Islamic Revolution, as it turned out, did more damage to Islam by using it as an instrument of oppression than any alien ever could have done. oppression Azar Nafisi
4816704 Don't go chasing after the grand theme, the idea, I told my students, as if it is separate from the story itself. The idea or ideas behind the story must come to you through the experience of the novel and not as something tacked onto it. Azar Nafisi
51a22f8 Those who judge must take all aspects of an individual's personality into account. It is only through literature that one can put oneself in someone else's shoes and understand the other's different and contradictory sides and refrain from becoming too ruthless. Outside the sphere of literature only one aspect of individuals is revealed. But if you understand their different dimensions you cannot easily murder them... literature Azar Nafisi
bb66dce Had I been able to formulate my first impressions of the United States, I might have said that there was a place in America called Kansas, where people could find a magic land at the heart of a cyclone. reading Azar Nafisi
5b3e7a6 When the girls left that afternoon, they left behind the aura of their unsolved problems and dilemmas. I felt exhausted, I chose the only way I knew to cope with problems. I went to the refrigerator, scooped up the coffee ice cream. Poured some cold coffee over it, looked for walnuts, discovered we had none left, went after almonds, crushed them with my teeth and sprinkled them over my concoction. Azar Nafisi
caa3599 Reading a novel is not an exercise in censure. Azar Nafisi
1cfc961 you cannot just be stubborn against something, you need to be sib born for something as well Azar Nafisi
66a6945 Equally scandalized by this election are the colorful band of lipstick jihadi Hirsi Ali wannabes who are writing one erotic fantasy after another about Iranian "women," oversexualizing Iranian politics as they opt for "love and danger" during their "honeymoon in Tehran." The representation of Iranian women in the flea market of the US publishing industry began under President Bush with Azar Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran and has now reac.. Hamid Dabashi
90b215b You teach them very litter?" "Why should we? It only leads to trouble and discontent. We amuse them." neil-postman H. G. Wells
a43f16d You're right,' said the corporal. 'It serves editors like that right. They only stir the people up. Last year when I was still only a lance-corporal I had an editor under me and he called me nothing else but a disaster for the army, but when I taught him unarmed drill and he sweated, he always used to say: "Please respect the human being in me." But I gave him hell for his human being when the order was "flat down" and there were a lot of p.. Jaroslav Hašek
4a07b42 E muito mau sinal - prosseguiu Svejk - que uma pessoa comece de repente a dar-se a umas consideracoes filosoficas quaisqueres, pois isso traz sempre um cheiro a delirium tremens. Jaroslav Hašek
590d79f Aqui, na maioria dos casos, desvanecia-se toda a logica e vencia o SS, endoidecia o SS, escumava o SS, ria o SS, ameacava o SS, e nao conhecia perdao. Eram malabaristas de leis, comedores de letras de decretos-lei, devoradores de acusados(...) Eram excepcao alguns poucos senhores(...) que nao levavam a lei tanto a serio(...) Foi a um desses senhores que levaram Svejk para interrogatorio. Um homem ja de certa idade e de aspecto bondoso que e.. Jaroslav Hašek
3f311c8 Quem se poe com conversas de duplo sentido tem de pensar primeiro no que se esta a meter. Uma pessoa recta que fala conforme lhe cresceu o bico raramente leva no trombil. E se ja levou uma data de vezes, tanto mais se poe a pau, e na duvida fecha a cloaca em publico. Jaroslav Hašek
85dc365 Ja estou farto disto - exclamou o segundo cabo. - Entao e um homem feliz - disse Svejk. - Algumas pessoas nunca se fartam. Jaroslav Hašek
78f756d Nao leves o teu servidor a julgamento, pois nenhum homem se justificara perante ti se nao lhe concederes o perdao de todos os seus pecados, pelo que te rogo que nao lhe tornes muito pesado o teu veredicto. Peco a tua ajuda e encomendo nas tuas maos, Senhor, o meu espirito. Jaroslav Hašek
8dc280c Entao la o enforcamos, mas so ficou pendurado por alguns segundos, que a corda rompeu-se e ele caiu ao chao, mas logo veio a si e se pos a gritar para mim: <>(...) Jaroslav Hašek
d0feddd Resumindo, os hungaros sao uma rale que ai anda(...) - Tambem ha um hungaro ou outro que nao tem culpa de ser hungaro. Jaroslav Hašek
4fd5a9f O orgulho antecede a queda. Toda a gloria e efemera. Icaro queimou as asas. O ser humano gostava de ser um gigante - mas e o caralho, camarada. Nao ha que acreditar no acaso e dar-se estalos de manha e a noite para se lembrar que o cuidado nunca e de mais, e que o que e de mais faz mal. Depois de bacanais e orgias, vem sempre a ressaca moral. E uma lei da natureza, meu caro amigo. Jaroslav Hašek
d94cc6d uma vez li, declaro obedientemente, que houve uma grande batalha em que tombou um rei sueco juntamente com o seu fiel cavalo. Levaram as duas carcacas para a Suecia, e agora os dois cadavares estao empalhados num museu em Estocolmo. Jaroslav Hašek
21b015d Havia um tenente Prochazka que nao ralhava muito. Apenas chamava ao seu ordenanca: <>. O seu ordenanca, um tal Hibman, nunca lhe ouviu outro improperio. Esse Hibman habituou-se tanto ao tratamento que, quando passou para a vida civil, tambem tratava o paizinho, a maezinha e as irmas por <>, e tambem disse isso a sua noiva, que se separou dele e o pos em tribunal por ofensas morais (...) Jaroslav Hašek
e073047 Nao ha nada pior para se trabalhar que um povo como o daquelas bandas, que nao sabe ler nem escrever e so assina com tres cruzinhas, o que a nossa intendencia sabia muito bem, de forma que, quando mandavamos ir buscar dinheiro a intendencia, nao podiamos anexar recibos falsificados em como eu lhes tinha entregado dinheiro em pagamento, coisa que so se pode fazer naqueles locais onde o povo e mais culto e sabe assinar o seu nome. Jaroslav Hašek
3423b95 My old mum always said, if brains was gunpowder he couldn't blow his fucking eyebrows off. Martina Cole
680f227 Pero la ausencia de pruebas no es prueba de ausencia. Michael Crichton
bbbd26f Como bien sabes, una cosa puede ser precisa o imprecisa, independientemente de tus opiniones. Michael Crichton
d3f50dd Unable to construct genuine nanoassemblers, Xymos was using bacteria to crank out their molecules. This was genetic engineering, not nanotechnology. Michael Crichton
a50258c There is no greater pleasure than to win what everyone desires Michael Crichton
d89b04a Michael Crichton once commented . . . It did not take long before the scientists began to notice that complex systems showed certain common behaviors. They started to think of these behaviors as characteristic of all complex systems. They realized that these behaviors could not be explained by analyzing the components of the systems. The time-honored scientific approach of reductionism--taking the watch apart to see how it worked--didn't ge.. Stephen Harrod Buhner
7daced9 And everybody on earth knows that innovation only occurs in small groups. Put three people on a committee and they may get something done. Ten people, and it gets harder. Thirty people, and nothing happens. Thirty million, it becomes impossible. That's the effect of mass media--it keeps anything from happening. Mass media swamps diversity. It makes every place the same. Bangkok or Tokyo or London: there's a McDonald's on one corner, a Benne.. Michael Crichton
6883778 After all, the trouble with what the scientists said was that they were always saying something different. This year one idea, next year something else. Scientific opinion was ever changing, like the fashions of women's dress, while the firm and fixed date 4004 BC invited the attention of those seeking greater verity. Michael Crichton
8ead006 Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior, which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lead us to extinction, I see no reason to assume we have any awareness at all. Michael Crichton
9ffe2f4 theoretician, his reputation secured in probability-density functions Michael Crichton
649746e Each parasaur produced a large mound of straw-colored spoor. This was accompanied by low trumpeting from each animal in the herd--along with an enormous quantity of expelled flatus, redolent of methane. Michael Crichton
0ea78f2 That's Michael Crichton
3ba2af4 Los seres humanos acumulan informacion erronea, asi que es dificil saber a quien creerle. Entiendo como te sientes. Michael Crichton
a4fe095 Si una cosa va mal, tiende a seguir mal. Eso se refleja en el dicho popular que afirma que las desgracias nunca vienen solas. La teoria de la complejidad revela que el dicho popular es acertado. Las desgracias se agrupan. Las cosas siempre van de mal en peor. Ese es el mundo real. Michael Crichton