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c987b90 He who has an opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave. Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock
095d157 The more the state "plans" the more difficult planning becomes for the individual. Friedrich Hayek
fb4b7c5 Now we were standing close to the summit's rim, gazing out into the endless East. Friedrich Hölderlin
1aabdeb What is the wisdom of a book compared with the wisdom of an angel? Friedrich Hölderlin
212a004 I call on Fate to give me back my soul. Friedrich Hölderlin
6a4e92c Before either of us knew it, we belonged to each other. Friedrich Hölderlin
28db960 Spineless politics do not change the mind of a tyrant. The sharpest means would still be too mild. Friedrich Kellner
9adcf43 every nation which makes no forward progress sinks lower and lower, and must ultimately fall Friedrich List
12581e5 The nation ... must sacrifice some present advantages in order to insure to itself future ones. Friedrich List
9915c2f The world has not been hindered in its progress, but immensely aided in it, by England. Friedrich List
57ad360 There are no facts, only interpretations. Friedrich Nietzsche
d1f4e3e Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen. Friedrich Nietzsche
eab6024 Haste is universal because everyone is in flight from himself. Friedrich Nietzsche
25a1429 Life is, after all, not a product of morality. Friedrich Nietzsche
d0e8e06 One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises one makes. Friedrich Nietzsche
273b01d When virtue has slept, she will get up more refreshed. Friedrich Nietzsche
6849376 A witticism is an epigram on the death of a feeling. Friedrich Nietzsche
85e880a Forgetting our intentions is the most frequent of all acts of stupidity. Friedrich Nietzsche
c1e9edf It says nothing against the ripeness of a spirit that it has a few worms. Friedrich Nietzsche
eee555f He who is punished is never he who performed the deed. He is always the scapegoat. Friedrich Nietzsche
09e1768 Pardon me, my friends, I have ventured to paint my happiness on the wall. Friedrich Nietzsche
2638749 Good prose is written only face to face with poetry. Friedrich Nietzsche
a503c01 Morality is herd instinct in the individual. Friedrich Nietzsche
6779b9a Mystical explanations are considered deep; the truth is, they are not even shallow. Friedrich Nietzsche
1d3e5d3 What is now decisive against Christianity is our taste, no longer our reasons. Friedrich Nietzsche
9c6ec22 We are always in our own company. Friedrich Nietzsche
36a500e Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings -- always darker, emptier, simpler. Friedrich Nietzsche
bf89323 What is the seal of liberation? -- No longer being ashamed in front of oneself. Friedrich Nietzsche
da73c77 Everything good, fine or great they do is first of all an argument against the skeptic inside them. Friedrich Nietzsche
5af60af Perhaps man will rise ever higher as soon as he ceases to flow out into a god. Friedrich Nietzsche
11f271a We want to be poets of our life -- first of all in the smallest most everyday matters. Friedrich Nietzsche
c5bd09b Every one who has ever built anywhere a "new heaven" first found the power thereto in his own hell. Friedrich Nietzsche
dbb278a O, what nowadays does science not conceal! How much, at least, it is meant to conceal! Friedrich Nietzsche
27f0c60 Two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity. Friedrich Nietzsche
3b59ad8 In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point. Friedrich Nietzsche
385d69f Love is a state in which a man sees things most decidedly as they are not. Friedrich Nietzsche
d0d0903 And nothing on earth consumes a man more quickly than the passion of resentment. Friedrich Nietzsche
9c0a8bf The world is poor for him who has never been sick enough for this 'voluptuousness of hell': Friedrich Nietzsche
d1e2a2b The desert grows: woe to him in whom deserts hide ... Friedrich Nietzsche
8b5bbdc Do not forget, man, consumed by lust:you--are the stone, the desert, are death ... Friedrich Nietzsche
9a28009 This is the antinomy: Insofar as we believe in morality we pass sentence on existence. Friedrich Nietzsche
5cce070 A man as he ought to be: that sounds to us as insipid as "a tree as it ought to be." Friedrich Nietzsche
c857c69 No more fiction for us: we calculate; but that we may calculate, we had to make fiction first. Friedrich Nietzsche
7175faf The good generally displeases us when it is beyond our ken. Friedrich Nietzsche