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896befa The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling. Gambling
04854de I enjoy gambling, I find ample opportunity in gambling to engage my mind and study. Gambling
f42800c Never put money down unless you're sure in advance you will win. Gambling
eb11cc3 When you're betting and you win, naturally you have that satisfaction, and the profit. Gambling
c1bba66 Our Quixote bard sets out a monster taming,Arm'd at all points to fight that hydra, gaming. Gambling
016ce93 Oh, this pernicious vice of gaming! Gambling
27f2065 How, sir! not damn the sharper, but the dice? Gambling
ed7c3c5 It is the child of avarice, the brother of iniquity, and the father of mischief. Gambling
19d6ce3 If you are the dealer, I'm out of the game Game
36b6232 Games lubricate the body and the mind. Game
7f2304d Strange game. The only winning move is not to play. Game
5d7dd82 Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Game
6af61b4 Women need strength of sorts to achieve in sport" (2021) Game Mothibi
32380c6 And when a woman is pregnant or a mother, the two roles compete and one of the two has to suffer. Game Mothibi
a6dde41 O water of the river Ganges, thou rememberst the dayWhen our torrent flooded thy valleys... Ganges in Hinduism
28bbac6 Calm, calm down. The (COVID-19) virus has become rampant. Everyone here is anxious. Gao Fu
24d9936 Life is probably a tangle of love and hate permanently knotted together. Gao Xingjian
121b6fa I can tell stories which resonate with me. I can share stories that empowers. Gaona Dintwe
adf735b Having\ta\twide\trange\tof\texperiences\twas\talso\timportant; Gap year
97e5c02 That rare impressionist painting where people don't judge the light, but rather are judged by it. Garden at Sainte-Adresse
a68ff6a Show me your garden, provided it be your own, and I will tell you what you are like. Gardens
416d7bf Exclusiveness in a garden is a mistake as great as it is in society. Gardens
3496971 Si hortum in bibliotheca habes, nihil deerit. Gardens
0952c66 God the first garden made, and the first city, Cain. Gardens
1a314e2 My garden painted o'erWith Nature's hand, not Art's. Gardens
0b0a925 Who loves a garden, loves a greenhouse too. Gardens
1095f4b Nothing is more completely the child of art than a garden. Gardens
ee4496f Come into the garden, Maud, For the black bat, night, has flown. Gardens
be8d89e God Almighty first planted a garden. Gardens
3999f91 One is nearer God's heart in a gardenThan anywhere else on earth. Gardens
161322a An album is a garden, not for showPlanted, but use; where wholesome herbs should grow. Gardens
32a7b30 And add to these retired Leisure,That in trim gardens takes his pleasure. Gardens
71b1562 The garden lies,A league of grass, wash'd by a slow broad stream. Gardens
09bace3 The organization as a coalition of diverse stakeholders is a coalition with multiple goals. Gareth Morgan
ce9cc94 An organization has no presence beyond that of the people who bring it to life. Gareth Morgan
90f8c83 Imaginization is about improving our abilities to see and understand situations in new ways. Gareth Morgan
01a5195 Look for every seed of enthusiasm, and try to build pockets of success. Gareth Morgan
f389f97 I made him with these hands, and with these hands I'll destroy him. Garrett Fort
acb9e7e You have created a monster and it will destroy you. Garrett Fort
8e2fc0e They're all crazy. They're all crazy except you and me. Sometimes I have me doubts about you. Garrett Fort
b6ee0d3 I am Dracula.... I bid you welcome. Garrett Fort
7c6a4af Listen to them. Children of the night, what music they make. Garrett Fort
c592f2e The spider spinning his web for the unwary fly. The blood is the life, Mr. Renfield. Garrett Fort
77756a5 The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him. Garrett Fort