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36f8475 A lever. We lower when we want to lift. In the same way, "He who humbleth himself shall be exalted." Gravity and Grace
e790027 The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul--like pincers to catch hold of God. Gravity and Grace
b4a86aa The most commonplace truth when it floods the whole soul is like a revelation. Gravity and Grace
b4b8f1b It is only effort without desire (not attached to an object) which infallibly contains a reward. Gravity and Grace
50f4405 Love is the teacher of gods and men, for no one learns without desiring to learn. Gravity and Grace
2c459fc Truth is sought not because it is truth but because it is good. Gravity and Grace
92499a5 It is better to say, 'I am suffering' than 'this landscape is ugly'. Gravity and Grace
1fb9088 The spirit, overcome by the weight of quantity, has no longer any other criterion than efficiency. Gravity and Grace
7b123ad The collective is the object of all idolatry. Gravity and Grace
9ca30c6 It is the social which throws the color of the absolute over the relative. Gravity and Grace
9caa652 He who is above social life returns to it when he wishes, not so he who is below. Gravity and Grace
223203c Nothing seems evil to those who serve it except failure in its service. Gravity and Grace
3475401 We have to turn all our disgust into a disgust for ourselves. Gravity and Grace
16fd23f Workers need poetry more than bread. They need that their life should be a poem. Gravity and Grace
a6362bb It is not religion but revolution which is the opium of the people. Gravity and Grace
510d07e I outlived the bastards. Great Depression
a5af028 My guiding star always is, Get hold of portable property. Great Expectations
868bc48 It is, I believe, the greatest generation that any society has ever produced. Greatest Generation
4d9775f We owe the Greatest Generation a debt which we can never fully repay. Greatest Generation
0932885 Who governs this country? Greece
742630d Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of artsand eloquence. Greece
0758167 Fair Greece! sad relic of departed worth!Immortal, though no more; though fallen great! Greece
542790c The Armenian Genocide, the massacres of the Pontic Greeks, the forced "exchanges"... Greek genocide
d380cdc The Greeks used a wooden horse to get into Troy. Greek myths
888c92e When Pandora opened the jar, all the evil flooded out into the world. Greek myths
50e7cdd The only thing left inside the jar was Hope. Greek myths
7304d32 Everything King Midas touched turned to gold. Greek myths
92d48fc King Minos built a labyrinth to house the monster. Greek myths
c8b9230 Icarus flew too close to the sun. Greek myths
73f8789 You deserve whoever governs you ... Everyone is responsible for the actions of their leaders. Greg Bear
a07935f The battle was over. There were no victors. Greg Bear
aefab16 To fight an enemy properly, you have to know what they are. Ignorance is defeat. Greg Bear
a29e8c1 We've been fighting for so long, we've begun to lose ourselves. And it's getting worse. Greg Bear
2b8370d There is no war so important that to win it, we must destroy our minds. Greg Bear
575f13f Around her gulps of water, she repeated her prayer, until the monotony and futility silenced her. Greg Bear
d3a45fb Can't own a woman, Mike. Wonderful companions, can't own them. Greg Bear
cb1241e That's insane," Lanier said."Not very. It's politics." Greg Bear
e320088 Grief is not productive. It simply represents an inefficiency in accepting change of status. Greg Bear
ad74e09 Having one's eyes opened doesn't make one grateful. Greg Bear
a6442dd Apocalypse could not be repealed by the democratic process. Greg Bear
10a263c I sometimes think we deserve to die, we're all so goddamned stupid. Greg Bear
bfd31ab As humans, we reflexively reject arguments that contradict what we would like to be true. Greg Craven
4e84f1e There are more whipped guys on television than there were on the Amistad. Greg Giraldo
8c3e26c Joan, you are one irritating Jew-broad! The first time I heard your voice, my foreskin fell off. Greg Giraldo