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f4f8ea7 There was so much to grok, so little to grok from. Grok
c14bfcf You think you can confuse Groo by giving him two things to think about at once! Groo the Wanderer
081a97b I want my dog back! I would give you until the count of five if I could count to five! Groo the Wanderer
73ff41e Archie and Mike are talking about the benefits of the USA) Gross National Product
4c1fa3f The dominant role played by... exporters' and importers' GNP and distance in explaining trade flows. Gross National Product
3616588 A likely story -- and probably true. Groucho Marx
cb90a63 I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception. Groucho Marx
399d6b2 I like pancakes, but I haven't got a closet full of them! Groucho Marx
178a31d My experience is that people are most likely to listen to reason when in bed. Groucho Marx
6396d4d Die, my dear? Why that's the last thing I'll do! Groucho Marx
526360f Interaction and decision making relies heavily on group processes. Group process
cc5ad49 I'm only waiting for my wife to grow up. Grover Cleveland
26c11f7 WHATEVER YOU DO, TELL THE TRUTH. Grover Cleveland
e9a0fd3 I have considered the pension list of the republic a roll of honor. Grover Cleveland
ba92fca Party honesty is party expediency. Grover Cleveland
68e382f What is the use of being elected or re-elected unless you stand for something? Grover Cleveland
45fb29e I have tried so hard to do the right. Grover Cleveland
8f2c7d2 On Being Old. It's not nice but take comfort that you won't stay that way for ever. Growing old
88a838f All my life I've been taught how to die, but no one ever taught me how to grow old. Growing old
a2a4638 You never lose who you were, you just grow around you, like a tree. Growing old
33190d8 The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. Growing old
6cf095b Getting older was definitely preferable to an up close and personal meeting with the Grim Reaper. Growing old
780b686 No man loves life like him that's growing old. Growing old
64895e9 Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a man. Growing old
3ce1b44 The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young. Growing old
e4a3b92 There's one advantage to being 102. There's no peer pressure. Growing old
9d9ef6b Yes! There will be growth in the spring! Growth
19c13c4 Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment. Growth
057a9de Man seems the only growth that dwindles here. Growth
bc18afc Growth is just awareness of more and more. Growth
db0f163 Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found. Growth
bb0af0a You will either step forward into growth, or you will step back into safety. Growth
74702d3 Growth is the only evidence of life. Growth
7878345 Grows with his growth, and strengthens with his strength. Growth
888dc9c 'Tis thus the mercury of man is fix'd,Strong grows the virtue with his nature mix'd. Growth
99d6182 The great world's altar stairsThat slope through darkness up to God. Growth
6193a02 Teach me, by this stupendous scaffolding,Creation's golden steps, to climb to Thee. Growth
8d61c69 Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked. Growth
d1bf579 The lofty oak from a small acorn grows. Growth
9c4fc55 Our pleasures and our discontents, Are rounds by which we may ascend. Growth
3096ff5 And so all growth that is not towards GodIs growing to decay. Growth
1ef174d And that unless above himself he canErect himself, how poor a thing is man. Growth
8d2b97e Even with these dark eyes, a gift of the dark nightI go to seek the shining light. Gu Cheng
ca1291d The outlines of Capo Guardafui and Ras Shenaghef are similar , but the latter is 3,041 feet high ; . Guardafui