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990cc16 Theology -- An effort to explain the unknowable by putting it into terms of the not worth knowing. H. L. Mencken
028b073 Creator -- A comedian whose audience is afraid to laugh. H. L. Mencken
9f50365 A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier. H. L. Mencken
43a8064 Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends. H. L. Mencken
aa27606 Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. H. L. Mencken
d13a8a4 The lunatic fringe wags the underdog. H. L. Mencken
d5bfb36 Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another. H. L. Mencken
a4361db My engagement to AP is off. Her husband made pedantic objections to it. H. L. Mencken
9fd398d My belief is that every man after fifty-five is always ill more or less. H. L. Mencken
addfac1 Memories and possibilities are ever more hideous than realities. H. P. Lovecraft
38ffe06 Mystery attracts mystery. H. P. Lovecraft
f6345c1 One of those creatures wrote you once, 'do not call up any that you can not put down'. H. P. Lovecraft
41fa881 Faith and God belong together somewhat as sense experience and physical reality do. H. Richard Niebuhr
bde03a5 I do not believe in violence; it is the last resort of fools. H. Rider Haggard
c6df5b4 We white people think that we know everything. H. Rider Haggard
428fd47 It is awkward to listen to oneself being praised, and I was always a shy man. H. Rider Haggard
7a77028 I have never observed that the religious are more eager to die than the rest of us poor mortals. H. Rider Haggard
25b6c6a It is easier to destroy knowledge, Ignosi, than to gather it. H. Rider Haggard
a463814 Those who go secretly, go evilly; and foul birds love to fly at night. H. Rider Haggard
54b65c4 The shaft of my vengeance fell upon my own head. H. Rider Haggard
06b3fcb We don't have to know,reason and vanity. H.D.
dacb771 95% of Economics is common sense deliberately made complicated. Ha-Joon Chang
5967fef Low inflation and government prudence may be harmful for economic development. Ha-Joon Chang
1f566d0 Corruption exists because there is too much, not too little, market. Ha-Joon Chang
7d46d52 History is on the side of the regulators. Ha-Joon Chang
a89f227 The foundation of economic development is the acquisition of more productive knowledge. Ha-Joon Chang
f6d9ad5 Corruption often exists because there are too many market forces, not too few. Ha-Joon Chang
e84cd11 Culture changes with economic development. Ha-Joon Chang
64c4924 Manufacturing is the most important...route to prosperity. Ha-Joon Chang
ad46106 Assume the worst about people and you get the worst. Ha-Joon Chang
8c702b5 Making rich people richer doesn't make the rest of us richer. Ha-Joon Chang
44d505c We are not smart enough to leave things to the market. Ha-Joon Chang
9458ff1 Financial markets need to become less, not more, efficient. Ha-Joon Chang
137c8bf Not for nothing is habit called a second and a kind of manufactured nature. Habit (psychology)
c434332 Habit is a compromise effected between an individual and his environment. Habit (psychology)
8af467e Each year one vicious habit rooted out, In time might make the worst Man good throughout. Habit (psychology)
24c907a You get used to everything. No human force, not even fear, is stronger than habit. Habit (psychology)
efb7fd2 Every habit makes our hand more witty and our wit less handy. Habit (psychology)
99193c5 A civil habitOft covers a good man. Habit (psychology)
50930b9 Habit with him was all the test of truth;"It must be right: I've done it from my youth." Habit (psychology)
4596276 A man used to vicissitudes is not easily dejected. Habit (psychology)
0ebad6f Habits form character and character is destiny. Habit (psychology)
c0c3edc Small habits, well pursued betimes,May reach the dignity of crimes. Habit (psychology)