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b09356f Better an end with horror than a horror without end. Horror
68403b7 Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit. Hosea Ballou
4588c1c Hatred is self-punishment. Hosea Ballou
9620828 Idleness is emptiness; the tree in which the sap is stagnant, remains fruitless. Hosea Ballou
46b4a95 God's glowing covenant. Hosea Ballou
acabe1f A chaste and lucid style is indicative of the same personal traits in the author. Hosea Ballou
836c2f6 As "unkindness has no remedy at law," let its avoidance be with you a point of honor. Hosea Ballou
24fc002 So saying, with despatchful looks in hasteShe turns, on hospitable thoughts intent. Hospitality
5f47324 Share with the holy ones according to their needs. Follow the course of hospitality. Hospitality
c0c7b90 Do not forget hospitality, for through it some unknowingly entertained angels. Hospitality
0ab94a8 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. Hospitality
fb973a1 I am your host;You should not ruffle thus. Hospitality
cf9945a I charge thee, invite them all: let in the tideOf knaves once more; my cook and I'll provide. Hospitality
fd660bd True friendship's laws are by this rule express'd,Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest. Hospitality
5f5b037 Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging-place of wayfaring men! Hospitality
85cc31d Hospitality sitting with gladness. Hospitality
e58ecc8 For I, who hold sage Homer's rule the best,Welcome the coming, speed the going guest. Hospitality
c2e9867 Given to hospitality. Hospitality
437cc59 Ah me, why did they build my house by the road to the market town? Hospitality
5b5d977 A host in himself. Hospitality
cf7b7c2 Acts of hostility shall be intended matters of force. Hostility
5e76a58 The head of a campaign office is just a title. Hou You-yi
be1b03d I see that God died on a gibbet eighteen hundred years ago on behalf of the Bourbon family. House of Bourbon
7706818 Who are those who chucked the questionnaire into the nearest wastebasket? How to Lie with Statistics
e7b068a Nothing has been falsified--except the impression that it gives. How to Lie with Statistics
2c44924 Individual perception untainted by others' influence does not exist. Howard Bloom
27338ea Almost every reality you "know" at any given second is a mere ghost held in memory. Howard Bloom
9f639eb One plus one does not equal two. Howard Bloom
fbece5d When you repeat an old pattern in a new location, you sometimes make something new. Howard Bloom
ea1c756 From a few basic rules you can generate a cosmos. Howard Bloom
03c5b23 Opposites work together in the very opposite of the way they seem... They work together in teams. Howard Bloom
c893c12 The "most extreme" followers of Heraclitus said that it is impossible to fix a name to anything. Howard Bloom
6483920 A does not equal A because of location. For example, location in time. Howard Bloom
d92fd2a Aristotle and Heraclitus were both right. A equals A. But A does not equal A. Howard Bloom
58851c2 Well, Republicans [...] a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives. Howard Dean
d2df1bf This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good. Howard Dean
9a9cd17 I don't mind being called a liberal. I just don't really think it's true. Howard Dean
d1b4cb3 George Bush is not my neighbor. Howard Dean
fc74c37 the Republicans are all about suppressing votes. Howard Dean
6ce3f4c I may be controversial, but my allegiance is to people outside the Beltway. Howard Dean
a6e3edb Organizations are goal-directed, boundary-maintaining, activity systems. Howard E. Aldrich
b6811a2 Stories are the single most powerful weapon in a leader's arsenal. Howard Gardner
5b40ac2 It takes a long time for the gleam in the eye to turn into something solid. Howard Hodgkin
d7c22df I never think that anything I do is courageous. Howard Hodgkin