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863da01 If bands had cocks, this bands cock would be fucking huge!" (Aziz Ansari as Clell Tickle) Human Giant
ff8fc47 Thanks for the coffee you piece of shit! You just got swindled!" (Aziz Ansari as Jimmy Norville) Human Giant
aa5cdaf You know, you can't get pregnant on the moon." (Rob Huebel as Cliff Tarpey) Human Giant
50d9ab8 I'm the kind of astronaut that murders for sport." (Rob Huebel as Cliff Tarpey) Human Giant
2f736d2 We are now the Weenie Kings." (Paul Scheer as Zerg, a character based on General Zod) Human Giant
db34789 I've been arrested four times! One of those times was bullshit!" (Paul Scheer as G-Force) Human Giant
791efb5 You say anything I will cut you" (Paul Scheer as a Genie) Human Giant
0002b6e Federal penal system, you just got swindled' (Aziz Ansari as Jimmy Norville) Human Giant
7f5057f Why would you say such things when you know I will kill you?" (Paul Scheer as Zerg) Human Giant
1de9f5d Copyright law as it is, it's just completely out of touch with human behaviour. Human behavior
25dafb8 Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble. Human sexual activity
76f9444 Yes, I haven't had enough sex. Human sexual activity
e83c538 To have coitus other than to procreate children is to do injury to nature. Human sexual activity
aaa7003 The prettiest dresses are worn to be taken off. Human sexual activity
66fce7b Nothing is better than sex and anyone who says so has never had a good woman. Human sexual activity
c1bc3c6 In America, sex is an obsession; in other parts of the world it is a fact. Human sexual activity
bcec6ce It is very hard for a man to ask questions about sex. The smart ones do. Human sexual activity
ee92065 Sex is a sure cure of boredom and an antidote to violence that is so American. Power to the People! Human sexual activity
70d078c The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex. Human sexual activity
389ea3b I think that sex is necessary and bankers are not. Human sexual activity
1a4f37b Sex appeal is fifty percent what you've got and fifty percent what people think you've got. Human sexual activity
4ece432 Sex is a part of love. You shouldn't go around doing it unless you are in love. Human sexual activity
037f558 Sex is an antidote to death, or at least, an adequate placebo. Human sexual activity
6ce1081 Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex. Human sexual activity
571ad1b The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. Human sexual activity
23321d0 Once you've had a lover-robot, you'll never want a real man again. Human sexual activity
b79b37a In truth, [hope] is the most evil of evils because it prolongs man's torment. Human, All Too Human
83070b2 We're not the chosen of any god. We only have each other. Humanism
8524d2c Anything said is said by an observer. Humberto Maturana
2f3bb7b My work is loving the world. Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird--equal seekers of sweetness Hummingbirds
000b55b Jewelled corypheeWith quivering wings like shielding gauze outspread. Hummingbirds
a047d10 All you owe the public is a good performance. Humphrey Bogart
a2b6b52 You're not a star until they can spell your name in Karachi. Humphrey Bogart
79e110d With the substance from soda the appearance and effects were analogous. Humphry Davy, Poet and Philosopher (Thorpe)
50bd5fa He eventually found that they might be preserved in . Humphry Davy, Poet and Philosopher (Thorpe)
32fdfa9 People should remember history so they can truly cherish what they have now. Hung Hsiu-chu
350006d This (KMT) party can forsake me, but I will not abandon this party. Hung Hsiu-chu
d778a43 I will not hesitate to even sell my house. It (Kuomintang) is my party and I will save it myself. Hung Hsiu-chu
cf04528 Approximately 3.1 million children die from hunger each year. Hunger
180f15a Hunger is sharper than the sword. Hunger
0b00312 It is difficult to speak to the belly, because it has no ears. Hunger
0a30ae6 Enough is as good as a feast. Hunger
1ea68f1 Oliver Twist has asked for more. Hunger
d35ba0a A fishmonger's wife may feed of a conger; but a serving-man's wife may starve for hunger. Hunger