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2ab7148 The universe," says Wyvern, "is a Ph. D. thesis that God was unable to successfully defend." James K. Morrow
055f028 You're not very religious, are you?" said Irene."I'm more into gravity." James K. Morrow
8bf8e9e Babies are like kittens, Julie, they grow into something much more sinister. James K. Morrow
9bcdf00 There are none so blind as those who see angels...None so deaf as those who hear gods. James K. Morrow
1e2b02b I don't see you at Mass anymore.""It's like fucking, Father. You gotta be up for it." James K. Morrow
f90ea17 Life's meaning doesn't come from God! Life's meaning comes from life! James K. Morrow
9defd5a That maxim, it's not an argument against atheism--it's an argument against foxholes. James K. Morrow
bd6e716 There's nothing quite so pernicious as wishful thinking. James K. Morrow
acfc499 Her audacity turned him on. There was nobody quite so arousing, he decided, as a worthy opponent. James K. Morrow
465f2a7 Under the midnight sun, despair acquires the intensity of sex, insomnia the vehemence of art. James K. Morrow
2b82c76 As usual, He underestimated the human potential for self-deception. James K. Morrow
febf3ed And what are you?""Me? I knew God was dead even before the corpse showed up." James K. Morrow
1f6b90a If nothing else, their adventure had proved that God was not about to put science out of business. James K. Morrow
703c026 In Asia, the memories of Imperial Japan are still fresh. Japan
2e1274e How're you feeling?""I highly recommend cancer. It's worth it just for the drugs." James K. Morrow
6ce7cb1 To close the gap between jurisprudence and justice would require a canon of a hundred million laws. James K. Morrow
0d3ad64 My spirits rose: I could see the photon at the end of the tunnel. James K. Morrow
36f2299 Ah, yes, the spiritual realm." In those days "spiritual" was my least favorite word. It still is. James K. Morrow
7133e2c Those who can kill themselves do, and those who can't, teach philosophy. James K. Morrow
391f26d Foreign powers do not seem to appreciate the true character of our Government. James K. Polk
e8b1744 The world has nothing to fear from military ambition in our Government. James K. Polk
e10c11c Thank God, under our Constitution there was no connection between church and state. James K. Polk
f36d8e5 With me it is emphatically true that the presidency is "no bed of roses." James K. Polk
bb6c518 I love you Sarah. For all eternity, I love you. James K. Polk
5ecf5c8 The Master standing by a stream, said, "It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night!" James Legge
ac3a8ab The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar. James Legge
37cdcbc The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. James Legge
681657c That man Grant will fight us everyday and every hour until the end of the war. James Longstreet
01f48b0 Challenging the conventional wisdom is the way to make waves in science. James Lovelock
2acf033 Life has to take charge of its environment and evolve with it. James Lovelock
9b3ed4b The theory (propounded by Vedanta) [is] refined, abstruse, ingenious and beautiful. James Mackintosh
adcbfe8 Those who have doubted my veracity have paid a compliment to my genius. James Macpherson
b884827 Often does the memory of former times come, like the evening sun, on my soul. James Macpherson
0395666 Sorrow, like a cloud on the sun, shades the soul of Clessammor. James Macpherson
323eeb6 The music was like the memory of joys that are past, pleasant and mournful to the soul. James Macpherson
2c6c8ea Where art thou, beam of light? Hunters, from the mossy rock, saw ye the blue-eyed fair? James Macpherson
0bcc4af Can I forget that beam of light, the white-handed daughter of kings? James Macpherson
cd08e2d The gloom of the battle roared. James Macpherson
0c622c0 Hail, Carril of other times! Thy voice is like the harp in the halls of Tura. James Macpherson
819662d Another of my wishes is to depend as little as possible on the labor of slaves. James Madison
482c39e Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm. James Madison
63b9311 Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. James Madison
7059fd2 where annual elections end, tyranny begins. James Madison
639b60b The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted. James Madison