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27b19be Thou hast a voice, great Mountain, to repealLarge codes of fraud and woe. Mountain
20888b2 It's a round trip. Getting to the summit is optional, getting down is mandatory. Mountain
0bb149a To make a mountain of a mole-hill. Mountain
3d891a9 Over the hills and far away. Mountain
b4542f8 Round its breast the rolling clouds are spread,Eternal sunshine settles on its head. Mountain
fd49b25 Heav'd on Olympus tottering Ossa stood;On Ossa, Pelion nods with all his wood. Mountain
6c6b93b Daily with souls that cringe and plot,We Sinais climb and know it not. Mountain
3c8b7ba Then the Omnipotent Father with his thunder made Olympus tremble, and from Ossa hurled Pelion. Mountain
56b0654 Who digs hills because they do aspire,Throws down one mountain to cast up a higher. Mountain
06d43e4 The mountain was in labour, and Jove was afraid, but it brought forth a mouse. Mountain
84e12a5 He had keptThe whiteness of his soul, and thus men o'er him wept. Mourning
97c6b86 It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting. Mourning
94ed9c0 Forever honour'd, and forever mourn'd. Mourning
19670e7 Lips are no part of the head, only made for a double-leaf door for the mouth. Mouths
ba5d4ad Set a watch, O L, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Mouths
852e915 There's a saying that all roads lead to Ankh-Morpork, greatest of Discworld cities. Moving Pictures (novel)
6ba8712 A month went by quickly. It didn't want to hang around. (p. 21) Moving Pictures (novel)
258283d What did she just say to that troll?" he said, as a deep wave of laughter rolled across the room. Moving Pictures (novel)
61a914e They're pretty high mountains," said Azhural, his voice now edged with doubt. Moving Pictures (novel)
35b9c65 The important thing to remember was that Holy Wood wasn't a real place at all. (p. 179) Moving Pictures (novel)
630677c All the poems of our lives are not yet made. Muriel Rukeyser
bef06a7 It was totally confusing, just like real life. (p. 208) Moving Pictures (novel)
0aae647 Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. (p. 263) Moving Pictures (novel)
bb883fb The machine whirred on, winding reality from the future to the past. (p. 286) Moving Pictures (novel)
c932d21 Why us?" he said. "Why is it happening to us?" Moving Pictures (novel)
10e4a5c Suppose we try to locate the cause of disorder, we shall find it lies in the want of mutual love. Mozi
12c5d9c Fashion is art. It is something that we use to express ourselves as individuals Mpho Kuaho
736ef7f Great challenges can also be areas of great strength. Mpule Kwelagobe
a909f86 We ought to tackle this problem [HIV/AIDS] and further improve our behaviour. Mpule Kwelagobe
1044dfe Mr. Ed: My name is Mr. Ed! Mr. Ed
917fce4 Wilbur: What kind of name is Ed for a horse?Mr. Ed: What kind of name is Wilbur for a man? Mr. Ed
7e3b1ca Whenever we (people of Swaziland) go abroad, people refer to us as Switzerland. Mswati III
ecdcb0b Libya lived for 5000 years without oil and it is ready to live another 5000 years without it. Muammar Gaddafi
5e68088 My brother! You are my brother for the rest of my life! Muammar Gaddafi
917aba3 There is no state with a democracy except Libya on the whole planet. Muammar Gaddafi
0fcb9e6 I am a Bedouin warrior who brought glory to Libya and will die a martyr. Muammar Gaddafi
85f43e6 Those rats ... were attacked by the masses tonight and we eliminated them. Muammar Gaddafi
8ff1bd8 1. There is Nato intervention politically as well as military. Muammar Gaddafi
a140d6d Africa is closer to me in every way than Iraq or Syria. Muammar Gaddafi
a090ee1 Mud is mankind in the moulding,Heaven's mystery unfolding Mud
debb24b The key issues and events we examined include the following: Mueller Report
59a4529 Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people." Muhammad
dc4806e Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith: Muhammad
a09300a Allah's Apostle said, "Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords." Muhammad