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f8aeef4 The skeleton of the whale furnishes but little clue to the shape of his fully invested body. Whales
07c90c8 If you think about it, the inside of your own mind is the only thing you can be sure of. What Does It All Mean?
4ebaa86 Words are mostly used in talking and writing, rather than just as labels. What Does It All Mean?
6acd874 For comradeship is simply humanity seen in that one aspect in which men are really equal. What's Wrong with the World
9cadf5f To those thirteen-hour-a-day managers who lead people and make decisions. Wheeler L. Baker
72c55ee Plan in the real world. Wheeler L. Baker
e949948 There'll be blue birds overTomorrow, just you wait and see. White Cliffs of Dover
36fd80a Hell no, you can't smoke for free! White Dawg make you bounce when you want that weed. White Dawg
d6c4a9b Just like a toilet seat, nigga, I piss on my bitches. White Dawg
b894a66 White is a metaphor for power, and that is simply a way of describing Chase Manhattan Bank. White privilege
0d2e1c1 It's impossible for a white person to believe in capitalism and not believe in racism. White privilege
67512a7 Gender norms so often remain predicated on an unremarkable whiteness. Whiteness studies
7dd20b0 Perspectives of whiteness echo, largely unacknowledged, through transgender theorizing. Whiteness studies
e4cf002 Whiteness stands in as a universal in canonical theorizing on gender and sexuality. Whiteness studies
c546400 They know how to use chance Whitley Strieber
5589b6d A critic is a bundle of biases held loosely together by a sense of taste. Whitney Balliett
42b881b The word "artist" means man unless qualified by the category "woman." Whitney Chadwick
5ca80a1 A man is not primarily a witness against something. (p. 5) Whittaker Chambers
c245550 A nation's life is about as long as its reverential memory. (p. 40) Whittaker Chambers
e79affb The satellite revolt was not sparked from the West. It was sparked by Communism itself. (p. 315) Whittaker Chambers
0255d40 Actresses can only play women. I'm an actor, I can play anything. Whoopi Goldberg
691b916 For many, many, many years, there were not Jews in Israel. Okay? Whoopi Goldberg
be82d17 Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine. Whoopi Goldberg
bd04eee And so, reaching futilely for answers, they blame the trees! Why the lucky stiff
5ad65fa This was incredibly foolish. To live just to die. And to die so easily. Why the lucky stiff
6e4435b There is a method in man's wickedness, It grows up by degrees. Wickedness
1bce25a The world loves a spice of wickedness. Wickedness
3860dfa By the pricking of my thumbs,Something wicked this way comes. Wickedness
0e4c950 Are you call'd forth from out a world of men,To slay the innocent? Wickedness
15a4042 'Cause I's wicked,--I is. I's mighty wicked, anyhow, I can't help it. Wickedness
a99a613 Destroy his fib, or sophistry--in vain!The creature's at his dirty work again. Wickedness
9e5f870 The United States never lost a war or won a conference. Will Rogers
38f468a The wicked flee when no man pursueth; but the righteous are bold as a lion. Wickedness
8ee3a1f As saith the proverb of the Ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked. Wickedness
1ee9bf4 State of Wikidata - giving more people more access to more knowledge one edit at a time Wikidata
0a0a9f2 Hello, World! Wikipedia
f5e3615 As they say, history is written by the victorious Wikipedia editors. Wikipedia
ecacfb8 We thought, let's not fight Wikipedia, but instead teach students to use it better. Wikipedia
6c0182e In India and Nigeria, over 75% of participants said they had never heard of Wikipedia. Wikipedia
7faeb11 History is written by the victors ... except on Wikipedia haha Wikipedia
a611edd The only way to change anything in Russia is a revolution. Wikiquote:Daniil Dubov
8d30303 Me and My Turnip Wikiquote:Template examples
c685fe0 Return of the Killer Turnip Wikiquote:Template examples
d2d6950 Turnips are our friends Wikiquote:Template examples