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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD swore to thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations Jehovah your God does drive them out from before you, and that he may establish the word which Jehovah swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not because of your righteousness, nor because of the sacredness of your heart do you enter to inherit their land. But because of the impiety of these nations the lord shall utterly destroy them from your presence, and that he should establish the covenant which the lord swore by an oath to your fathers -- to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord your God does drive them out from before you, and that he may establish the word which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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Not for thine own righteousness, nor for the uprightness of thine own heart, art thou going in to possess their land,—but for the lawlessness of these nations, is, Yahweh thy God driving them out from before thee, and that he may establish the word which Yahweh sware unto thy fathers, unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob.
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It is not because of your righteousness and because of the uprightness of your heart that you are coming to take possession of their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations Yahweh your God is driving them ⌞before you⌟, and in order to confirm the ⌞promise⌟ that Yahweh swore to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations יהוה thy Elohim doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which יהוה sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou enter in to inherit their land; but for the wickedness of these Gentiles, the LORD thy God drives them out from before thee and that he may confirm the word which the LORD swore unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations, the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD swore to thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart, dost thou enter in to possess their land, but for the wickedness of these nations doth Jehovah thyGod dispossess them from before thee, and that he may perform the word which Jehovah swore unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart, dost thou go in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations Jehovah thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may establish the word which Jehovah sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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It is not for your righteousness or for the uprightness of your heart that you go to possess their land. But Jehovah your God is expelling them from before you because of the wickedness of these nations; and in order to establish the word which Jehovah has sworn to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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For thou entrest not to inherite their lande for thy righteousnesse, or for thy vpright heart: but for the wickednesse of those nations, the Lord thy God doth cast them out before thee, and that he might performe the worde which the Lord thy God sware vnto thy fathers, Abraham, Izhak, and Iacob.
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For it is not because of your justices or the uprightness of your heart that you will enter, so that you may possess their lands. Instead, it is because they have acted wickedly that they are destroyed upon your arrival, and so that the Lord may accomplish his word, which he promised under oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness or because your hearts are upright are you going in to take their land; but because of the evil-doing of these nations the Lord your God is driving them out from before you, and to give effect to his oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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For it is not for thy justices, and the uprightness of thy heart that thou shalt go in to possess their lands: but because they have done wickedly, they are destroyed at thy coming in: and that the Lord might accomplish his word, which he promised by oath to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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It's not because you've been living right or because you're so honest that you're entering to take possession of their land. It's because these people are so wicked that the LORD your God is forcing them out of your way. It's also because the LORD wants to confirm the promise he swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart, dost thou go in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations HaShem thy G-d doth drive them out from before thee, and that He may establish the word which HaShem swore unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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It is not because of your righteousness, or even your inner uprightness, that you have come here to possess their land. Instead, because of the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God is driving them out ahead of you in order to confirm the promise he made on oath to your ancestors, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, nor for the holiness of your heart, do you go in to inherit their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations, the Lord shall destroy them from before you, and that He may establish the covenant, which the Lord swore to our fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go to possess their land, but for the wickedness of these nations, the LORD your God drives them out from before you, so that He may perform the word which the LORD swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord your God does drive them out from before you, and that he may establish the word which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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It is not because of your righteousness, or even your inner uprightness, that you have come here to possess their land. Instead, because of the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God is driving them out ahead of you in order to confirm the promise he made on oath to your ancestors, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God does drive them out from before you, and that he may perform the word which the LORD swore unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God does drive them out from before you, and that he may perform the word which the LORD swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations Yhwh thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which Yhwh sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go to possess their land. But for the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God drives them out from before you, so that He may perform the word which the LORD swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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not for thy righteousness, and for the uprightness of thy heart, art thou going in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations is Jehovah thy God dispossessing them from before thee; and in order to establish the word which Jehovah hath sworn to thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob;
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Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart, do thou go in to possess their land, but for the wickedness of these nations Jehovah thy God drives them out from before thee, and that he may establish the word which Jehovah swore to thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
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Não por tua justiça, nem pela retidão de teu coração entras a possuir a terra deles; mas pela impiedade destas nações o SENHOR teu Deus as expulsa de diante de ti, e para confirmar a palavra que o SENHOR jurou a teus pais Abraão, Isaque, e Jacó.
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Tsy ny fahamarinanao, na ny hitsim-ponao, no andehananao handova ny taniny; fa ny haratsiam-panahin’ ireo firenena ireo no androahan’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao azy eo anoloanao hahatò ny teny izay nianianan’ i Jehovah tamin’ i Abrahama sy Isaka ary Jakoba razanao.
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Et sinä vanhurskautesi ja oikeamielisyytesi tähden pääse ottamaan heidän maatansa omaksesi, vaan näiden kansojen jumalattomuuden tähden Herra, sinun Jumalasi, karkoittaa heidät sinun tieltäsi ja täyttääksensä, mitä Herra valalla vannoen on luvannut sinun isillesi, Aabrahamille, Iisakille ja Jaakobille.
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Et sinä suinkaan vanhurskautesi ja oikeamielisyytesi tähden pääse ottamaan niiden maata omaksesi, vaan noiden kansojen jumalattomuuden tähden Herra, sinun Jumalasi, karkottaa ne sinun edeltäsi toteuttaakseen sen, mitä Herra on vannonut sinun isillesi Abrahamille, Iisakille ja Jaakobille.
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ⲉⲧⲃⲉ ⲛⲉⲕⲇⲓⲕⲁⲓⲟⲥⲩⲛⲏ ⲁⲛ ⲟⲩⲇⲉ ⲉⲧⲃⲉ ⲡⲧⲃⲃⲟ ⲁⲛ ⲙⲡⲉⲕϩⲏⲧ ⲛⲧⲟⲕ ⲉⲕⲛⲁⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲉⲡⲉⲩⲕⲁϩ ⲉⲕⲗⲏⲣⲟⲛⲟⲙⲉⲓ ⲙⲙⲟϥ ⲁⲗⲗⲁ ⲉⲧⲃⲉ ⲧⲁⲛⲟⲙⲓⲁ ⲛⲛⲉⲓϩⲉⲑⲛⲟⲥ ⲉⲣⲉⲡϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ ⲛⲁϥⲟⲧⲟⲩ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲓϩⲏ ⲙⲙⲟⲕ ⲁⲩⲱ ϫⲉⲕⲁⲁⲥ ⲉϥⲉⲧⲁϩⲟ ⲉⲣⲁⲧⲥ ⲛⲧⲉϥⲇⲓⲁⲑⲏⲕⲏ ⲧⲁⲓ ⲉⲛⲧⲁⲡϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ ⲱⲣⲕ ⲉⲧⲃⲏⲏⲧⲥ ⲛⲛⲉⲧⲛⲉⲓⲟⲧⲉ ⲁⲃⲣⲁϩⲁⲙ ⲛⲙ ⲓⲥⲁⲁⲕ ⲛⲙ ⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃ
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你进去得他们的地,并不是因你的义,也不是因你心里正直,乃是因这些国民的恶,耶和华─你的 神将他们从你面前赶出去,又因耶和华要坚定他向你列祖亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各起誓所应许的话。
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Нито заради своята правда, нито заради правотата на своето сърце влизаш да завладееш земята им, а заради безбожието на тези народи ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, ги изгонва отпред теб и за да утвърди думата, с която ГОСПОД се закле на бащите ти, на Авраам, Исаак и Яков.
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لَيْسَ لِأَجْلِ بِرِّكَ وَعَدَالَةِ قَلْبِكَ تَدْخُلُ لِتَمْتَلِكَ أَرْضَهُمْ، بَلْ لِأَجْلِ إِثْمِ أُولَئِكَ ٱلشُّعُوبِ يَطْرُدُهُمُ ٱلرَّبُّ إِلَهُكَ مِنْ أَمَامِكَ، وَلِكَيْ يَفِيَ بِٱلْكَلَامِ ٱلَّذِي أَقْسَمَ ٱلرَّبُّ عَلَيْهِ لِآبَائِكَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Ne pro via virteco kaj pro la honesteco de via koro vi venas por ekposedi ilian landon; sed pro la malvirteco de ĉi tiuj popoloj la Eternulo, via Dio, forpelas ilin de antaŭ vi, kaj por plenumi tion, kion la Eternulo ĵuris al viaj patroj, al Abraham, al Isaak, kaj al Jakob.
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ซึ่งท่านทั้งหลายกำลังเข้าไปยึดครองแผ่นดินนี้นั้น มิใช่เพราะความชอบธรรมของท่านหรือความสัตย์ธรรมในใจของท่าน แต่เป็นเพราะความชั่วของประชาชาตินี้ ซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่านต้องขับไล่เขาออกเสียต่อหน้าท่านทั้งหลาย และเพื่อว่าพระองค์จะทรงให้เป็นจริงตามพระวจนะซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงปฏิญาณต่อบรรพบุรุษของท่าน คือต่ออับราฮัม ต่ออิสอัค และต่อยาโคบ
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לא בצדקתך ובישר לבבך אתה בא לרשת את ארצם כי ברשעת הגוים האלה יהוה אלהיך מורישם מפניך ולמען הקים את הדבר אשר נשבע יהוה לאבתיך לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב
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לֹ֣א בְצִדְקָתְךָ֗ וּבְיֹ֨שֶׁר֙ לְבָ֣בְךָ֔ אַתָּ֥ה בָ֖א לָרֶ֣שֶׁת אֶת־אַרְצָ֑ם כִּ֞י בְּרִשְׁעַ֣ת ׀ הַגּוֹיִ֣ם הָאֵ֗לֶּה יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֨יךָ֙ מוֹרִישָׁ֣ם מִפָּנֶ֔יךָ וּלְמַ֜עַן הָקִ֣ים אֶת־הַדָּבָ֗ר אֲשֶׁ֨ר נִשְׁבַּ֤ע יְהוָה֙ לַאֲבֹתֶ֔יךָ לְאַבְרָהָ֥ם לְיִצְחָ֖ק וּֽלְיַעֲקֹֽב׃
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သင်ပြုသောကုသိုလ်ကြောင့်၎င်း၊ ဖြောင့်မတ် သော သဘောကြောင့်၎င်း၊ ထိုပြည်ကို သွား၍ ဝင်စားရ မည်မဟုတ်။ ထိုလူမျိုးတို့၏ မကောင်းမှုကြောင့်၎င်း၊ ထာဝရဘုရားသည် သင်၏အဘ အာဗြဟံ၊ ဣဇာက်၊ ယာကုပ်တို့အား ကျိန်ဆိုတော်မူသော စကားတော်ကို တည်စေလိုသောငှာ၎င်း၊ သင်၏ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရ ဘုရားသည် သူတို့ကို သင့်ရှေ့မှ နှင်ထုတ်တော်မူ၏။
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بهخاطر عدالت و پاکی شما نیست که شما این سرزمین را تصرّف خواهید کرد، بلکه به دلیل شرارت این اقوام است که خداوند آنها را از پیش شما بیرون میکند تا وعدهای را که خداوند به نیاکان شما، یعنی ابراهیم، اسحاق و یعقوب داده است، عملی سازد.
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Tū apnī rāstbāzī aur diyānatdārī kī binā par us mulk par qabzā nahīṅ karegā balki Rab unheṅ un kī sharīr harkatoṅ ke bāis tere sāmne se nikāl degā. Dūsre, jo wādā us ne tere bāpdādā Ibrāhīm, Is'hāq aur Yāqūb ke sāth qasam khā kar kiyā thā use pūrā honā hai.
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Det är inte genom din rättfärdighet eller ditt hjärtas rättsinnighet som du går för att ta deras land i besittning, utan det är till följd av ogudaktigheten hos dessa folk som Herren din Gud driver bort dem för dig och så uppfyller vad han med ed har lovat dina fäder Abraham, Isak och Jakob.
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Denn nicht um deiner Gerechtigkeit und um deines aufrichtigen Herzens willen kommst du hinein, ihr Land einzunehmen, sondern um ihres gottlosen Wesens willen vertreibt der HERR, dein Gott, diese Heiden, und damit er das Wort halte, das der HERR deinen Vätern Abraham, Isaak und Jakob geschworen hat.
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Hindi dahil sa iyong katuwiran o dahil sa pagtatapat ng iyong loob ay iyong pinapasok upang ariin ang kanilang lupain: kundi dahil sa kasamaan ng mga bansang ito ay pinalalayas sila ng Panginoong Dios sa harap mo, at upang kaniyang papagtibayin ang salita na isinumpa ng Panginoon sa iyong mga magulang kay Abraham, kay Isaac, at kay Jacob.
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Et sinä vanhurskautesi ja oikeamielisyytesi tähden pääse ottamaan heidän maataan omaksesi, vaan näiden kansojen jumalattomuuden tähden Herra, Jumalasi, karkottaa heidät edestäsi ja täyttääkseen, mitä Herra valalla vannoen on luvannut isillesi, Aabrahamille, Iisakille ja Jaakobille.
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خداوند به خاطر اینکه شما مردم خوب و صالح هستید این سرزمین را به شما نمی بخشد، بلکه بسبب شرارت اقوام آنجا خدای تان آن ها را از آن سرزمین اخراج کرد تا وعدۀ خود را که به اجداد شما، یعنی ابراهیم، اسحاق و یعقوب داده بود وفا کند.
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Oo xaqnimadiinna iyo qummanaanta qalbigiinna midna kuma aydaan hantiyin dalkooda, laakiinse Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu quruumahaas sharkoodii aawadiis ayuu idinka hor eryayaa, iyo in Rabbigu sii adkeeyo eraygii uu ugu dhaartay awowayaashiin oo ahaa Ibraahim iyo Isxaaq iyo Yacquub.
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Det er ikkje for di du er god og rettvis, eller for di du er truverdug og ærleg, at du skal koma dit og få landet deira, men for di dei er gudlause, driv Herren deim ut, og av di han vil halda det ordet han gav federne dine, Abraham og Isak og Jakob.
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Jo, nuk është as nga drejtësia jote as nga ndershmëria e zemrës sate, që ti hyn për të pushtuar vendin e tyre, por nga ligësia e këtyre kombeve që Zoti, Perëndia yt, po i dëbon para teje, dhe për të mbajtur fjalën e dhënë etërve të tu, Abrahamit, Isakut dhe Jakobit.
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네가 가서 그들의 땅을 소유하는 것은 네 의나 네 마음의 곧바름 때문이 아니요, 오직 이 민족들의 사악함으로 인하여 주 네 하나님께서 그들을 네 앞에서 쫓아내시기 때문이니 이것은 주께서 네 조상 아브라함과 이삭과 야곱에게 맹세로 하신 말씀을 친히 이루려 하심이니라.
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Не идеш за правду своју ни за чистоту срца својега да наслиједиш ту земљу; него за неваљалство тијех народа Господ Бог твој тјера их испред тебе, и да одржи ријеч за коју се заклео оцима твојим, Авраму, Исаку и Јакову.
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For not for thi riytfulnessis, and equyte of thin herte thou schalt entre that thou welde the lond `of hem; but for thei diden wickidli, thei weren doon awey, whanne thou entridist, and that the Lord schulde fille his word which he bihiyte vndur an ooth to thi fadris, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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നീ അവരുടെ ദേശം കൈവശമാക്കുവാൻ ചെല്ലുന്നതു നിന്റെ നീതിനിമിത്തവും നിന്റെ ഹൃദയപരമാൎത്ഥംനിമിത്തവും അല്ല, ആ ജാതിയുടെ ദുഷ്ടതനിമിത്തവും അബ്രാഹാം, യിസ്ഹാക്, യാക്കോബ് എന്ന നിന്റെ പിതാക്കന്മാരോടു യഹോവ സത്യംചെയ്ത വചനം നിവൎത്തിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നും അത്രേ നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ അവരെ നിന്റെ മുമ്പിൽനിന്നു നീക്കിക്കളയുന്നതു.
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네가 가서 그 땅을 얻음은 너의 의로움을 인함도 아니며 네 마음이 정직함을 인함도 아니요 이 민족들의 악함을 인하여 네 하나님 여호와께서 그들을 네 앞에서 쫓아내심이라 여호와께서 이같이 하심은 네 열조 아브라함과 이삭과 야곱에게 하신 맹세를 이루려 하심이니라
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تورپاقلارينا گئرئب اورايا مالئک اولماغينيز سئزئن صالحلئيئنئزه گؤره، اورهيئنئزئن دوزلويونه گؤره ديئل. آنجاق تارينيز رب بو مئلّتلري پئس عمللرئنه گؤره سئزئن قاباغينيزدان قووور کي، آتالارينيز ائبراهئمه، ائسحاقا، و يعقوبا ائچدئيي آندي تصدئق اتسئن.
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Ty du kommer icke in i landet till att besitta det, för dina rättfärdighet, eller för dins hjertas fromhets skull; utan Herren din Gud fördrifver dessa Hedningarna för deras ogudaktighets skull, på det han skall fullkomna det ord, som Herren dina fäder, Abraham, Isaac och Jacob, svorit hafver.
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ghobe' vaD lIj QaQtaHghach, joq vaD the uprightness vo' lIj tIq, ta' SoH jaH Daq Daq ghaj chaj puH; 'ach vaD the mIghtaHghach vo' Dochvammey tuqpu' joH'a' lIj joH'a' ta'taH drive chaH pa' vo' qaSpa' SoH, je vetlh ghaH may establish the mu' nuq joH'a' swore Daq lIj vavpu', Daq Abraham, Daq Isaac, je Daq Jacob.
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Tu non entri a possedere il lor paese per la tua giustizia, nè per la dirittura del cuor tuo; conciossiachè il Signore Iddio tuo scacci quelle genti d’innanzi a te, per la lor malvagità, e per attener la parola ch’egli ha giurata a’ tuoi padri, ad Abrahamo, a Isacco, e a Giacobbe.
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не за праведность твою и не за правоту сердца твоего идешь ты наследовать землю их, но за нечестие [и беззакония] народов сих Господь, Бог твой, изгоняет их от лица твоего, и дабы исполнить слово, которым клялся Господь отцам твоим Аврааму, Исааку и Иакову;
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не ради правды твоея, ниже преподобия ради сердца твоего ты входиши наследити землю их, но нечестия ради и беззакония языков сих Господь от лица твоего потребит я, и да уставит завет, имже клятся Господь отцем вашым, Аврааму и Исааку и Иакову:
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ουχί διά την δικαιοσύνην σου ουδέ διά την οσιότητα της καρδίας σου συ εισπορεύη κληρονομήσαι την γην αυτών αλλά διά την ασέβειαν των εθνών τούτων κύριος εξολοθρεύσει αυτούς από προσώπου σου και ίνα στήση την διαθήκην ην ώμοσε κύριος τοις πατράσιν υμών τω Αβραάμ και τω Ισαάκ και τω Ιακώβ
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Ce n'est point à cause de ta justice et de la droiture de ton cœur que tu vas prendre possession de leur pays, mais c'est à cause de la méchanceté de ces nations que l'Eternel ton Dieu va les déposséder de devant toi, et afin de confirmer la parole que l'Eternel a jurée à tes pères, Abraham, Isaac et Jacob.
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Ya solo mpenza, Yawe Nzambe wa bino akobotolo mokili mwa bango te mpo ya kopesa bino, mpo bozali na ezalela elamu to motema bosembo, kasi akosala bongo zambi bango moko basalaki mabe mpe mpo ya kokokisa ndai alayelaki bankoko ba bino Abarama, Izaka na Yakob.
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Nem a te igazságodért és egyenes szívedért mész te be, hogy elfoglaljad az ő országukat, hanem e népek gonoszságáért űzi el az Örökkévaló, a te Istened őket előled és hogy megtartsa szavát, mellyel az Örökkévaló megesküdött Ábrahámnak, Izsáknak és Jákobnak.
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Không phải nhờ đức công chính hay lòng trung thực mà anh chị em sẽ được chiếm hữu đất hứa đâu, nhưng vì tội ác các dân tộc này nên CHÚA, Đức Chúa Trời anh chị em sẽ đánh đuổi họ để thực hiện điều Ngài đã thề với tổ tiên anh chị em là Áp-ra-ham, Y-sác và Gia-cốp.
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οὐχὶ διὰ τὴν δικαιοσύνην σου οὐδὲ διὰ τὴν ὁσιότητα τῆς καρδίας σου σὺ εἰσπορεύῃ κληρονομῆσαι τὴν γῆν αὐτῶν ἀλλὰ διὰ τὴν ἀσέβειαν τῶν ἐθνῶν τούτων κύριος ἐξολεθρεύσει αὐτοὺς ἀπὸ προσώπου σου καὶ ἵνα στήσῃ τὴν διαθήκην αὐτοῦ ἣν ὤμοσεν τοῖς πατράσιν ὑμῶν τῷ Αβρααμ καὶ τῷ Ισαακ καὶ τῷ Ιακωβ
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Dili tungod sa imong pagkamatarung, ni tungod sa pagkatul-id sa imong kasingkasing, makasulod ka sa pagpanag-iya sa yuta nila; kondili tungod sa pagkadautan niining mga nasud nga si Jehova nga imong Dios nagasalikway kanila gikan sa imong atubangan, aron matukod niya ang pulong nga gipanumpa ni Jehova sa imong mga amahan, kang Abraham, kang Isaac ug kang Jacob.
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Nu, nu pentru bunătatea ta, nici pentru curăţia inimii tale intri tu în stăpânirea ţării lor, ci din pricina răutăţii acestor neamuri le izgoneşte Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, dinaintea ta şi ca să împlinească astfel cuvântul prin care Domnul S-a jurat părinţilor tăi, lui Avraam, lui Isaac şi lui Iacov.
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Eri, kaidehkin pwehki amwail pwuhng de amwail nan kapehd mwahu me kumwail pahn pedokihlong oh sapwenikihla sapwarailo. KAUN-O ketin kasarehsangehr wehi kan me towe sahpw wet pwehki ar suwed, pwe en kapwaiada inou me e ketin kahukihong amwail pahpa kahlap ako, Eipraam, Aisek oh Seikop.
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Nem a magad igazságáért és szíved egyenességéért mégy be oda, hogy birtokba vedd földjüket, hanem ezeket a népeket gonoszságuk miatt űzi ki előled Istened, az Úr, hogy megtartsa ígéretét, amelyet esküvel fogadott meg az Úr atyáidnak, Ábrahámnak, Izsáknak és Jákóbnak.
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Nicht um deines Verdienstes und deines lautern Herzens willen kommst du hinein, um ihr Land zu besetzen, sondern um ihrer Ruchlosigkeit willen vertreibt der Herr, dein Gott, diese Völker, und um das Wort wahr zu machen, das der Herr deinen Vätern Abraham, Isaak und Jakob geschworen hat.
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Nicht um deiner Gerechtigkeit und um der Redlichkeit deines Herzens willen kannst du ihr Land einnehmen, sondern ob der Ungerechtigkeit dieser Völkerschaften treibt Jehovah, dein Gott, sie vor dir aus, und auf daß Er das Wort bestätige, das Jehovah deinen Vätern, dem Abraham, dem Isaak und dem Jakob, geschworen hat.
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Не за праведность твою и не за правоту сердца твоего ты идешь наслјдовать землю ихъ, но за нечестіе народовъ сихъ Господь, Богъ твой, изгоняетъ ихъ отъ лица твоего, и дабы исполнить слово, которое съ клятвою далъ Господь отцамъ твоимъ Аврааму, Исааку и Іакову.
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Não é por causa da tua justiça, nem pela retidão do teu coração que entras a possuir a sua terra, mas pela iniquidade destas nações o Senhor teu Deus as lança fora de diante de ti, e para confirmar a palavra que o Senhor teu Deus jurou a teus pais, Abraão, Isaque e Jacó.
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Niet om uw gerechtigheid, noch om de oprechtheid uws harten, komt gij er henen in, om hun land te erven; maar om de goddeloosheid dezer volken, verdrijft hen de Heere, uw God, voor uw aangezicht uit de bezitting: en om het woord te bevestigen, dat de Heere, uw God, aan uw vaderen, Abraham, Izak en Jakob, gezworen heeft.
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نه بهسبب عدالت خود و نه بهسبب راستی دل خویش داخل زمین ایشان برای تصرفش میشوی، بلکه بهسبب شرارت این امتها، یهوه، خدایت، ایشان را از حضور تو اخراج مینماید، و تا آنکه کلامی را که خداوند برای پدرانت، ابراهیم و اسحاق و یعقوب، قسم خورده بود، استوار نماید.
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Kakungenxa yokulunga kwakho kumbe ngenxa yobuqotho benhliziyo yakho ukuthi ungene ukudla ilifa lelizwe lazo; kodwa ngenxa yobubi balezizizwe iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izixotsha zisuke elifeni lazo phambi kwakho, lokuthi iqinise ilizwi iNkosi eyalifungela oyihlo, uAbrahama, uIsaka loJakobe.
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Não por tua justiça, nem pela retidão de teu coração entras a possuir a terra deles; mas pela impiedade destas nações o SENHOR teu Deus as expulsa de diante de ti, e para confirmar a palavra que o SENHOR jurou a teus pais Abraão, Isaque, e Jacó.
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Ikke for din rettferdighets skyld eller for ditt opriktige hjertes skyld kommer du inn i deres land og tar det i eie; men det er for deres ugudelighets skyld Herren din Gud driver disse hedninger ut for dig, og for å holde det ord Herren har svoret dine fedre Abraham, Isak og Jakob.
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A ne zaradi svoje pravičnosti in srca svojega poštenosti pojdeš tja, da dobiš v last njih deželo, marveč zaradi brezbožnosti teh narodov jih izžene Gospod, tvoj Bog, pred teboj ter da bi potrdil besedo, ki jo je prisegel tvojim očetom, Abrahamu, Izaku in Jakobu.
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Torpaqlarına girib irs olaraq oranı almağınız sizin salehliyinizə və ürəyinizin düzlüyünə görə deyil. Ancaq Allahınız Rəbb bu millətləri pis əməllərinə görə sizin qarşınızdan qovacaq ki, ata-babalarınız İbrahimə, İshaqa, Yaquba verdiyi vədi yerinə yetirsin.
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Nicht um deiner Gerechtigkeit und der Geradheit deines Herzens willen kommst du hinein, um ihr Land in Besitz zu nehmen; sondern um der Gesetzlosigkeit dieser Nationen willen treibt Jehova, dein Gott, sie vor dir aus, und damit er das Wort aufrecht halte, welches Jehova deinen Vätern, Abraham, Isaak und Jakob, geschworen hat.
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Ne tavas taisnības dēļ, nedz tavas sirds skaidrības dēļ tu nenāc iemantot viņu zemi, bet šo tautu bezdievības dēļ Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tos izdzen tavā priekšā un gribēdams apstiprināt to vārdu, ko Tas Kungs zvērējis taviem tēviem Ābrahāmam, Īzakam un Jēkabam.
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Não é por causa da tua justiça, nem pela rectidão do teu coração que entras a possuir a sua terra, mas pela impiedade d'estas nações o Senhor teu Deus as lança fóra, de diante de ti; e para confirmar a palavra que o Senhor teu Deus jurou a teus paes, Abrahão, Isaac e Jacob.
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你進去得他們的地,並不是因你的義,也不是因你心裡正直,乃是因這些國民的惡,耶和華─你的 神將他們從你面前趕出去,又因耶和華要堅定他向你列祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各起誓所應許的話。
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Ty du kommer icke in i landet till att besitta det, för dina rättfärdighet, eller för dins hjertas fromhets skull; utan Herren din Gud fördrifver dessa Hedningarna för deras ogudaktighets skull, på det han skall fullkomna det ord, som Herren dina fäder, Abraham, Isaac och Jacob, svorit hafver.
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לא בצדקתך ובישר לבבך אתה בא לרשת את ארצם כי ברשעת הגוים האלה יהוה מורשם מפניך ולמען הקים את הדבר אשר נשבע לאבתיך לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב
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Non, ce n’est pas à ton mérite ni à la droiture de ton cœur que tu devras la conquête de leur pays: c’est pour leur iniquité que l’Éternel, ton Dieu, dépossède ces peuples à ton profit, et aussi pour accomplir la parole qu’il a jurée à tes pères, à Abraham, à Isaac et à Jacob.
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Ce n'est pas à raison de ta justice et de la droiture de ton cœur que tu viens conquérir leur pays, mais c'est à raison de l'impiété de ces nations-là que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, les chasse devant toi, et afin de mettre à effet la promesse que l'Éternel fit par serment à tes pères, à Abraham, à lsaac et à Jacob.
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Não é pelo teu mérito, nem pela retidão do teu coração que entrarás na posse das suas terras, mas devido à maldade desses povos é que o Senhor, teu Deus, os desalojará diante de ti, para cumprir a palavra que jurou aos teus pais, Abraão, Isaac e Jacob.
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Nicht um deiner Rechtbeschaffenheit und um deines lauteren Herzens willen gelangst du in den Besitz ihres Landes, sondern Jahwe, dein Gott, vertreibt diese Völker vor dir um ihrer Frevel willen und um die eidliche Zusage zu erfüllen, die Jahwe deinen Vätern Abraham, Isaak und Jakob gegeben hat.
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No por tu justicia ni por la rectitud de tu corazón vas a entrar en posesión de su país; al contrario, por la maldad de estas naciones Yahvé, tu Dios, las expulsa de tu presencia, y para cumplir la promesa que juró a tus padres, a Abrahán, a Isaac y a Jacob.
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Hagalee bolo idimaa go goodou digau humalia ge e-hai nia mee donu dela ga-ulu-iei goodou gi-lodo tenua digaula, ga-hai-mee ginai. Dimaadua e-hagabagi digaula gi-daha, idimaa digaula digau hai-mee huaidu, ge di-maa hogi belee haga-gila-aga di hagababa dela ne-hagamodu go Mee ang-gi godou damana-mmaadua, go Abraham, Isaac mo Jacob.
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לֹ֣א בְצִדְקָתְךָ֗ וּבְיֹ֙שֶׁר֙ לְבָ֣בְךָ֔ אַתָּ֥ה בָ֖א לָרֶ֣שֶׁת אֶת־אַרְצָ֑ם כִּ֞י בְּרִשְׁעַ֣ת ׀ הַגּוֹיִ֣ם הָאֵ֗לֶּה יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ מוֹרִישָׁ֣ם מִפָּנֶ֔יךָ וּלְמַ֜עַן הָקִ֣ים אֶת־הַדָּבָ֗ר אֲשֶׁ֨ר נִשְׁבַּ֤ע יְהוָה֙ לַאֲבֹתֶ֔יךָ לְאַבְרָהָ֥ם לְיִצְחָ֖ק וּֽלְיַעֲקֹֽב׃
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Ne dėl tavo teisumo ir širdies dorumo įeisi jų žemę paveldėti; jie yra išvaromi dėl jų pikto elgesio, kad Viešpats įvykdytų, ką su priesaika pažadėjo tavo tėvams: Abraomui, Izaokui ir Jokūbui.
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не за справядлівасьць тваю і не за праўду сэрца твайго ідзеш ты спадкаваць зямлю іхнюю, а за грэх народаў гэтых Гасподзь, Бог твой, праганяе іх ад аблічча твайго, і каб выканаць слова, якім прысягаўся Гасподзь бацькам тваім Абрагаму, Ісааку і Якаву;
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Denn du kommst nicht herein, ihr Land einzunehmen, urn deiner Gerechtigkeit und deines aufrichtigen Herzens willen, sondern der HERR, dein Gott, vertreibt diese Heiden urn ihres gottlosen Wesens willen, daß er das Wort halte, das der HERR geschworen hat deinen Vatern, Abraham, Isaak und Jakob.
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Ette te oman kuuliaisuutenne ja rehellisyytenne ansiosta pääse ottamaan haltuunne niiden maita, vaan Herra, teidän Jumalanne, hävittää nämä kansat teidän tieltänne niiden pahuuden tähden ja täyttääkseen lupauksensa, jonka hän valalla vannoen on antanut teidän esi-isillenne Abrahamille, Iisakille ja Jaakobille.
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No por tu justicia, ni por la rectitud de tu corazón entras a heredar la tierra de ellos: mas por la impiedad de estas gentes Jehová tu Dios las echa de delante de ti, y por confirmar la palabra que Jehová juró a tus padres Abraham, Isaac, y Jacob.
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Neen, niet om uw gerechtigheid en onberispelijk gedrag gaat ge hun land in bezit nemen; maar om de boosheid dezer volken drijft Jahweh, uw God, ze voor u uit, en ook om zijn woord gestand te doen, dat Jahweh aan uw vaderen, aan Abraham, Isaäk en Jakob heeft gezworen.
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Nicht wegen deiner Gerechtigkeit und Aufrichtigkeit kannst du ihr Land in Besitz nehmen, sondern wegen der Bosheit dieser Völker vertreibt Jahwe, dein Gott, sie vor dir, um wahr zu machen, was er deinen Vorfahren Abraham, Isaak und Jakob geschworen hat.
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تُو اپنی راست بازی اور دیانت داری کی بنا پر اُس ملک پر قبضہ نہیں کرے گا بلکہ رب اُنہیں اُن کی شریر حرکتوں کے باعث تیرے سامنے سے نکال دے گا۔ دوسرے، جو وعدہ اُس نے تیرے باپ دادا ابراہیم، اسحاق اور یعقوب کے ساتھ قَسم کھا کر کیا تھا اُسے پورا ہونا ہے۔
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إِذْ لَيْسَ بِفَضْلِ صَلاَحِكُمْ وَاسْتِقَامَتِكُمْ تَدْخُلُونَ لامْتِلاَكِ أَرْضِهِمْ، إِنَّمَا مِنْ أَجْلِ إِثْمِهِمْ يَطْرُدُهُمُ الرَّبُّ إِلَهُكُمْ مِنْ أَمَامِكُمْ وَفَاءً بِوَعْدِهِ الَّذِي أَقْسَمَ عَلَيْهِ لِآبَائِكُمْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ.
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你进去取得他们的地,并不是因着你的义,也不是因着你心里的正直,而是因着这些国的民的恶,耶和华你的 神才把他们从你面前赶出去,为要实践他向你的列祖亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各,起誓应许的话。
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No, tu non entri in possesso del loro paese a motivo della tua giustizia, né a motivo della rettitudine del tuo cuore; ma l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, sta per cacciare quelle nazioni d’innanzi a te per la loro malvagità e per mantenere la parola giurata ai tuoi padri, ad Abrahamo, a Isacco e a Giacobbe.
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Nie ter wille van jou geregtigheid en die opregtheid van jou hart kom jy in om hulle land in besit te neem nie, maar weens die goddeloosheid van hierdie nasies verdryf die HERE jou God hulle voor jou uit, en om die woord te vervul wat die HERE vir jou vaders, Abraham, Isak en Jakob, gesweer het.
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Не за праведность твою и не за правоту сердца твоего идешь ты наследовать землю их, но за нечестие народов этих Господь, Бог твой, изгоняет их от лица твоего и дабы исполнить слово, которым клялся Господь отцам твоим Аврааму, Исааку и Иакову.
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तू अपनी रास्तबाज़ी और दियानतदारी की बिना पर उस मुल्क पर क़ब्ज़ा नहीं करेगा बल्कि रब उन्हें उनकी शरीर हरकतों के बाइस तेरे सामने से निकाल देगा। दूसरे, जो वादा उसने तेरे बापदादा इब्राहीम, इसहाक़ और याक़ूब के साथ क़सम खाकर किया था उसे पूरा होना है।
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Onların topraklarını mülk edinmeye gitmenizin nedeni doğruluğunuz, erdeminiz değildir. Tanrınız RAB bu ulusları kötülükleri yüzünden ve atalarınız İbrahim'e, İshak'a, Yakup'a ant içerek verdiği sözü yerine getirmek için önünüzden kovacak.
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Niet om uw gerechtigheid, noch om de oprechtheid uws harten, komt gij er henen in, om hun land te erven; maar om de goddeloosheid dezer volken, verdrijft hen de HEERE, uw God, voor uw aangezicht uit de bezitting: en om het woord te bevestigen, dat de HEERE, uw God, aan uw vaderen, Abraham, Izak en Jakob, gezworen heeft.
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Nem a te igaz voltodért, s nem a te szíved egyenességéért jutsz ugyanis földjük birtokába, hanem azért vesznek el utadból, mert istentelenül cselekedtek, meg azért, hogy az Úr teljesítse szavát, amelyet esküvel ígért atyáidnak, Ábrahámnak, Izsáknak és Jákobnak.
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Ehara i te tika nou, i te tapatahi ranei o tou ngakau, i haere ai koe ki te tango i to ratou whenua; engari he kino no enei iwi i pei ai a Ihowa, tou Atua, i a ratou i tou aroaro, he mea hoki kia mana ai te kupu i oati ai a Ihowa ki ou matua, ki a Aperahama, ki a Ihaka, ki a Hakopa.
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Nem a te igazságodért, sem a te szívednek igaz voltáért mégy te be az ő földük bírására; hanem az Úr, a te Istened e népeknek istentelenségéért űzi ki őket előled, hogy megerősítse az ígéretet, a mely felől megesküdt az Úr a te atyáidnak: Ábrahámnak, Izsáknak és Jákóbnak.
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Ngươi vào nhận lấy xứ của các dân tộc ấy, chẳng phải vì cớ sự công bình ngươi, hay là lòng chánh trực của ngươi đâu, nhưng vì cớ sự gian ác của chúng nó, nên Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi sẽ đuổi chúng nó ra khỏi trước mặt ngươi, để làm cho ứng nghiệm lời hứa Ngài đã thề cùng các tổ phụ người, là Áp-ra-ham, Y-sác và Gia-cốp.
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Moco xban ta xti̱quilal le̱ chˈo̱l nak li Dios tixqˈue chere̱chani li naˈajej aˈan. Ta̱risiheb ban xban nak kˈaxal yibru lix naˈlebeb ut xban ajcuiˈ nak tento tixba̱nu li cˈaˈru quixyechiˈi riqˈuin juramento reheb le̱ xeˈto̱nil yucuaˈ, laj Abraham, laj Isaac, ut laj Jacob.
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לא בצדקתך ובישר לבבך אתה בא לרשת את ארצם כי ברשעת הגוים האלה יהוה . מורשם מפניך ולמען הקים את הדבר אשר נשבע . לאבתיך לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב
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Icke din rättfärdighet och din rättsinnighet är det som gör att du får komma in i deras land och taga det i besittning, utan dessa hedningars ogudaktighet är det som gör att HERREN, din Gud, fördriver dem för dig. Så vill ock HERREN uppfylla vad han med ed har lovat dina fäder, Abraham, Isak och Jakob.
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Ne ideš ti da zaposjedneš njihovu zemlju zbog svoje pravednosti i čestitosti svoga srca, nego zato što Jahve, Bog tvoj, zbog opačine onih naroda tjera njih ispred tebe da tako održi riječ kojom se zakleo tvojim ocima: Abrahamu, Izaku i Jakovu.
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Không phải vì anh (em) công chính hay vì lòng anh (em) ngay thẳng mà anh (em) sắp được vào chiếm hữu đất của chúng, nhưng chính vì các dân tộc ấy có tội mà ĐỨC CHÚA, Thiên Chúa của anh (em), trục xuất chúng cho khuất mắt anh (em). ĐỨC CHÚA làm như vậy để giữ vững lời Người đã thề với cha ông anh (em), là ông Áp-ra-ham, ông I-xa-ác và ông Gia-cóp.
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Ce n’est point pour ta justice ni pour la droiture de ton coeur, que tu entres en leur pays pour le posséder ; mais c’est pour la méchanceté de ces nations-là, que l’Eternel ton Dieu les va chasser de devant toi ; et afin de ratifier la parole que l’Eternel a jurée à tes pères, Abraham, Isaac, et Jacob.
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Non, ce n'est pas à cause de ta justice, ce n'est pas à cause de la sainteté de ton cœur que tu vas avoir leur terre pour héritage, mais c'est à cause de l'iniquité de ces nations que le Seigneur détruira devant toi, afin d'établir l'alliance que le Seigneur a jurée avec nos pères : Abraham, Isaac et Jacob.
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לא בצדקתך ובישר לבבך אתה בא לרשת את ארצם כי ברשעת הגוים האלה יהוה אלהיך מורישם מפניך ולמען הקים את הדבר אשר נשבע יהוה לאבתיך לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב
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לֹ֣א בְצִדְקָתְךָ֗ וּבְיֹ֙שֶׁר֙ לְבָ֣בְךָ֔ אַתָּ֥ה בָ֖א לָרֶ֣שֶׁת אֶת־אַרְצָ֑ם כִּ֞י בְּרִשְׁעַ֣ת ׀ הַגּוֹיִ֣ם הָאֵ֗לֶּה יְהֹוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ מוֹרִישָׁ֣ם מִפָּנֶ֔יךָ וּלְמַ֜עַן הָקִ֣ים אֶת־הַדָּבָ֗ר אֲשֶׁ֨ר נִשְׁבַּ֤ע יְהֹוָה֙ לַאֲבֹתֶ֔יךָ לְאַבְרָהָ֥ם לְיִצְחָ֖ק וּֽלְיַעֲקֹֽב׃
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לא בצדקתך ובישר לבבך אתה בא לרשת את ארצם כי ברשעת הגוים האלה יהוה אלהיך מורישם מפניך ולמען הקים את הדבר אשר נשבע יהוה לאבתיך לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב׃
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Ендеше осы елді иемденулерің сендердің ерекше әділдіктеріңе яки ізгі қасиеттеріңе бола емес. Қайта, сол халықтардың зұлымдықтарына бола Құдайларың Жаратқан Ие оларды алдарыңнан қуып шығады. Осылайша Ол ата-бабаларың Ыбырайым, Ысқақ, Жақыпқа антпен берген уәдесін жүзеге асырады.
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Ce n’est point à cause de ta justice, ni à cause de la droiture de ton cœur, que tu entres pour posséder leur pays ; car c’est à cause de la méchanceté de ces nations, que l’Éternel, ton Dieu, les dépossède devant toi, et afin de ratifier la parole que l’Éternel a jurée à tes pères, à Abraham, à Isaac, et à Jacob.
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Nicht wegen des Verdienstes und deines lauteren Herzens kommst du in den Besitz dieses Landes, sondern der Herr, dein Gott, vertreibt vor dir diese Völker wegen ihrer Frevelhaftigkeit und zur Erfüllung des Schwures, den der Herr deinen Vätern, Abraham, Isaak und Jakob, geleistet hat.
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Ne greš, da zaradi svoje pravičnosti ali zaradi poštenosti svojega srca vzameš v last njihovo deželo, temveč zaradi zlobnosti teh narodov jih je Gospod, tvoj Bog, pognal izpred tebe in da lahko izpolni besedo, ki jo je Gospod prisegel tvojim očetom, Abrahamu, Izaku in Jakobu.
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Non! Se pa paske nou te merite, ni paske nou te mennen bak nou dwat kifè Seyè a pral fè nou pran peyi a pou nou. Se paske moun sa yo mechan kifè Seyè a, Bondye nou an, pral disparèt yo sou tout wout nou. Epitou, se pou l' te ka kenbe pawòl li te sèmante bay zansèt nou yo, Abraram, Izarak ak Jakòb.
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Et sinä tule omistamaan heidän maatansa vanhurskautes eli sydämes vakuuden tähden; vaan Herra sinun Jumalas ajaa pakanat ulos heidän jumalattomuutensa tähden, että Herra vahvistais sanansa, jonka Herra sinun isilles Abrahamille, Isaakille ja Jakobille vannoi.
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ወአኮ ፡ በበይነ ፡ ጽድቅከ ፡ ወአኮ ፡ በበይነ ፡ ንጽሐ ፡ ልብከ ፡ ዘትበውእ ፡ አንተ ፡ ትትወረሳ ፡ ለምድሮሙ ፡ አላ ፡ በበይነ ፡ ኀጢአቶሙ ፡ ለውእቶሙ ፡ አሕዛብ ፡ ያጠፍኦሙ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለውእቶሙ ፡ አሕዛብ ፡ እምቅድመ ፡ ገጽከ ፡ ወከመ ፡ ያቅም ፡ ኪዳኖ ፡ ዘመሐለ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለአበዊክሙ ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ ወለይስሐቅ ፡ ወለያዕቆብ ።
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No por tu justicia, ni por la rectitud de tu corazón entras á poseer la tierra de ellos; mas por la impiedad de estas gentes Jehová tu Dios las echa de delante de ti, y por confirmar la palabra que Jehová juró á tus padres Abraham, Isaac, y Jacob.
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Does gan y peth ddim byd i'w wneud â'ch daioni chi a'ch moesoldeb chi. Na, y ffaith fod y bobl sy'n byw yno mor ddrwg, sy'n cymell yr ARGLWYDD eich Duw i'w gyrru nhw allan o'ch blaenau chi, a hefyd achos ei fod am gadw'r addewid wnaeth e i'ch hynafiaid chi, i Abraham, Isaac a Jacob.
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Nicht um deines Verdienstes willen und nicht wegen deines aufrichtigen Herzens gelangst du in den Besitz ihres Landes, sondern der HERR, dein Gott, rottet diese Völkerschaften vor dir her aus wegen ihrer Verworfenheit und auch um die Verheißung zu erfüllen, die der HERR deinen Vätern Abraham, Isaak und Jakob zugeschworen hat.
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Ουχί διά την δικαιοσύνην σου ουδέ διά την ευθύτητα της καρδίας σου εισέρχεσαι να κληρονομήσης την γην αυτών· αλλά διά την ασέβειαν των εθνών τούτων Κύριος ο Θεός σου εκδιώκει αυτά απ' έμπροσθέν σου, και διά να στερεώση τον λόγον, τον οποίον ο Κύριος ώμοσε προς τους πατέρας σου, προς τον Αβραάμ, προς τον Ισαάκ και προς τον Ιακώβ.
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Не через пра́ведність твою, і не через простоту́ твого серця ти входиш володіти їхнім Краєм, але через неправедність цих людей Господь, Бог твій, виганяє їх з-перед тебе, і щоб виконати те слово, що присягнув був Господь батькам твоїм, Авраамові, Ісакові та Якову.
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Не идеш за правду своју ни за чистоту срца свог да наследиш ту земљу; него за неваљалство тих народа Господ Бог твој отера их испред тебе, и да одржи реч за коју се заклео оцима твојим, Авраму, Исаку и Јакову.
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Non, ce n'est point à cause de ta justice et de la droiture de ton cœur que tu viens prendre possession de leur pays ; mais c'est à cause de la méchanceté de ces nations que Yahweh, ton Dieu, les chasse de devant toi ; c'est aussi pour accomplir la parole que Yahweh a jurée à tes pères, à Abraham, à Isaac et à Jacob.
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Nie dzięki swojej sprawiedliwości ani prawości swego serca wchodzisz, aby posiąść ich ziemię, lecz z powodu niegodziwości tych narodów Pan, twój Bóg, wypędza je przed tobą, i aby dopełnić słowo, które Pan poprzysiągł twoim ojcom: Abrahamowi, Izaakowi i Jakubowi.
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Non, ce n'est point à cause de ta justice et de la droiture de ton cœur que tu entres en possession de leur pays; mais c'est à cause de la méchanceté de ces nations que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, les chasse devant toi, et c'est pour confirmer la parole que l'Éternel a jurée à tes pères, à Abraham, à Isaac et à Jacob.
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No por tu justicia, ni por la rectitud de tu corazón entras á poseer la tierra de ellos; mas por la impiedad de estas gentes Jehová tu Dios las echa de delante de ti, y por confirmar la palabra que Jehová juró á tus padres Abraham, Isaac, y Jacob.
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Nem a magad igazságáért vagy szíved tisztaságáért mégy be oda, hogy birtokba vedd a földjüket, hanem gonoszságuk miatt űzi ki előled Istened, az Úr ezeket a népeket, hogy teljesítse ígéretét, amelyre esküt tett az Úr atyáidnak: Ábrahámnak, Izsáknak és Jákóbnak.
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Det er ikke for din Retfærdigheds eller dit ædle Hjertes Skyld, du kommer ind og tager deres Land i Besiddelse, nej, det er paa Grund af disse Folks Ondskab, at HERREN driver dem bort foran dig, og fordi han vil opfylde det Ord, han tilsvor dine Fædre, Abraham, Isak og Jakob.
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Em i no long stretpela pasin bilong yu, o long stretpela pasin bilong bel bilong yu, long yu go long kisim graun bilong ol. Tasol em long pasin nogut bilong ol dispela kantri BIKPELA i rausim ol long pes bilong yu, na long Em i ken bihainim dispela tok BIKPELA i bin tok tru antap long dispela long ol papa bilong yu, Em Ebraham, na Aisak na Jekop.
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Ikke for din Retfærdighed eller for dit Hjertes Oprigtighed kommer du ind for at eje deres Land, men for disse Hedningers Ugudeligheds Skyld fordriver Herren din Gud dem for dit Ansigt og for at stadfæste det Ord, som Herren svor dine Fædre, Abraham, Isak og Jakob.
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Car ce n’est ni ta justice ni la droiture de ton cœur qui sera cause que tu entreras dans leur pays pour le posséder ; mais elles seront détruites à ton entrée, parce qu’elles ont agi d’une manière impie, et que le Seigneur voulait accomplir ce qu’il a promis avec serment à tes pères, Abraham, Isaac et Jacob.
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Nie dla sprawiedliwości twojej, ani dla prostości serca twego ty wnijdziesz, abyś posiadł ziemię ich; ale dla niezbożności narodów tych Pan, Bóg twój, wypędza ich przed twarzą twoją, i aby utwierdził Pan słowo, które przysiągł ojcom twoim Abrahamowi, Izaakowi, i Jakóbowi.
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Nicht um deiner Gerechtigkeit und der Geradheit deines Herzens willen kommst du hinein, um ihr Land in Besitz zu nehmen; sondern um der Gesetzlosigkeit dieser Nationen willen treibt Jehova, dein Gott, sie vor dir aus, und damit er das Wort aufrecht halte, welches Jehova deinen Vätern, Abraham, Isaak und Jakob, geschworen hat.