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Exod RWebster 19:3  And Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod NHEBJE 19:3  Moses went up to God, and Jehovah called to him out of the mountain, saying, "This is what you shall tell the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exod SPE 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod ABP 19:3  And Moses ascended into the mountain of God. And [2called 3him 1God] from the mountain, saying, Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the sons of Israel,
Exod NHEBME 19:3  Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him out of the mountain, saying, "This is what you shall tell the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exod Rotherha 19:3  And when Moses, had gone up unto God, then called Yahweh unto him out of the mountain saying, Thus, shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, And tell the sons of Israel:
Exod LEB 19:3  And Moses went up to God, and Yahweh called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus you will say to the house of Jacob and you will tell the ⌞Israelites⌟,
Exod RNKJV 19:3  And Moses went up unto Elohim, and יהוה called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod Jubilee2 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel:
Exod Webster 19:3  And Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod Darby 19:3  And Moses went up toGod, and Jehovah called to him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exod ASV 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, and Jehovah called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exod LITV 19:3  And Moses went up to God. And Jehovah called to him from the mountain, saying, You shall say this to the house of Jacob, and tell it to the sons of Israel.
Exod Geneva15 19:3  But Moses went vp vnto God, for ye Lord had called out of the mount vnto him, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Iaakob, and tell the children of Israel,
Exod CPDV 19:3  Then Moses ascended to God. And the Lord called to him from the mountain, and he said: “This you shall say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the sons of Israel:
Exod BBE 19:3  And Moses went up to God, and the voice of the Lord came to him from the mountain, saying, Say to the family of Jacob, and give word to the children of Israel:
Exod DRC 19:3  And Moses went up to God; and the Lord called unto him from the mountain, and said: Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exod GodsWord 19:3  Then Moses went up the mountain to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain, "This is what you must say to the descendants of Jacob. Tell the Israelites,
Exod JPS 19:3  And Moses went up unto G-d, and HaShem called unto him out of the mountain, saying: 'Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exod KJVPCE 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod NETfree 19:3  Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain, "Thus you will tell the house of Jacob, and declare to the people of Israel:
Exod AB 19:3  And Moses went up to the mount of God, and God called him out of the mountain, saying, These things shall you say to the house of Jacob, and you shall report them to the children of Israel.
Exod AFV2020 19:3  And Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him out of the mountain, saying, "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel,
Exod NHEB 19:3  Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him out of the mountain, saying, "This is what you shall tell the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exod NETtext 19:3  Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain, "Thus you will tell the house of Jacob, and declare to the people of Israel:
Exod UKJV 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod KJV 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod KJVA 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod AKJV 19:3  And Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod RLT 19:3  And Moses went up unto God, And Yhwh called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Exod MKJV 19:3  And Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him out of the mountain, saying, You shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel:
Exod YLT 19:3  And Moses hath gone up unto God, and Jehovah calleth unto him out of the mount, saying, `Thus dost thou say to the house of Jacob, and declare to the sons of Israel,
Exod ACV 19:3  And Moses went up to God. And Jehovah called to him out of the mountain, saying, Thus thou shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel:
Exod VulgSist 19:3  Moyses autem ascendit ad Deum, vocavitque eum Dominus de monte, et ait: Haec dices domui Iacob, et annunciabis filiis Israel:
Exod VulgCont 19:3  Moyses autem ascendit ad Deum, vocavitque eum Dominus de monte, et ait: Hæc dices domui Iacob, et annunciabis filiis Israel:
Exod Vulgate 19:3  Moses autem ascendit ad Deum vocavitque eum Dominus de monte et ait haec dices domui Iacob et adnuntiabis filiis Israhel
Exod VulgHetz 19:3  Moyses autem ascendit ad Deum, vocavitque eum Dominus de monte, et ait: Hæc dices domui Iacob, et annunciabis filiis Israel:
Exod VulgClem 19:3  Moyses autem ascendit ad Deum : vocavitque eum Dominus de monte, et ait : Hæc dices domui Jacob, et annuntiabis filiis Israël :
Exod CzeBKR 19:3  Mojžíš pak vstoupil k Bohu. A mluvil hlasem k němu Hospodin s té hory, řka: Takto díš domu Jákobovu, a oznámíš synům Izraelským:
Exod CzeB21 19:3  Mojžíš pak vystoupil k Bohu a Hospodin na něj z té hory zavolal: „Toto promluvíš k domu Jákobovu a oznámíš synům Izraele:
Exod CzeCEP 19:3  Mojžíš vystoupil k Bohu. Hospodin k němu zavolal z hory: „Toto povíš domu Jákobovu a oznámíš synům Izraele:
Exod CzeCSP 19:3  Mojžíš vystoupil k Bohu a Hospodin na něho z hory zavolal: Toto řekneš ⌈domu Jákobovu⌉ a oznámíš synům Izraele:
Exod PorBLivr 19:3  E Moisés subiu a Deus; e o SENHOR o chamou desde o monte, dizendo: Assim dirás à casa de Jacó, e anunciarás aos filhos de Israel:
Exod Mg1865 19:3  Ary Mosesy niakatra ho ao amin’ Andriamanitra, dia niantso azy Jehovah tao an-tendrombohitra ka nanao hoe: Izao no holazainao amin’ ny taranak’ i Jakoba sy hambaranao amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely:
Exod FinPR 19:3  Ja Mooses nousi Jumalan tykö, ja Herra huusi häntä vuorelta ja sanoi: "Sano näin Jaakobin heimolle ja ilmoita israelilaisille:
Exod FinRK 19:3  ja Mooses nousi vuorelle Jumalan luo. Herra kutsui häntä vuorelta ja sanoi: ”Sano näin Jaakobin heimolle, kerro israelilaisille:
Exod ChiSB 19:3  梅瑟上到天主前,上主從山上召喚他說:你要這樣告訴亞各伯家,訓示以色列子民說:
Exod CopSahBi 19:3  ⲁϥⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲣⲁⲓ ⲛϭⲓ ⲙⲱⲩⲥⲏⲥ ⲉϫⲙ ⲡⲧⲟⲟⲩ ⲙⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ ⲁϥⲙⲟⲩⲧⲉ ⲉⲣⲟϥ ⲛϭⲓ ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲙ ⲡⲧⲟⲟⲩ ⲉϥϫⲱ ⲙⲙⲟⲥ ϫⲉ ⲛⲁⲓ ⲛⲉⲧⲕⲛⲁϫⲟⲟⲩ ⲙⲡⲏⲓ ⲛⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃ ⲛⲅⲟⲩⲟⲛϩⲟⲩ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲛⲛϣⲏⲣⲉ ⲙⲡ
Exod ArmEaste 19:3  Մովսէսը բարձրացաւ Աստծու լեռը: Աստուած լերան վրայից կանչեց նրան ու ասաց. «Այսպէս կ՚ասես Յակոբի յետնորդներին եւ կը յայտնես Իսրայէլի որդիներին.
Exod ChiUns 19:3  摩西到 神那里,耶和华从山上呼唤他说:「你要这样告诉雅各家,晓谕以色列人说:
Exod BulVeren 19:3  И Мойсей се изкачи при Бога и ГОСПОД му извика от планината и каза: Така да кажеш на якововия дом и да оповестиш на израилевите синове:
Exod AraSVD 19:3  وَأَمَّا مُوسَى فَصَعِدَ إِلَى ٱللهِ. فَنَادَاهُ ٱلرَّبُّ مِنَ ٱلْجَبَلِ قَائِلًا: «هَكَذَا تَقُولُ لِبَيْتِ يَعْقُوبَ، وَتُخْبِرُ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ:
Exod SPDSS 19:3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exod Esperant 19:3  Kaj Moseo supreniris al Dio; kaj la Eternulo vokis al li de la monto, dirante: Tiel diru al la domo de Jakob kaj sciigu al la filoj de Izrael:
Exod ThaiKJV 19:3  โมเสสขึ้นไปเฝ้าพระเจ้า พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสจากภูเขานั้นว่า “บอกวงศ์วานยาโคบและชนชาติอิสราเอลดังนี้ว่า
Exod OSHB 19:3  וּמֹשֶׁ֥ה עָלָ֖ה אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֵלָ֤יו יְהוָה֙ מִן־הָהָ֣ר לֵאמֹ֔ר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לְבֵ֣ית יַעֲקֹ֔ב וְתַגֵּ֖יד לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
Exod SPMT 19:3  ומשה עלה אל האלהים ויקרא אליו יהוה מן ההר לאמר כה תאמר לבית יעקב ותגיד לבני ישראל
Exod BurJudso 19:3  မောရှေသည် ဘုရားသခင့်ထံတော်သို့ တက်သွားလျှင်၊ ထာဝရဘုရားသည် တောင်ပေါ်က ခေါ်တော်မူ၍၊ သင်သည် ယာကုပ်အမျိုး၊ ဣသရေလသားတို့အား ပြန်ပြောရသော အမိန့်တော်ဟူမူကား၊
Exod FarTPV 19:3  موسی به بالای کوه رفت تا با خدا ملاقات كند. خداوند از میان کوه با موسی صحبت کرد و فرمود به ‌ بنی‌اسرائیل یعنی به فرزندان یعقوب بگو:
Exod UrduGeoR 19:3  Tab Mūsā pahāṛ par chaṛh kar Allāh ke pās gayā. Allāh ne pahāṛ par se Mūsā ko pukār kar kahā, “Yāqūb ke gharāne banī Isrāīl ko batā,
Exod SweFolk 19:3  och Mose steg upp till Gud. Då ropade Herren till honom uppifrån berget: ”Så ska du säga till Jakobs hus, så ska du förkunna för Israels barn:
Exod GerSch 19:3  Und Mose stieg hinauf zu Gott; denn der HERR rief ihm vom Berge und sprach: Also sollst du zum Hause Jakobs sagen und den Kindern Israel verkündigen:
Exod TagAngBi 19:3  At si Moises ay lumapit sa Dios, at tinawag ng Panginoon siya mula sa bundok, na sinasabi, Ganito mo sasabihin sa sangbahayan ni Jacob, at sasaysayin sa mga anak ni Israel.
Exod FinSTLK2 19:3  Mooses nousi Jumalan luo, ja Herra huusi häntä vuorelta ja sanoi: "Sano näin Jaakobin heimolle ja ilmoita israelilaisille:
Exod Dari 19:3  موسی به بالای کوه به ملاقات خدا رفت. خداوند از کوه با موسی صحبت کرد و فرمود: «به بنی اسرائیل، اولادۀ یعقوب بگو:
Exod SomKQA 19:3  Muusena kor buu ugu tegey Ilaah, markaasaa Rabbigu buurta uga yeedhay isagii, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Yacquub reerkiisa waxaad ku tidhaahdaa sidan, reer binu Israa'iilna ku dheh,
Exod NorSMB 19:3  So steig Moses upp til Gud, og Herren ropa til honom frå fjellet og sagde: «Dette skal du segja til Jakobs-ætti og gjera kunnigt for Israels-folket:
Exod Alb 19:3  Pastaj Moisiu u ngjit drejt Perëndisë; dhe Zoti i thirri nga mali, duke i thënë: "Kështu do t'i thuash shtëpisë së Jakobit dhe këtë do t'u njoftosh bijve të Izraelit:
Exod UyCyr 19:3  Муса Худаниң һозурида болуш үчүн таққа чиқти. Пәрвәрдигар тағдин Мусаға җараңлиқ авазда мундақ деди: — Яқупниң әвлатлири болған исраилларға мону сөзлиримни ейтқин:
Exod KorHKJV 19:3  모세가 하나님께 올라가니 주께서 산에서 그를 불러 이르시되, 너는 이같이 야곱의 집에게 말하고 이스라엘의 자손에게 고하라.
Exod SrKDIjek 19:3  И Мојсије изађе на гору к Богу; и повика му Господ с горе говорећи: овако кажи дому Јаковљеву, и реци синовима Израиљевим:
Exod Wycliffe 19:3  Forsothe Moises stiede in to the hil to God; and the Lord clepide hym fro the mount, and seide, Thou schalt seie these thingis to the hows of Jacob, and thou schalt telle to the sones of Israel,
Exod Mal1910 19:3  മോശെ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ അടുക്കൽ കയറിച്ചെന്നു; യഹോവ പൎവ്വതത്തിൽനിന്നു അവനോടു വിളിച്ചു കല്പിച്ചതു: നീ യാക്കോബ് ഗൃഹത്തോടു പറകയും യിസ്രായേൽമക്കളോടു അറിയിക്കയും ചെയ്യേണ്ടതെന്തെന്നാൽ:
Exod KorRV 19:3  모세가 하나님 앞에 올라가니 여호와께서 산에서 그를 불러 가라사대 너는 이같이 야곱 족속에게 이르고 이스라엘 자손에게 고하라
Exod Azeri 19:3  موسا داغا، تارينين حوضورونا چيخدي. رب اونو داغدان چاغيريب ددي: "يعقوب نسلئنه، ائسرايئل اؤولادلارينا بله دِه:
Exod SweKarlX 19:3  Och Mose steg upp till Gud. Och HERren ropade till honom af bergena, och sade: Detta skall du säga till Jacobs hus, och förkunna Israels barnom:
Exod KLV 19:3  Moses mejta' Dung Daq joH'a', je joH'a' ja' Daq ghaH pa' vo' the HuD, ja'ta', “ vam ghaH nuq SoH DIchDaq ja' the tuq vo' Jacob, je ja' the puqpu' vo' Israel:
Exod ItaDio 19:3  Mosè salì a Dio; e il Signore gli gridò dal monte, dicendo: Di’ così alla casa di Giacobbe, e dichiara questo a’ figliuoli d’Israele.
Exod RusSynod 19:3  Моисей взошел к Богу [на гору], и воззвал к нему Господь с горы, говоря: так скажи дому Иаковлеву и возвести сынам Израилевым:
Exod CSlEliza 19:3  Моисей же взыде на гору Божию, и воззва его Бог от горы глаголя: сия возглаголеши дому Иаковлю и повеси сыном Израилевым:
Exod ABPGRK 19:3  και Μωυσής ανέβη εις το όρος του θεού και εκάλεσεν αυτόν ο θεός εκ του όρους λέγων τάδε ερείς τω οίκω Ιακώβ και αναγγελείς τοις υιοίς Ισραήλ
Exod FreBBB 19:3  et Moïse monta vers Dieu, et l'Eternel du haut de la montagne lui cria ces mots : Voici ce que tu diras à la maison de Jacob et ce que tu annonceras aux fils d'Israël :
Exod LinVB 19:3  Mose abuti ngomba, epai ya Nzambe. Ut’o nso-nge Yawe abengi ye, alobi : « Yoka maloba okoloba na bato ba libota lya Yakob, okosakola na bana ba Israel ape :
Exod HunIMIT 19:3  Mózes pedig fölment Istenhez és szólította őt az Örökkévaló a hegyről, mondván: Így szólj Jákob házához, és add tudtára Izrael fiainak.
Exod ChiUnL 19:3  摩西登山、覲於上帝、耶和華呼之曰、告雅各家、諭以色列族云、
Exod VietNVB 19:3  Môi-se lên với Đức Chúa Trời khi CHÚA gọi ông và phán dạy rằng:
Exod LXX 19:3  καὶ Μωυσῆς ἀνέβη εἰς τὸ ὄρος τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἐκάλεσεν αὐτὸν ὁ θεὸς ἐκ τοῦ ὄρους λέγων τάδε ἐρεῖς τῷ οἴκῳ Ιακωβ καὶ ἀναγγελεῖς τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ
Exod CebPinad 19:3  Ug si Moises mitungas ngadto sa Dios, ug si Jehova nagtawag kaniya gikan sa bukid, nga nagaingon: Sa ingon niini ikaw magapamulong sa panimalay ni Jacob, ug sultihi ang mga anak sa Israel:
Exod RomCor 19:3  Moise s-a suit la Dumnezeu. Şi Domnul l-a chemat de pe munte, zicând: „Aşa să vorbeşti casei lui Iacov şi să spui copiilor lui Israel:
Exod Pohnpeia 19:3  Moses eri patodahla pohn nahnao pwe en tuhwong Koht. KAUN-O eri ketin poahngok sang pohn nahnao, mahsanih, “Iet me ke pahn ndahng kadaudok en Seikop, mehn Israel kan:
Exod HunUj 19:3  Mózes fölment Istenhez, az Úr pedig így kiáltott hozzá a hegyről: Így szólj Jákób házához, és ezt hirdesd Izráel fiainak:
Exod GerZurch 19:3  Mose aber stieg hinauf zu Gott. Und der Herr rief ihm vom Berge aus zu und sprach: So sollst du zum Hause Jakobs sprechen und den Söhnen Israels verkünden:
Exod GerTafel 19:3  Und Mose stieg hinauf zu Gott, und Jehovah rief ihm vom Berge und sprach: So sollst du sprechen zum Hause Jakob, und ansagen den Söhnen Israels.
Exod RusMakar 19:3  Моисей взошелъ къ Богу; и Іегова воззвалъ къ нему съ горы, говоря: Такъ скажи дому Іаковлеву И возвјсти сынамъ Израилевымъ:
Exod PorAR 19:3  Então subiu Moisés a Deus, e do monte o Senhor o chamou, dizendo: Assim falarás à casa de Jacó, e anunciarás aos filhos de Israel:
Exod DutSVVA 19:3  En Mozes klom op tot God. En de Heere riep tot hem van den berg, zeggende: Aldus zult gij tot het huis van Jakob spreken, en den kinderen Israëls verkondigen:
Exod FarOPV 19:3  وموسی نزد خدا بالا رفت، و خداوند از میان کوه اورا ندا درداد و گفت: «به خاندان یعقوب چنین بگو، و بنی‌اسرائیل را خبر بده:
Exod Ndebele 19:3  UMozisi wasesenyukela kuNkulunkulu. INkosi yasimemeza kuye esentabeni isithi: Uzakutsho njalo kuyo indlu kaJakobe, ubatshele abantwana bakoIsrayeli uthi:
Exod PorBLivr 19:3  E Moisés subiu a Deus; e o SENHOR o chamou desde o monte, dizendo: Assim dirás à casa de Jacó, e anunciarás aos filhos de Israel:
Exod Norsk 19:3  Men Moses steg op til Gud, og Herren ropte til ham fra fjellet og sa: Så skal du si til Jakobs hus og kunngjøre for Israels barn:
Exod SloChras 19:3  In Mojzes je stopil gori k Bogu, in Gospod mu je klical z gore, govoreč: Tako govóri hiši Jakobovi in oznani sinovom Izraelovim:
Exod Northern 19:3  Musa isə dağa – Allahın hüzuruna çıxdı. Rəbb onu dağdan çağırıb dedi: «Yaqub nəslinə, İsrail övladlarına belə söylə:
Exod GerElb19 19:3  Und Mose stieg hinauf zu Gott; und Jehova rief ihm vom Berge zu und sprach: So sollst du zum Hause Jakob sprechen und den Kindern Israel kundtun:
Exod LvGluck8 19:3  Un Mozus uzkāpa pie Dieva, un Tas Kungs sauca uz viņu no tā kalna un sacīja: tā tev būs sacīt uz Jēkaba namu un pasludināt Israēla bērniem:
Exod PorAlmei 19:3  E subiu Moysés a Deus, e o Senhor o chamou do monte, dizendo: Assim fallarás á casa de Jacob, e annunciarás aos filhos de Israel:
Exod ChiUn 19:3  摩西到 神那裡,耶和華從山上呼喚他說:「你要這樣告訴雅各家,曉諭以色列人說:
Exod SweKarlX 19:3  Och Mose steg upp till Gud. Och Herren ropade till honom af bergena, och sade: Detta skall du säga till Jacobs hus, och förkunna Israels barnom:
Exod SPVar 19:3  ומשה עלה אל האלהים ויקרא אליו יהוה מן ההר לאמר כה תאמר לבית יעקב ותגיד לבני ישראל
Exod FreKhan 19:3  Pour Moïse, il monta vers le Seigneur et le Seigneur, l’appelant du haut de la montagne, lui dit: "Adresse ce discours à la maison de Jacob, cette déclaration aux enfants d’Israël:
Exod FrePGR 19:3  Or Moïse était monté vers Dieu : et l'Éternel l'appela de la montagne et dit : Adresse ces paroles à la maison de Jacob, et cette déclaration aux enfants d'Israël :
Exod PorCap 19:3  *Moisés subiu até junto de Deus. Da montanha o Senhor chamou-o, dizendo: «Assim dirás à casa de Jacob e declararás aos filhos de Israel:
Exod JapKougo 19:3  さて、モーセが神のもとに登ると、主は山から彼を呼んで言われた、「このように、ヤコブの家に言い、イスラエルの人々に告げなさい、
Exod GerTextb 19:3  Als nun Mose zu Gott hinaufgestiegen war, rief ihm Jahwe vom Berge herab zu und sprach: So sollst du sprechen zum Hause Jakobs und ankündigen den Söhnen Israels:
Exod Kapingam 19:3  Moses gaa-hana gi tomo di gonduu deelaa belee heetugi gi God. Dimaadua gaa-gahi a-mee mai i-hongo di gonduu bolo gi-helekai gi digau Israel, go di madawaawa Jacob, boloo,
Exod SpaPlate 19:3  Moisés subió hacia Dios, y le llamó Yahvé desde el monte, diciendo: “Así dirás a la casa de Jacob y anunciarás a los hijos de Israel:
Exod WLC 19:3  וּמֹשֶׁ֥ה עָלָ֖ה אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֵלָ֤יו יְהוָה֙ מִן־הָהָ֣ר לֵאמֹ֔ר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לְבֵ֣ית יַעֲקֹ֔ב וְתַגֵּ֖יד לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
Exod LtKBB 19:3  ir Mozė užkopė ant kalno pas Dievą. Viešpats pašaukė jį nuo kalno, sakydamas: „Taip sakysi Jokūbo namams ir Izraelio vaikams:
Exod Bela 19:3  Майсей узышоў да Бога, і заклікаў яго Гасподзь з гары, кажучы: так скажы дому Якава і абвясьці сынам Ізраіля:
Exod GerBoLut 19:3  Und Mose stieg hinauf zu Gott. Und der HERR rief ihm vom Berge und sprach: So sollst du sagen zu dem Hause Jakob und verkundigen den Kindern Israel:
Exod FinPR92 19:3  Mooses lähti Jumalan luo vuorelle, ja Herra huusi hänelle: "Näin sinun tulee sanoa israelilaisille, Jaakobin jälkeläisille:
Exod SpaRV186 19:3  Y Moisés subió a Dios: y Jehová le llamó desde el monte, diciendo: Así dirás a la casa de Jacob, y denunciarás a los hijos de Israel:
Exod NlCanisi 19:3  Nu klom Moses omhoog naar God. En Jahweh riep tot hem van de berg: Dit moet ge aan het huis van Jakob zeggen, en aan Israëls zonen verkondigen:
Exod GerNeUe 19:3  Mose stieg hinauf, um Gott zu begegnen. Da rief ihm Jahwe vom Berg aus zu: "Sage es den Nachkommen Jakobs, rede zu den Israeliten:
Exod UrduGeo 19:3  تب موسیٰ پہاڑ پر چڑھ کر اللہ کے پاس گیا۔ اللہ نے پہاڑ پر سے موسیٰ کو پکار کر کہا، ”یعقوب کے گھرانے بنی اسرائیل کو بتا،
Exod AraNAV 19:3  فَصَعِدَ مُوسَى لِلْمُثُولِ أَمَامَ اللهِ. فَنَادَاهُ الرَّبُّ مِنَ الجَبَلِ: «هَكَذَا تَقُولُ لِآلِ يَعْقُوبَ، وَتُخْبِرُ شَعْبَ إِسْرَائِيلَ:
Exod ChiNCVs 19:3  摩西上到 神那里去,耶和华从山上呼唤他,说:“你要这样告诉雅各家,吩咐以色列人说:
Exod ItaRive 19:3  E Mosè salì verso Dio; e l’Eterno lo chiamò dal monte, dicendo: "Di’ così alla casa di Giacobbe, e annunzia questo ai figliuoli d’Israele:
Exod Afr1953 19:3  Maar Moses het opgeklim na God toe, en die HERE het hom van die berg af toegeroep en gesê: So moet jy aan die huis van Jakob sê en aan die kinders van Israel verkondig:
Exod RusSynod 19:3  Моисей взошел к Богу на гору, и воззвал к нему Господь с горы, говоря: «Так скажи дому Иаковлеву и возвести сынам Израилевым:
Exod UrduGeoD 19:3  तब मूसा पहाड़ पर चढ़कर अल्लाह के पास गया। अल्लाह ने पहाड़ पर से मूसा को पुकारकर कहा, “याक़ूब के घराने बनी इसराईल को बता,
Exod TurNTB 19:3  Musa Tanrı'nın huzuruna çıktı. RAB dağdan kendisine seslendi: “Yakup soyuna, İsrail halkına şöyle diyeceksin:
Exod DutSVV 19:3  En Mozes klom op tot God. En de HEERE riep tot hem van den berg, zeggende: Aldus zult gij tot het huis van Jakob spreken, en den kinderen Israels verkondigen:
Exod HunKNB 19:3  Mózes pedig felment Istenhez. Ekkor az Úr szólította őt a hegyről, és azt mondta: »Ezt mondd Jákob házának s ezt hirdesd Izrael fiainak:
Exod Maori 19:3  Na ka piki a Mohi ki te Atua, a ka karanga a Ihowa ki a ia i te maunga, ka mea, Kia penei tau korero ki te whare o Hakopa, tau kauwhau hoki ki nga tama a Iharaira;
Exod sml_BL_2 19:3  Manjari itu patukad si Musa minnē' bo' paharap ni Tuhan, ati nilinganan iya e' si Yawe min būd, yuk-i, “Ya na itu pamissalanu ma saga a'a Isra'il, hatina saga panubu' si Yakub.
Exod HunKar 19:3  Mózes pedig felméne az Istenhez, és szóla hozzá az Úr a hegyről, mondván: Ezt mondd a Jákób házanépének és ezt add tudtára az Izráel fiainak.
Exod Viet 19:3  Môi-se bèn lên đến Ðức Chúa Trời, Ðức Giê-hô-va ở trên núi gọi người mà phán rằng: Ngươi hãy nói như vầy cho nhà Gia-cốp, và tỏ điều nầy cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên:
Exod Kekchi 19:3  Ut laj Moisés quitakeˈ chiru li tzu̱l ut aran quia̱tinac li Ka̱cuaˈ Dios riqˈuin. Quixye re: —Tat-a̱tinak riqˈuineb li ralal xcˈajol laj Jacob.
Exod Swe1917 19:3  Och Mose steg upp till Gud; då ropade HERREN till honom uppifrån berget och sade: »Så skall du säga till Jakobs hus, så skall du förkunna för Israels barn:
Exod SP 19:3  ומשה עלה אל האלהים ויקרא אליו יהוה מן ההר לאמר כה תאמר לבית יעקב ותגיד לבני ישראל
Exod CroSaric 19:3  a Mojsije se popne k Bogu. Jahve ga zovne s brda pa mu rekne: "Ovako kaži domu Jakovljevu, proglasi djeci Izraelovoj:
Exod VieLCCMN 19:3  Ông Mô-sê lên gặp Thiên Chúa. Từ trên núi, ĐỨC CHÚA gọi ông và phán : Ngươi sẽ nói với nhà Gia-cóp, sẽ thông báo cho con cái Ít-ra-en thế này :
Exod FreBDM17 19:3  Et Moïse monta vers Dieu ; car l’Eternel l’avait appelé de la montagne, pour lui dire : tu parleras ainsi à la maison de Jacob, et tu annonceras ceci aux enfants d’Israël :
Exod FreLXX 19:3  Et Moïse monta sur la montagne de Dieu, du haut de laquelle Dieu l'appela, et lui dit : Voici ce que tu diras à la maison de Jacob, ce que tu déclareras aux fils d'Israël :
Exod Aleppo 19:3  ומשה עלה אל האלהים ויקרא אליו יהוה מן ההר לאמר כה תאמר לבית יעקב ותגיד לבני ישראל
Exod MapM 19:3  וּמֹשֶׁ֥ה עָלָ֖ה אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֵלָ֤יו יְהֹוָה֙ מִן־הָהָ֣ר לֵאמֹ֔ר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לְבֵ֣ית יַעֲקֹ֔ב וְתַגֵּ֖יד לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
Exod HebModer 19:3  ומשה עלה אל האלהים ויקרא אליו יהוה מן ההר לאמר כה תאמר לבית יעקב ותגיד לבני ישראל׃
Exod Kaz 19:3  Сонда Мұса Құдайдың алдына баруға тауға көтерілді. Жаратқан Ие оған тау басынан былай деп тіл қатты:— Жақыптың әулеті — Исраил халқына мынаны жеткіз:
Exod FreJND 19:3  Et Moïse monta vers Dieu ; et l’Éternel l’appela de la montagne, disant : Tu diras ainsi à la maison de Jacob, et tu l’annonceras aux fils d’Israël :
Exod GerGruen 19:3  Moses aber stieg zu Gott hinauf. Da rief ihm der Herr vom Berge zu: "Sprich also zu dem Jakobshaus und kündige den Söhnen Israels:
Exod SloKJV 19:3  Mojzes je odšel gor k Bogu in Gospod je zaklical k njemu z gore, rekoč: „Tako boš rekel Jakobovi hiši in povedal Izraelovim otrokom:
Exod Haitian 19:3  Moyiz moute sou mòn lan, l' al bò kote Bondye. Seyè a rete sou tèt mòn lan, li rele Moyiz, li di l': -Men sa pou ou di moun fanmi Jakòb yo, men sa pou ou fè pèp Izrayèl la konnen:
Exod FinBibli 19:3  Ja Moses astui ylös Jumalan tykö. Ja Herra huusi häntä vuorelta, ja sanoi: näin sinun pitää sanoman Jakobin huoneelle, ja Israelin lapsille ilmoittaman.
Exod Geez 19:3  ወሙሴ ፡ ዐርገ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ደብረ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ወጸውዖ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለሙሴ ፡ እምዲበ ፡ ደብር ፡ ወይቤሉ ፡ በሎሙ ፡ ለቤተ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ወዜንዎሙ ፡ ለውሉደ ፡ እስራኤል ።
Exod SpaRV 19:3  Y Moisés subió á Dios; y Jehová lo llamó desde el monte, diciendo: Así dirás á la casa de Jacob, y denunciarás á los hijos de Israel:
Exod WelBeibl 19:3  Yna dyma Moses yn dringo i fyny'r mynydd i gyfarfod gyda Duw, a dyma'r ARGLWYDD yn galw arno o'r mynydd, “Dwed wrth ddisgynyddion Jacob, sef pobl Israel:
Exod GerMenge 19:3  Als Mose dann zu Gott hinaufstieg, rief der HERR ihm vom Berge herab die Worte zu: »So sollst du zum Hause Jakobs sprechen und den Kindern Israels verkündigen:
Exod GreVamva 19:3  Ο δε Μωϋσής ανέβη προς τον Θεόν· και εκάλεσεν αυτόν ο Κύριος εκ του όρους, λέγων, Ούτω θέλεις ειπεί προς τον οίκον Ιακώβ, και αναγγείλει προς τους υιούς Ισραήλ.
Exod UkrOgien 19:3  А Мойсей увійшов до Бога. І кликнув до нього Господь із гори, говорячи: „Скажеш отак дому Якова, і звістиш синам Ізраїля:
Exod FreCramp 19:3  Moïse monta vers Dieu, et Yahweh l'appela du haut de la montagne en disant : " Tu parleras ainsi à la maison de Jacob et tu diras aux enfants d'Israël :
Exod SrKDEkav 19:3  И Мојсије изађе на гору к Богу; и повика му Господ с горе говорећи: Овако кажи дому Јаковљевом, и реци синовима Израиљевим:
Exod PolUGdan 19:3  A Mojżesz wstąpił do Boga i Pan zawołał do niego z góry: Tak powiesz domowi Jakuba i oznajmisz synom Izraela:
Exod FreSegon 19:3  Moïse monta vers Dieu: et l'Éternel l'appela du haut de la montagne, en disant: Tu parleras ainsi à la maison de Jacob, et tu diras aux enfants d'Israël:
Exod SpaRV190 19:3  Y Moisés subió á Dios; y Jehová lo llamó desde el monte, diciendo: Así dirás á la casa de Jacob, y denunciarás á los hijos de Israel:
Exod HunRUF 19:3  Mózes fölment Istenhez, az Úr pedig így kiáltott hozzá a hegyről: Így szólj Jákób házához, és ezt hirdesd Izráel fiainak:
Exod DaOT1931 19:3  men Moses steg op til Gud. Da raabte HERREN til ham fra Bjerget: »Dette skal du sige til Jakobs Hus og kundgøre for Israels Børn:
Exod TpiKJPB 19:3  Na Moses i go antap na go long God, na BIKPELA i singaut long em long maunten na spik, Yu bai tok olsem long lain bilong Jekop, na tokim ol pikinini bilong Isrel,
Exod DaOT1871 19:3  Og Mose steg op til Gud, og Herren raabte til ham fra Bjerget og sagde: Saa skal du sige til Jakobs Hus og kundgøre Israels Børn:
Exod FreVulgG 19:3  Moïse monta ensuite auprès de Dieu, et le Seigneur l’appela du haut de la montagne et lui dit : Voici ce que tu diras à la maison de Jacob et ce que tu annonceras aux enfants d’Israël :
Exod PolGdans 19:3  A Mojżesz wstąpił do Boga, i zawołał nań Pan z góry, mówiąc: Tak powiesz domowi Jakóbowemu, i oznajmisz synom Izraelskim:
Exod JapBungo 19:3  爰にモーセ登て神に詣るにヱホバ山より彼を呼て言たまはく汝かくヤコブの家に言ひイスラエルの子孫に告べし
Exod GerElb18 19:3  Und Mose stieg hinauf zu Gott; und Jehova rief ihm vom Berge zu und sprach: So sollst du zum Hause Jakob sprechen und den Kindern Israel kundtun: