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Zech RWebster 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech NHEBJE 10:2  For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie; and they have told false dreams. They comfort in vain. Therefore they go their way like sheep. They are oppressed, because there is no shepherd.
Zech ABP 10:2  For the ones declaring maxims speak troubles, and the clairvoyants [2visions 1false]; and [3dreams 2false 1they speak]. In vain they comfort. On account of this they dry up as sheep, and they were afflicted that there was no healing.
Zech NHEBME 10:2  For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie; and they have told false dreams. They comfort in vain. Therefore they go their way like sheep. They are oppressed, because there is no shepherd.
Zech Rotherha 10:2  For, the household gods, have spoken vanity, and, the diviners, have had vision of falsehood, and, deceitful dreams, do they relate, vainly, do they console,—for this reason, have they moved about like a flock, they suffer ill, because there is no shepherd.
Zech LEB 10:2  Because the household gods speak deceit, and those who practice divination see a lie, and the dreamers of vanity speak in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted because there is no shepherd.
Zech RNKJV 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech Jubilee2 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity and the diviners have seen a lie and have told vain dreams; they comfort in vain; therefore they went their way like sheep; they were humbled because [there was] no shepherd.
Zech Webster 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled because [there was] no shepherd.
Zech Darby 10:2  For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams: they comfort in vain. Therefore they have gone away as a flock, they are in distress, because there is no shepherd.
Zech ASV 10:2  For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie; and they have told false dreams, they comfort in vain: therefore they go their way like sheep, they are afflicted, because there is no shepherd.
Zech LITV 10:2  For the family idols speak iniquity, and the diviners have seen a lie and have told false dreams. They comfort in vain. On account of this, they wandered like a flock. They were troubled because there was no shepherd.
Zech Geneva15 10:2  Surely the idols haue spoken vanitie, and the southsayers haue seene a lye, and the dreamers haue tolde a vaine thing: they comfort in vaine: therefore they went away as sheepe: they were troubled, because there was no shepheard.
Zech CPDV 10:2  For the images have been speaking what is useless, and the diviners have seen a lie, and the dreamers have been speaking false hope: they have comforted in vain. For this reason, they have been led away like a flock; they will be afflicted, because they have no shepherd.
Zech BBE 10:2  For the images have said what is not true, and the readers of signs have seen deceit; they have given accounts of false dreams, they give comfort to no purpose: so they go out of the way like sheep, they are troubled because they have no keeper.
Zech DRC 10:2  For the idols have spoken what was unprofitable, and the diviners have seen a lie, and the dreamers have spoken vanity: they comforted in vain: therefore they were led away as a flock: they shall be afflicted, because they have no shepherd.
Zech GodsWord 10:2  The idols speak lies. The fortunetellers see false visions. They speak about false dreams. They give useless comfort. That is why people wander around like sheep. They are troubled because there is no shepherd.
Zech JPS 10:2  For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and the dreams speak falsely, they comfort in vain; therefore they go their way like sheep, they are afflicted, because there is no shepherd.
Zech KJVPCE 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech NETfree 10:2  For the household gods have spoken wickedness, the soothsayers have seen a lie, and as for the dreamers, they have disclosed emptiness and give comfort in vain. Therefore the people set out like sheep and become scattered because they have no shepherd.
Zech AB 10:2  For the speakers have uttered grievous things, and the diviners have seen false visions, and they have spoken false dreams, they have given vain comfort: therefore have they fallen away like sheep, and been afflicted, because there was no healing.
Zech AFV2020 10:2  For the household idols speak lawlessness, and the diviners have seen a lie and have told false dreams. They comfort in vain; therefore they wandered like sheep; they were afflicted because there was no shepherd.
Zech NHEB 10:2  For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie; and they have told false dreams. They comfort in vain. Therefore they go their way like sheep. They are oppressed, because there is no shepherd.
Zech NETtext 10:2  For the household gods have spoken wickedness, the soothsayers have seen a lie, and as for the dreamers, they have disclosed emptiness and give comfort in vain. Therefore the people set out like sheep and become scattered because they have no shepherd.
Zech UKJV 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech Noyes 10:2  For the teraphim speak falsehood, And the diviners see a lie, And the dreams speak falsehood; Vain are their consolations. Therefore they wander as a flock; They are in distress, because there is no shepherd.
Zech KJV 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech KJVA 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech AKJV 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech RLT 10:2  For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zech MKJV 10:2  For the family idols speak iniquity, and the diviners have seen a lie and have told false dreams. They comfort in vain; therefore they wandered like a flock; they were troubled because there was no shepherd.
Zech YLT 10:2  Because the teraphim did speak iniquity, And the diviners have seen a falsehood, And dreams of the vanity they speak, With vanity they give comfort, Therefore they have journeyed as a flock, They are afflicted, for there is no shepherd.
Zech ACV 10:2  For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and they have told false dreams. They comfort in vain. Therefore they go their way like sheep. They are afflicted, because there is no shepherd.
Zech VulgSist 10:2  Quia simulacra locuta sunt inutile, et divini viderunt mendacium, et somniatores locuti sunt frustra: et vane consolabantur: idcirco abducti sunt quasi grex: affligentur, quia non est eis pastor.
Zech VulgCont 10:2  Quia simulacra locuta sunt inutile, et divini viderunt mendacium, et somniatores locuti sunt frustra: vane consolabantur: idcirco abducti sunt quasi grex: affligentur, quia non est eis pastor.
Zech Vulgate 10:2  quia simulacra locuta sunt inutile et divini viderunt mendacium et somniatores frustra locuti sunt vane consolabantur idcirco abducti sunt quasi grex adfligentur quia non est eis pastor
Zech VulgHetz 10:2  Quia simulacra locuta sunt inutile, et divini viderunt mendacium, et somniatores locuti sunt frustra: vane consolabantur: idcirco abducti sunt quasi grex: affligentur, quia non est eis pastor.
Zech VulgClem 10:2  Quia simulacra locuta sunt inutile, et divini viderunt mendacium : et somniatores locuti sunt frustra, vane consolabantur : idcirco abducti sunt quasi grex : affligentur, quia non est eis pastor.
Zech CzeBKR 10:2  Nebo obrazové mluví marnost, a věšťci prorokují faleš, a sny marné mluví, marností potěšují. Protož šli jako stádo, ztrestáni jsou, proto že žádného nebylo pastýře.
Zech CzeB21 10:2  Bůžkové mluví bludy a věštci vidí lži; vykládají své marné sny a potěšují přeludy. Proto lid bloudí jako ovce, zubožení, bez pastýře.
Zech CzeCEP 10:2  Bůžkové mluvili ničemnosti, co viděli věštci, byl klam; rozhlašují šalebné sny, přeludem utěšují. Proto táhl lid jako stádo, ujařmený, bez pastýře. -
Zech CzeCSP 10:2  Vždyť domácí bůžci mluvili marnost, věštci viděli klam, mluví klamné sny, utěšují nicotnostmi. Proto putují jako ovce, krčí se, protože nemají pastýře.
Zech PorBLivr 10:2  Pois os ídolos falam ilusão, e os adivinhos veem falsidade, e falado sonhos ilusórios; com ilusão consolam; por isso eles foram embora como ovelhas, humilhadas, porque não havia pastor.
Zech Mg1865 10:2  Fa ny sampy niteny zava-poana, Ary ny mpanao fankatovana nahita lainga Ka nilaza nofy lainga, Foana ny nampiononany; Koa izany no naniavany toy ny ondry Ory izy, satria tsy misy mpiandry.
Zech FinPR 10:2  Sillä kotijumalat puhuvat tyhjiä, ja tietäjät näkevät petosnäkyjä, puhuvat valheunia, lohduttelevat turhilla. Sentähden he saavat lähteä matkaan kuin lammaslauma ja kärsivät vaivaa, kun ei ole paimenta.
Zech FinRK 10:2  Mutta kotijumalat puhuvat valhetta, tietäjät näkevät petollisia näkyjä, kertovat joutavia unia ja lohduttavat turhuuksilla. Sen vuoksi kansa harhailee kuin lammaslauma ja kärsii vaivaa, kun ei ole paimenta.
Zech ChiSB 10:2  因為「忒辣芬」所講的只是謊言,占卜者所見的只是虛幻,所報告的只是幻夢,只會以空言安慰人;為此,民眾流離失所,有如沒有牧人的羊群。
Zech ChiUns 10:2  因为,家神所言的是虚空;卜士所见的是虚假;做梦者所说的是假梦。他们白白地安慰人,所以众人如羊流离,因无牧人就受苦。
Zech BulVeren 10:2  Понеже домашните идоли говориха суета и чародеите видяха лъжливи видения и говориха измамни сънища, и утешаваха суетно, затова се скитат като овце, окаяни са, защото няма пастир.
Zech AraSVD 10:2  لِأَنَّ ٱلتَّرَافِيمَ قَدْ تَكَلَّمُوا بِٱلْبَاطِلِ، وَٱلْعَرَّافُونَ رَأَوْا ٱلْكَذِبَ وَأَخْبَرُوا بِأَحْلَامِ كَذِبٍ. يُعَزُّونَ بِٱلْبَاطِلِ. لِذَلِكَ رَحَلُوا كَغَنَمٍ. ذَلُّوا إِذْ لَيْسَ رَاعٍ.
Zech Esperant 10:2  La domaj dioj parolas sensencaĵon, la antaŭdiristoj havas malverajn viziojn, rakontas mensogajn sonĝojn, kaj konsolas per vantaĵo; tial ili diskuras kiel ŝafoj, suferas pro tio, ke ili ne havas paŝtiston.
Zech ThaiKJV 10:2  เพราะว่ารูปเคารพพูดไม่ได้เรื่อง และพวกโหรก็เห็นสิ่งหลอกลวง และเล่าความฝันเท็จ และให้คำเล้าโลมที่เปล่าประโยชน์ เพราะฉะนั้นประชาชนจึงหลงไปอย่างฝูงสัตว์ เขาทุกข์ใจเพราะขาดเมษบาล
Zech OSHB 10:2  כִּ֧י הַתְּרָפִ֣ים דִּבְּרוּ־אָ֗וֶן וְהַקּֽוֹסְמִים֙ חָ֣זוּ שֶׁ֔קֶר וַֽחֲלֹמוֹת֙ הַשָּׁ֣וא יְדַבֵּ֔רוּ הֶ֖בֶל יְנַֽחֵמ֑וּן עַל־כֵּן֙ נָסְע֣וּ כְמוֹ־צֹ֔אן יַעֲנ֖וּ כִּֽי־אֵ֥ין רֹעֶֽה׃ פ
Zech BurJudso 10:2  တေရပ်ရုပ်တုတို့သည် အနတ္တစကားကို ပြောကြ၏။ ပရောဖက်လုပ်သော သူတို့သည် မုသာ ရူပါရုံကိုမြင်၍၊ မမှန်သော အိပ်မက်ကို ဟောပြောကြ၏။ အချည်းနှီးနှစ်သိမ့်စေကြ၏။ ထိုကြောင့်၊ သိုးစုကဲ့သို့ လည် သွား၍ သိုးထိန်းမရှိသောကြောင့် ဆင်းရဲခံရကြ၏။
Zech FarTPV 10:2  مردم به بُتها و فال‌بین‌ها متوسّل می‌شوند، امّا جوابی که می‌گیرند دروغ و بی‌معنی است. رؤیاهایی که می‌بینند همه باطل و گمراه کننده است. بنابراین مردم مانند گوسفندان گمشده سرگردان می‌شوند، زیرا رهبری ندارند که آنها را راهنمایی کند.
Zech UrduGeoR 10:2  Tumhāre gharoṅ ke but fareb dete, tumhāre ġhaibdān jhūṭī royā deḳhte aur farebdeh ḳhāb sunāte haiṅ. Un kī tasallī abas hai. Isī lie qaum ko bheṛ-bakriyoṅ kī tarah yahāṅ se chalā jānā paṛā. Gallābān nahīṅ hai, is lie wuh musībat meṅ uljhe rahte haiṅ.
Zech SweFolk 10:2  Men husgudarna talar svek, spåmännen skådar lögn, bedrägliga drömmar talar de, tomhet är deras tröst. Därför drar folket bort som en fårhjord. De lider nöd, för de har ingen herde.
Zech GerSch 10:2  Denn die Hausgötter haben leere Versprechungen gemacht, und die Wahrsager haben trügerische Gesichte gesehen, und sie erzählen erlogene Träume und trösten vergeblich. Darum sind sie fortgelaufen wie Schafe, sie sind im Elend, weil kein Hirt da ist.
Zech TagAngBi 10:2  Sapagka't ang mga teraf ay nagsalita ng walang kabuluhan, at ang mga manghuhula ay nangakakita ng isang kabulaanan; at sila'y nangagsaysay ng mga kabulaanang panaginip, sila'y nagsisialiw ng walang kabuluhan: kaya't sila'y nagsisiyaon ng kanilang lakad na parang mga tupa, sila'y nadadalamhati, sapagka't walang pastor.
Zech FinSTLK2 10:2  Sillä kotijumalat puhuvat jumalattomuutta, ja tietäjät näkevät petollisia näkyjä, puhuvat valheunia ja turhia sanoja. Sen tähden he saavat lähteä matkaan kuin lammaslauma ja kärsiä vaivaa, koska ei ole paimenta.
Zech Dari 10:2  مردم به بتها و فالبینان متوسل می شوند، اما جوابی که می گیرند دروغ و بی معنی است. رؤیاهائی که می بینند همه باطل و مردم فریب هستند. بنابران، مردم مانند گوسفندان گمشده سرگردان می شوند، زیرا رهبری ندارند که آن ها را راهنمائی کنند.
Zech SomKQA 10:2  Waayo, teraafiimkii waxay ku hadleen wax aan waxba ahayn, waxsheegayaashiina wax been ah bay arkeen, oo waxay sheegeen riyooyin been ah, oo si aan waxtar lahayn ayay ugu qalbi qaboojiyaan, haddaba sidaas daraaddeed waxay u ambadaan sida ido oo kale, oo aad bay u dhibtoodaan, maxaa yeelay, adhijir ma leh.
Zech NorSMB 10:2  Men husgudarne talar fåfengd, og spåmennerne ser falske syner. Tome draumar talar dei, og svikfull er deira trøyst. Difor laut dei reika ikring som ein saueflokk og lida vondt av di det ikkje er nokon hyrding.
Zech Alb 10:2  Sepse idhujt familjarë rrëfejnë gjëra të kota, shortarët ndjekin veprime të rreme dhe tregojnë ëndrra të rreme, japin ngushëllime të kota; për këtë arsye ata po enden si dhentë, janë të pikëlluar, sepse janë pa bari.
Zech KorHKJV 10:2  우상들은 헛된 것을 말하며 점치는 자들은 거짓을 보고 거짓 꿈들을 이야기하므로 그들이 헛되이 위로하나니 그러므로 그들이 양 떼같이 자기들의 길로 가며 목자가 없어서 근심하였느니라.
Zech SrKDIjek 10:2  Јер ликови говоре ништавило и врачи виде лаж и говоре залудне сне, тјеше таштином; зато отидоше као стадо, и ојадише се, јер не бјеше пастира.
Zech Wycliffe 10:2  For symylacris spaken vnprofitable thing, and diuynours saien leesyng; and dremeris spaken veynli, ydily thei coumfortiden; therfor thei ben led awei as a floc, thei schulen be turmentid, for a scheepherd is not to hem.
Zech Mal1910 10:2  ഗൃഹബിംബങ്ങൾ മിത്ഥ്യാത്വം സംസാരിക്കയും ലക്ഷണം പറയുന്നവർ വ്യാജം ദൎശിച്ചു വ്യൎത്ഥസ്വപ്നം പ്രസ്താവിച്ചു വൃഥാ ആശ്വസിപ്പിക്കയും ചെയ്യുന്നു; അതുകൊണ്ടു അവർ ആടുകളെപ്പോലെ പുറപ്പെട്ടു ഇടയൻ ഇല്ലായ്കകൊണ്ടു വലഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു.
Zech KorRV 10:2  대저 드라빔들은 허탄한 것을 말하며 복술자는 진실치 않은 것을 보고 거짓꿈을 말한즉 그 위로함이 헛되므로 백성이 양 같이 유리하며 목자가 없으므로 곤고를 당하나니
Zech Azeri 10:2  بوتلر بوش شيلر دانيشيرلار. فالچيلار يالان رؤيالار گؤرورلر، معناسيز يوخولار دانيشاراق عبث يِره تسلّی ورئر. بونا گؤره ده خالق سورو کئمي داغينيقدير، عذاب آلتيندادير، چونکي بئر چوبان يوخدور.
Zech KLV 10:2  vaD the teraphim ghaj jatlhpu' vanity, je the diviners ghaj leghpu' a Qot; je chaH ghaj ja'ta' false dreams. chaH belmoH Daq lI'be'. vaj chaH jaH chaj way rur Suy'. chaH 'oH Suvta', because pa' ghaH ghobe' DevwI'.
Zech ItaDio 10:2  Conciossiachè gl’idoli abbian detta menzogna, e gl’indovini abbian vedute visioni di falsità, e i sognatori abbian detta vanità, ed abbian date vane consolazioni; perciò il popolo se n’è andato qua e là, a guisa di pecore, ed è stato oppressato; perciocchè non vi era alcun pastore.
Zech RusSynod 10:2  Ибо терафимы говорят пустое, и вещуны видят ложное и рассказывают сны лживые; они утешают пустотою; поэтому они бродят как овцы, бедствуют, потому что нет пастыря.
Zech CSlEliza 10:2  Зане провещающии глаголаша труды, и вражбителие видения ложна и сония лжива глаголаху, суетными утешаху: сего ради изсхоша яко овцы, и озлоблени быша, понеже не бе изцеления.
Zech ABPGRK 10:2  διότι οι αποφθεγγόμενοι ελάλησαν κόπους και οι μάντεις οράσεις ψευδείς και ενύπνια ψευδή ελάλουν μάταια παρεκάλουν διά τούτο εξήρανθησαν ως πρόβατα και εκακώθησαν ότι ουκ ην ίασις
Zech FreBBB 10:2  Car les théraphim ont dit ce qui n'est pas et les devins ont des visions de mensonge ; ils ne débitent que de vains songes et ne donnent que des consolations frivoles. C'est pourquoi ils ont dû partir comme des brebis qui souffrent faute de berger.
Zech LinVB 10:2  Bikeko bikosakolaka se na bokosi, bamoni-makambo bakomonoko bimonela bya lokuta, ndimbola ya ndoto ya bango ezali na ntina te, bakobondoko bato na makambo ma lokuta. Yango wana bato bakendeki lokola mpata, na mpasi mpenza, mpo bazangaki mokengeli.
Zech HunIMIT 10:2  Mert a teráfimok semmiséget beszéltek és a jósolók hazugságot láttak és az álmok hamisságot beszélnek, hiábavalóval vigasztalnak; azért elvonultak, mint a juhok, sanyarognak, mert nincsen pásztor!
Zech ChiUnL 10:2  家神言虛誕、卜筮見欺誑、妄宣僞夢、徒施慰藉、故民流離如羊、因無牧而困苦、
Zech VietNVB 10:2  Vì các thần tượng chỉ nói điều dối gạt,Thầy bói bày tỏ những khải tượng gian trá,Chúng rêu rao những chiêm bao viển vông,Những lời an ủi trống rỗng.Vì thế dân Ta phải ra đi, khổ sởNhư đàn chiên không người chăn dắt.
Zech LXX 10:2  διότι οἱ ἀποφθεγγόμενοι ἐλάλησαν κόπους καὶ οἱ μάντεις ὁράσεις ψευδεῖς καὶ τὰ ἐνύπνια ψευδῆ ἐλάλουν μάταια παρεκάλουν διὰ τοῦτο ἐξήρθησαν ὡς πρόβατα καὶ ἐκακώθησαν διότι οὐκ ἦν ἴασις
Zech CebPinad 10:2  Pangayo kang Jehova kay ang mga dios-dios nagapanulti sa mga kakawangan, ug ang mga mulo-manalagna nakakita ug bakak; ug nagsugilon sila sa mga damgo nga bakak, ang ilang paglipay nakawang lamang : busa sila nagalakaw sa ilang kaugalingon nga dalan ingon sa mga carnero; ginasakit sila kay sila walay magbalantay.
Zech RomCor 10:2  Căci terafimii vorbesc nimicuri, ghicitorii prorocesc minciuni, visele mint şi mângâie cu deşertăciuni. De aceea, ei rătăcesc ca o turmă, sunt nenorociţi pentru că n-au păstor.
Zech Pohnpeia 10:2  Aramas akan kin rapahki kaweid sang rehn dikedik en eni kan oh sounkosetipw kan, ahpw pasapeng me kin kohieng irail me likamw oh sohte audepe. Ekei kin kawehwehda ouraman akan, ahpw ihte re kin kaweidsuwedihkumwailla; kaloalamwahu me re kin wiahiong kumwail sohte katepe. Eri, aramas akan ahpw kin sansalongseli duwehte sihpw me salongalahr. Re milahr nan apwal pwe sohte ar kaun.
Zech HunUj 10:2  De a házibálványok hazug kijelentést adnak, a varázslók megcsalnak látomásaikkal, haszontalan álmokat beszélnek el, és amivel vigasztalnak, mit sem ér. Ezért széledt el népem, mint egy nyáj, nyomorúságra jutott, mert nem volt pásztora.
Zech GerZurch 10:2  Denn die Theraphim reden Lüge, und die Wahrsager schauen Trug; eitle Träume verkünden sie und geben windigen Trost. Darum mussten sie aufbrechen wie eine Herde und kamen ins Elend, weil kein Hirte da war. (1) d.h. das Volk. (a) Hes 34:2-10
Zech GerTafel 10:2  Denn Unrecht reden die Theraphim und die Wahrsager schauen Lüge, und Eitles reden die Träume, nichtig trösten sie. Darum ziehen sie aus wie Schafe, sie werden gedrückt, weil kein Hirte da ist.
Zech PorAR 10:2  Pois os ídolos falam vaidade, e os adivinhos veem mentira e contam sonhos falsos; em vão procuram consolar; por isso seguem o seu caminho como ovelhas; estão aflitos, porque não há pastor.
Zech DutSVVA 10:2  Want de terafim spreken ijdelheid, en de waarzeggers zien valsheid, en zij spreken ijdele dromen, zij troosten met ijdelheid; daarom zijn zij henengetogen als schapen, zij zijn onderdrukt geworden; want er was geen herder.
Zech FarOPV 10:2  زیرا که ترافیم سخن باطل می‌گویند و فالگیران رویاهای دروغ می‌بینند وخوابهای باطل بیان می‌کنند و تسلی بیهوده می‌دهند، از این جهت مثل گوسفندان آواره می‌باشند و از نبودن شبان ذلیل می‌گردند.
Zech Ndebele 10:2  Ngoba izithombe zikhulume ize, labavumisi babone amanga, balandisa amaphupho ayinkohliso, baduduza ngokuyize. Ngakho-ke bazihambela njengezimvu, badubeka, ngoba kwakungelamelusi.
Zech PorBLivr 10:2  Pois os ídolos falam ilusão, e os adivinhos veem falsidade, e falado sonhos ilusórios; com ilusão consolam; por isso eles foram embora como ovelhas, humilhadas, porque não havia pastor.
Zech Norsk 10:2  For husgudene talte usant, og spåmennene skuet løgn; tomme drømmer forkynte de, og den trøst de gav, var intet verd; derfor måtte folket dra avsted som får og li ondt, fordi der ingen hyrde var.
Zech SloChras 10:2  Kajti hišni maliki so govorili prazne reči in vedeževalci so videli laži; in govore lažnive sanje, tolažijo brezuspešno. Zato so zbežali kakor čreda, potlačeni so, ker jim ni pastirja.
Zech Northern 10:2  Ancaq ev bütlərindən alınan vədlər boş şeydir. Falçılar boş görüntülər görür, Mənasız yuxular danışaraq Əbəs yerə təsəlli verir. Buna görə də xalq sürü kimi dağınıqdır, Zəhmət çəkirlər, çünki bir çoban yoxdur.
Zech GerElb19 10:2  Denn die Teraphim haben Nichtiges geredet, und die Wahrsager haben Lüge geschaut; und sie reden Träume des Truges, trösten mit Dunst. Darum sind sie fortgewandert wie eine Herde, werden bedrückt, weil kein Hirte da ist.
Zech LvGluck8 10:2  Jo dievekļi runā nelietību, un zīlnieki rauga viltību un runā melu sapņus un iepriecina ar niekiem. Tādēļ tie maldās kā avis, tie ir nospaidīti, jo tur nav gana.
Zech PorAlmei 10:2  Porque os teraphins teem fallado vaidade, e os adivinhos teem visto mentira, e fallam sonhos vãos; com vaidade consolam, por isso se foram como ovelhas, foram afflictos, porque não havia pastor.
Zech ChiUn 10:2  因為,家神所言的是虛空;卜士所見的是虛假;做夢者所說的是假夢。他們白白地安慰人,所以眾人如羊流離,因無牧人就受苦。
Zech SweKarlX 10:2  Ty afgudarna tala icke annat än vedermödo, och spåmännerna se icke annat än lögn, och tala icke annat än fåfånga drömmar, och deras tröstning är intet; derföre gå de ville såsom får, och äro försmäktade, efter der är ingen herde.
Zech FreKhan 10:2  C’Est que les Terafim débitent de vains discours, les augures des visions mensongères, les songes disent des faussetés, apportent des consolations illusoires; c’est pourquoi ils vaguent comme des brebis, ils sont dans la misère, faute de pasteurs.
Zech FrePGR 10:2  Car les Théraphims ont un langage vain, et les devins des visions menteuses, les songes expriment ce qui n'est pas, c'est par le néant qu'ils consolent ; c'est pourquoi ils sont emmenés comme des brebis, ils sont misérables, parce qu'il n'y a point de pasteurs.
Zech PorCap 10:2  *Porque os ídolos domésticos dão falsos oráculos, os adivinhos têm visões enganadoras, anunciam sonhos mentirosos, pronunciam coisas fraudulentas; por isso, eles se afastam como um rebanho, andam errantes, porque não têm pastor.
Zech JapKougo 10:2  テラピムは、たわごとを言い、占い師は偽りを見、夢見る者は偽りの夢を語り、むなしい慰めを与える。このゆえに、民は羊のようにさまよい、牧者がないために悩む。
Zech GerTextb 10:2  Denn die Teraphim gaben nichtige Sprüche, und die Wahrsager hatten Lügengesichte. Sie reden nur eitle Träumereien und spenden nur windigen Trost. Darum sind sie weitergezogen wie eine Herde, sind nun im Elend, weil niemand sie weidet.
Zech Kapingam 10:2  Nia daangada e-halahala di longo mai baahi nia ada-god mo digau hagailoo maluagina, gei nadau mee ala e-kae i-baahi digaula la-nia tilikai mono balumee. Hunu ginaadou e-hagamodongoohia nia moe, malaa e-halahalau-hua goodou; di-nadau haga-manawa tenetene goodou le e-balumee-hua. Malaa, nia daangada e-heehee gadoo be nia siibi ne-nngala. Digaula gu-huaidu ang-gi ginaadou idimaa digaula nadau dagi ai.
Zech SpaPlate 10:2  Porque los terafim hablan vanidad, y las visiones de los adivinos son mentirosas; cuentan sueños falaces, dan consuelos vacíos, por eso andan errantes como ovejas; están afligidos, porque no tienen pastor.
Zech WLC 10:2  כִּ֧י הַתְּרָפִ֣ים דִּבְּרוּ־אָ֗וֶן וְהַקּֽוֹסְמִים֙ חָ֣זוּ שֶׁ֔קֶר וַֽחֲלֹמוֹת֙ הַשָּׁ֣וא יְדַבֵּ֔רוּ הֶ֖בֶל יְנַֽחֵמ֑וּן עַל־כֵּן֙ נָסְע֣וּ כְמוֹ־צֹ֔אן יַעֲנ֖וּ כִּֽי־אֵ֥ין רֹעֶֽה׃
Zech LtKBB 10:2  Stabai kalba tuštybes, būrėjai skelbia melą, tuščių sapnų aiškinimą. Jų paguoda yra bevertė. Todėl jie klaidžiojo kaip avys ir skurdo, nes neturėjo ganytojo.
Zech Bela 10:2  Бо ідалы гавораць пустое, і вяшчуны бачаць ілжывае і расказваюць сны ілжывыя; яны суцяшаюць пусткаю; таму яны бадзяюцца як авечкі, церпяць гароту, бо няма пастыра.
Zech GerBoLut 10:2  Denn die Gotzen reden eitel Mühe, und die Wahrsager sehen eitel Luge und reden vergebliche Traume, und ihr T rosten istnichts; darum gehen sie in der Irre wie eine Herde und sind verschmachtet, weil kein Hide da ist.
Zech FinPR92 10:2  Mutta kotijumalat puhuvat valheita, ennustajat näkevät valhenäkyjä, kertovat joutavia uniaan, lohduttavat tyhjillä lupauksilla. Sen tähden kansa harhailee kuin lammaslauma uupuneena ja kurjana. Paimenta ei ole.
Zech SpaRV186 10:2  Porque las imágenes han hablado vanidad, y los adivinos han visto mentira, y han hablado sueños vanos, en vano consuelan: por lo cual ellos se fueron como ovejas, fueron humillados porque no tuvieron pastor.
Zech NlCanisi 10:2  Waarachtig, de terafim hebben bedrogen, De waarzeggers leugen geschouwd, Lege dromen verkondigd, Met ijdele beloften gepaaid; Daarom werden zij als schapen verstrooid, Geslagen, omdat er geen herder was.
Zech GerNeUe 10:2  Die Hausgötzen haben nur Unsinn geredet und die Wahrsager Trügerisches geschaut. Sie haben euch erlogene Träume verkündet und spendeten windigen Trost. Darum mussten sie fortziehen wie Schafe, die im Elend sind, denn kein Hirt kümmert sich um sie.
Zech UrduGeo 10:2  تمہارے گھروں کے بُت فریب دیتے، تمہارے غیب دان جھوٹی رویا دیکھتے اور فریب دہ خواب سناتے ہیں۔ اُن کی تسلی عبث ہے۔ اِسی لئے قوم کو بھیڑبکریوں کی طرح یہاں سے چلا جانا پڑا۔ گلہ بان نہیں ہے، اِس لئے وہ مصیبت میں اُلجھے رہتے ہیں۔
Zech AraNAV 10:2  أَمَّا الأَوْثَانُ فَإِنَّهَا تَنْطِقُ بِالْبَاطِلِ، وَيَرَى الْعَرَّافُونَ رُؤىً كَاذِبَةً، وَيُنْبِئُونَ بِأَحْلاَمِ زُورٍ. وَعَبَثاً يُعَزُّونَ. لِذَلِكَ شَرَدَ النَّاسُ كَغَنَمٍ، وَقَاسُوا مَشَقَّةً لاِفْتِقَارِهِمْ إِلَى رَاعٍ.
Zech ChiNCVs 10:2  因为偶像所说的是空言,占卜者所见的是虚谎,他们所说的是假梦,只给人空洞的安慰。因此,众人都如羊没有牧人,流离困苦。
Zech ItaRive 10:2  Poiché gl’idoli domestici dicono cose vane, gl’indovini vedono menzogne, i sogni mentiscono e dànno un vano conforto; perciò costoro vanno errando come pecore, sono afflitti, perché non v’è pastore.
Zech Afr1953 10:2  Want die huisgode spreek bedrog, en die waarsêers sien leuens en verkondig nietige drome, hulle troos met wind. Daarom het hulle weggeswerwe soos 'n kudde; hulle verkeer in verdrukking, omdat daar geen herder is nie.
Zech RusSynod 10:2  Ибо терафимы говорят пустое, и вещуны видят ложное и рассказывают сны лживые; они утешают пустотой; поэтому они бродят, как овцы, бедствуют, потому что нет пастыря.
Zech UrduGeoD 10:2  तुम्हारे घरों के बुत फ़रेब देते, तुम्हारे ग़ैबदान झूटी रोया देखते और फ़रेबदेह ख़ाब सुनाते हैं। उनकी तसल्ली अबस है। इसी लिए क़ौम को भेड़-बकरियों की तरह यहाँ से चला जाना पड़ा। गल्लाबान नहीं है, इसलिए वह मुसीबत में उलझे रहते हैं।
Zech TurNTB 10:2  Oysa aile putlarından alınan yanıtlar boştur, Falcılar yalan görümler görür Ve gerçek yanı olmayan düşler anlatarak Boşuna avuturlar. Bu yüzden halk sürü gibi dağınık, Sıkıntı çekiyor, çünkü çoban yok.
Zech DutSVV 10:2  Want de terafim spreken ijdelheid, en de waarzeggers zien valsheid, en zij spreken ijdele dromen, zij troosten met ijdelheid; daarom zijn zij henengetogen als schapen, zij zijn onderdrukt geworden; want er was geen herder.
Zech HunKNB 10:2  Mert a bálványképek haszontalan dolgokat beszélnek, a jósok hazugságot látnak, s az álomlátók hiábavalóságokat beszélnek, üres vigasztalásokat mondanak; ezért kerülnek ők tévútra, mint a nyáj, mely sanyarúságot szenved, mert nincsen pásztora.
Zech Maori 10:2  He tekateka noa hoki te korero a nga terapimi, he teka te kite a nga tohunga, he horihori nga moe i korerotia e ratou; he hanga noa iho ta ratou whakamarie, na reira haere ana ratou ano he kahui hipi; karangirangi kau ana i te kore hepara.
Zech HunKar 10:2  Mert a bálványok hazugságot szólnak, a varázslók pedig hamisságot látnak és üres álmokat beszélnek, hiábavalósággal vígasztalnak; azért elszélednek, mint a juhnyáj, a mely sanyarog, mert nincs pásztora.
Zech Viet 10:2  Vì các thần tượng nói sự hư không, các thầy bói thấy sự dối trá; chúng nó rao chiêm bao phỉnh dối, và ban sự yên ủi luống nhưng. Vậy nên dân tan đi như những con chiên, vì không có người chăn thì bị khốn nạn.
Zech Kekchi 10:2  Joˈcan nak mextzˈa̱man reheb li yi̱banbil dios xban nak aˈan moco teˈxqˈue ta li cˈaˈru te̱tzˈa̱ma. Eb laj kˈe, aˈan aj ticˈtiˈeb. Moco ya̱l ta li cˈaˈru nequeˈxye. Chanchan yal matqˈuenbil nequeˈxba̱nu li cˈaˈru nequeˈxye. Moco ya̱l ta nak nequeˈxcˈojob e̱chˈo̱l. Xban eb aˈan nak queˈxchaˈchaˈi ribeb li tenamit yalak bar. Ra queˈxcˈul xban nak ma̱ ani qui-iloc reheb.
Zech Swe1917 10:2  Men husgudarnas tal är fåfänglighet, spåmännens syner äro lögn, tomma drömmar är vad de tala, och den tröst de giva är ett intet. Därför måste folket draga hädan såsom en fårhjord och fara illa, där det går utan herde.
Zech CroSaric 10:2  Lažno bajaju kumiri, prijevaru vide gatari, obmanu govore snovi, varljivu utjehu daju, zato kao stado blude ljudi, lutaju jer nemaju pastira.
Zech VieLCCMN 10:2  Quả thật, các tượng thần chỉ nói điều gian trá, lũ thầy bói chỉ thị kiến điều gian ; chúng công bố những giấc chiêm bao nhảm nhí, nói những lời an ủi vu vơ. Chính vì thế, họ phải ra đi, thảm não ê chề, như đàn chiên không người chăn dắt.
Zech FreBDM17 10:2  Car les Théraphims ont dit fausseté, et les devins ont vu le mensonge, ils ont proféré des songes vains, et ont donné des consolations vaines ; c’est pourquoi on s’en est allé comme des brebis, et on a été abattu, parce qu’il n’y avait point de pasteur.
Zech FreLXX 10:2  Les faux prophètes ont fait des prédictions funestes ; les devins ont rapporté des visions fausses et des songes trompeurs ; ils ont donné de vaines consolations ; à cause de cela, ils ont dépéri comme des brebis abandonnées ; ils ont été affligés, parce qu'il n'y avait pas de remède.
Zech Aleppo 10:2  כי התרפים דברו און והקוסמים חזו שקר וחלמות השוא ידברו הבל ינחמון על כן נסעו כמו צאן יענו כי אין רעה  {פ}
Zech MapM 10:2  כִּ֧י הַתְּרָפִ֣ים דִּבְּרוּ־אָ֗וֶן וְהַקּֽוֹסְמִים֙ חָ֣זוּ שֶׁ֔קֶר וַֽחֲלֹמוֹת֙ הַשָּׁ֣וְא יְדַבֵּ֔רוּ הֶ֖בֶל יְנַחֵמ֑וּן עַל־כֵּן֙ נָסְע֣וּ כְמוֹ־צֹ֔אן יַעֲנ֖וּ כִּי־אֵ֥ין רֹעֶֽה׃
Zech HebModer 10:2  כי התרפים דברו און והקוסמים חזו שקר וחלמות השוא ידברו הבל ינחמון על כן נסעו כמו צאן יענו כי אין רעה׃
Zech Kaz 10:2  (Ол былай дейді:) «Басқа ұлттар үйлерінде табынатын тәңірсымақтардың айтатыны өтірік, бал ашқан сәуегейлердің болжағандары да жалған, көріпкелдер өтірік түс көріп, босқа жұбаныш береді. Осының бәрінен халқым қой сияқты тентіреп кетті, бағушысы болмағандықтан олар азап шегуде.
Zech FreJND 10:2  Car les théraphim ont dit des paroles de vanité, et les devins ont vu un mensonge, et ils ont prononcé des songes trompeurs ; ils consolent en vain. C’est pourquoi ils sont partis comme le menu bétail ; ils sont opprimés, parce qu’il n’y a point de berger.
Zech GerGruen 10:2  Die Teraphim vertrösten nur mit leeren Worten. Wahrsager haben trügende Gesichte, erzählen falsche Träume und spenden windigen Trost. Deswegen schweifen sie den Schafen gleich umher und gehen ohne Hirten in die Irre.
Zech SloKJV 10:2  Kajti maliki so govorili ničevost, vedeževalci so videli laž in povedali napačne sanje. Zaman tolažijo. Zatorej so odšli po svoji poti kakor trop, zaskrbljeni so bili, ker ni bilo pastirja.
Zech Haitian 10:2  Moun k'ap bat kat yo, se twonpe y'ap twonpe moun. Divinò yo menm, se manti y'ap bay. Rèv yo fè pa vle di anyen. Moun yo mete espwa yo nan bagay ki p'ap janm rive. Moun yo pèdi tèt yo tankou mouton ki pèdi bann. Yo nan traka, paske pa gen chèf pou mennen yo.
Zech FinBibli 10:2  Sillä epäjumalat puhuvat turhuutta, ja aavistajat näkevät valheen; ja puhuvat turhia unia, ja heidän lohdutuksensa ei ole mitään: sentähden he käyvät eksyksissä niinkuin lampaat, ja nääntyvät, ettei heillä ole yhtään paimenta.
Zech SpaRV 10:2  Porque las imágenes han hablado vanidad, y los adivinos han visto mentira, y han hablado sueños vanos, en vano consuelan: por lo cual se fueron ellos como ovejas, fueron humillados porque no tuvieron pastor.
Zech WelBeibl 10:2  Mae eilun-ddelwau teuluol yn camarwain pobl, a'r rhai sy'n dweud ffortiwn yn twyllo – mae eu breuddwydion yn ffals, a'u cysur yn ddiwerth. Felly mae'r bobl yn crwydro fel defaid, heb fugail i'w hamddiffyn.
Zech GerMenge 10:2  Dagegen die Hausgötzen reden Nichtiges, und die Wahrsager schauen Trug, verkünden eitle Träume und spenden windigen Trost. Darum haben (unsere Volksgenossen) fortwandern müssen wie eine Herde und leben im Elend, weil kein Hirt da ist.
Zech GreVamva 10:2  Διότι τα είδωλα ελάλησαν ματαιότητα και οι μάντεις είδον οράσεις ψευδείς και ελάλησαν ενύπνια μάταια· παρηγόρουν ματαίως· διά τούτο μετετοπίσθησαν ως ποίμνιον· εταράχθησαν, διότι δεν υπήρχε ποιμήν.
Zech UkrOgien 10:2  Бо говорять марно́ту домо́ві божки́, і віщуни́ бачать лжу, і розказують сни неправдиві, потішають марно́тою. Тому́ вони бродять, немов та ота́ра, мандру́ють вони, бо без па́стиря.
Zech FreCramp 10:2  Car les théraphim ont parlé futilité, et les devins ont eu des visions de mensonge ; ils débitent de vains songes, et donnent de fausses consolations. C'est pourquoi ils sont partis comme un troupeau ; ils ont été opprimés, faute de berger.
Zech SrKDEkav 10:2  Јер ликови говоре ништавило и врачи виде лаж и говоре залудне сне, теше таштином; зато отидоше као стадо, и ојадише се, јер не беше пастира.
Zech PolUGdan 10:2  Bożki wypowiadają bowiem słowa próżności, a wróżbici prorokują kłamstwo i opowiadają zmyślone sny, daremnie pocieszają. Dlatego błąkali się jak trzoda, byli utrapieni, bo nie było pasterza.
Zech FreSegon 10:2  Car les théraphim ont des paroles de néant, Les devins prophétisent des faussetés, Les songes mentent et consolent par la vanité. C'est pourquoi ils sont errants comme un troupeau, Ils sont malheureux parce qu'il n'y a point de pasteur.
Zech SpaRV190 10:2  Porque las imágenes han hablado vanidad, y los adivinos han visto mentira, y han hablado sueños vanos, en vano consuelan: por lo cual se fueron ellos como ovejas, fueron humillados porque no tuvieron pastor.
Zech HunRUF 10:2  De a házibálványok hazug kijelentést adnak, a jósok rászednek látomásaikkal, haszontalan álmokat beszélnek el, és amivel vigasztalnak, mit sem ér. Ezért széledt el népem, mint egy nyáj, nyomorúságra jutott, mert nem volt pásztora.
Zech DaOT1931 10:2  Men Husgudens Tale er Svig, Sandsigeres Syner er Blændværk; de kommer med tomme Drømme, hul er Trøsten, de giver; derfor vandrer de om som en Hjord, lider Nød, thi de har ingen Hyrde.
Zech TpiKJPB 10:2  Long wanem, ol piksa bilong god giaman i bin toktok nating, na ol glasman i bin lukim wanpela giaman, na ol i bin tokaut long ol giaman driman. Ol i givim bel isi nating. Olsem na ol i go long rot bilong ol olsem wanpela lain sipsip, ol i pilim wari, bilong wanem, i no gat wasman bilong sipsip i stap.
Zech DaOT1871 10:2  Thi Husguderne have talt Falskhed, og Spaamændene have skuet Løgn, og skuffende Drømme tale de, med Forfængelighed trøste de; derfor ere de dragne bort som en Hjord, de ere i Nød, thi der er ingen Hyrde.
Zech FreVulgG 10:2  Car les idoles ont rendu des réponses vaines, les devins ont eu des visions trompeuses, les conteurs (interprètes) de songes ont parlé en l’air, et ils donnaient de fausses (vaines) consolations ; c’est pourquoi ils ont été emmenés comme un troupeau ; ils ont été affligés, parce qu’ils n’ont pas de pasteur.
Zech PolGdans 10:2  Bo obrazy mówią próżność, a wieszczkowie prorokują kłamstwo i sny próżne opowiadają, daremnie cieszą; dlatego poszli w niewolę, jako trzoda, utrapieni są, że nie mieli pasterza.
Zech JapBungo 10:2  夫テラピムは空虚き事を言ひ卜筮師はその見る所眞實ならずして虚僞の夢を語る其慰むる所は徒然なり是をもて民は羊のごとくに迷ひ牧者なきに因て惱む
Zech GerElb18 10:2  Denn die Teraphim haben Nichtiges geredet, und die Wahrsager haben Lüge geschaut; und sie reden Träume des Truges, trösten mit Dunst. Darum sind sie fortgewandert wie eine Herde, werden bedrückt, weil kein Hirte da ist.