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c8c1985 You forget, darling. I the local psychopath. Kelley Armstrong
54ffad1 Derek caught my arm again as I started to move--at this rate, it was going to be as sore as my injured one. "Dog," he said, jerking his chin toward the fenced yard. "It was inside earlier." Expecting to see a Doberman slavering at the fence, I followed his gaze to a little puff of white fur, the kind of dog women stick in their purses. It wasn't even barking, just staring at us, dancing in place. "Oh, my God! It's a killer Pomeranian." I gl.. derek dog Kelley Armstrong
956a485 He pivoted, gaze following me as I crossed to the shower and turned on the cold water, so it would drown out our conversation without steaming up the room. Great," he muttered."Now they're going to think we're showering together. Maybe we can just tell them we were washing off the crawl space dirt and trying to conserve water." derek Kelley Armstrong
f2853a5 You were just worried about me." An exhale, relieved that I had understood. "Yeah" I turned. "Because you think I'm worth it" He put his fingers under my chin. "I absolutely think your worth it." "But you don't think you are." His mouth opened. Shut. "That's what this is about, Derek. You won't let us worry about you because you don't think you're worth it. But I do. I absolutely do." young-adult romance Kelley Armstrong
a1d1eeb Simon: Anyone ever tell you your sense of timing really sucks? Derek: That's why I don't play the drums. Now what's up? Kelley Armstrong
224823f So I was right, wasn't I? It's still you, even in wolf form.' He grunted. No sudden uncontrollable urges to go kill something?' He rolled his eyes. Hey, you're the one who was worried.' I paused. 'And I don't smell like dinner, right?' I got a real look for that one. Just covering all the bases. Kelley Armstrong
2a046cb I'm behind you." I spun to see Derek. "I can't win," he said. "You're as skittish as a kitten." derek Kelley Armstrong
b9fce9e Kids who don't eavesdrop on adult conversations are doomed to a childhood of ignorance. Kelley Armstrong
06146bd So," I said. "Seems you're going to be stuck with me for a while." He smiled. A real smile that lit up his whole face. "Good," Kelley Armstrong
adafc00 If there's anything I can do- I know there probably isn't, but..." Just be here" derek Kelley Armstrong
f6fedee He had a newspaper rolled in his hand, bearing down on me like a puppy that had piddled on the carpet. "Bad Chloe," I muttered. "What?" I'd forgotten his bionic hearing. "Bad Chloe." I gestured at the rolled-up paper and put out my hand. "Get it over with." derek Kelley Armstrong
59ce726 Wow. The guy can make me feel stupid even when he's telling me I don't have to let him make me feel stupid. Kelley Armstrong
8651d2a Simon whispered to me, "But is everything okay?" "No," Tori said. "I kidnapped her and forced her to escape with me. I've been using her as a human shield against those guys with guns, and I was just about to strangle her and leave her body here to throw them off my trail. But then you showed up and foiled my evil plans. Lucky for you, though. You get to rescue poor little Chloe again and win her undying gratitude." "Undying gratitude?" Sim.. Kelley Armstrong
3d9b232 Oh, for God's sake. Save your piss. Don't save your piss. It's all the same to me. Kelley Armstrong
732a0dd You know children, always playing with the forces of darkness. young-adult necromancer urban-fantasy Kelley Armstrong
586ef84 Urban survival rule 22: Never annoy an armed man. elena-michaels supernatural Kelley Armstrong
fd94c2e He balled up my discarded sweatshirt and put it against his shoulder. "Go on," he said. "I don't bite." "And from what I hear, that's a good thing." He gave a rumbling chuckle. "Yeah, it is." I leaned against his shoulder." derek Kelley Armstrong
7c9f6f4 I was very strict on that point. No devouring classmates." Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Other parents warn their kids not to talk to strangers. I had to warn mine not to eat them." Kelley Armstrong
7c7ca66 Remembering. Forgetting. I'm not sure which is worse. pain loss love Kelley Armstrong
708d31b He was trying to tell me something." Derek snorted. "Aren't they all? Must be a rule in the ghost handbook--if in danger of evaporating, make sure you're in the middle of a dire pronouncement." -- young-adult necromancer derek ghosts supernatural urban-fantasy Kelley Armstrong
5d1e5a7 He wore sweatpants and a T-shirt and had stopped in the middle of the hall, furiously scratching one bare forearm. "Fleas?" I said." derek Kelley Armstrong
3060531 Stupid bitch,' Tori muttered. 'oh let's take the necromancer with the superpowers to the cemetery. Of course you aren't going to raise the dead, you silly girl. tori reckoning Kelley Armstrong
3e1bc66 So," Simon said. "Looks like you and Derek are getting along again. What happened? Did he give you the look?" "Look?" "You know. The one that makes him look like a whipped puppy, and makes you feel like a jerk for doing the whipping." "Ah, that one. So it works on you, too?" He snorted. "It even works on Dad. We give in, we tell him it's okay, and the next thing you know, he's chewing up slippers again." I laughed." Kelley Armstrong
cadc7e4 You didn't answer my question. Are you all right?" I didn't do anything" Yeah. You did." He looked at me. "You did a lot" -Chloe & Derek-" derek Kelley Armstrong
e8009dd You saw a ghost, didn't you?" he said. To my relief, I managed to laugh. "Hate to break it to you, but there's no such thing as ghosts." Huh." His gaze traveled around the laundry room, like a cop searching for an escaped convict. When he turned that piercing look on me, its intensity sucked the backbone out of me. What do you see, Chloe?" I -I-I don't s-s-s-" Slow down." He snapped the words, impatient. "What do they look like? Do they tal.. Kelley Armstrong
399491b Murder? You mean he's dead?" "No. He's resting comfortably," I said. "People always sleep best with their heads at a ninety-degree angle. He looks comfortable, doesn't he?" (Paige & Elena)" paige stolen Kelley Armstrong
238f946 Are you the welcoming committee? Or has Jeremy finally chained you up to the front gate where you belong?" "I missed you too." elena-michaels KELLEY ARMSTRONG
5deae0f What's this?" Nick said. "Bedtime?" No one answered him. I kept my eyes closed. "You look positively content, Clayton," Nick continued, thumping down on the floor. "That wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that Elena is cuddled up with you, would it?" "It's cold in here," I murmured. "Doesn't feel cold." "It's cold," Clay growled. "I could start a fire." "I could start one, too," Clay said. "With your clothes. Before you get them off.. Kelley Armstrong
a80015c Whatever it is," I said, "the point is moot because as long as I'm on these pills, I can't make contact to ask." Derek ... snapped, "Then you need to stop taking the pills." Love to. If I could. But after what happened last night, they're giving me urine tests now." Ugh. That's harsh." Simon went quiet, then snapped his fingers. Hey, I've got an idea. It's kinda gross, but what if you take the pills, crush them and mix them with your, you k.. Kelley Armstrong
9547ec0 You'll wrest a burning sword from an angel, but you're afraid of bats?" "I'm not afraid of them. I just don't like them. They're...furry. Flying things shouldn't be furry. It's not right. And if I ever meet the Creator, I'm taking that one up with him." "That I'd like to see. Your one and possible only chance to get the answer to every question in the universe, and you ask, 'Why are bats furry?'" "I will. You just wait." trisiel Kelley Armstrong
fe8a283 And he says I have lousy timing the-reackoning derek Kelley Armstrong
51c656f I thought you were all-seeing." All-knowing, not all-seeing!" he snapped. "I'm a God, not Santa Claus!" jaime-vegas kelley-armstrong Kelley Armstrong
b2dd944 Derek picked the spot? Had he been hoping I'd be blinded by the morning sun and stumble off the edge? Kelley Armstrong
b040eca I glanced up to see Liz and smiled. "Thank you." "I just went along for the ride. After that happened-" She waved at Derek. "You know how blind people need Seeing Eye dogs? Well, apparently werewolves could really use Opening Door poltergeists." seeing-dogs Kelley Armstrong
e77528c Rae burned me. She has matches or something. Look, look..." Tori pulled down the collar of her T-shirt. "Leave your cloths on, Tori," Simon said, raising his hands to his eyes. "Please." the-summoning simon Kelley Armstrong
5301c23 The show's writers had peppered the piece with words like "savage," "wild," and "animalistic." What bullshit. Show me the animal that kills for the thrill of watching something die. Why does the stereotype of the animalistic killer persist? Because humans like it. It neatly explains things for them, moving humans to the top of the evolutionary ladder and putting killers down among mythological man-beast monsters like werewolves. The truth i.. Kelley Armstrong
f28d52b And now we can't," I said. "Which sucks, but the main thing is that your dad's alive." He smiled, hesitant at first, then a blazing grin broke through that made my heart stop. I recovered and grinned back and went to throw my arms around his neck, then stopped, blushing. Before I could pull back, he caught my elbows and put my arms around his neck and pulled me into a hug. Then he jumped, chair swiveling so fast I nearly went flying. I hear.. Kelley Armstrong
9b1ecc7 Derek and I went out for our walk after dinner. Alone. There was an open field behind the motel and we headed there. Finally, when we were far enough from the motel, Derek led me into a little patch of woods. He hesitated then, unsure, still just holding my hand. When I stepped in front of him, though, his free hand went around my waist. "So," I said. "Seems you're going to be stuck with me for a while." He smiled. A real smile that lit up.. Kelley Armstrong
0186257 Another werewolf thing. Like most animals, we spent a large part of our lives engaged in the three Fs of basic survival. Feeding, fighting and... reproduction. humor werewolves Kelley Armstrong
a06ebcd Great. So if I saw a guy standing still, and he wasn't wearing an old uniform, I just had to ask him to walk through furniture. If he stared at me like I was crazy, then I'd know he wasn't a ghost. - Chloe Kelley Armstrong
c008d4b And stop doing that," he said. "Backing away, giving me that look." Like you're scaring me? Maybe you are." He stepped back so fast he wobbled and caught himself, and the look on his face--It vanished in a second, the scowl returning. I'd never hurt you, Chloe. You should know--" He stopped. Paused. Then wheeled and started walking away. "Next time? Handle it yourself. I'm done taking care of you." derek Kelley Armstrong
570b26a I let out a laugh that sounded more like the yip of a startled poodle. "Superp-powers? I wish. My powers aren't winning me a slot on the Cartoon Network anytime soon... except as a comic relief. Ghost Whisperer Junior. Or Ghost Screamer, more like it. Tune in, every week, as Chloe Saunders runs screaming from yet another ghost looking for her help." Okay, superpower might be pushing it." humor powers Kelley Armstrong
81d6991 We had one gun, one werewolf, one poltergeist, one supercharged spell-caster, one not-so-supercharged spell-caster, and one perfectly useless necromancer, though Liz was quick to remind me that she needed me to relay her words. - Chloe Kelley Armstrong
ebae6a9 A stereotype becomes a stereotype when a significant percentage of the population appears to conform to it. Kelley Armstrong