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5ab994f Gabriel might always have his own best interests at heart, but he expects everyone else to do the same for themselves. To him, we are all the center of our own universes. good-and-bad-qualities Kelley Armstrong
3c0c187 Keepers and Seekers were not permitted to do more than trim their hair to elbow length. Ashyn said they ought to be grateful they weren't like the spirit talkers, who weren't ever allowed to cut their hair or their nails. Personally, Moria would be more concerned with the "eyes plucked out, tongue cut off, and nostrils seared" part of being a spirit talker, but she could see that the uncut nails might be inconvenient as well." Kelley Armstrong
3d44799 Also, the killing of small animals is the entrance ramp onto the serial killer superhighway. Damn. I bet the cat knows that. He picked me because I can't hurt him, or I'd be fulfilling my biological destiny. So I'm screwed. The cat stays. Unless you'll kill him...How does fifty bucks sound? killing-the-cat oliva serial-killers Kelley Armstrong
853d5e3 He rewarded her flower with a twitch of a smile, and she began to relax. This was the Gavril she knew. Kelley Armstrong
57a1257 Clearly it was time to consider rescheduling that optometrist appointment I'd missed last fall. otherworld Kelley Armstrong
e51b78f Mr. Walsh?" a woman's voice said. "Can I get a comment, Mr. Walsh?" "That's not about me, is it?" I said. "No, my client. He's on trial for killing his business partner and dissolving him in quicklime. Which is ridiculous." "Uh-huh." "It is. Anyone in my client's line of work knows that quicklime is a very poor solvent. Chemical hydrolysis is the method of choice these days." defense-lawyer murder-method reporter gabriel Kelley Armstrong
b977f45 Don't grumble," I said. "Or I'll bake you more cookies." olivia gabriel teasing Kelley Armstrong
0ea7073 Don't give me that look," I told the cat. "You've caught one mouse since you've been here. And what do you get in return? Food, shelter, and a human servant to clean up your shit. You didn't even warn me when someone was at the door." "Because his sixth sense tells him I can be trusted." "Then his sixth sense is broken." humor pet-talk olivia gabriel sixth-sense Kelley Armstrong
49b2899 When I hung up, Gabriel said, "Now you're going out that--" "I'm not leaving you." "Don't be stupid. I have a gun." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the .45. "Which will knock you on your ass if you try firing with a bad leg. Sit down before you fall." "I'm--" "Sit down." I walked to the door and peered out. If I strained, I could hear footsteps above. Anderson would search the other rooms first. Then he'd come down here. When I re.. kelley-armstrong omens Kelley Armstrong
b73cb35 I understood that now. I wished I could have understood it then. I wished I could have said something in that last moment, before he let go. He'd told me it was okay. His last words to me. Why couldn't they have been my last words to him? rafe-martinez Kelley Armstrong
190dbdc I opted for the rear door, both as a courtesy and so she couldn't freak out about me showing up on her front doorstep for all of East Falls to see. Being the village pariah does make social calls most trying. -Paige Kelley Armstrong
343a7f9 Nonsense, Chloe. I certainly hope you aren't afraid of cemeteries" "Um, no" Tori said. "It's the bodies buried in them that worry her. Uh, you know, dead bodies? Potential zombies?" "Don't be silly. You can't accidentally raise the dead." "Chloe can." "I've heard Chloe is quite powerful, but I'm sure she doesn't need to worry about raising the dead yet." "She already has. I was there" "I-it's true." I said. "I raised subjects of Dr. Lyle's.. Kelley Armstrong
6f42750 Maybe I'm being selfish, but I choose you." He leaned over, lips brushing mine as he whispered, "I always choose you." -- Kelley Armstrong
5ec1433 Between Ricky's charm and persuasion and Gabriel's lock picking and sleight of hand, if I took enough lessons, I could become a first-rate private eye. Or a master criminal. Kelley Armstrong
29b2f28 I love that woman. The only thing I want is for her to be happy. I'll do whatever it takes to see that happen. Do you get that? Kelley Armstrong
a449d4c Demon possession strains the boundaries of credulity, given the sheer number of times it seems to happen. One would really hope demons had better things to do with their time. olivia demons rose Kelley Armstrong
2ff0179 I was...a journalist...though my typical beat was freelancing articles on Canadian politics, which never included any mention of demonic phenomena, though it might explain the rise of the neoconservatives. Kelley Armstrong
4482717 They are like actors playing a role, sometimes enjoying their role on stage, but usually relieved to leave it Kelley Armstrong
cce9060 In Cainsville, town elders still hold power. They'll protect you. Kelley Armstrong
05028bc I blinked and wiped my hand over my face. My fingers came back damp. I glanced across the room and saw my reflection in the mirror, hair snarled, mascara running, face streaked with tears. "Yep, you look like shit," Adam said. "And I took plenty of pictures, which I will keep until an appropriate opportunity for blackmail arises." look-like-shit Kelley Armstrong
fa90396 It did not matter whether he thought she was in mortal danger or simply falling, certain to survive. She fell and he followed.. Kelley Armstrong
79e7efd I could shave my head and wear a sackcloth and still get a whole lot of ghostly wrong numbers. Makes me wonder if there's some kind of ghost-necro porn industry down there. ~Jaime Vegas Kelley Armstrong
2fe68e3 I'll keep it in my bedside drawer, in case I'm woken in the middle of the night and mistake the cat for an intruder. An honest accident." "You're not shooting the cat. It would leave a mess." humor olivia gabriel gun Kelley Armstrong
45dcc68 Note to clients, quicklime is a preservative, not a corrosive. Kelley Armstrong
719d6be I opened the bag and pulled out a small box of chocolates. She flashed me a huge smile that would have looked totally real ... if I didn't know her better. Her face went bright red now as she stammered, She stopped as I held out the bag. I said. She looked in and let out a choking laugh. Then, still grinning, she reached in and pulled out a penlight, a Swiss army knife and a purse-sized can of mace. She sputtered another laugh. I said.. romantic derek gift Kelley Armstrong
11b2c46 When I stepped outside, the Wiccans stopped, turning as one body and bestowing beatific smiles on me... "Sister Winterbourne" the first one said. She threw open her arms, embrace me, planted a kiss on my lips, then another on my left breast. I yelped... I grabbed the nearest discarded robe. "Could you please put this-- Could you all put these-- Could you get dressed, please?" The woman only bestowed a serene smile on me. "We are as the Godd.. Kelley Armstrong
03b3d14 Our eyes met and his grin stretched another quarter-inch. Another schoolgirl flip--followed by a very un-schoolgirl wave of heat. He leaned even farther over the boards, lips parting to say something. "Hey, Kris!" someone yelled behind him. "If you want to flirt with Eve, tell her to meet you in the penalty box. You'll be back there soon enough." penalty-box kristof hockey flirt Kelley Armstrong
c5ae197 Then you should take it for a spin. Cars like that shouldn't be left in storage. It causes mechanical issues. With brakes and tires and engines and such." My smile returned. "You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?" "Not a word." Kelley Armstrong
eaba359 I won't make excuses for what I did. The truth is that your whole life can change with one split-second decision, and it doesn't matter if you told yourself you'd never do it or if you stepped into the moment with no intention of doing it. All it takes is for that one second of absolute panic when the solution shines right there in front of you, and you grab it... only to have it turn into ash in your hand. There is no excuse for what I did.. Kelley Armstrong
5a20e5c I should have a gun." "And you think I can provide it?" "Ask your biker gang buddies." "They prefer the term 'motorcycle club.'" "I'm sure they do." kelley-armstrong olivia motorcycles omens gabriel gun Kelley Armstrong
059b937 Yeah yeah," h said. "I waited. She was decent. Although technically, she's still naked." "You're sch a perv," she turned on to me. "Okay, kitty. Lead on. We'll try to keep up." "Yeah,good luck with that," Rafe said. "If she runs, we're history." -- rafael-martinez Kelley Armstrong
cdb91d9 I wouldn't call Gabriel Walsh if I was on fire." She pursed her lips. "No, I might. To sue everyone responsible--from the person who lit the match to those who made my clothes. But I'd wait until the fire was out. Otherwise, he'd just stand there until I was burned enough for a sizable settlement." suing olivia lawyer-jokes grace Kelley Armstrong
854f925 As he talked, I thought, "Maybe I'm wrong about the guy." Put him with someone like Anna Gunderson, a nice woman who has suffered a great tragedy, and his empathetic side came out. And then I realized he was faking it." olivia gabriel Kelley Armstrong
3942643 F--- off. It's not like that. Her and me. I'm just saying--" "That you hadn't left her for good. I never said you had. You just wanted to withdraw long enough to get used to the idea that you'd lost your chance. Lick your wounds, suck it in, and bounce back to being her friend and mentor, and be happy with just that." "I am happy with just that. It's all I want." "Is it? Or is that what you're telling yourself because you think you never ha.. Kelley Armstrong
f21a6e9 Good night, Jeremy," I said, and closed the door. I stepped away, reached back and started unzipping my dress. He pressed his hands to the glass. I could read his lips. "That's not fair." I smiled and finished unzipping. The dress slid off my shoulders, but stayed there. I looked at him, his gaze fixed on me, eyes dark with lust. "You wouldn't dare," he mouthed. I turned, then let it fall off the rest of the way. And, once off, there was no.. jeremy teasing Kelley Armstrong
b55df24 I find fairies with cell phones disconcerting enough. Do they really need to use text talk? Kelley Armstrong
28e0175 I'd seriously contemplated a real collar - a sparkly green one - if only because I was sure it would offend his dignity. humor collar olivia dignity Kelley Armstrong
c745ee6 The hounds will come to Cainsville and when they do, you'll wish you made a very different choice today warning hounds threat foreshadowing Kelley Armstrong
ab7d5f9 Don't talk to the crazy kids. I longed to shout back that we weren't crazy. I'd mistaken her kid for a ghost, that's all. Kelley Armstrong
90ad959 The Fates teleported me to the ascended angels staff lounge. It wasn't called that, naturally. We weren't staff. This wasn't a job. It was a calling. An honor. A noble mission. Bullshit. Kelley Armstrong
bf6d7ea I'm not a shrink. Never been to one. Shot a couple. Don't think that counts. Kelley Armstrong
52ac76d There is no freedom from the prison of the mind. Kelley Armstrong
3edd585 A suitably sultry voice answered his office phone. I gave my name, and she checked to see if Mr. Walsh was in. Given that Grace said he was the only lawyer at his firm, one wouldn't think she'd need to check olivia secretary office Kelley Armstrong
69364af As they neared the spot from which the noise had come, Moria saw a hand lying on the pathway. It appeared to be attached to a body, which was a relief. Again, these days, one could not guarantee such a thing. Kelley Armstrong