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32592f9 The day life appeared on Earth, death appeared with it. Amos Oz
ecc3262 Sounds of four o'clock in the morning come to him through the window: the swish of a sprinkler on the lawn, broken cries of alarm from a parked car that can no longer bear its loneliness, the low weeping of a man in the next-door apartment, on the other side of the wall, the shriek of a nightbird nearby that can perhaps already see what is hidden from you and me. Amos Oz
0713e66 Closing your eyes to the cruelty of life is, in my opinion, both stupid and sinful. There's very little we can do about it. So we have to at least acknowledge it. Amos Oz
db0cad8 lqr~ lsy~ y'ty w yTlbny b'n 'qshWr mn 'jlh lktb ldhy ktbth. yjy lyW ky yTlbny b'n 'lqy 'n bydyW, mn 'jlh, l~ brmyl lnfyt `nby w 'n 'qdm lyh lnw~... `wd@ l~ mjmw`@ lmwnwlwj lqdym, lmtakl, lmbtdhl, l~ mjmw`@ lklyshyht ljf@ lty y`rfh lqr~ lsy~ kGyrh, mndh 'md b`yd w ldhlk fhw yrtH lh w bh fqT: lshkhSyt lty fy lktb hy bkl t'kyd lktb nfsh 'w jyrnh, w lktb w jyrnh km yZhr lysw " Hmy'm byD", whm fsdwn qdhrwn mthln jmy`an. b`d ltqshyr Ht~ l`Zm ytDH.. Amos Oz
67830b0 my life too would become a new song, a life as pure and straightforward and simple as a glass of water on a hot day. Amos Oz
f043e80 They taught us always to respect other peoples: every man is made in the image of God, even if he has a tendency to forget it. Amos Oz
f92872d after two thousand years we've established a state so as to have someone to steal from. Amos Oz
065f207 Papa used to say that wealth is a sin and poverty is a punishment but that God apparently wants there to be no connection between the sin and the punishment. One man sins and another is punished. That's how the world is made. sin Amos Oz
03c4923 I have written various words, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and bits of dismantled sentences, fragments of expressions and descriptions and all kinds of tentative combinations. Every now and again I pick up one these particles, these molecules of texts, hold it up to the light and examine it carefully, turn it in various directions, lean forward and rub or polish it, hold it up to the light again, rub it again slightly, then lean forward .. Amos Oz
bcc7bd2 Era talvez meu habito 'profissional' de colocar-me no lugar, ou na pele, dos outros. Isso nao significa que sempre justifico esses outros, mas que tenho a capacidade de enxergar seus pontos de vista p. 95. Amos Oz
8566f23 To be honest, I was sometimes even jealous of those starving children in India, because nobody ever told them to finish up everything on their plate. Amos Oz
4281bd8 books standing up and other books lying down on top of them; plump, resplendent foreign books stretching themselves comfortably, and other wretched books that peered at you from cramped and crowded conditions, lying like illegal immigrants crowded on bunks aboard ship. Heavy, respectable books in gold-tooled leather bindings, and thin books bound in flimsy paper, splendid portly gentlemen and ragged, shabby beggars, and all around and among.. Amos Oz
3b11327 books that Uncle bought in Odessa or acquired in Heidelberg, books that he discovered in Lausanne or found in Berlin or Warsaw, books he ordered from America and books the like of which exist nowhere but in the Vatican Library, in Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, classical and modern Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, medieval Arabic, Russian, English, German, Spanish, Polish, French, Italian, and languages and dialects I had never even heard of, like Ugariti.. Amos Oz
f575165 I read your poems with interest and found them serious, original, linguistically fresh, but first of all you must learn to curb your excess of emotion and write with more distance. As if you the person writing the poems and you the suffering young man are two different people, and as though the former observes the latter coolly, distantly, even with a measure of amusement. Amos Oz
9ecb755 My father used to say: "If you steal from one book, you are condemned as a plagiarist, but if you steal from ten books, you are considered a scholar, and if you steal from thirty or forty books, a distinguished scholar.")" Amos Oz
d73cfc7 Nikoga ne bikh izliaz'l na boinoto pole - predpochitam da lezha v zatvora - v imeto na teritorialnoto razshiriavane na rodinata mi. Ne bikh voiuval za dop'lnitelna staia za naroda mi. Ne bikh voiuval za Svetite mesta, nito p'k za taka narechenite natsionalni interesi. No bikh se boril kato l'v za zhivota, za svobodata i za nishcho drugo. Amos Oz
9789100 Da, priznavam si, che kato dete i az biakh mal'k fanatik s promit moz'k. Izp'lnen s praveden gniav, kraen, glukh i sliap za vseki glas, koito se otlichavashe ot obshchiia tsionistki khor. Biakh dete, koeto khv'rlia kam'ni zaradi ideite si, dete na evreiskata intifada. Amos Oz
5d0854a Iska mi se prosto da mozhekh da vi predpisha: "Chetete i shche se izlekuvate ot fanatizma"." Amos Oz
d58b424 Nasty thoughts are more like worms in the cauliflower! Amos Oz
8d3be11 on expensive dressmakers who made her luxurious dresses. But she was too mean to wear them: she saved them up at the back of her closet, and most of the time she wore an old mouse-colored housecoat. Amos Oz
28614bf the Jews' religion. Not money, not gold. The diploma. But behind this faith in the diploma there was something else, something more complicated, more secret, and that is that girls in those days, even modern girls, like us, girls who went to school and then to university, were always taught that women are entitled to an education Amos Oz
18f726a I understood where I had come from: from a dreary tangle of sadness and pretense, of longing, absurdity, inferiority and provincial pomposity, sentimental education and anachronistic ideals, repressed traumas, resignation, and helplessness. Helplessness of the acerbic, domestic variety, where small-time liars pretended to be dangerous terrorists and heroic freedom fighters, where unhappy bookbinders invented formulas for universal salvation.. Amos Oz
9796827 And what if ever on some distant day a memory comes to you of an old familiar whiff or the sound of dogs barking far off or a driving hailstorm at dawn and you suddenly fail to grasp what it is you have done, what madness might have possessed you, what devil lured you from your home to the end of the world? Amos Oz
b205912 all the things we think are important really aren't, and he had no time to think about the things that really are. His whole life was going by and he had never contemplated the big, simple truths: loneliness and longing, desire and death. Amos Oz
1714f56 That's how God created us: wealth is a crime and poverty is a punishment, though the punishment is not given to the one who sinned, but to the one who hasn't got the money to escape the punishment. The woman, naturally, cannot deny that she is pregnant. The man denies it as much as he likes, and what can you do? God gave men the pleasure and us the punishment. Amos Oz
fac59e4 ADAZhIO ,,Svetlinata si sveti nav'n ot sutrin do vecher, bez da s'znava, che e svetlina. Visokite d'rveta vdishvat tishina, bez da e nuzhno da diriat d'lbokata s'shchnost na d'rvesinata. Pustite stepi se izliagat po gr'b i protiagat snaga do bezkrai, bez da se pitat za patosa na svoiata pustota. Podvizhni pias'tsi prosto se dvizhat, ne misliat za nishcho, dokoga, nak'de. Tsialoto tova udivitelno s'shchestvuvanie e udivitelno, bez to samoto .. inspirational zen Amos Oz
721af82 Success flows from perspiration, and inspiration from diligence and effort. Amos Oz
6b5f9dc E egklematikoteta kai e autothusia einai oi duo pleures tou idiou nomismatos. E katadunasteuse opos o altrouismos, e biaioteta opos e autothusia, e katapiese tou plesion opos e katapiese tou eautou mas, e soteria tes psukhes auton pou diapheroun apo sena opos kai e exolothreuse auton pou diapheroun apo sena: den prokeitai gia zeuge antitheton alla gia diaphoretikes ekphraseis tes anthropines kenotetas kai anaxiotetas. Amos Oz
da9bfc8 L'amore e una faccenda intima strana e piena di contraddizioni, visto che non di rado amiamo qualcuno solo perche amiamo noi stessi, per egoismo, avidita, desiderio fisico, brama di dominare l'oggetto d'amore e asservirlo; o al contrario, per desiderio di asservirci e essere dominati dal nostro amante, e in fondo l'amore assomiglia all'odio e gli e piu prossimo di quanto non si pensi normalmente. love-quotes philosophical religion love philosophy philosophy-of-life love-and-hate love-hurts jewish Amos Oz
763f6be Power has the power to prevent our annihilation for the time being. On condition that we always remember, at every moment, that in a situation like ours power can only prevent. It can't settle anything and it can't solve anything. It can only stave off disaster for a while. Amos Oz
cee3997 Why should they love us?Why do you think the Arabs are not entitled to resist strangers who come here suddenly as if from another planet, and take away their land and their soil, fields, villages and towns, the graves of their ancestors and their children's inheritance? We tell ourselves that we only came to this land "to build and be rebuilt", "to renew our days of old", "to redeem our ancestors heritage", etcetera, but you tell me if ther.. palastine Amos Oz
e85b383 a nutshell, the choice is between going through this life awake or in a kind of stupor. Amos Oz
a5857b2 He always imagined that silence was somehow directed against him. Or that it was his fault. Amos Oz
702cea8 Thomas Mann writes somewhere that hatred is simply love with a minus sign placed before it. Amos Oz
ed94a9b Often the psyche is the worst enemy of the body: it doesn't let the body live, it doesn't let it enjoy itself when it wants to or get the rest it is begging for. If only we could extract it the way we extract the tonsils or the appendix, we would all live healthy and contended lives till we were a thousand years old. Amos Oz
907160b B.R.: Kato lek sreshchu fanatizma prepor'chvate chuvstvoto za khumor i cheteneto na Kafka i Shekspir, razvivaneto na umenieto da si predstavish drugiia. Ne moga da ne se zapitam dali niama da se nameriat khora, koito da obiaviat retseptata vi za nerealistichna, a vas - za beznadezhden romantik i idealist. Oz: Provintsialniiat lekar, za kak'vto se mislia, predpisva razvitieto na umenieto da si predstavim drugiia i chuvstvoto za khumor ne kat.. Amos Oz
1c48a8c Prosto kazvam, che semeto na fanatizma nikne tam, k'deto ima bezkompromisna i nepoklatima ubedenost v sobstvenata pravota. Amos Oz
32f49a5 Jednom sam ga sreo pred alatnicom. Pitao sam ga sto to cita. Slegao je ramenima i neodlucno mi odgovorio: "Knjigu. Zasto pitas?" Pitao sam ga kakvu knjigu cita. "O jeziku." Sto konkretno? "Gramatiku za svakoga. Da skinem vec jednom s dnevnog reda pravopis i te stvari." Pa zar se moze "knjiga o jeziku" citati kao i nekakvo stivo koje citas da ti prode vrijeme? "Rijeci i te stvari", poklonio mi je svoj polagani osmijeh, "to ti je isto kao i .. Amos Oz
6b6a496 Czlowiek podejrzliwy z natury wystawiony jest na nieszczescie. Podejrzliwosc jest jak kwas, trawi naczynie, w ktorym sie znajduje, pozera tego, kto ja zywi: dniem i noca strzec sie calego rodzaju ludzkiego, nieustannie glowic sie nad tym, jak uniknac intryg i udaremnic spiski, jakiego uzyc fortelu, zeby z daleka dostrzec zastawiona na niego siec - to wszystko sa korzenie wszelkiej szkody. To one nie daja czlowiekowi zyc. life distrust podejrzliwość życie human-nature Amos Oz
5716ee1 Nunca escrevi uma historia ou romance com o intuito de simplesmente enviar uma mensagem politica direta, tal como 'parem de construir assentamentos nos territorios ocupados' ou 'reconhecam o direito dos palestinos a Jerusalem Oriental'. Nunca escrevo um romance alegorico a fim de dizer a meu povo ou a meu governo para fazer isso ou aquilo. Para isso, utilizo meus artigos. Se ha uma mensagem metapolitica em meus romances, e sempre uma mensag.. Amos Oz
b242d77 Een beetje medelijden en een beetje ruimhartigheid, zei ik, ik zei geen liefde: in universele liefde geloof ik niet zo. Liefde van iedereen voor iedereen, dat kunnen we misschien beter overlaten aan Jezus. Liefde is immers iets heel anders. Het lijkt helemaal niet op ruimhartigheid en evenmin op mededogen. Integendeel. Liefde is een eigenaardig mengsel van twee tegengestelde dingen, een mengsel van het ergste egoisme en de meest volmaakte t.. Amos Oz
1d322b7 Feiten zijn volgens mij vaak de ergste vijanden van de waarheid. Amos Oz
9dd3027 If you steal from one book you are condemned as a plagiarist, but if you steal from ten books you are considered a scholar, and if you steal from thirty or forty books, a distinguished scholar.') On Amos Oz
c680f93 he was fond of the word "decidedly," as well as "nevertheless," "indeed," "in a certain sense," "unmistakably," "promptly," "on the other hand," and "utter disgrace")." Amos Oz
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