All the profits that Papa made by the sweat of his brow from his mill she extorted from him and spent the lot on expensive dressmakers who made her luxurious dresses. But she was too mean to wear them: she saved them up at the back of her wardrobe, and most of the time she wore an old mouse-coloured housecoat round the house. Only a couple of times a year she got herself up like the Tsar's carriage to go to synagogue or to some charity ball..
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just to break the silence. He always imagined that silence was somehow directed against him. Or that it was his fault.
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Mozhe bi nai-loshiiat aspekt ot globalizatsiiata e povsemestnata infantilizatsiia na chovechestvoto - svet't se prev'rna v ,,globalna detska gradina" , p'lna s igrachki, dzhundzhurii, bonboni i blizalki."
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Sometimes Yoel had the feeling that it was not his sexual organ but his whole being that was penetrating and luxuriating inside her womb. That he was entirety wrapped up and quivering inside her. Until with each caress the difference between caresser and caressed vanished, as though they had ceased being a man and a woman making love and had become one flesh.
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the manikins, I mean the little men who held the shutters open during the day, those little metal figures: when you wanted to close the shutters you swivelled them round so that all night long they hung head down.
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I izvedn'zh me preg'rna, no ne nezhno, a strashno silno. V t'mnoto nevolno go udarikh s r'ka po slepoochieto i vmesto ochilata mu pr'stite mi napipakha s'lzite mu. Nikoga ne biakh vizhdal bashcha mi da plache. Vs'shchnost az i togava ne go vidiakh. Samo liavata mi r'ka go vidia.
Amos Oz |
La verite est que chacun d'entre nous sait parfaitement ce que signifie la pitie et quel en est le mode d'emploi : nous l'avons tous imploree un jour ou l'autre. Mais au moment ou il nous faut ouvrir la porte de la misericorde, nous faisons comme si nous en avions perdu la cle, comme si avoir un peu de coeur revenait a humilier son prochain ou a manifester une sensiblerie demodee. (p.283)
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If once or twice it happened that there was not enough money to buy food for Shabbat, my mother would look at Father, and Father would understand that the moment had come to make a sacrifice, and turn to the bookcase. He was an ethical man, and he knew that bread takes precedence over books and that the good of the child takes precedence over everything. I remember his hunched back as he walked through the doorway, on his way to Mr. Meyer's..
Amos Oz |
Il faut regarder la souffrance en face. S'il etait Premier ministre, il obligerait les membres du gouvernement a passer une semaine dans une base de reservistes de Gaza ou d'Hebron, ou dans une maison d'arret du Neguev, ou a sejourner au moins deux jours dans le service psychiatrique d'un hopital perdu ou a se tenir en embuscade une nuit entiere, du coucher du soleil a l'aube, dans la boue et la pluie, en hiver, dans le perimetre de securit..
Amos Oz |
Et si on faisait une treve ? S'il montait le [le Premier ministre] reconforter et le distraire un peu de sa solitude ? Il pourrait passer la nuit a lui parler, d'homme a homme. Il se garderait de toute polemique, il ne lui reprocherait rien, ne le culpabiliserait pas mais se contenterait de deviser avec lui, comme avec un ami cher dont on s'efforce, gentiment, de dessiller les yeux, un ami que de mauvaises gens auraient induit en erreur sur..
Amos Oz |
Love is a kind of infection, possessing then releasing you.
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ll our tongues and cultures are constant shoplifters" from other tongues and cultures."
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Mnogo chesto dori i nai-chuvstvitelnite arabski pisateli ne uspiavat da ni vidiat takiva, kakvito sme vs'shchnost - shepa poluisterichni beg'ltsi i otseleli, presledvani ot uzhasni koshmari, travmatizirani ne samo ot Evropa, no i ot otnoshenieto k'm nas v arabskite i isliamskite d'rzhavi.
Amos Oz |
Vechnoto shchastie ne e shchastie, kakto vechniiat orgaz'm ne e orgaz'm.
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Fanatik't e strashno zagrizhen za teb; pri nego niama sredno polozhenie - toi ili se khv'rlia na vrata ti, zashchoto te obicha iskreno, ili se spuska da ti prerezhe g'rloto, v sluchai che se okazhesh nepopravim.
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The Gentiles used to say about us: the diploma--that's the Jews' religion. Not money, not gold. The diploma.
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only until the children are born. Your life is your own only for a short time:
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Tell me, is it true there's no word for Schadenfreude in English?
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On my parents' scale of values, the more Western something was, the more cultured it was considered.
Amos Oz |
Sled niakolko mesetsa opredelenieto ,,prish'lets" beshe zabraveno i momichetata zapochnakha da mu vikat galeno Moshik. V sravnenie s nashite grubiianski zakachki, negovoto d'rzhanie k'm momichetata beshe izkliuchitelno nezhno. Moshe govoreshe s tiakh taka, siakash samiiat fakt, che sa momicheta, gi prevr'shchashe v neshcho neobiknoveno i prekrasno."
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Clopotele bisericilor si ale manastirilor au inceput acum sa bata, de departe si de aproape, dar si ele sunt undeva, inauntrul tacerii.
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Cat de mult seamana viata din zilele noastre cu un bal mizerabil: un pic de lumina, un pic de muzica, putin dans, apoi intuneric. Priveste. Luminile au fost deja stinse, resturile de mancare au fost deja aruncate cainilor.
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The Jews here are actually a single big refugee camp, and so are the Arabs. And now the Arabs live day by day with the disaster of their defeat, and the Jews live night by night with the dread of their vengeance.
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Kato mal'k mechtaekh da stana kniga.
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To pick a modern image we once heard, but can't remember where: life is like driving a car with its front window opaque. All you have to go by are your rearview mirrors.
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And when she played the clarinet it was as though the music came not from the instrument but straight out of her body, only passing through the clarinet to pick up some sweetness and sadness, and taking you to a real, silent place where there is no enemy, no struggle, and where everything is free from shame and treachery and clear of thoughts of betrayal.
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He reflects that Chekhov has already mapped out the route by which one can approach a strange lady by paying court to her lapdog.
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A man who has the ability to generate a new word and to inject it into the bloodstream of the language seems to me only a little lower than the Creator of light and darkness. If you write a book, you may be fortunate enough to be read for a while, until other, better books come along and take its place; but to produce a new word is to approach immortality.
Amos Oz |
So there they were, these over-enthusiastic Europhiles, who could speak so many of Europe's languages and recite its poetry, who believed in its moral superiority, appreciated its ballet and opera, cultivated its heritage, dreamed of its postnational unity, and adored its manners, clothes, and fashions, who had loved it unconditionally and uninhibitedly for decades, since the beginning of the Jewish Enlightenment, and who had done everythin..
Amos Oz |
No man is an island, said John Donne, but I humbly dare to add: No man or woman is an island, but every one of us is a peninsula, half attached to the mainland, half facing the ocean - one half connected to family and friends and culture and tradition and country and nation and sex and language and many other things, and the other half wanting to be left alone to face the ocean. I think we ought to be allowed to remain peninsulas. Every soc..
Amos Oz |
Fanatitsite po pravilo sa sarkastichni. Niakoi ot tiakh imat ostro kato zhilo ezik, no ne i chuvstvo za khumor. Khumor't zad'lzhitelno vkliuchva sposobnostta da se smeesh na sebe si. Khumor't predpolaga relativiz'm, sposobnost da se poglednesh otstrani i da se vidish tak'v, kak'vto te vizhdat drugite, v'zmozhnost da proumeesh, che kolkoto i da si prav i bezgreshen, zhivot't ima i edna smeshna strana. ... Ideiata da kompresiram chuvstvoto za..
Amos Oz |
I wasn't jealous and I wasn't resentful. Maybe it's the people who are the least loved, provided they're not envious or bitter, who find the most love in themselves to give to others. Don't you think?
Amos Oz |
Do you know what the main thing is--the thing a woman should look for in her man? She should look for a quality that's not at all exciting but that's rarer than gold: decency. And maybe kindness too. Today, you should know this, I rate decency more highly than kindness. Decency is the bread, kindness is the butter. Or the honey.
Amos Oz |
She exuded abundant joie de vivre. Her joy was unconfined and unrestrained, it had no rhyme or reason, no grounds or motive, nothing had to happen to make her overflow with jollity. Of course, I sometimes saw her momentarily sad, weeping openly when she thought rightly or wrongly that someone had insulted her, or shamelessly sobbing in a sad film, or crying over a poignant page in a novel. But her sadness was always firmly enclosed within b..
Amos Oz |
io, mio caro, non credo nell'amore universale. L'amore esiste in dosi modiche. Si possono amare forse cinque fra uomini e donne, dieci magari, talvolta financo quindici. E anche questo solo assai di rado. Ma se uno arriva e mi dice che ama tutto il Terzo mondo, o ama l'America Latina, o ama il sesso femminile, quello non e amore ma retorica. Pura demagogia. Slogan. Non siamo nati per amare piu di una manciata di persone.
Amos Oz |
remember the vertiginous sense of time within time within time, and the whole host of heaven trying on, blending, and hurting the innumerable hues of light just after the sun has set
Amos Oz |
a prominent israeli writer, sami michael, once told of a long car journey with a driver. At some point, the driver explained to Michael how important, indeed how urgent, it is for us Jews "to kill all the Arabs." Sami Michael listened politely, and instead of reacting with horror, denunciation, or disgust, he asked the driver an innocent question: "And who, in your opinion, should kill all the Arabs?" "Us! The Jews! We have to! It's either ..
Amos Oz |
Fundamentally, suspicion, enjoyment of persecution, and even hatred of the entire human race are all much less lethal than a love of humanity, which reeks of ancient rivers of blood. In my view, gratuitous hatred is less bad than gratuitous love.
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Maybe they feared that a knowledge of languages would expose me too to the blandishments of Europe, that wonderful, murderous continent.
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kTSt rSH`vt - vAdm lAdm gyhynvm. kTSt rHmnvt, kTSt ndybvt - vAdm lAdm gn `dn.
Amos Oz |
se refieren al versiculo <>26
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Una vez fuimos a Tel Aviv a pasar la fiesta de Pesaj y, por la manana temprano, cuando todos aun dormian, me vesti y me fui a jugar solo a una placita donde habia un banco o dos, un columpio, una zona infantil y tres o cuatro arboles jovenes donde ya cantaban los pajaros. Al cabo de unos meses, en Ano Nuevo, volvimos a ir a Tel Aviv y la plaza ya no estaba alli. La habian trasladado, con los pequenos arboles, el columpio, el banco, los paja..
Amos Oz |
Os israelenses discutem, eu discuto. E ainda assim sou eu quem me levanto toda manha, faco uma pequena caminhada no deserto, faco uma xicara de cafe, sento em minha escrivaninha e comeco a perguntar-me: 'Como me sentiria se fosse ela? Como seria estar na pele dele?' - o que e o que se tem a fazer se se quer escrever ate o mais simples dos dialogos: e preciso dividir nao apenas sua lealdade, mas ate seus sentimentos viscerais entre os divers..
Amos Oz |
V osnovata na fanatizma lezhi zhelanieto da promenim drugite. Chesto sreshchaniiat stremezh da popravim blizhniia, da ,,oblagorodim" s'pruga ili s'prugata, da modelirame deteto ili da promenim brat si, vmesto da gi ostavim da si zhiveiat takiva, kakvoto sa. Fanatik't e vsichko drugo, no ne i egoist. Fanatik't e nai-golemiiat altruist. Toi se interesuva mnogo poveche ot teb, otkolkoto ot sebe si. Iska da spasi dushata ti, da te izbavi ot gre..
Amos Oz |