And it doesnt really matter if intelligence exists because it is really about the look, the idea of a girl like this, the promise of sex. It's all about the lure.
Bret Easton Ellis |
I kiss her on the mouth. She looks around nervously. I watch her reflection in the BMW. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Not here", she says, but as if "not here" is the promise of somewhere better."
Bret Easton Ellis |
Later, as she's putting the dress back on, I notice a bruise on the side of her torso that I had'nt seen before. "Who did that to you" I ask. "Oh that" She says? "You did"
Bret Easton Ellis |
She immediately moves into me and says she is sorry and then she's guiding me toward the bedroom and this is the way I always wanted the scene to play out and then it does and it has to because it doesnt really work for me unless it happens like this.
Bret Easton Ellis |
Sudia po vsemu, mat' uzhe dve nedeli postoianno ubiraetsia na cherdake i nakhodit odni i te zhe fotografii s Rozhdestva v N'iu-Iorke. Ia eto Rozhdestvo pomniu smutno. Kak ona neskol'ko chasov vybirala mne plat'e v sochel'nik, prichesyvala dlinnymi, legkimi vzmakhami. Rozhdestvenskoe shou v Radio-Siti, i kak ia ela tam polosatuiu karamel'ku -- ona pokhodila na iskhudavshego napugannogo Santa-Klausa. Kak otets napilsia vecherom v Plaze, kak r..
Bret Easton Ellis |
Oh come on, don't look that way. You have nothing to be ashamed of." "I'm not," she says, trying to act casual. "I just want to know if you're disappointed in me for admitting this." How could she ever understand that there isn't any way I could be disappointed since I no longer find anything worth looking forward to? "You don't know much about me, do you?" I ask teasingly."
Bret Easton Ellis |
Mne kazhetsia, luchshe umeret' pri krushenii samoleta, chem liuboi drugoi smert'iu, - spustia nekotoroe vremia proiznes otets. - Ia dumaiu, eto bylo by koshmarno. - Nichego by ne bylo. Ty vvalivaesh'sia v samolet, prinimaesh' librium, samolet vzletaet i padaet, a ty tak nichego i ne znaesh'. - Otets zakinul nogu na nogu. Za stolom votsarilos' molchanie. Edinstvennye zvuki iskhodili ot moikh sester i kuzin, teshashchikhsia v vode. - A ty..
Bret Easton Ellis |
Courtney," I warn, getting furious, "if you just said what I think you said: that your lithium is in a carton in the freezer next to the Frusen Gladje and is a sorbet"--I'm screaming this--"if this is really what you said then I will kill you. Is it a sorbet? Is your lithium really a sorbet?"
Bret Easton Ellis |
if another round of Bellinis comes within a twenty-foot radius of this table we are going to set the maitre d' on fire.
Bret Easton Ellis |
Nothing was affirmative, the term 'generosity of spirit,' applied to nothing, was a cliche, was some kind of bad joke. Sex is mathematics. Individuality no longer an issue. What does intelligence signify? Define reason. Desire--meaningless. Intellect is not a cure. Justice is dead. Fear, recrimination, innocence, sympathy, guilt, waste, failure, grief, were things, emotions, that no one really felt anymore. Reflection is useless, the world ..
Bret Easton Ellis |
How could she ever understand that there isn't any way I could be disappointed since I no longer find anything worth looking forward to?
Bret Easton Ellis |
J&B I am thinking. Glass of J&B in my right hand I am thinking. Hand I am thinking. Charivari. Shirt from Charivari. Fusilli I am thinking. Jami Gertz I am thinking. I would like to fuck Jami Gertz I am thinking. Porsche 911. A sharpei I am thinking. I would like to own a sharpei. I am twenty-six years old I am thinking. I will be twenty-seven next year. A Valium. I would like a Valium. No, two Valium I am thinking. Cellular phone I am thin..
Bret Easton Ellis |
Hubo un largo silencio y solo se oyo la brisa del desierto y el sonido del jacuzzi calentandose y de la piscina vaciandose. Tambien se oia a Frank Sinatra cantando <>, y rece para que el director dijera el nombre. Por algun motivo me parecia muy importante. Necesitaba que el director dijera el nombre. El director abrio la boca y dijo: --Lo he olvidado.
Bret Easton Ellis |
This is reality, and as my loathsome brother Sean would say, I have to deal with it. The
Bret Easton Ellis |
It's really weird and I'm experiencing a spontaneous kind of internal sensation, I feel I'm moving toward as well as away from something, and anything is possible.
Bret Easton Ellis |
I say, staring at her, quite clearly but muffled by "Pump Up the Volume" and the crowd, "You are a fucking ugly bitch I want to stab to death and play around with your blood," but I'm smiling. I"
Bret Easton Ellis |
I rerent Body Double because I want to watch it again tonight even though I know I won't have enough time to masturbate over the scene where the woman is getting drilled to death by a power drill since
Bret Easton Ellis |
At the casting sessions it was all boys and though I wasn't exactly bored I didn't need to be there, and songs constantly floating in the car keep commenting on everything neutral encased within the windshield's frame ( ... one time you were blowing young ruffians ... sung over the digital billboard on Sunset advertising the new Pixar movie) and the fear builds into a muted fury and then has no choice but to melt away into a simple and addi..
Bret Easton Ellis |
I want to stay," and then, more weakly, "Need some more sun." A fly from a batch of seaweed lands on a white, bony thigh. She doesn't slap at it. It doesn't go away.
Bret Easton Ellis |
This is laid down with a groove funkier and blacker than anything Prince of Michael Jackson--or any other black artist of the recent years for that matter--has come up with.
Bret Easton Ellis |
and like in a movie I appear in front of the D'Agostino's, sale's clerks beckoning for me to enter, and I'm using an expired coupon for a box of oat-bran cereal and the girl at the checkout counter--black, dumb,slow-- doesn't get it, doesn't notice the expiration date has passed even though it's the only thing I buy, and I get a small but incendiary thrill when I walk out of the store, opening the box, stuffing handfuls of the cereal into m..
Bret Easton Ellis |
While taking a piss in the men's room, I stare into a thin, web-like crack above the urinal's handle and think to myself that if I were to disappear into that crack, say somehow miniaturize and slip into it, the odds are good that no one would notice I was gone. No...one...would...care. In fact some, if they noticed my absence, might feel an odd, indefinable sense of relief. This is true: the world is better off with some people gone. Our l..
Bret Easton Ellis |
Que es lo peor que te ha pasado, Jimmy?", lee fuera de cuadro alguien que hace el papel de una chica llamada Claire. "El amor incondicional", responde el chico, y el personaje de Jimmy se vuelve con fingida verguenza, pero el chico lee mal la frase, poniendo el enfasis donde no toca, sonriendo cuando deberia haberse puesto totalmente serio, convirtiendolo en el remate de un chiste cuando nunca lo ha sido."
Bret Easton Ellis |
Me mira fijamente, y la mirada que le devuelvo es el principio de todo, y me imagino el futuro: "?Por que me odias?", imagino que dice la voz angustiada de una chica. "?Que te he hecho?, imagino que grita otra persona."
Bret Easton Ellis |
The Patty Winters Shows were all repeats. Life remained a blank canvas, a cliche, a soap opera. I felt lethal, on the verge of frenzy. My nightly bloodlust overflowed into my days and I had to leave the city. My mask of sanity was a victim of impending slippage. This was bone season for me and I needed a vacation. I needed to go to the Hamptons.
Bret Easton Ellis |
Todo el mundo tiene meido. Pero si nos mantenemos unidos, si intentamos estar disponibles para los otros, ya no tendremos miedo.
Bret Easton Ellis |
God, the name Susan is so ugly. It reminds me of the word sinus.
Bret Easton Ellis |
El olor a castanas asadas se mezcla con el anhidrido carbonico de los escapes.
Bret Easton Ellis |
Cada dia hay todo un ejercito de retrasadas impacientes por ser deshonradas.
Bret Easton Ellis |
Siempre existe la posibilidad de que ocurra algo aterrador, y normalmente ocurre.
Bret Easton Ellis |
La noria vacia se alza ante nosotros ucando pasamos por su lado, un circulo impreciso apenas visible en la bruma, y, si exceptuamos unos pescadores mexicanos, no hay nadie alrededor.
Bret Easton Ellis |
El silencio es una risa burlona. El silencio roba algo.
Bret Easton Ellis |
Nunca me ha gustado nadie y e da miedo la gente.
Bret Easton Ellis |
I stopped at the front desk, about to complain to the doorman, when I was confronted with a NEW doorman, my age but balding and homely and FAT. Three glazed jelly doughnuts AND two steaming cups of extra-dark HOT chocolate opened to the comics and it struck me that I was infinitely better-looking, more successful and richer than this poor bastard would ever be and so with a passing rush of sympathy I smiled and nodded a curt though not impo..
Bret Easton Ellis |
The better you look, the more you see
Bret Easton Ellis |
Around here, 'tomorrow night' means anywhere from five days to a month. Jesus,
Bret Easton Ellis |
there is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there. It is hard for me to make sense on any given level. Myself is fabricated, an aberration. I am a noncontingent human being. My personali..
Bret Easton Ellis |
The Grinch says !
Bret Easton Ellis |
Honey?" she asks. "Don't call me that," I snap. "What? Honey?" she asks. "Yes," I snap again. "What do you want me to call you?" she asks, indignantly. "CEO?" She stifles a giggle. "Oh Christ." "No, really Patrick. What do you want me to call you?" King, I'm thinking."
Bret Easton Ellis |
And as things fell apart Nobody paid much attention Talking Heads
Bret Easton Ellis |
How can I tell McDermott that this is a very disjointed time of my life and that I notice the walls have been painted a bright, almost painful white and under the glare of the fluorescent lights they seem to pulse and glow.
Bret Easton Ellis |
It was when she started dealing coke so she could lose weight. It had worked, sort of. I think she still has a fat ass, and can look dumpy, and has dried-out black hair and writes awful poetry and I'm pissed off that I let her get into that position of denying me.
Bret Easton Ellis |
This was sending me out so much further than I had ever expected: a place beyond strength.
Bret Easton Ellis |
but hey, she works in a video rental store and since it's such a demanding high-powered profession her bitchy behavior is completely reasonable, right? The
Bret Easton Ellis |