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6335330 What's going on there I don't understand and have never understood: either she loves you beyond all bounds, or... if she loves you, then why does she want to get you married to someone else? She says: "I want to see him happy" - that means she loves you." -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5f02187 Whoever infringes upon individual 'charity,'" I began, "infringes upon man's nature and scorns his personal dignity. But the organizing of 'social charity' and the question of personal freedom are two different questions and are not mutually exclusive. Individual goodness will always abide, because it is a personal need, a living need for the direct influence of one person on another. ... In sowing your seed, in sowing your 'charity,' your.. goodness Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5ef5978 The enjoyment of the sufferer finds expression in those moans; if he did not feel enjoyment in them he would not moan. It Fyodor Dostoyevsky
b1557c6 If he noticed a female convict with a baby in her arms, he would approach, fondle the baby and snap his fingers at it to make it laugh. These things he did for many years, right up to his death; eventually he was famous all over Russia and all over Siberia, among the criminals, that is. One man who had been in Siberia told me that he himself had witnessed how the most hardened criminals remembered the general, and yet the general, when he v.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
3201e67 As a general rule, people, even the wicked, are much more naive and simple-hearted than we suppose. And we ourselves are, too. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
72d38a6 Beside himself with shame and despair, the utterly ruined though perfectly just Mr. Golyadkin dashed headlong away, wherever fate might lead him; but with every step he took, with every thud of his foot on the granite of the pavement, there leapt up as though out of the earth a Mr. Golyadkin precisely the same, perfectly alike, and of a revolting depravity of heart. And all these precisely similar Golyadkins set to running after one another.. double dream schizophrenia Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5eae9b3 thm lmdh yjb `lyW 'n 'Hb jry, 'w 'n 'Hb lnsny@ lmqbl@ lty ttHdthwn `nh, lnsny@ lty ln 'rh ywm, wlty ln t`rfny ywm, wlty stzwl hy 'yD mn Gyr 'n tkhlf l 'thr wl dhkr~? Fyodor Dostoyevsky
0c14256 kthyr mn lmtkbryn jd yHbwn 'n yw'mnw bllh, wkhS@ 'wly'k ldhyn yHtqrwn lns b`D lHtqr. kthyr mn lns l'qwy ysh`rwn bnw` mn Hj@ Tby`y@ l~ 'Hd 'w l~ shy y`bdwnh. n lnsn lqwy yshq `lyh kthyr fy b`D l'Hyn 'n yHtml qwth lsbb fy hdh wDH: nhm ykhtrwn llh, Ht~ l y`bdw lbshr, Tb` dwn 'n ydrkw hm 'nfshm m yjry fy qrr@ 'nfshm: n `bd@ llh 'ql hn@. 'wly'k hm 'shd lmw'mnyn Hms@ llymn, 'w ql 'wly'k hm 'shd lmw'mnyn rGb@ fy lymn, Gyr 'nhm yHsbwn rGbthm hdhh y.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
f4297cf dh qm rjl yml' nfsh l'ml fGrs shjr@, nfjr lns mn Hwlh DHkyn: "''nt wthq 'nk strh tkbr wtthmr?" wmn jh@ 'khr~ fn ldhyn yrydwn lkhyr ytnqshwn fym syHdth b`d 'lf sn@. n lfkr@ lty twld lthbt wlstqrr qd zlt nHn jmy` kmn yqym fy fndq, mthy' llrHyl `n rwsy fy lGd. kl frd y`ysh mhtm b'n tkfy wsy'l lHy@ lh wHdh" Fyodor Dostoyevsky
f96c561 And then it seemed to me that even in prison one might discover an immense life. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ac9ec89 He never did anything to me, it's true, but I once played a most shameless nasty trick on him, and the moment I did it, I immediately hated him for it. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
3d95785 dhlk 'n l`lm y bny lys dy'm myz@. fmn lns mn ytbh~ wynqd llrGb@ fy dhsh l`lm, flw kntu `lm fqd 'rGb fy dhlk 'kthr mn sy'r lbshr. 'm w'nny jhl l '`rf shyy' fkyf ymknny 'n 'tbh~? Fyodor Dostoyevsky
82ada64 You have only to creep into a secluded corner or into a crocodile, to shut your eyes, and you immediately devise a perfect millennium for mankind. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
27451b9 And if the sufferings of children go to swell the sum of sufferings which was necessary to pay for truth, then I protest that the truth is not worth such a price. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
9d73c09 nh yntmy l~ hdhh lfy'@ mn lGywryn ldhyn ytkhylwn 'fZ` l'shy mt~ bt`dw `n lmr'@ lmHbwb@, wy`nwn `dhb rhyb mn tSwr "khynth" lhm 'thn Gybhm. wlkn myty kn mt~ ltq~ bjrwshnk mr@ 'khr~ mDTrb qlq yy's m`dhb lnfs mn yqynh b'nh khnth, l ylbth 'n ystrd shj`th Hyn yr~ wjhh lDHk lrqyq lmrH, fdh hw yTrd mn fkrh kl shy, wysh`r blkhjl mn Gyrth, wylwm nfsh `l~ ql@ lthq@" Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5d0d9f0 avoid contempt, both of others and of yourself: what seems bad to you in yourself is purified by the very fact that you have noticed it in yourself. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ac64bd7 The whole article, quite a long and verbose one, was written with the sole purpose of self-display. One could simply read it between the lines: "Pay attention to me, look at how I was in those moments. What do you need the sea, the storm, the rocks, the splintered planks of the ship for? I've described it all well enough for you with my mighty pen. Why look at this drowned woman with her dead baby in her dead arms? Better look at me, at how.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
c093939 As a general rule, people, even the wicked, are much more naive and simplehearted than we suppose. And we ourselves are, too. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5e62530 Here was a small corner of the Greek archipelago; sky-blue, caressing waves, islands and rocks, a flowering strip of coastline, a magical panorama in the distance, an inviting sunset -- you can't describe it in words. This is what the peoples of Europe remembered as their cradle; here unfolded the first scenes of mythology, here was their earthly paradise. Here lived beautiful people! They got up and went to sleep happy and innocent; the gr.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
9b8a7ea Take a soldier and put him right in front of a cannon in a battle and fire it at him, and he'll go on hoping, but read out a certain death sentence to that same soldier, and he'll go mad, or start to weep. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
2a4720f t`rfwn 'n lnsn ldhy l yw'mn blm`jzt ykwn 'myl mn Gyrh l~ lymn bl'whm Fyodor Dostoyevsky
06cd631 n hdh lHb lwHshy lms`wrywfy lmr km twfyh nwb@, wyf`l fyh km yf`l fyh lmrD 'w l'nshwT@, fm 'n ythy' lh lrtw, Ht~ tsqT lGshw@ wtnbjs l`Tf@ lmnqD@: lshmy'zz wlkrh wlrGb@ fy lbd@ wlsHq Fyodor Dostoyevsky
869a6ec whdhh lrGb@ fy lfwD~ nm tnsh' - rbm fy 'kthr l'Hyn - `n Zm' khfy l~ lnZm, l~ ljml (nny 'st`ml klmtk). n lshbb Thr nqy lmjrd 'nh shbb. wl`l tlk lndf`t ljnwny@ lmbkr@ tshtml `l~ dhlk lZm' l~ lnZm w`l~ dhlk lbHth `n lHqyq@. fmn lmdhnb dh kn b`D lshbb fy `Srn yrwn hdhh lHqyq@ whdh lnZm fy nZryt tblG mn lHmq@ wlskhf@ 'n lmr ystGrb f`l 'n yw'mnw bh! Fyodor Dostoyevsky
70dcb1a If you chase several hares at once, you won't undertake any one of them. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5e1ed85 n lyhwd lm y`yshw l lyntZrw llh lHq wlqd 'wrthw l`lm fkr@ llh lHq wlGryq 'lhw lTby`@ w'wrthw l`lm dynthm 'y lflsf@ wl`lm wrm 'lht lsh`b mtjsd fy ldwl@ w'wrtht lnsny@ ldwl@ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
2a095ee df` rb`@ mn fy'tk l~ qtl khmshm bHj@ nh ykhwnhm 'w ytjss `lyhm wyshy bhm , fn hw'l l'rb`@ m n yshtrkw m` fy sfk dm Ht~ yrtbTw rtbT qwy fySbHw `byd lk ln yjsrw b`d dhlk 'n ytmrdw Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ee4060b 'n '`lm 'nny Hyn 'kwn m`k 'Htj l~ 'n 'tklm , 'n 'tklm , 'n 'tklm ..... f'tklm nny Hyn 'kwn m`k 'fqd Hb nfsy klh , wlys yhmny hdh Fyodor Dostoyevsky
1e3e136 wlkn lldh@ mfyd@ dy'm , wlslT@ lmTlq@ lty l Hdwd lh nw` mn lmt`@ , wlw knt slT@ `l~ dhbb@. lnsn Zlm bTby`th : nh yHb lt`dhyb . w'nt tHbyn hdh 'kthr mm tHbyn 'y shy' akhr. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
9d149b5 I love humanity,' he said, 'but I wonder at myself. The more I love humanity in general, the less I love man in particular. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
2f7112d lqd r'yt 'ns m 'n ynSbW `lyhm sTl mn m brd Ht~ yjHdw l '`mlhm fHsb, bl 'fkrhm 'yD, wHt~ yDHkw 'nfshm mm knw mndh s`@ wHd@ y`dwnh mqds. m 'shl dhlk `lyhm Fyodor Dostoyevsky
fb19736 Oh, God and all the rest of it." "What, don't you believe in God?" "Oh, I've nothing against God. Of course, God is only a hypothesis, but . . . I admit that He is needed . . . for the order of the universe and all that . . . and that if there were no God He would have to be invented," added Kolya, beginning to blush." Fyodor Dostoyevsky
b3e88d6 Railroads have eaten up all the capital and covered Russia like spiderwebs, so that perhaps in another fifteen years or so one may even be able to take a ride somewhere. Bridges burn only rarely, while towns burn down regularly, in established order, by turns, during the fire seasons. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
cd45bbf A new, sad and cheerless feeling constricted his heart; he suddenly realized that at that moment, and for a long time now, he had not been saying what he should have been saying, nor doing what he should have been doing, and that these cards he held in his hands, and had been so pleased about, could be of no help now. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
612d5d9 Advantage! What is advantage? And will you take it upon yourself to define with perfect accuracy in what the advantage of man consists? And what if it so happens that a man's advantage, sometimes, not only may, but even must, consist in his desiring in certain cases what is harmful to himself and not advantageous. And if so, if there can be such a case, the whole principle falls into dust. What do you think-are there such cases? You laugh; .. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
cbea242 lHZ 'n lSwr lfwtwGrfy@ yndr 'n tshml `l~ shbh. wsbb dhlk wDH: fl'Sl, '`ny kl wHd mn yndr 'n yshbh nfsh. hnk lHZt ndr@ y`br fyh lwjh `n lsm@ l'ssy@ fy lnsn w`n fkr@ ldhy ymyzh n lfnn ydrs lwjh fydrk dhlk lfkr l'ssy, Ht~ Hyn l ykwn dhlk lfkr brz fy lwjh 'thn lHZ@ lrsm. 'm lfwtwGrfy fnh tfjy' lshkhS km hw fy llHZ@ lty tltqT lh fyh lSwr@ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
fbc453d l`lny 'tmn~ 'n 'nfdh l~ 'srrh , 'n tjy' ly ftqwl"'nt t`lm 'nny 'Hbk" , wl fm ldhy 'rGb fyh , dh lm tkn hdhh lfkr@ ljnwny@ mmkn@ ltHqyq? hl '`rf m ldhy 'rGb fyh? nny kldhy fqd Swbh. n kl m 'ryd hw 'n 'bq~ qryb mnh , fy lhl@ lty tHyT bh , fy lsh`` ldhy ySdr `nh , l~ l'bd , md~ lHy@. l '`rf 'kthr mn hdh .. hl 'Tyq 'n 'bt`d `nh?" Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ad671df n l`Sr ldhhby hw 'mny@ mn 'kthr l'mny stHl@ `l~ hdhh l'rD, wlknh `l~ stHlth r'yn bshr yhbwn lh Hythm klh, wqwhm klh, wfy sbylh mt 'nby wqutl 'nby, wbdwnh l tryd lsh`wb 'n t`ysh, wl tstTy` Ht~ 'n tmwt! Fyodor Dostoyevsky
8398435 because I am the nastiest, stupidest, absurdest and most envious of all the worms on earth, who are not a bit better than I am, but, the devil knows why, are never put to confusion; while I shall always be insulted by every louse, that is my doom! Fyodor Dostoyevsky
8e24d25 Then I remembered about science and... shut up. sass-from-the-russian science Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ab16e59 Only look about you: blood is being spilt in streams, and in the merriest way, as though it were champagne. Take the whole of the nineteenth century in which Buckle lived. Take Napoleon--the Great and also the present one. Take North America--the eternal union. Take the farce of Schleswig-Holstein. . . . And what is it that civilization softens in us? The only gain of civilization for mankind is the greater capacity for variety of sensation.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
385c71a Sa nu-l invinuiesti, Vanea, ma intrerupse Natasa, si sa nu razi de el! Ar fi nedrept sa-l judeci ca pe oricare altul. Ca doar el nu-i ca altii, ca mine, ori ca tine, de pilda. E inca un copil, a fost crescut altfel decat noi. Parca el isi da seama de ce face? Cea dintai impresie, cea dintai inraurire straina poate sa-l faca sa uite toate juramintele facute cu cateva clipe inainte si sa-l indeparteze de tot ce-i paruse nepretuit pana atunci... Fyodor Dostoyevsky
81f563d n lnsn lmtfwq lmthqf ldhy ys`~ wr fkr@ `ly, ydyr Zhrh llHy@ lywmy@ 'Hyn, wySbH mDHk, nzq brd, bl 'qwl bSrH@ 'nh ySbH Gby, fy lHy@ l`mly@ Tb`, bl ySbH akhr l'mr Gby Ht~ fy nZryth Fyodor Dostoyevsky
483d240 Even then, if the cliff, chosen and cherished from long ago, had not been so picturesque, if it had been merely a flat, prosaic bank, the suicide might not have taken place at all. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
d1d26dc l`l nfs lnsn , b`d 'n t`ny mthl hdh l`dd lkbyr mn lHsst , l tnthy l~ lshb` mnh , bl thtj wtTlb lmzyd mn Hsst jdyd@ m tnfk t`nf thm t`nf , l~ 'n tSl l~ drj@ lnhk. Fyodor Dostoyevsky