Twl Hyty m`k w'n akl ltrb
Gabriel García Márquez |
Se dejo llevar por la conviccion de que los seres humanos no nacen para siempre el dia en que sus madres los alumbran, sino que la vida los obliga otra vez y muchas veces a parirse a si mismos.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The scalpel is the greatest proof of the failure of medicine.
Gabriel García Márquez |
She had been an untamed mestiza of the so-called shopkeeper aristocracy: seductive, rapacious, brazen, with a hunger in her womb that could have satisfied an entire barracks. In a few short years, however, she had been erased from the world by her abuse of fermented honey and cacao tablets. Her Gypsy eyes were extinguished and her wits dulled, she shat blood and vomited bile, her sirens body became as bloated and coppery as a three-day-old ..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Lo comprobo con la compasion de los hijos a quienes la vida ha ido convirtiendo poco a poco en padres de sus padres, y por primera vez se dolio de no haber estado con el suyo en la soledad de sus errores.
Gabriel García Márquez |
he read whatever came his way, as if it had been ordained by fate,..
Gabriel García Márquez |
All that Delaura noticed, though, was the uproarious crowing of the roosters.
Gabriel García Márquez |
nyrwy shkhst npdhyry khh jhn r bh pysh brdh `shq hyy b frjm khwsh nystnd blkhh br`khs an st.
Gabriel García Márquez |
She said: "Spiritual love from the waist up and physical love from the waist down."
Gabriel García Márquez |
and in the space that he had occupied in her memory she allowed a field of poppies to bloom.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Con toda modestia, pero tambien con toda la determinacion del espiritu, propongo que hagamos ahora y aqui el compromiso de concebir y fabricar un arca de la memoria, capaz de sobrevivir al diluvio atomico. Una botella de naufragos siderales arrojada a los oceanos del tiempo, para que la nueva humanidad de entonces sepa por nosotros lo que no han de contarle las cucarachas: que aqui existio la vida, que en ella prevalecio el sufrimiento y pr..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Solo en aquel momento tuve conciencia de cuan largos y devastadores eran los anos del exilio. Y no solo para los que nos fuimos, como lo creia hasta entonces, sino tambien para ellos: los que se quedaron.
Gabriel García Márquez |
lmr l yntm~ l~ 'y mkn, m dm lys lh fyh Hd myt tHt ltrb
Gabriel García Márquez |
Tambien la moral es un asunto de tiempo, decia, con una sonrisa maligna, ya veras.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Cunku yuzyillik yalnizliga mahkum edilen soylarin, yeryuzunde ikinci bir deney firsatlari olmazdi.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Leyendo <> encontre una frase siniestra que el autor atribuye a Julio Cesar: <>. No pude comprobar su verdadero origen en la propia obra de Julio Cesar ni en las obras de sus biografos, desde Suetonio hasta Carcopino, pero valio la pena conocerla.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Until her last moment on earth she was unaware that her irreparable fate as a disturbing woman was a daily disaster.
Gabriel García Márquez |
they scrutinized the universe on the dial of the small radio through the interference of jeers from fugitive planets
Gabriel García Márquez |
He was not to do anything in bad taste, the woman of the inn warned old Eguchi. He was not to put his finger into the mouth of the sleeping girl, or try anything else of that sort.
Gabriel García Márquez |
our two postcard hearts were frightened in unison under the tenacious look of the unfathomable old man who kept on eating one banana after another
Gabriel García Márquez |
the sunken ships were visible even on the bottom, for it seemed as if they had sunk along with their own space and time, so that they were still illumined by the same eleven o'clock sun that was shining on Saturday, June 9, when they went down.
Gabriel García Márquez |
It can'r rain for ever
Gabriel García Márquez |
Estava convencido na solidao de sua alma de haver amado em silencio muito mais do que alguem jamais amara neste mundo.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ilk kez kendi yazgisina hukmeden Angela Vicario, iste o zaman nefretle askin karsilikli tutkular oldugunu kesfetmisti. Sayfa : 84
Gabriel García Márquez |
Suddenly she sighed: "It is incredible how one can be happy for so many years in the midst of so many squabbles, so many problems, damn it, and not really know if it was love or not." By the time she finished unburdening herself, someone had turned off the moon."
Gabriel García Márquez |
Descubri que mi obsesion de que cada cosa estuviera en su puesto, cada asunto en su tiempo, cada palabra en su estilo, no era el premio merecido de una mente en orden, sino al contrario, todo un sistema de simulacion inventado por mi para ocultar el desorden de mi naturaleza.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Many displayed in their nudity traces of their past: scars of knife thrusts in the belly, starbursts of guns hot wounds, ridges of the razor cuts of love, Caesarean sections sewn up by butchers. Some of them had their young children with them during the day, those unfortunate fruits of youthful defiance or carelessness, and they took off their children's clothes as soon as they were brought in so they would not feel different in that paradi..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Only a person without principles can be so complaisant towards grief.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Merhetetlen tudasa es titokzatossaga ellenere, romlando teste, foldi mivolta a mindennapi elet apro-csepro bajaihoz lancolta.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He knew that she was to have an elaborate wedding, and the being who loved her most, who would love her forever, would not even have the right to die for her. Jealousy, which until that time had been drowned in weeping, took possession of his soul. He prayed to God that lightning of divine justice would strike Fermina Daza as she was about to give her vow of love and obedience to a man who wanted her for his wife only as a social adornment,..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Tambien la moral es un asunto de tiempo, decia, con una sonrisa maligna, ya lo veras.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Death has no sense of the ridiculous,
Gabriel García Márquez |
But in her loneliness in the palace she learned to know him, they learned to know each other, and she discovered with great delight that one does not love one's children just because they are one's children but because of the friendship formed while raising them.
Gabriel García Márquez |
She clung to her husband. And it was just at the time when he needed her most, because he suffered the disadvantage of being ten years ahead of her as he stumbled alone through the mists of old age, with the even greater disadvantage of being a man and weaker than she was. In the end they knew each other so well that by the time they had been married for thirty years they were like a single divided being, and they felt uncomfortable at the ..
Gabriel García Márquez |
tenia la facultad casi magica de no enterarse de las cosas que no soportaba.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Descobri que a minha obsessao de que cada coisa estivesse no seu lugar, cada assunto no seu tempo, cada palavra no seu estilo, nao era o premio merecido de uma mente ordenada mas, pelo contrario, um sistema completo de simulacao inventado por mim para ocultar a desordem da minha natureza. Descobri que nao sou disciplinado por virtude, mas como reaccao contra a minha negligencia; que pareco generoso para encobrir a minha mesquinhez, que pass..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ta ne sme li siratsi nie bez nashiia sin? - kaza zhena mu.
Gabriel García Márquez |
For the first time in the interminable twenty-seven years that he had been waiting, Florentino Ariza could not endure the pangs of grief at the thought that this admirable man would have to die in order for him to be happy.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Oh, all right," she said. "But be careful, those tiles are rotten." The stranger's face had a pained expression of stupor and he seemed to be battling silently against his primary instincts so as not to break up the mirage. Remedios the Beauty thought that he was suffering from the fear that the tiles would break and she bathed herself more quickly than usual so that the man would not be in danger. While she was pouring water from the ciste..
Gabriel García Márquez |
the only convincing document he could write was a love letter.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He [Dr. Juvenal Urbino] arose at the crack of dawn, when he began to take his secret medicines: potassium bromide to raise his spirits, salicylates for the ache in his bones when it rained, ergosterol drops for vertigo, belladonna for sound sleep. He took something every hour, always in secret, because in his long life as a doctor and teacher he had always opposed prescribing palliatives for old age: it was easier for him to bear other peop..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Tuk niama da vi lipsva niakoi poludial ot liubov, koito v nai-skoro vreme da vi predostavi tazi v'zmozhnost." I dokato go kazvashe, doktor't si dade smetka, che izmezhdu bezbroinite samoubiistva s tsianova sol, koito pomneshe, tova e p'rvoto, chiiato prichina ne e neshchastna liubov. Togava neshcho v obichainiia mu ton se promeni. - A kogato vi se predostavi, ob'rnete vnimanie - kaza toi na stazhanta medik: - Te obiknoveno imat pias'k v s'r..
Gabriel García Márquez |
He argued that if wings were not the essential element in determining the different between a hawk and an airplane, they were even less so in the recognition of angels.
Gabriel García Márquez |
What surprised him most, however, was the logic of his wings. They seemed so natural on that completely human organism that he couldn't understand why other men didn't have them too.
Gabriel García Márquez |