Fijate que simple es -le dijo a Amaranta-. Dice que se esta muriendo por mi, como si yo fuera un colico miserere
Gabriel García Márquez |
All that was needed was shrewd questioning, first of the patient and then of his mother, to conclude once again that the symptoms of love were the same as those of cholera.
Gabriel García Márquez |
We have to bring in the railroad,' he said. That was the first time the word had ever been heard in Macondo. Looking at the sketch that Aureliano Triste drew on the table and that was a direct descendant of the plans that Jose Arcadio Buendia had illustrated his project for solar warfare, Ursula confirmed her impression that time was going in a circle.
Gabriel García Márquez |
But underneath it all she could not conceive that the boy the gypsies took away was the same lout who would eat half a suckling pig for lunch and whose flatulence withered flowers.
Gabriel García Márquez |
A short time later, when the carpenter was taking measurements for the coffin, through the window they saw a light rain of tiny yellow flowers falling. The fell on the town all through the night in a silent storm, and they covered the roofs and blocked the doors and smothered the animals who slept outdoors. So many flowers fell from the sky that in the morning the streets were carpeted with a compact cushion and they had to clear them away ..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Bad luck doesn't have any chinks in it. I was born a son of a bitch and I'm going to die a son of a bitch. - Captain Roque Carnicero
Gabriel García Márquez |
he could not understand how people arrived at the extreme of waging war over things that could not be touched with the hand
Gabriel García Márquez |
The Marquis dusted off the Italian theorbo. He restrung it, tuned it with a perseverance that could be understood only as love, and once again accompanied the songs of the past, sung with the good voice and bad ear that neither years nor troubled memories had changed. This was when she asked him whether it was true that love conquered all, as the songs said. "It is true," he replied, "but you would do well not to believe it."
Gabriel García Márquez |
El era consciente de que no la amaba. Se habia casado porque le gustaba su altivez, su seriedad, su fuerza, y tambien por una pizca de vanidad suya, pero mientras ella lo besaba por primera vez, estaba seguro que no habria ningun obstaculo para inventar un buen amor.
Gabriel García Márquez |
'n l'db 'fDl Hyl@ khtr`h lnsn llskhry@ mn lakhryn
Gabriel García Márquez |
The uncertainty of the future made them turn their hearts toward the past. They saw themselves in the lost paradise of the deluge, splashing in the puddles in the courtyard, killing lizards to hang on Ursula, pretending that they were going to bury her alive, and those memories revealed to them the truth that they had been happy together ever since they had had memory.
Gabriel García Márquez |
No puede llover toda la vida.>>
Gabriel García Márquez |
La casa se lleno de amor. Aureliano lo expreso en versos que no tenian principio ni fin. Los escribia en los asperos pergaminos que le regalaba Melquiades, en las paredes del bano, en la piel de sus brazos, y en todos aparecia Remedios transfigurada: Remedios en el aire soporifero de las dos de la tarde, Remedios en la callada respiracion de las rosas, Remedios en la clepsidra secreta de las polillas, Remedios en el vapor del pan al amanece..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Otra cosa bien distinta habria sido la vida para ambos, de haber sabido a tiempo que era mas facil sortear las grandes catastrofes matrimoniales que las miserias minusculas de cada dia. Pero si algo habian aprendido juntos era que la sabiduria nos llega cuando ya no sirve para nada.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He never looked better, nor had he been loved more, not had the breeding of his animals been wilder. There was a slaughtering of so many cows, pigs and chickens for the endless parties that the ground in the courtyard turned black and muddy with so much blood. It was an eternal execution of bones and innards, a mud pit of leftovers, and they had to keep exploding dynamite bombs all the time so that the buzzards would not pluck out the guest..
Gabriel García Márquez |
he allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them them over and over again to give birth to themselves.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The only wars here will be civil wars, and those are like killing your own mother.
Gabriel García Márquez |
tqblh andhk lqdrh kn `myqan l~ Hd l yqlqh m`h lyqyn b'n kl mknyt ltSHyH btt mGlq@
Gabriel García Márquez |
I didn't do any of what they told me,' she said, 'because the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was all something dirty that shouldn't be done to anybody, much less to the poor man who had the bad luck to marry me.' So she let herself get undressed openly in the lighted bedroom, safe now from all the acquired fears that had ruined her life. 'It was very easy,' she told me, 'because I'd made up my mind to die.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He had fled from her in an attempt to wipe out her memory, not only through distance but by means of a muddled fury that his companions at arms took to be boldness, but the more her image wallowed in the dunghill of the war, the more the war resembled Amaranta.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Nothing made him desist except his own lamentable state of demoralization.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The oppressiveness of twilight filled the world.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The only thing that comes for sure is death.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ay, hijo --suspiro--. A mi me bastaria con estar seguro de que tu y yo existimos en este momento.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Without intending to, without even knowing it, he demonstrated with his life that his father had been right when he repeated until his dying day that there was no one with more common sense, no stonecutter more obstinate, no manager so lucid or dangerous, than a poet.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Dogs were not loyal but servile, that cats were opportunists and traitors,
Gabriel García Márquez |
wfkr 'n hdhh lmnsb@ tqtDy lq mw`Z@ tbyn qdr@ lshyTn `l~ ltsrb l~ qlb lnsn `n Tryq Hwsh lkhms
Gabriel García Márquez |
It was that wisdom to us when it can no longer do any good
Gabriel García Márquez |
la memoria del corazon elimina los malos recuerdos y magnifica los buenos, y que gracias a ese artificio logramos sobrellevar el pasado.
Gabriel García Márquez |
t nightfall, at the oppressive moment of transition, a storm of carnivorous mosquitoes rose
Gabriel García Márquez |
Dulce Olivia had sharp wits and a strong character, and it was not easy to detect her madness
Gabriel García Márquez |
The Liberals, he said, were Freemasons, bad people, wanting to hang priests, to institute civil marriage and divorce, to recognize the rights of illegitimate children as equal to those of legitimate ones, and to cut the country up into a federal system that would take power away from the supreme authority. The Conservatives, on the other hand, who had received their power directly from God, proposed the establishment of public order and fam..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Arcadio had seen her many times working in her parents' small food store but he had never taken a good look at her because she had that rare virtue of never existing completely except at the opportune moment.
Gabriel García Márquez |
You can't come in, colonel," she told him. "You may be in command of your war, but I'm in command of my house."
Gabriel García Márquez |
the heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good, and that thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burden of the past.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He was invaded by an unreasoning calm, which he interpreted as an omen that nothing new was going to happen, that everything he had done in his life had been in vain, that he could not go on: it was the end.
Gabriel García Márquez |
As far as I'm concerned, I've come to realize only just now that I'm fighting because of pride.
Gabriel García Márquez |
y sin que el le hubiera revelado que estaba llorando de amor, ella reconocio de inmediato el llanto mas antiguo de la historia del hombre.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He always believed he loved his daughter, but the fear of rabies obliged the Marquis to admit to himself that this was a lie for the sake of convenience. Bernarda, on the other hand, did not even ask herself the question, for she knew very well she did not love the girl and the girl did not love her, and both things seemed fitting. A good part of the hatred each of them felt for Sierva Maria was caused by the other's qualities in her.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Take care,' said Delaura. 'Sometimes we attribute certain things we do not understand to the demon, not thinking they may be things of God that we do not understand.' 'Saint Thomas said it, and I will be guided by him,' said the Abbess: '"One must not believe demons even when they speak the truth."
Gabriel García Márquez |
It is like a firstborn son: you spend your life working for him, sacrificing everything for him, and at the moment of truth he does just as he pleases.
Gabriel García Márquez |
we've had more enemies than we had soldiers,
Gabriel García Márquez |
She said: "It is as if he were not a person but only a shadow."
Gabriel García Márquez |
You have to know languages when you go to sell something," she said with mocking laughter. "But when you go to buy, everyone does what he must to understand you."
Gabriel García Márquez |