Then she revived him with an ardor and skill he could not have imagined in the meager pleasures of his solitary lovemaking, and without glory deprived him of his virginity. He was fifty-two years old and she was twenty-three, but age was the least pernicious of the differences between them. They continued to make hurried, heartless siesta love in the evangelical shade of the orange trees. The madwomen encouraged them from the terraces with ..
Gabriel García Márquez |
La vida no es sino una continua sucesion de oportunidades para sobrevivir
Gabriel García Márquez |
Habia huido de ella tratando de aniquilar su recuerdo no solo con la distancia, sino con un encarnizamiento aturdido que sus companeros de armas calificaban de temeridad, pero mientras mas revolcaba su imagen en el muladar de la guerra, mas la guerra se parecia a Amaranta.
Gabriel García Márquez |
mn dwn ltwSl l~ tmyyz lwTnyyn ljydyn mn lmnfqyn fy tlk l`Sf@ mn SyHt ltrHyb dh 'nn lm nkn qd ktshfn b`d 'n l'kthr shbh@ hm ldhyn knw ySrkhwn b'Swt '`l~ `sh lfHl,`sh ljnrl.
Gabriel García Márquez |
El problema del matrimonio es que se acaba todas las noches despues de hacer el amor, y hay que volver a reconstruirlo todas las mananas antes del desayuno.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Florentino Ariza was on the bed, lying on his back and trying to regain control, once again not knowing what to do with the skin of the tiger he had slain.
Gabriel García Márquez |
I think it is against nature for a man to get along better with his dog than he does with his wife, to teach it to eat and defecate on schedule, to answer his questions and share his sorrows.
Gabriel García Márquez |
No sentia sed ni hambre. No sentia nada, aparte de una indeferencia general por la vida y la muerte. Pense que me estaba muriendo. Y esa idea me lleno de una extrana y oscura esperanza.
Gabriel García Márquez |
You know better than I," he said, "that all courts-martial are farces and that you're really paying for the crimes of other people, because this time we're going to win the war at any price. Wouldn't you have done the same in my place?" General Moncada got up to clean his thick horn-rimmed glasses on his shirttail. "Probably," he said. "But what worries me is not your shooting me, because after all, for people like us it's a natural death."..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Amor del alma de la cintura para arriba y amor del cuerpo de la cintura para abajo
Gabriel García Márquez |
lkhT' lwHyd ldhy `l~ rjl mtmt` blslT@ wlnfwdh 'l yqtrfh fy Hyth mr@ wHd@ hw 'n yfrD 'mr mn dwn 'n ykwn mtyqn mn T`th.
Gabriel García Márquez |
God was a full-fledged member of the Conservative Party.
Gabriel García Márquez |
n m yshGlny, hw 'nk mn frT lHqd `l~ l`skryyn wmn frT Sr`k m`hm wmn frT tfkyrk fyhm qd nthyt kwHd mnhm
Gabriel García Márquez |
For that was what he needed: to let his soul escape through his mouth.
Gabriel García Márquez |
lys hnk m hw 'kthr jdw~ mn shkwk t'ty fy wqth .
Gabriel García Márquez |
Los adolescentes de mi generacian avorazados por la vida olvidaron en cuerpo y alma las ilusiones del porvenir, hasta que la realidad les enseno que el futuro no era como lo sonaban, y descubrieron la nostalgia.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Si has de parir iguanas, criaremos iguanas --dijo--. Pero no habra mas muertos en este pueblo por culpa tuya. Era una buena noche de junio, fresca y con luna, y estuvieron despiertos y retozando en la cama hasta el amanecer, indiferentes al viento que pasaba por el dormitorio, cargado con el llanto de los parientes de Prudencio Aguilar.
Gabriel García Márquez |
A man should have two wives: one to love and one to sew on his buttons.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Mi vida estuvo siempre perturbada por una marana de trampas, gambetas e ilusiones para burlar los incontables senuelos que trataban de convertirme en cualquier cosa que no fuera escritor.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Yo segui almorzando, porque crei que solo se trataba de un recado; porque no sabia que esa tarde estaban comenzando las cosas que hoy concluyen.
Gabriel García Márquez |
You know better than I," he said, "that all courts-martial are farces and that you're really paying for the crimes of other people, because this time we're going to win the war at any price. Wouldn't you have done the same in my place?" General Moncada got up to clean his thick horn-rimmed glasses on his shirttail. "Probably," he said. "But what worries me is not your shooting me, because after all, for people like us it's a natural death."..
Gabriel García Márquez |
El tedio de mis horas libres encontro remedio por una razon del corazon: el que no canta no puede imaginarse lo que es el placer de cantar.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Contra las escandalizadas protestas de Ursula, que lo lloro con mas dolor que a su propio padre, Jose Arcadio Buendia se opuso a que lo enterraran. <> Revivio el olvidado atanor y puso a hervir un caldero de mercurio junto al cadaver que poco a poco se iba llenando de burbujas azules.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Pero cuando ella entraba en la casa, alegre, indiferente, dicharachera, el no tenia que hacer ningun esfuerzo para disimular su tension, porque aquella mujer cuya risa explosiva espantaba a las palomas, no tenia nada que ver con el poder invisible que le ensenaba a respirar hacia dentro y a controlar los golpes del corazon, y le habia permitido entender por que los hombres le tienen miedo a la muerte.
Gabriel García Márquez |
wqd kn nTb`n l'wl 'qrb l~ lkwmydy , dh khrj llqy'n `nSr mn slH lTyrn lqdym , mmn nDmw l~ Sfwf lthwr@ fy llHZ@ l'khyr@ , wknw m yzlwn m`tSmyn fy thknthm bntZr 'n tTwl lHhm bm ykfy llZhwr wk'nhm mn lthwr lqdm.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Sapka giymiyorum, boylece onu kimse icin cikarmam gerekmiyor.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Pues el milagro militar ha hecho muchos mas ricos a muy pocos ricos, y ha hecho mucho mas pobres al resto de los chilenos.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Un veac de siguratate, Gabriel Garcia Marquez "O singura clipa de impacare este mai de pret decat o viata intreaga de prietenie." "Nu intelegea de ce i-au trebuit atatea cuvinte pentru a-i explica ce simti in razboi, cand un singur cuvant putea sa fie de ajuns: frica. " "Timpul nu trece ci se invarteste in loc." "Lumea, zise el atunci, lumea se va intoarce cu dosu-n sus in ziua cand oamenii vor calatori in clasa intai iar literatura in furg..
Gabriel García Márquez |
a...look that seemed to know what there was on the other side of things.
Gabriel García Márquez |
That woman of unbreakable nerves who at no moment in her life had been heard to sing.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Life was imposed on her from outside
Gabriel García Márquez |
Jose Arcadio Buendia took his wife's words literally. He looked out the window and saw the barefoot children in the sunny garden and he had the impression that only at that instant had they begun to exist, conceived by Ursula's spell.
Gabriel García Márquez |
That was the way he always was, alien to the existence of his sons, partly because he considered childhood as a period of mental insufficiency, and partly because he was always too absorbed in his fantastic speculations.
Gabriel García Márquez |
the pursuit of love is like falconry.- chronicle of death foretold
Gabriel García Márquez |
Era inevitavel: o cheiro das amendoas amargas lhe lembrava sempre o destino dos amores contrariados." "Era inevitable el olor de las almendras amargas le recordaba siempre el destino de los amores contrariados."
Gabriel García Márquez |
Tal vez lo mas colombiano de la situacion era la asombrosa capacidad de la gente de Medellin para acostumbrarse a todo, lo bueno y lo malo, con un poder de recuperacion que quizas sea la formula mas cruel de la temeridad.
Gabriel García Márquez |
If you don't fear God, fear him through the metals.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Dikkatli olun beyefendi, o evde adam oldururler. -Ask ugrunaysa ziyani yok.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The surprise lay in the third niche of the high altar, on the side where the Gospels were kept. The stone shattered at the first blow of the pickax, and a stream of living hair the intense color of copper spilled out of the crypt.
Gabriel García Márquez |
They spend their lives fighting against priests and then give prayerbooks as gifts.
Gabriel García Márquez |
El arribo tardio al periodismo --que por fortuna es el poder sin trono-- debio ser para ella un reencuentro con lo mejor de si misma.
Gabriel García Márquez |
A los ochenta y un anos tenia bastante lucidez para darse cuenta de que estaba prendido a este mundo por unas hilachas tenues que podian romperse sin dolor con un simple cambio de posicion durante el sueno, y si hacia lo posible para mantenerlas era por el terror de no encontrar a Dios en la oscuridad de la muerte.
Gabriel García Márquez |
If someone knocks on your door, my friend, and something in your blood beats and rests not and water in its stem, trembling, the source is a liquid harmony. If someone knocks on your door and still you have time to be beautiful and fits all April in a rose and rose bleeds the day. If someone knocks on your door one morning sound of doves and bells and still believe in pain and poetry. If still life is truth and verse exists.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Docteur, quel est le meilleur remede contre le mal de tete ? - Ne pas s'etre soule la veille.
Gabriel García Márquez |