He seemed to be in so many places at the same time that they grew to think that he'd be duplicated, that he was reproducing himself all through the house, and the exasperated and unhinged Elisenda shouted that it was awful living in that hell full of angels.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Each man is master of his own death and all that we can do when the time comes is to help him die without fear of pain.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Maybe I'll have a tumour like his someday. At first it will be a small but growing sphere that will branch out, growing larger in my stomach like a fetus. I will probably feel it when it starts to take motion, moving inward with the fury of a sleepwalking child, traveling through my intestines blindly -
Gabriel García Márquez |
wjdh khwsyh blthyws, 'qdm lkhdm ldyh, Tfyan fy myh HwD lHmm lmuThr@, `ryan wmftwH l`ynyn, fZn 'nh qd Grq.
Gabriel García Márquez |
miedo, y no solo de enfrentarme a mis fantasmas, sino miedo de todo.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Con toda modestia, pero tambien con toda la determinacion del espiritu, propongo que hagamos ahora y aqui el compromiso de concebir y fabricar un arca de la memoria, capaz de sobrevivir al diluvio atomico. Una botella de naufragos siderales arrojada a los oceanos del tiempo, para que la nueva humanidad de entonces sepa por nosotros lo que no han de contarle las cucarachas: que aqui existio la vida, que en ella prevalecio el sufrimiento y pr..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Whatever happened to one love affected all the other loves through out the world.
Gabriel García Márquez |
La vida no es la que uno vivio, sino la que uno recuerda y como la recuerda para contarla.
Gabriel García Márquez |
No, not rich," he said. "I am a poor man with money, which is not the same thing."
Gabriel García Márquez |
Nothing one does in bed is immoral if it helps to perpetuate love.
Gabriel García Márquez |
I oktomvri beshe edno ot malkoto neshcha, koito idvakha.
Gabriel García Márquez |
For the city, his city, stood unchanging on the edge of time: the same burning dry city of his nocturnal terrors and the solitary pleasures of puberty, where flowers rusted and salt corroded, where nothing happened for four centuries except a slow ageing among withered laurels and purifying swamps.
Gabriel García Márquez |
he connected the mechanism for the clock to a mechanical ballerina,and the toy danced uninterruptedly to the rhythm of her own music for three days.That discovery excited him so much more than any of his other hair-brained undertakings
Gabriel García Márquez |
ndy'dh Tlbt mnh 'n ylqy nZr@ `l~ Grf@ lnwm. wr'~ 'wrylynw lthny lbGl@. kn jldh mltSqan b`Zmh, mthl SHbth, wlknh Hy@ wmSmm@ mthlh 'yDan. knt bytr kwtys qd Gdhth bGDbh, wlm lm ybq ldyh shy mn l`shb, wl ldhr@ wl ljdhwr, awth fy Grf@ nwmh, w'T`mth lmlt lqTny@, wlsjjyd lfrsy@, w'GTy@ lsryr, wsty'r lmkhml, wmZl@ lsryr l'sqfy@ lmwsh@ bkhywT mn ldhhb wshrbt Hryry@
Gabriel García Márquez |
It was said that the hernia whistled like a lugubrious bird on stormy nights and twisted in unbearable pain when a buzzard feather was burned nearby, but no one complained about those discomforts because a large, well-carried rupture was, more than anything else, a display of masculine honor.
Gabriel García Márquez |
I understood this man was a Saint," he said. "Something even rarer," said Dr. Urbino, "An atheistic saint. But those are matters for God to decide."
Gabriel García Márquez |
I remembered that she had also looked at me in that way in the past, from that remote dream where I made the chair spin on its back legs and remained facing a strange woman with ashen eyes. It was in that dream that I asked her for the first time: 'Who are you?' And she said to me: 'I don't remember.' I said to her: 'But I think we've seen each other before.' And she said, indifferently: 'I think I dreamed about you once, about this same ro..
Gabriel García Márquez |
bh khTr wjwd w bry wlyn br dr sn nwd slgy b wjwd Tby`y khwd rw bh rw my shdm. fhmydm khh wsws mn bry any khh hr jyz jy khwdsh bshd, hr khr bh mwq` khwd njm shwd w hr khlmh bh jy khwdsh gfth shwd, mHSwl dhhn mnZm mn nyst. blkhh br`khs hmh nw`y tZhr st, khh khtr` khrdh m t by nZmy dhty khwd r pnhn khrdh bshm. mtwjh shdm khh nZm mn fDylt nyst, `khs l`mly st dr mqbl jhlm, khh skhwtmnd bh nZr brsm, t fqrm r bpwshnd, mHtT bh nZr brsm, t mnHrf w s..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Por eso, cada vez que Ursula se salia de casillas con las locuras de su marido, saltaba por encima de trescientos anos de casualidades y maldecia la hora en que Francis Drake asalto a Riohacha. Era un simple recurso de desahogo, porque en verdad estaban ligados hasta la muerte por un vinculo mas solido que el amor; un comun remordimiento de conciencia.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He soon acquired the forlorn look that one sees in vegetarians
Gabriel García Márquez |
Csakugyan megjarta a halalt, de visszajott, mert nem birta elviselni a maganyt.
Gabriel García Márquez |
It was a terror of the strange, of what was mysterious and unknown in her new world. And to think that all of it had happened so innocently, with so much naivete on her part
Gabriel García Márquez |
IT was the time when they loved each other best, without hurry or excess, when both were most conscious of and grateful for their incredible victories over adversity. Life would still present them with other mortal trials, of course, but that no longer mattered: they were on the other shore.
Gabriel García Márquez |
In my opinion,' he said, 'the nineteenth century is passing for everyone except us.
Gabriel García Márquez |
a jo oregkor nem mas, mint tisztesseges szerzodes a magannyal.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Colonel Aureliano Buendia smiled at her the same way as when he had first seen her with the bandage on that remote morning when he had come back to Macondo condemned to death. "How awful," he said, "the way time passes!"
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ljubomora zna vise i od same istine.'' ''Covjek u seksu nalazi utjehu kad mu se ne posreci u ljubavi.'' ''Zena nikad ne oprasta muskarcu koji ostaje ravnodusan prema njenim carima.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He was in his coffin, ready to be buried, and yet he knew that he wasn't dead.
Gabriel García Márquez |
She suspected too late that behind his professional authority and worldly charm, the man she had married was a hopeless weakling: a poor devil made bold by the social weight of his family names.
Gabriel García Márquez |
M-am apucat sa citesc Micul Print de Saint Exupery, un autor francez pe care o lume intreaga il admira mai mult decat francezii. A fost prima poveste pe care a ascultat-o cu atata atentie, fara sa se trezeasca, incat a fost nevoie sa-i citesc fara ragaz doua zile, pana i-am terminat-o. Am continuat cu Povestile lui Perrault, cu Biblia, cu O mie si una de nopti intr-o versiune aseptica pentru copii si, din pricina diferentelor din somnul ei,..
Gabriel García Márquez |
La inceputul lui iulie, am simtit apropierea reala a mortii. Inima mea si-a pierdut ritmul si am inceput sa vad si sa simt pretutindeni semnele fara gres ale sfarsitului. Atunci am inceput sa masor viata nu in ani, ci in decenii. Cel al anilor cincizeci fusese hotarator, pentru ca am devenit constient ca aproape toata lumea era mai tanara decat mine. Cel al anilor saizeci a fost cel mai intens, din cauza banuielii ca nu-mi mai ramanea timp ..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Con su inteligencia natural y su habla prodigiosa tenia la facultad inigualable de conocer el sitio justo en que las malas palabras recobran su estirpe cervantina.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Az ember addig nem tartozik sehova, amig nincs a foldben halottja.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Olyan oszinten beleelte magat a hazugsagba, hogy vegul maga is megvigasztalodott.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Something that concerned the officers of the entourage, which they hid from the General in order not to complete his mortification, was that the hussars and grenadiers of the guard were sowing the fiery seed of an immortal gonorrhea.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ausensiia Santander go preob'rna tseliia ot litse i ot opaki s m'drostta si na staro kuche, izpravi go nekolkokratno s glavata nadolu, s krakata nagore, preobrazi go do takava stepen, siakash otnovo go rodi, natroshi na parchentsa teoretichnata mu virtuoznost i pokaza na Florentino Arisa edinstvenoto, koeto triabvashe da znae za liubovta: che nikoi ne mozhe da pouchava zhivota.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Az a hamutomeg, ami a szive volt, s amely a mindennapos valosag legkemenyebb csapasait is allta, a sajdito emlekezes elso fuvallatara osszeomlott. A szomorusag kenyszere mindinkabb szenvedelyeve valt, ahogy lassan oroltek az evek. A magany emberive tette.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ja nisam bogatas, no tek siromasak sa puno para.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Actuellement, la seule difference entre liberaux et conservateurs,c'est que les liberaux vont a la messe de cinq heures et les conservateurs a celle de huit heures.
Gabriel García Márquez |
shq khyly dyr bh mn amwkht khh adm khwdsh r bh khTr mHbwb my aryd,bh khTr mHbwb bh dkh w pzsh my rsd w `Tr my znd, w mn hrgz khsy r ndshtm khh bh khTrsh yn khrh r bkhnm.
Gabriel García Márquez |
La memoria del corazon elimina los malos recuerdos y magnifica los buenos, y que gracias a ese artilugio logramos sobrellevar el pasado.
Gabriel García Márquez |
elvesztette csodalatos irrealitaserzeket, s vegul mindannyiuknak azt tanacsolta, hogy hagyjak ott Macondot, felejtsek el mindazt, amit a vilagrol es az emberi szivrol tanitott nekik, szarjanak Horatiusra, es barhova keruljenek is, mindig jusson eszukbe, hogy a mult hazugsag, hogy az emlekezet nem ismer visszautat, hogy minden regi tavasz visszavonhatatlanul elveszett, s hogy vegso soron a legorjongobb es legmakacsabb szerelem sem egyeb, min..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Lei gli domando in quei giorni se era vero, come dicevano le canzoni, che l'amore poteva tutto. "E' vero" rispose lui "ma farai bene a non crederci"."
Gabriel García Márquez |
Lo malo de este pueblo es que las mujeres tienen que quedarse solas en la casa mientras los hombres andan por el monte.
Gabriel García Márquez |