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fbd77f9 For this was how they would have wished to be, each setting up an ideal to which they were now adapting their past life. Besides, speech is a rolling-mill that always thins out the sentiment. Gustave Flaubert
df68e6a Because wanton or venal lips has murmured the same words to him, he only half believed in the sincerity of those he was hearing now; to a large extent they should be disregarded, he believed, because such exaggerated language must surely mask commonplace feelings: as if the soul in its fullness did not sometimes overflow into the most barren metaphors, since no one can ever tell the precise measures of his own needs, of his own ideas, of hi.. Gustave Flaubert
ab038fc The head-master made a sign to us to sit down. Then, turning to the class-master, he said to him in a low voice-- Gustave Flaubert
7e38627 Before a Parisienne in lace, in the salon of some illustrious physician, a person of importance with medals and a carriage, the poor clerk, no doubt, would have trembled like a child; but here in Rouen, by the quay, with the wife of this small country practitioner, he felt at ease, certain in advance that he would dazzle her. Self-confidence depends upon surroundings: one does not speak the same way in a grand apartment as in a garret, and .. Gustave Flaubert
e191eac the clang of the band, letting loose, rang out like a brass kettle rolling downstairs, Gustave Flaubert
3a07d65 Speech is a rolling machine that always stretches the feelings it expresses. Gustave Flaubert
d6f95de Leur maniere de vivre - qui n'etait pas celle des autres - deplaisait. Ils devinrent suspects; et meme inspiraient une vague terreur. Gustave Flaubert
5037975 Entonces seguro de ser amado, no se molesto, e insensiblemente sus maneras cambiaron. Ya no empleaba como antes aquellas palabras tan dulces que la hacian llorar, ni aquellas vehementes modo que su gran amor en el que vivia inmersa le parecio que iba descendiendo bajo sus pies...percibio el fango. No queria creerlo; redoblo su ternura; y Rodolfo, cada vez menos, oculto su indiferencia. Gustave Flaubert
9b560ae Rodolphe, koji je, da ubije vrijeme cio dan lunjao sumom, mirno je spavao u svom dvorcu; a spavao je i Leon, dolje, u Rouenu. Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary
53b4a9e The most mediocre libertine has dreamed of sultanas; every notary bears within him the debris of a poet. Gustave Flaubert
b484b79 Quanto a Emma, non si chiedeva se lo amasse. Ella credeva che l'amore dovesse arrivare all'improvviso, con fragori e folgori; uragano dei cieli che cade sulla vita, la sconvolge, strappa via le volonta come foglie, e trascina all'abisso il cuore intero. Ella non sapeva che sulle terrazze delle case la pioggia forma laghetti quando le grondaie sono ingorgate, e avrebbe continuato a credersi al sicuro, quando a un tratto scopri una crepa nel .. love italiano Gustave Flaubert
56aff20 Then she fell back exhausted, for these transports of vague love wearied her more than great debauchery. Gustave Flaubert
dd05551 Des doutes succedaient a leurs emportements d'espoir. Apres des crises de gaiete verbeuse, ils tombaient dans des silences profonds. Gustave Flaubert
a23a79b Quand on se compare a ce qui vous entoure, on s'admire ; mais quand on leve les yeux plus haut, vers les maitres, vers l'absolu, vers le reve, comme on se meprise ! Gustave Flaubert
c02bfd5 Before marriage she thought hserself in love; but the happiness that should have followed this love not having come, she must, she thought, have been mistaken. And Emma tried to find out what one meant exactly in life by the words felicity, passion, rapture, that had seemed to her so beautiful in books. sad Gustave Flaubert
6199105 Le monde est l'oeuvre d'un Dieu en delire. Gustave Flaubert
a8644e9 And he was beginning to feel that discouragement which is engendered by a life of repetition, when no interest guides nor expectation sustains it. Gustave Flaubert
af0bc63 Coming delights, like tropical beaches, send out their native enchantment over the vast spaces that precede them - a perfumed breeze that lulls and drugs you out of all anxiety as to what may yet await you below the horizon. Gustave Flaubert
1fab4a8 What happiness there had been at that time, what freedom, what hope! What an abundance of illusions! Nothing was left of them now. She had got rid of them all in her soul's life, in all her successive conditions of life, maidenhood, her marriage, and her love--thus constantly losing them all her life through, like a traveller who leaves something of his wealth at every inn along his road. Gustave Flaubert
ab7f28c J'ai reve la gloire quand j'etais tout enfant, et maintenant je n'ai meme plus l'orgueil de la mediocrite. Gustave Flaubert
14fc72c a demand for money being, of all the winds that blow upon love, the coldest and most destructive. Gustave Flaubert
0693c13 Oh, why, dear God, did I marry him? Gustave Flaubert
6472203 lo que nos demuestra, de paso, que los sacerdotes han estado siempre sumidos en una ignorancia ignominiosa, en la que se esfuerzan por hundir con ellos a los pueblos. Gustave Flaubert
a8b58a7 This splendid vision dwelt in her memory as the most beautiful thing that it was possible to dream, so that now she strove to recall her sensation. That still lasted, however, but in a less exclusive fashion and with a deeper sweetness. Her soul, tortured by Gustave Flaubert
3c5de60 A man, at least, is free; he can explore each passion and every kingdom, conquer obstacles, feast upon the most exotic pleasures. But a woman is continually thwarted. Both inert and yielding, against her are ranged the weakness of the flesh and the inequity of the law. Her will, like the veil strung to her bonnet, flutters in every breeze; always there is the desire urging, always the convention restraining. Gustave Flaubert
fd14f33 but I don't need to go into a church and kiss a silver platter and reach into my pockets to fatten a pack of humbugs who eat better than we do! Because one can honor him just as well in a forest, in a field, or even by gazing up at the ethereal vault, like the ancients. Gustave Flaubert
860a8ab privea spre cer cu ochi plini de blesteme; dar nici macar o frunza nu se clinti din aceasta pricina. Gustave Flaubert
2a9367e What happiness there had been in those days! What freedom! What hope! What an abundance of illusions! She had none left now. Each new venture had cost her some of them, each of her successive conditions: as virgin, wife and mistress; she had lost them all along the course of her life, like a traveler who leaves some of his wealth at every inn along the road. life romaticism illusions Gustave Flaubert
db54340 Quelle bassesse que de penser toujours au prolongement de son existence! La vie n'est bonne qu'a la condition d'en jouir. (ch. III) Gustave Flaubert
a7b597b Znas li da je mladi skolski narastaj silno glup ? Nekada je imao vise pameti; zabavljao se zenama, macevanjem, orgijama; sad se doteruje po Bajronu, sanja o ocaju i do mile volje okiva sebi srce ... Utrkuju se ko ce imati blede lice i najlepse reci : sit sam sveta ! Sit sveta ! Zalosno zaista : sit sveta u osamnaestoj godini ! Zar ne postoji vise ljubav, slava, poslovi ? Zar je sve umrlo ? Nema vise prirode, nema cveca za mladog coveka ? Os.. pisma Gustave Flaubert
c9e8985 Ti se nadas da cujes nesto vise o Viktoru Igou. Sta mogu da ti o njemu kazem ? To je covek kao i svaki drugi, sa dosta ruznim licem i dosta prostom spoljasnjoscu. Ima izvaredne zube i velicanstveno celo, bez obrva, bez trepavica. Malo govori, izgleda da pazi na sebe i da nece da govori vise nego sto treba; vrlo je uctiv i pomalo usiljen. Veoma mi se svida zvuk njegovog glasa. Imao sam uzivanje da ga posmatram izbliza; gledao sam ga sa cuden.. pisma Gustave Flaubert
631166e Ma che importanza aveva! Non era felice, non lo era mai stata. Da dove veniva, dunque, quella insufficienza di vita, quella istantanea marcescenza delle cose a cui si appoggiava?... Ma se da qualche parte esisteva un essere forte e bello, una natura valorosa, ricca al tempo stesso di slancio e di delicatezza, un cuore di poeta sotto sembianze d'angelo, lira dalle corde di bronzo che indirizzava al cielo epitalami elegiaci, perche mai lei, p.. madame-bovary gustave-flaubert Gustave Flaubert
543fe71 Entre os apetites da carne, a ambicao do dinheiro e as melancolias da paixao, tudo confundia-se num mesmo sofrimento; e em lugar de desviar seu pensamento, agarrava-se mais a ele, excitando a dor e procurando em toda a parte ocasioes para excita-lo. Irritava-se com um prato mal servido ou com uma porta entreaberta, lamentava-se pelo veludo que nao possuia, pela felicidade que lhe faltava, por seus sonhos grandes demais, por sua casa por dem.. Gustave Flaubert
566ce44 Rodolphe ouvira tantas vezes dizer tais coisas que elas nada mais tinham de original para ele. Emma assemelhava-se a todas as suas amantes; e o encanto da novidade, caindo pouco a pouco como uma veste, deixava ver a nu a eterna monotonia da paixao que tem sempre as mesmas formas e a mesma linguagem. Aquele homem tao experiente nao distinguia mais a diferenca dos sentimentos sob a igualdade das expressoes. Porque labios libertinos ou venais .. Gustave Flaubert
b357a34 Comment etait ce Paris? Quel nom demesure! Elle se le repetait a demi-voix, pour se faire plaisir; il sonnait a ses oreilles comme un bourdon de cathedrale, il flamboyait a ses yeux jusque sur l'etiquette de ses pots de pommade. Gustave Flaubert
17b153d Souvent, en regardant le soleil, je me suis dit << Pourquoi viens-tu chaque jour eclairer tant de souffrances, decouvrir tant de douleurs, presider a tant de sottes miseres ? >> Gustave Flaubert
fabc28e No se piensa en nada; las horas pasan. Uno se pasea inmovil por paises que cree ver, y su pensamiento, enlazandose a la ficcion, se recrea en los detalles o sigue el hilo de las aventuras. Se identifica con los personajes; parece que somos nosotros mismos los que participamos bajo sus pieles. literature Gustave Flaubert
001fb55 Deslauriers, qui couchait dans le cabinet au bois, pres de la fontaine, poussait un long baillement. Frederic s'asseyait au pied de son lit. D'abord il parlait du diner, puis il racontait mille details insignifiants, ou il voyait des marques de mepris ou d'affection. Une fois, par exemple, elle avait refuse son bras, pour prendre celui de Dittmer, et Frederic se desolait. - Ah ! quelle betise! Ou bien elle l'avait appele son "ami". - Vas-.. Gustave Flaubert
a1305b0 Then a faintness came over her; she recalled the Viscount who had waltzed with her at Vaubyessard, and his beard exhaled like this air an odour of vanilla and citron, and mechanically she half-closed her eyes the better to breathe it in. But Gustave Flaubert
8e7432a Il voulait qu'elle se donnat, et non la prendre. Gustave Flaubert
589e974 On the hill there was a poor old tramp wandering about with his stick, in among the carriages. A mass of rags covered his shoulders, and a squashed beaver-hat, bent down into the shape of a bowl, concealed his face; but, when he took it off, he exposed, instead of eyelids, two yawning bloodstained holes. The flesh was tattered into scarlet strips; and fluid was trickling out, congealing into green crusts that reached down to his nose, with .. disfigurement tramp Gustave Flaubert
e64666c This man, who was so experienced in love, couldn't distinguish the dissimilarity in the emotions, behind the similarity of the expressions. Gustave Flaubert
a0d7e53 Desiderava al tempo stesso morire e vivere a Parigi. madame-bovary gustave-flaubert Gustave Flaubert
09ec8dd Szerelmes volt Leonba, s csak azert kereste a maganyt, hogy kedvere gyonyorkodhessen szerelmese kepeben. Leon szemelyes megjelenese zavarta ezt a kejes abrandozast. Gustave Flaubert
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