Why go through that stuff all over again? Don't you know the rule: once bitten, twice bitten? But now, I found myself in revolt against my own ... what? Conventionality, lack of imagination,
Julian Barnes |
La vida no es solo una suma y una resta. Es tambien la acumulacion, la multiplicacion de perdidas, de fracasos.
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Time ... give us enough time and our best-supported decisions will seem wobbly, our certainties whimsical.
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Gustave's last years are arid and solitary. He
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Razumem da u tom svesnom skretanju pogleda moze biti i neceg pozitivnog: lakse je gurati dalje ako ne primecujete neprijatne stvari. Ali, ako ne primecujete neprijatne stvari, na kraju cete poverovati da do njih nikad i ne dolazi. Uvek vas iznenade.
Julian Barnes |
Esta la cuestion de la soledad. Pero no es como te la imaginas (si alguna vez has intentado imaginarla). Hay dos tipos de soledad esenciales: la de quienes no han encontrado a nadie a quien amar, y la de quienes se han visto privados del ser amado. El primero es el peor. Nada es comparable a la soledad del alma en la adolescencia
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Rixte mia matia guro sas kai tha deite posous ekhei sakatepsei psukhologika e aple, kathemerine zoe.
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Miss Fergusson had maintained, when they first stood before the haloed mountain, that there were two explanations of everything, that each required the exercise of faith, and that we had been given free will in order that we might choose between them. This dilemma was to preoccupy Miss Logan for years to come. 7
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She knew me better than anyone else in the world. And still wanted to have lunch with me. And let me go on and on about myself.
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This is where we work, in the interstices of ignorance, the land of contradiction and silence, planning to convince you with the seemingly known, to resolve - or make usefully vivid - the contradiction, and to make the silence eloquent.
Julian Barnes |
There was something a bit sinister about Noah's devotion to God; creepy, if you know what I mean.
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And then there is the question, on which so much depends, of how we react to the damage: whether we admit it or repress it, and how this affects our dealings with others. Some admit the damage, and try to mitigate it; some spend their lives trying to help others who are damaged; and then there are those whose main concern is to avoid further damage to themselves, at whatever cost. And those are the ones who are ruthless, and the ones to be ..
Julian Barnes |
God damn it, he was thinking, this dying business is difficult. They just won't let you get on with it, not on your own terms, anyway. You have to die on other people's terms, and that's a bore, love them as you might.
Julian Barnes |
Ipak, nista tako ne moze da natera ljude da pametno misle kao dobra katastrofa.
Julian Barnes |
Jenze vzpominky, ktere nam nakonec zustanou, se prece pokazde neshoduji s tim, co jsme videli na vlastni oci.
Julian Barnes |
Later on in life, you expect a bit of rest, don't you? You think you deserve it. I did, anyway. But then you begin to understand that the reward of merit is not life's business. Also, when you are young, you think you can predict the likely pains and bleaknesses that age might bring. You imagine yourself being lonely, divorced, widowed; children growing away from you, friends dying. You imagine the loss of status, the loss of desire--and de..
Julian Barnes |
I tried to explain about refusing an unsought gift, about action versus passivity.
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the reward of merit is not life's business.
Julian Barnes |
Chi poteva sapere come l'avrebbe pensata, il futuro? Ci aspettiamo troppo dal domani, sperando che sappia contrastare l'oggi.
Julian Barnes |
Does character develop over time? In novels, of course it does: otherwise there wouldn't be much of a story. But in life? I sometimes wonder. Our attitudes and opinions change, we develop new habits and eccentricities; but that's something different, more like decoration. Perhaps character resembles intelligence, except that character peaks a little later: between twenty and thirty, say. And after that, we're just stuck with what we've got.
Julian Barnes |
I survived. "He survived to tell the tale"--that's what people say, don't they? History isn't the lies of the victors, as I once glibly assured Old Joe Hunt; I know that now. It's more the memories of the survivors, most of whom are neither victorious nor defeated."
Julian Barnes |
This was one of the differences between the three of us and our new friend, We were essentially taking the piss, except when we were serious. He was essentially serious, except when he was taking the piss. It took us a while to work this out.
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I think I have an instinct for survival, for self-preservation. Perhaps this is what Veronica called cowardice and I called being peaceable.
Julian Barnes |
Je li ljubav ono sto ce od nas ostati? Bilo bi lepo tako misliti. Bilo bi utesno kada bi ljubav bila izvor energije koji i dalje tinja posle nase smrti. Na nekadasnjim televizijskim aparatima, kada ih iskljucite, ostajala je grumuljica svetlosti posred ekrana, koja se lagano smanjivala, od velicine srebrnjaka do trunke na izdisaju. Kao decko, posmatrao sam ovaj proces svake veceri, s neodredenom zeljom da ga obuzdam (videvsi ga, s mladalack..
Julian Barnes |
I certainly believe we all suffer damage, one way or another. How could we not, except in a world of perfect parents, siblings, neighbours, companions? And then there is the question, on which so much depends, of how we react to the damage: whether we admit it or repress it, and how this affects our dealings with others. Some admit the damage, and try to mitigate it; some spend their lives trying to help others who are damaged; and then the..
Julian Barnes |
Try as I could -which wasn't very hard- I rarely ended up fantasising a markedly different life from the one that has been mine. I don't this is complacency; it's more likely a lack of imagination, or ambition, or something. I suppose the truth is that, yes, I'm not odd enough not to have done the things I've ended up doing with my life.
Julian Barnes |
bzrgsly hm mnnd hmh tGyyrt sysy w trykhy st khh dyr y zwd myh nmydy m myshwd.
Julian Barnes |
Die Bucher sagen: Sie hat es getan, weil. Das Leben sagt: Sie hat es getan. In den Buchern werden einem die Dinge erklart; im Leben nicht. Es uberrascht mich nicht, dass manche Leute Bucher vorziehen. Bucher verleihen dem Leben einen Sinn. Das Problem dabei ist nur, dass die Leben, denen sie Sinn verleihen, die Leben anderer Leute sind, niemals das eigene.
Julian Barnes |
Life was the cat that dragged the parrot downstairs by its tail; his head banged against every step.
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The next day, all that stopped him from feeling pure exultance was the question: had it been too easy?
Julian Barnes |
Jake, who is both fitter and more hedonistic than me, once told me what they say about martinis: "One's perfect. Two's too many. And three's not enough."
Julian Barnes |
1846 Sred moreplavatelite ima takiva, koito otkrivat novi svetove, pribaviat zemi k'm zemiata i zvezdi k'm zvezdite: te sa vlastelinite, velikite m'zhe, netlenno prekrasnite. Drugi b'lvat uzhas ot korabnite or'diia, grabiat, zabogatiavat i zatl'stiavat. Drugi p'k poemat da t'rsiat zlato i koprina pod chuzhdo nebe. Ima i takiva, deto loviat s'omga za chrevougodnitsite i treska za bedniatsite. Az s'm nevzrachniiat t'rpeliv lovets na biseri, k..
Julian Barnes |
Treba paziti kuda se ide samo ako se zeli vratiti tamo odakle se poslo,...
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Losi snovi ne daju ostatku zivota da ide dalje.
Julian Barnes |
Prijatelj ciji je partner umro od side nakon sto su osam godina bili zajedno, rekao mi je dve stvari: "Samo je pitanje kako pregurati noc" i "Jedina dobra strana je - mozes da radis sta god hoces" [...]Sto se tice onoga da mogu da radim sta god hocu: za mene je to obicno znacilo da radim nesto s njom. Kad je rec o onome sto sam voleo da radim sam, razlog je delimicno bio taj sto sam uzivao da posle njoj pricam o tome."
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drown out the noise of time, is transformed into the whisper of history. This
Julian Barnes |
Unul dintre lucrurile pe care le invatase in viata, si pe care spera ca se va putea bizui, era ca o durere intensa alunga una mai putin intensa. O intindere musculara dispare in infruntarea cu durerea de dinti, durerea de dinti se estompeaza daca iti strivesti degetul. Spera - si asta era unica lui speranta acum - ca durerea cancerului, durerea mortii, va alunga chinurile dragostei. Dar nu i se parea posibil.
Julian Barnes |
Atunci cand ti se frange inima, gandea el, se despica aidoma lemnului, pe toata lungimea scandurii. In primele zile petrecute la fabrica, l-a vazut pe Gustaf Olsson cum a luat o scandura zdravana si a batut in ea o pana pe care a rasucit-o putin. Lemnul s-a crapat de-a lungul fibrei, de la un capat la celalalt. Este tot ceea ce ai nevoie sa stii despre inima: unde se afla fibra ei. Apoi, cu o rasucire, un gest, un cuvant, o poti distruge.
Julian Barnes |
Los directores de este tipo gritaban y maldecian a las orquestas, montaban escenas, amenazaban con despedir al clarinete principal por llegar tarde. Y la orquesta, obligada a aguantarlo, replicaba contando cosas a espaldas del director, historias que lo definian como un "autentico personaje". Despues llegaban a creer lo que creia este emperador de la batuta: que solo tocaban bien porque los estaban azotando. Se apelotonaban en un rebano mas..
Julian Barnes |
Y no obstante, a pesar de todo esto, a pesar de que no tenia rival en la descripcion de tiranos hundidos en sangre hasta las rodillas, Shakespeare era un poco ingenuo. Porque sus monstruos tenian dudas, malos suenos, punzadas de remordimientos de conciencia. Veian alzarse ante ellos a los espectros de los que habian asesinado. Pero en la vida real, bajo un terror real, ?que conciencia culpable? ?Que malos suenos? Todo eso era sentimentalism..
Julian Barnes |
Il problema dell'accumulo", aveva scritto Adrian. Scommetti dei soldi su un cavallo, quello vince e la vincita passa sul cavallo della corsa successiva, e cosi via. Le vincite si accumulano. E le perdite? Non all'ippodromo, dove si perde solo la puntata iniziale. Ma nella vita? Forse in questo caso le regole sono diverse. Scommetti su una relazione, non funziona; vai alla successiva, e non funziona neanche quella; forse non perdi solo la so..
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Khrennikov had an average ear for music, but perfect pitch when it came to power.
Julian Barnes |
Hoi ay, chung toi tuong tuong minh dang bi giam cam trong mot thu trai giam, cho cho toi luc duoc tha vao doi. Va khi cai thoi khac do den, doi chung toi - va ngay ban than thoi gian nua - se tang toc. Lam the nao chung toi co the biet duoc rang doi chung toi du sao thi cung da bat dau mat roi, rang co loi the da dat duoc, co ton thuong tung nhuc nhoi? Hon nua, viec phong thich chung toi chang qua cung chi la de tha vao mot trai giam lon ho..
Julian Barnes |
Margaret used to say that there were two kinds of women: those with clear edges to them, and those who implied mystery.
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