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b2ecdb6 All these scars. The road map of my life. My armor. Richard Kadrey
3b00b4c You can take the boy out of the Devil but not the Devil out of the boy Richard Kadrey
4acfd57 Abandon all hope ye who piss me off. Richard Kadrey
688dc91 Another scar or two won't ruin my pretty face." "Right." "Carlos, are you being polite? That's not why I came here for. I know I'm not Steve McQueen." "My lady is totally in love with him. Lucky for me he's dead or I'd be in trouble." I hold up my glas of Jack Daniel's in a toast. "Here's to all the guys better looking than us. May they all die first." Richard Kadrey
f020af5 That sounds like the sin of pride, Marshal. Better run downstairs and let Miss December flog it out of you. Webcam it and charge by the minute. You won't ever have to take government money again. Richard Kadrey
619e223 Damn, it feels great to hurt idiots. Richard Kadrey
391d725 I'm not a huge fan of other people's logic. Richard Kadrey
e921100 Death smiles at us all and all a man can do is smile back. Richard Kadrey
b29cfa4 If Jesus, Jesse James, and a herd of pink robot unicorns strolled in walking on water, this bunch wouldn't even look up. Richard Kadrey
9d07bbb Fortunately, I'm good at ignoring a lot of what my brain does. Richard Kadrey
5c3ecca There's something magical about the sound of breaking glass. Especially around a mob. It works both for humans and Hellions. If you want to start a riot, throw a bottle. Richard Kadrey
14efcd0 You're quite the humanitarian. By the way, thanks a fuck of a lot for leaving me off your who-to-save list. You're on it, Alfredo Garcia. I just didn't want to say it out loud and have you call me Nancy or Tinker Bell. Yeah, I would have done that. Richard Kadrey
5001566 Sometimes just seeing a woman smile is like a knife in the heart. It hurts and it rattles your whole system, but against all your instincts you swallow the pain and keep looking. After a while you realize it doesn't hurt as much as you thought it would. Richard Kadrey
b63f19e To the dead. Let's think of them always, but not join them too soon. Richard Kadrey
35666ea On mobile phones: "It looks like a TV remote fucked a little typewriter and this is the bastard offspring" Richard Kadrey
afe6a3b It's more like how some people can't help but bring out the not necessarily righteous parts of your personality. Like how you meet someone and instantly know they're a full-time professional victim, and no matter how hard you try, something takes over and you can't help needling them. richard-kadrey sandman-slim sandman-slim-novel awesome-quotes humorous-quotes novel Richard Kadrey
9a1205c Maybe home isn't the place you love, just the place you know best. Richard Kadrey
1f99447 The things we do to stay alive for another year. Another day. Another hour. The deals we make with the universe and ourselves. You start to feel dirty. Richard Kadrey
7204f3e Young man, there are some things in the world so profane that their only real value is in not knowing about them. Richard Kadrey
8619649 There are two Venices I know about and one of them is a hotel in Vegas. The other is an L.A. beach where pretty girls walk their dogs while wearing as little as possible and mutant slabs of tanned, posthuman beef sip iced steroid lattes and pump iron until their pecs are the size of Volkswagens. humor society Richard Kadrey
f21bee0 Oh Christ. Put me back with the zombies, Strawberry Shortcake." [p. 411]" Richard Kadrey
ab029bf You don't have to be afraid of me. Eugene likes you. Doc likes you. That means I like you. We're all family now. All the funny little people who live in the cracks of the world. Richard Kadrey
1d97491 But she's not going to call the cops or stab me in my sleep, and what more can you ask of a pretty girl? Richard Kadrey
669b9ce I wish I could say, "No more Mr. Nice Guy," but the boat sailed on that one a long time ago." Richard Kadrey
cfb0efc I once considered learning to love iced coffee, but then I remembered I'd have to kill myself, so I gave up the idea. Richard Kadrey
df33a86 I come from a long line of tall-tale talkers. Our family crest is bullets over crossed fingers and underneath it says, 'Bullshit Uber Alles. Richard Kadrey
6b9e323 L.A. is what happens when a bunch of Lovecraftian elder gods and porn starlets spend a weekend locked up in the Chateau Marmont snorting lines of crank off Jim Morrison's bones. Richard Kadrey
39c96e2 Death, like birth, is a secret of nature." Only with birth you get a blanket and a bottle. You get a blanket with death too, but they call it a shroud and everyone else gets the bottle." Richard Kadrey
a780068 Did you send candy and flowers on Valentine's Day, Wells? It's okay, you know. He was a saint. Richard Kadrey
b268610 I can deal with fighting in the arena in Hell, but laundry and dishes put the fear of God in me. Richard Kadrey
15e76c1 Imagine all of L.A. filled with windup men wandering empty-headed and waiting for orders and directions and purpose. That's L.A. in a nutshell. A city of driven creatures, but no one is a hundred percent sure what they're driven toward. Wealth. Fame. Power. Love. Revenge. These are all the obvious end points for the citizens of a spectral city, but none of them quite encompass a final goal. That's more fragile. Something that slips away lik.. Richard Kadrey
39c938d Maybe that's why Heaven is silent and God doesn't speak to man anymore. Heavenly intervention would blow the point spread. Richard Kadrey
342e753 No need to kill everyone. They know not to let their Chihuahuas piss on my lawn. Richard Kadrey
22e547c Sometimes there's nothing worse than the truth. It can be harder and sharper and hurt more than a knife. The truth can clear a room faster than tear gas. Richard Kadrey
5fc4a27 When you're born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it's not. Richard Kadrey
d30d1db It could have been ten." "What's that mean?" "It's a Hellion joke. When God threw them from Heaven, they fell for nine days, so when everything goes to shit you say..." "...It could have been ten." Richard Kadrey
cd5b532 Brooding is for chickens, as my first-grade teacher used to say. Or maybe it was Lucifer. Homily reciters all kind of run together for me. Richard Kadrey
ead77ef Everyone in California is a Buddhist for fifteen minutes. Then they realize they're not allowed to eat chili dogs and enlightenment starts sounding like a real drag. Richard Kadrey
f60707d Calm down. Deep breaths. Go to your happy place. Oh, wait. I don't have one. Richard Kadrey
0863482 Black is a good color anytime you're flinging around blood. Richard Kadrey
684aeff Thank God for whiskey or the world would be so full of secrets the weight would spin us into the sun. Richard Kadrey
a84b4d1 If Mason wasn't crazy before, he's definitely joined the banana army now. Richard Kadrey
3476994 Kids need their minds blown every now and then. It'll keep them from thinking that managing a McDonald's is the most they can hope for. Richard Kadrey
1cdd6a5 Everything's show biz in the end Richard Kadrey
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