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eec796f I mean, there's doomed. There's screwed. And there's monsoons-in-Hell fucked. And we're at fucked o'clock. Richard Kadrey
641c39e The thing you have to understand about Lucifer is that he hardly ever talks, and when he does, it's never much more than a whisper. When half the universe is hanging on to your every word, you don't have to shout. Richard Kadrey
8e22e6f I've got plenty on my plate. Till then, Ishii can piss his sorrows in a teapot and brew himself a hot cup of fuck off. Richard Kadrey
80a3ced Words are weapons. They blast big bloody holes in the world. And words are bricks. Say something out loud and it starts turning solid. Say it out loud enough and it becomes a wall you can't get through. Richard Kadrey
922b960 I should sit down and make a list of everything I missed while I was gone. If you can't smoke in bars anymore, what other atrocities has the world committed? Richard Kadrey
1e762b4 So, you're the angel of Death?" The angel shook his head, a little embarrassed. "I don't have that honor. In Heaven, I'm the celestial who bears the great golden quills, the silver Chroma, the holy vellums upon which the Lord God inscribes the fate of the universe." Tiras's eyes narrowed. "You're in charge of office supplies. You're the angel of office supplies." The" Richard Kadrey
ab6f92b IT'S WEIRD starting over from zero. It changes the scale of your ambitions. Instead of fantasizing about what kind of mansion you'll buy when you win the lottery, you ask yourself, Richard Kadrey
fd29211 You have to burn beliefs when they become convenient lies solely for the purpose of gaining and holding power. Richard Kadrey
1dd2a08 You're a philosopher." "No. Just drunk." -- Richard Kadrey
f9d89fa Don't be stupid. Of course I'll help you. We must always look after our friends, even when they are foolish. Especially when they are foolish. Richard Kadrey
d838914 How do you explain to someone that you understand their fear, then convince them that it's going to be all right? In my experience, the more you talk about what scares them, the worse it gets. There's not much to do but ride out the fear with them and try to keep them away from liquor and razor blades. Richard Kadrey
d3109d9 I hate this place. You can't get a cup of coffee unless it has a backstory and a pedigree so the cafe can charge you as much for the cup as a normal human pays for dinner. Women drive by in cute little sports cars with more power under the hood than a Saturn V, but the speedometer will never top twenty because then they might not be seen and admired. Men window-shop in silk jackets made by indentured servants in countries they've never hear.. Richard Kadrey
22a0e46 Make her stop. I'm hungover and she has a robot. It's not fair." "Life is fair only in the grave and in the bedroom. This, you will notice, is neither." Richard Kadrey
e232c8f My back feels like someone beat me with a pillowcase full of tuna-fish cans. Richard Kadrey
b5f6f44 She looks like a librarian with some money and good taste in clothes, but underneath the Versace, she's Godzilla with tits. Richard Kadrey
05ecf4a It's like God left his lunch in the microwave and you get to finish it. Richard Kadrey
0dd6548 But these days, I'm working on the theory that killing everyone I don't like might be counterproductive. Richard Kadrey
538b748 Are you asking because you want to see if doc can turn you into a librarian when all this is over?" [p.240:]" Richard Kadrey
d2546e1 Memories are bullets. Some whiz by and only spook you. Others tear you open and leave you in pieces. Someday the right one will catch you in between the eyes and you'll never see it coming. Richard Kadrey
e380b9d She looks like she just saw a ghost, a unicorn, and Hello Kitty having a three-way in a clown car and they didn't invite her. I Richard Kadrey
79ee43e I hate politics. It's the lowest act a human being can sink to. Richard Kadrey
20dd3c7 Let me tell you, having cancer sucks, but being broke and having cancer is the shittiest fate that can land on a human being. Richard Kadrey
153ec94 All are equal in the grave. Richard Kadrey
08b350c Fuck me. I'm a rock star. And all I really wanted was a burrito. Richard Kadrey
5f2436c Hell, boy. At some point, all fathers want to kill their sons. Just like all sons think about killing their old man. They're too much alike or they're not enough alike. It doesn't matter. What's beautiful is that they don't do it. Richard Kadrey
cd763fc It's not necessary to fill every moment with your own voice. Silence terrifies you. You see your own existence as so tenuous that you're afraid you'll pop like a bubble if, at every opportunity, you don't remind the world that you're alive. But wisdom begins in silence. In learning to listen. To words and to the world. Trust me. You won't disappear. And, in time, you might find that you've grown into something unexpected." "What?" Richard Kadrey
4254045 Mostly, Sub Rosas are the people regular people aren't supposed to know about. It's not that we don't like you; it's that you have a habit of burning us at the stake when you notice us. Richard Kadrey
16b4365 And his first name. Jeffrey spelled Geoffrey. Never trust a Geoffrey. Either they're pretentious pricks or bitter that the family spelled their name funny. Richard Kadrey
d0e3e90 Like a man once said: 'I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to be there when it happens.'" The" Richard Kadrey
1edf6ec The only way I can attract more attention is if I was towing a Spanish galleon full of half-naked cheerleaders with flare guns. Richard Kadrey
5d97c57 Every day I walk down Hollywood Boulevard and see civilians making themselves crazy worrying about the meetings they're late for or did they put the rent check in the mail or is their ass starting to sag and I think, "I've seen the creaky clockwork that turns the stars and planets. I've gotten drunk with the devil and body-slammed angels. I've seen the Room of Thirteen Doors at the center of the universe. I know the taste of my own blood as.. Richard Kadrey
c2f857c She'd [Allegra] look like Foxy Brown's little sister, except her head is SHAVED SMOOTH. Richard Kadrey
f31d90a The lucky among us might get the same deal as Dysmas. Dysmas was one of the thieves crucified next to Christ. When he asked for forgiveness, Christ said, 'Today you will be with me in paradise.' " Candy" Richard Kadrey
f2154b1 That's for me, isn't it? I'm going to Hell." "Don't feel so bad. It beats Fresno." Richard Kadrey
2dd9900 Kasabian is still shrieking like a banshee, which is pretty good for a guy with no lungs. Richard Kadrey
d0df4c7 I guess I don't have a choice." "Of course you have a choice," she says. "They're just not very good choices." Richard Kadrey
e71c2bf They were the understanding eyes of kindly folk who burned witches alive to save their souls. Richard Kadrey
ca9fc1b Every time stupid rich people get ripped off, it makes them feel better about hating poor people. Richard Kadrey
a563083 You murder someone at the Ice Capades and the place goes apeshit. You blow someone's head off in a war zone, people step over the body and have a snack. Richard Kadrey
0d2434f Fear is like curling up under a warm blanket for some people, especially the rich. Richard Kadrey
10d8286 It's part of why I came to Los Angeles. My real work. I kill the dead. Richard Kadrey
bb980ca If you ever see me in a matching T-shirt with a woman--any woman--shoot me. Okay?" Morty nodded. "You didn't have to ask. I'd have done it on principle." "Thank you." "I know a cry for help when I see it." Richard Kadrey
cb0913b LAUREL CANYON PERCHED DIRECTLY ABOVE LOS ANGELES, one of the most expensive collections of winding hills and valleys in the country. Luckily, there were roads that twisted up and down the tortured ridges, or the only things that would have been there were hippies, backpackers, prairie dogs, and the occasional mountain lion dining on the aforementioned hippies, backpackers, and prairie dogs. Unfortunately, because of those roads and the bill.. Richard Kadrey
1b7dd17 The downside to jackrabbit reflexes is that while they get you out of the way of obvious and imminent danger, when you're going forty miles an hour on your front wheel, those reflexes will simply launch you into the air like a squirrel on a land mine. Richard Kadrey
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