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3007dee The point is that newspapers are not there for spreading news but for covering it up. X happens, you have to report it, but it causes embarrassment for too many people, so in the same edition you add some shock headlines - mother kills four children, savings at risk of going up in smoke, letter from Garibaldi insulting his lieutenant Nino Bixio discovered, etc. - so news drowns in a great sea of information. news newspapers Umberto Eco
34970dc So you truly do not believe in God?" "I find no reason to, in nature... If the idea of God is unknown in the state of nature, it must then be a human invention." Umberto Eco
0736110 The dove, as it flies in the sun, seems simply to sparkle like silver, but only one who has been able to wait at length to discover its hidden face will see its true gold or, rather, the color of a shining orange. Umberto Eco
a685a89 'ymkn lt`byr `n 'shy `l~ hdhh ldrj@ mn lkhtlf bkyfy@ lh tlk ldrj@ mn lwHd@? Umberto Eco
bdc3b1e lktb mSnw` mn `lmt ttklm `n `lmt 'khr~ ttklm bdwrh `n l'shy. wbdwn l`yn lty tqr'h ybq~ lktb Hmlan l`lmt l tntj mfhym fyZl dhn 'khrs. Umberto Eco
6ec4888 lHqy'q lwHyd@ lSlH@ 'dwt ynbGy llq bh b`d st`mlh. Umberto Eco
60627ce we never cease hoping--and thus did our Judge condemn us to suffer in saecula.' Ferrante asked: 'But what is it that you hope for?' You might as well ask what you will hope for yourself. ...You will hope that a wisp of wind, the slightest swell of the tide, the arrival of a single hungry leech, can return us, atom by atom, to the great Void of the Universe, where we would somehow again participate in the cycle of life. Umberto Eco
7ce4a25 For architecture, among all the arts, is the one that most boldly tries to reproduce in its rhythm the order of the universe, which the ancients called "kosmos," that is to say ornate, since it is like a great animal on whom there shine the perfection and the proportion of all its members. And praised be our Creator who, as the Scriptures say, has decreed all things in number, weight, and measure." -- Umberto Eco
b862b1b Tum asiklar gibi Baudlino da kibirli olmustu. love Umberto Eco
0407f56 Evet beyefendi, ben maymundan geliyorum. Ama siz ona dogru ilerliyorsunuz! Umberto Eco
3495b28 The flame consists of a splendid clarity, of an unusual vigor, and od an ingenious ardor, but possesses the splendid clarity that it may illuminate and the ingenious ardor that it may burn. Umberto Eco
72f0358 when your true enemies are too strong, you have to choose weaker enemies. I reflected that this is why the simple are so called. Only the powerful always know with great clarity who their true enemies are. Umberto Eco
ab29eae It seems to me that more plots have been imagined than really exist. Umberto Eco
20eaa8e Fur die Leute, die einen zum ersten Mal besuchen, eine imposante Bibliothek entdecken und nichts Besseres zu sagen wissen als: "Haben Sie das alles gelesen?", kenne ich mehrere Antworten. Einer meiner Freunde sagt; ,,Mehr, Monsieur, mehr." Ich fur mein Teil habe zwei Antworten. Die erste ist: "Nein. Das sind nur die Bucher, die ich nachste Woche lesen muss. Die, die ich schon gelesen habe, sind in der Universitat." Die zweite Antwort lautet.. Umberto Eco
c3b4025 Hypotyposis is the rhetorical effect by which words succeed in rendering a visual scene. Umberto Eco
dd9c2e2 Jedes Geschopf der Welt ist uns gleichsam ein Buch und Gemalde und Spiegel. (Every creature of the world is to us at once a book and painting and mirror.) Umberto Eco
145bf25 knt wfr@ lnwfdh tj`l lq`@ lkbr~ bhyj@ blnwr ldhy kn yGmrh dwn nqT`, Ht~ wn knW fy `shy@ shty'y@. wlm ykn lzjj mlwWnan km fy sy'r lkny's dh knt shbk@ lrSS tshdW 'Tran mrbW`@ `dym@ llwn, ky ynfdh lnwr l~ ldkhl Sfyan l~ 'qS~ HdW mmkn, dwn 'n ykyWfh lfn lbshry, lynf` llGrD lmqSwd, 'l whw D@ `ml lqr@ wlktb@. r'yt mrWt 'khr~ wfy 'mkn Gyrh lkthyr mn q`t lktb@, wlkn m lm ysT` fy Hdh bdhlk lsh``, fy nskb lnwr lmdy ldhy yml' lfD, dhlk l'ss lrwHy nfsh.. Umberto Eco
db4ffca A civilizacao nao chegara a perfeicao enquanto a ultima pedra da ultima igreja nao tiver caido sobre o ultimo padre, e a Terra tiver sido libertada daquela escoria. Umberto Eco
5922372 But it was the newspapers that called John XXIII the Good Pope, and the people followed suit." "That's right. Newspapers teach people how to think," Simei said. "But do newspapers follow trends or create trends?" "They do both, Signorina Fresia. People don't know what the trends are, so we tell them, then they know. But let's not get too involved in philosophy--we're professionals. Carry on, Colonna." Umberto Eco
b0da49a Fur jedes komplexe Problem gibt es eine einfache Losung, und die ist die falsche. Umberto Eco
ca0c287 learning does not consist only of knowing what we must or we can do, but also of knowing what we could do and perhaps should not do. Umberto Eco
9cb0032 I know nothing. There is nothing that I know. But the heart senses certain things. Let your heart speak, question faces, do not listen to tongues. Umberto Eco
28974fa A daily newspaper is destined to become like a weekly magazine. We'll be talking about what might happen tomorrow, with feature articles, investigative supplements, unexpected predictions... Umberto Eco
50a9b13 The book has to give the idea of another kind of newspaper, has to show how I labored away for a year to create a model of journalism independent of all pressure, implying that the venture failed because it was impossible to have a free voice Umberto Eco
daf8308 The Devil is the arrogance of the spirit, faith without smile, truth that is never seized by doubt. devil faith truth Umberto Eco
8573fd1 Those whom you cannot love you should, rather, fear. Umberto Eco
567157b In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro" (T. Kempis)" Umberto Eco
07e1788 La seule chose qu'on ecrit pour soi, c'est la liste des courses. Elle sert a vous rappeler ce que vous devez acheter, et une fois vos achats accomplis, vous pouvez la jeter car elle ne sert plus a personne. Tout ce que vous ecrivez d'autre, vous l'ecrivez pour dire quelque chose a quelqu'un. Umberto Eco
19b04b1 So, Colonna, please demonstrate to our friends how it's possible to respect, or appear to respect, one fundamental principle of democratic journalism, which is separating fact from opinion. ...' 'Simple,' I said. 'Take the major British or American newspapers. If they report, say, a fire or a car accident, then obviously they can't indulge in saying what they think. And so they introduce into the piece, in quotation marks, the statements of.. journalism opinion Umberto Eco
0cad04d Qualcuno ha detto che il patriottismo e l'ultimo rifugio delle canaglie: chi non ha principi morali si avvolge di solito in una bandiera, e i bastardi si richiamano sempre alla purezza della loro razza. L'identita nazionale e l'ultima risorsa dei diseredati. Ora il senso dell'identita si fonda sull'odio, sull'odio per chi non e identico. Bisogna coltivare l'odio come passione civile. Il nemico e l'amico dei popoli. Ci vuole sempre qualcuno .. Umberto Eco
23bf19f Librat nuk jane bere per tu besuar, por per t'u hetuar. Kur lexojme nje liber nuk duhet te pyesim veten cfare thote, por cfare nenkupton shqip umberto-eco Umberto Eco
739c7d3 We usually believe that the tamer is attacked by the lion and that the tamer stops his attack by raising his whip or firing a blank. Wrong: the lion was fed and sedated before it entered the cage and doesn't feel like attacking anybody. Like all animals, it has its own space; if you don't invade that space, the lion remains calm. When the tamer steps forward, invading it, the lion roars; the tamer then raises his whip, but also takes a step.. Umberto Eco
cce466d The good of a book lies in its being read. A book is made up of signs that speak of other signs, which in their turn speak of things. Without an eye to read them, a book contains signs that produce no concepts; therefore it is dumb. This library was perhaps born to save the books it houses, but now it lives to bury them. This is why it has become a sink of iniquity. Umberto Eco
5de524d That man is ... odd," I dared say to William. "He is, or has been, in many ways a great man. But for this very reason he is odd. It is only petty men who seem normal. Ubertino" Umberto Eco
c2294a3 You must consider that the librarian (if not overworked or neurotic) is happy when he can demonstrate two things: the quality of his memory and erudition and the richness of his library, especially if it is small. The more isolated and disregarded the library, the more the librarian is consumed with sorrow for its underestimation. A person who asks for help makes the librarian happy. Umberto Eco
8821c66 William made an ejaculation in his own language that I didn't understand, nor did the abbot understand it, and perhaps it was best for us both, because the word William uttered had an obscene hissing sound. murder-mystery Umberto Eco
a12ae54 when a man has little time, he must take care to maintain his calm. We must act as if we had eternity before us. eternity keep-calm lack-of-time time Umberto Eco
7b5d4e1 Because reasoning about causes and effects is a very difficult thing, and I believe the only judge of that can be God. We are already hard put to establish a relationship between such an obvious effect as a charred tree and the lightning bolt that set fire to it, so to trace sometimes endless chains of causes and effects seems to me as foolish as trying to build a tower that will touch the sky. cause-and-effect critical-reasoning reasoning tracing-cause-and-effect Umberto Eco
fcaa79e lshkwk lyst 'bdan mGl@ , lshk , dy'man lshk , bhdhh lTryq@ wHdh tSl l~ lHqyq@ doubting-mind truth الحقيقة الشك Umberto Eco
d01c862 The others believed me wise because I won, but they didn't know the many instances in which I have been foolish because I lost, and they didn't know that a few seconds before winning I wasn't sure I wouldn't lose. Umberto Eco
8e17ac9 Born as the raising to the nth power of that initial (and rational) waste that is sports recreation, sports chatter is the glorification of Waste, and therefore the maximum point of Consumption. On it and in it the consumer civilization man actually consumes himself (and every possibility of thematizing and judging the enforced consumption to which his is invited and subjected). Umberto Eco
c60d386 But chance has a taste for conspiracy. conspiracy Umberto Eco
ae46407 When one has a text to question, it is irrelevant to ask the author. Umberto Eco
45f87a1 Y cuando vives cultivando esperanzas imposibles, ya eres un perdedor. Y cuando te das cuenta, te hundes. Umberto Eco