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6b1196f 1843 Ada, Countess of Lovelace, publishes "Notes" on Babbage's Analytical Engine. 1847 George Boole creates a system using algebra for logical reasoning. 1890 The census is tabulated with Herman" Walter Isaacson
a67b78e Some of the most important technologies of our era, such as the fracking techniques developed over the past six decades for extracting natural gas, came about because of countless small innovations as well as a few breakthrough leaps. Walter Isaacson
10ec74d A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone. Walter Isaacson
ec43e9a TIM COOK. Steady, calm, chief operating officer hired by Jobs in 1998; replaced Jobs as Apple CEO in August 2011. Walter Isaacson
7cae71f The Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves. Walter Isaacson
107bb38 Coming back to America was, for me, much more of a cultural shock than going to India. The people in the Indian countryside don't use their intellect like we do, they use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the rest of the world. Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That's had a big impact on my work. Western rational thought is not an innate human characteri.. Walter Isaacson
0acaf84 If the object were to have feelings, these would be based on its desire to fulfill its essence. The purpose of a glass, for example, is to hold water; if it had feelings, it would be happy when full and sad when empty. Walter Isaacson
4a5616f Coming back to America was, for me, much more of a cultural shock than going to India. The people in the Indian countryside don't use their intellect like we do, they use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the rest of the world. Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That's had a big impact on my work. Western rational thought is not an innate human characteri.. Walter Isaacson
77f6e93 Steve created the only lifestyle brand in the tech industry," Larry Ellison said." Walter Isaacson
8e0f560 I had come to revere the Italian designers, just like the kid in Breaking Away reveres the Italian bikers," recalled Jobs, "so it was an amazing inspiration." Walter Isaacson
e552138 Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do, Walter Isaacson
c728374 computer. At an executive team brainstorming session one Monday, Ive asked why it needed a keyboard hinged to the screen; that was expensive and bulky. Put the keyboard on the screen using a multi-touch interface, he suggested. Jobs agreed. So the resources were directed to revving up the tablet project rather than designing a netbook. The process began with Jobs and Ive figuring out the right screen size. They had twenty models made--all r.. Walter Isaacson
d1d5b84 Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers. Walter Isaacson
cca30c8 conformed to the principle of least action, a foundation of physics that holds that light or any object moving between two points should follow the easiest path.3 Planck's paper not only contributed to the development of relativity theory; it also helped to legitimize it among other physicists. Walter Isaacson
383f664 creative space, Walter Isaacson
36fc1c7 silver Mercedes parked in a handicapped spot. Steve Jobs was inside screaming at his car phone. This was right before the first iMac was unveiled and I'm pretty sure I could make out, 'Not. Fucking. Blue. Enough!!!' " As always, Jobs was compulsive in preparing for the dramatic unveiling. Having" Walter Isaacson
d0a73b0 regard for reason and nature, its social consciousness, its progressivism, its tolerance, its cosmopolitanism, and its bland philanthropy." He" Walter Isaacson
f340416 In ancient Rome, when a victorious general paraded through the streets, legend has it that he was sometimes trailed by a servant whose job it was to repeat to him, "Memento mori": Remember you will die. A reminder of mortality would help the hero keep things in perspective, instill some humility." Walter Isaacson
615c8a4 People will provide judgment, intuition, empathy, a moral compass, and human creativity. Walter Isaacson
5c6996d The key to innovation-at Bell Labs and in the digital age in general-was realizing that there was no conflict between nurturing individual geniuses and promoting collaborative teamwork. It was not either-or. Indeed, throughout the digital age, the two approaches went together. Creative geniuses (John Mauchly, William Shockley, Steve Jobs) generated innovative ideas. Practical engineers (Presper Eckert, Walter Brattain, Steve Wozniak) partne.. Walter Isaacson
d4eb002 As a publishing magnate and then as a postmaster, he was one of the few to view America as a whole. To him, the colonies were not merely disparate entities. They were a new world with common interests and ideals. Walter Isaacson
bde3c97 responded with a presidential note describing how Washington defined a "base." Work on the new facility was halted," -- Walter Isaacson
4dd7f8d As the crisis waned during the fall of 1961, so did the last vestiges of Kissinger's influence at the White House. In October he cleaned out his desk. Bundy sent him a letter of perfunctory thanks, which added that the White House had decided not to make a public announcement of his departure.13 Walter Isaacson
bcf2422 At different times in the past, there were companies that exemplified Silicon Valley. It was Hewlett-Packard for a long time. Then, in the semiconductor era, it was Fairchild and Intel. I think that it was Apple for a while, and then that faded. And then today, I think it's Apple and Google--and a little more so Apple. I think Apple has stood the test of time. It's been around for a while, but it's still at the cutting edge of what's going .. Walter Isaacson
6201f3e Predictions that digital tools would allow workers to telecommute were never fully realized. One of Marissa Mayer's first acts as CEO of Yahoo! was to discourage the practice of working from home, rightly pointing out that "people are more collaborative and innovative when they're together." When Steve Jobs designed a new headquarters for Pixar, he obsessed over ways to structure the atrium, and even where to locate the bathrooms, so that s.. Walter Isaacson
a80a976 Mi principio inquebrantable es esforzarme en amar la verdad y a Dios por encima de la fama y la gloria --afirmaba--. El suyo es amar la verdad y a Dios, pero amar aun mas la fama, la gloria y los honores.>> Walter Isaacson
9c0798b The people who invented the twenty-first century were pot-smoking, sandal-wearing hippies from the West Coast like Steve, because they saw differently," he said. "The hierarchical systems of the East Coast, England, Germany, and Japan do not encourage this different thinking. The sixties produced an anarchic mind-set that is great for imagining a world not yet in existence." Walter Isaacson
c99fe5b commendations, but he occasionally found himself in minor trouble and never rose above the rank of seaman. Walter Isaacson
60fbba1 I love it when you can bring really great design and simple capability to something that doesn't cost much," he said as he pointed out the clean elegance of the houses. "It was the original vision for Apple. That's what we tried to do with the first Mac. That's what we did with the iPod." Walter Isaacson
71b882a Queremos que, cuando abras la caja de un iPhone o de un iPad, la experiencia tactil condicione como vas a percibir el dispositivo>>, senalo. Walter Isaacson
1b630e8 Being a brash entrepreneur, Roberts responded to the crisis by deciding to launch a whole new business. He had always been fascinated by computers, and he assumed that other hobbyists felt the same. His goal, he enthused to a friend, was building a computer for the masses that would eliminate the Computer Priesthood once and for all. After studying the instruction set for the Intel 8080, Roberts concluded that MITS could make a do-it-yourse.. Walter Isaacson
134d045 We had to learn their vocabularies in order to be able to run their problems. I could switch my vocabulary and speak highly technical for the programmers, and then tell the same things to the managers a few hours later but with a totally different vocabulary." Innovation requires articulation." Walter Isaacson
0a33660 One of the basic lessons for innovation is to stay focused. Walter Isaacson
745ad5d If you reveal TMI, it can make people feel a little less alone. Walter Isaacson
0c3d936 Search the phrase "the man who invented" on Amazon and you get 1,860 book results. But we have far fewer tales of collaborative creativity, which is actually more important in understanding how today's technology revolution was fashioned." Walter Isaacson
f6440c8 In the 1980s I thrilled to the static and screech that modems made when they opened for you the weirdly magical realm of online services and bulletin boards, Walter Isaacson
144ffd5 Eckert, with his passion for detail and perfection, was the chief engineer. Eckert became so dedicated to the project that he would sometimes sleep next to the machine. Once, as a joke, two engineers picked up his cot and gently moved him to an identical room one floor up; when he awoke he briefly feared the machine had been stolen. Walter Isaacson
5417332 At that time in IBM you had to wear a white shirt, dark pants and a black tie with your badge stapled to your shoulder or something," said Steve Bristow, an engineer. "At Atari the work people did counted more than how they looked." Walter Isaacson
a0301c1 An invention, especially one as complex as the computer, usually comes not from an individual brainstorm but from a collaboratively woven tapestry of creativity. Walter Isaacson
1c4d438 a table and diagram showing exactly how the algorithm would be fed into the computer, step by step, including two recursive loops. It was a numbered list of coding instructions that included destination registers, operations, and commentary--something that would be familiar to any C++ coder today. Walter Isaacson
42c9446 CONTENTS Epigraph Characters Introduction: How This Book Came to Be CHAPTER ONE Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen CHAPTER TWO Odd Couple: The Two Steves CHAPTER THREE The Dropout: Turn On, Tune In . . . CHAPTER FOUR Atari and India: Zen and the Art of Game Design CHAPTER FIVE The Apple I: Turn On, Boot Up, Jack In . . . CHAPTER SIX Walter Isaacson
369a6c2 The combination of GNU and Linux created an operating system that has been ported to more hardware platforms, ranging from the world's ten biggest supercomputers to embedded systems in mobile phones, than any other operating system. "Linux is subversive," wrote Eric Raymond. "Who would have thought that a world-class operating system could coalesce as if by magic out of part-time hacking by several thousand developers scattered all over the.. Walter Isaacson
cbaa0a5 Gates's "Letter to Hobbyists," complaining about the unauthorized sharing of Microsoft BASIC, asked in a chiding way, "Who can afford to do professional work for nothing?" Torvalds found that an odd outlook. He and Gates were from two very different cultures, the communist-tinged radical academia of Helsinki versus the corporate elite of Seattle. Gates may have ended up with the bigger house, but Torvalds reaped antiestablishment adulation... Walter Isaacson
82104be ferrying troops to Italy for General Patton. His talent as a machinist and fireman Walter Isaacson