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bfd866b His first thought as he stared death in the face was that he was never going to meet his daughter. At least not on this side of the Fade. His second and final was that he couldn't believe he'd never told Blay he loved him. In all the minutes and hours and nights of his life, in all the words he'd spoken to the male over the years they'd known each other, he'd only ever pushed him away. And now it was too late. urban-fantasy-series J.R. Ward
76409a9 For once, the present was so alive and captivating that the past was not even an echo or a shadow - she was, in this moment, wiped clean. J.R. Ward
9ef4030 Justlikethat, the brother dematerialized out of the alley, and Rhage knew better than to think that the pair of them would ever speak of it again. And man, that was so V--the SOB was capable of great kindness and empathy, but always at arm's length, as if he were afraid of getting too entangled in emotion. He was always there for the people he loved, though. Always. "Thank you, my brother," Rhage said to the thin air where the male of worth.. J.R. Ward
79fb145 Joy was worn like a new suit of clothes on people. You could see it on every inch of them, from their step to their stare. But sadness and loss were hidden, kept quiet under composure and the shelter of daily activity. J.R. Ward
4891077 As V dropped the bomb, there was a momentary period of silent saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-whaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Then a shit-ton of gasps and cursing in the room, all kinds of WTF hitting the airwaves. J.R. Ward
cf9326f He tapped the artificial leg. "I am not whole." True, she thought sadly. He was not whole, although it had nothing to do with him missing part of a limb." J.R. Ward
8967807 All around, grown men were getting out of cars and shoving at each other like fifteen-year-olds, the bunch of juiced-up, armchair quarterbacks ready to peanut-gallery it up: The closest they were going to get to the octagon was standing on the outside of the chicken wire looking in. J.R. Ward
1b075d4 and Billy rolled in. "Thought you might like some wake-up." Bingo," J.R. Ward
41edd3b You couldn't soar if you didn't leap. J.R. Ward
1fe829c husband and my family and the better half of WriterDog. Prologue J.R. Ward
9480df3 Going over to their prisoner, Vishous performed a visual assessment on Xcor. When they'd brought the bastard in here, V had strapped him onto the wooden slab table face-up and spread-eagled, locking stainless-steel cuffs on those wrists and ankles and around that thick neck--and what do you know, the guy was right where he'd left him. Color was passable. Eyes were closed. Head wound at the rear of the skull was no longer leaking, having hea.. J.R. Ward
82b1d40 And why had those prayers been focused heavenward? Well, it kind of made sense, didn't it? Even when there were no more options for the body, the heart's wishes find a way out, and as with all warmth, love rises. Besides, the will to fly was in the nature of the soul, so its home had to be up above. heaven prayer J.R. Ward
cd56268 Fuck me!" he belted out. Yes, please, his cock replied with a kick." J.R. Ward
3ec906c She was not his sun or moon, but his galaxy. J.R. Ward
0265bfc At this moment in time," came the hiss in his ear, "we know two things. But only one of them is a game changer." J.R. Ward
40e00a8 Weight carried, whether it was physically, mentally, or emotionally, slowed you down. J.R. Ward
6f361f3 Because love, after all, was eternal and not subject to the whims of death. J.R. Ward
35bd64a The guy was like part pro wrestler, part Toys "R" Us." lassiter pool J.R. Ward
0445591 I don't give a crap what happened between you and Xcor--mother to mother, I care only about you and the babies. And my husband will see my point of view. Trust me." Layla" -- J.R. Ward
1b5662c Everyone needs something from their mother. It's the way it works." When he smiled, she said, "What?" "No one ever disagrees with me. But you." Jane looked down at her own hands, her brows getting tight. "Not one of my virtues, huh." "Actually, it's a part of you I love most." When she glanced at him in surprise, he leaned in quick and kissed her on the mouth--even though he shouldn't have." paranomral-romance the-thief J.R. Ward
a6affda An overwhelming, possessive instinct flashed through him. With dread, he realized he wanted to mark her. Mark her as his. He wanted that special scent all over her so no other male would come near her. So that they would know whom she belonged to. So that they would fear the repercussions of wanting to possess her for themselves. Except J.R. Ward
360aeeb As Jane stared at Vishous and felt his body against hers, she knew she was never letting him go. Ever. And she also knew that if they could make it through the past week, they had the staying power that good marriages--or matings--required. lover-unleashed vishous J.R. Ward
8f4b6b6 I love you so much..." she declared, "that it doesn't hurt." J.R. Ward
42dfab2 Truly it was the beginning of everything that followed, the starting line of the harrowing journey disguised in the form of a simple question. She was glad she didn't know where it would take her. Because sometimes the only thing that got you through hell was that you were in too deep to pull out. so-true life-altering crossroads foreshadowing J.R. Ward
f69f8c2 Sometimes what we do to harder than what we do when we die. J.R. Ward
4de8c95 Phury...I was going to come find you before I left." With a towel under his chin, Z looked at his reflection in the mirror, seeing his new yellow eyes. He thought of the arc of his life and knew most of it was for shit. But there had been two things that hadn't been. One female. And one male. "I love you," he said in a rough voice, realizing it was the first time he'd ever said the words to his twin. "Just wanted to get that out." Phury ste.. j.r ward
7598b9e Hell yeah, you can pay. This was your idea and I'm not blowing part of my rent money this month just to prove I'm a feminist. I can do that for free by demanding respect and getting it. J.R. Ward
3ca9d84 Saxton, the King's solicitor and Qhuinn's own cousin, put his perfect blond head in. "I have those documents that you--" The recoil would have been comical if Qhuinn hadn't been up to his elbows in baby poop. The attorney let out a cough. Or maybe that was a gagging noise. "Dearest Virgin Scribe, whatever are you feeding them?" "Enfamil formula." "And this is legal?" "For the most part, yes. Although depending on the digestive tract it goes.. J.R. Ward
a59d504 I just...I love you. Even though I'm broken, J.R. Ward
fc67167 Just because you moved on didn't mean you shed your personal history like a suit of clothes. Your past was the same as your skin: with you for life, both the proverbial beauty marks . . . and the scars. J.R. Ward
7b4b58f The guy was cracking down on the Brotherhood, organizing shifts, trying to turn four loose cannons like V, Phury, Rhage, and Z into soldiers. No wonder he always looked like his head hurt. tohrment J.R. Ward
ab4f0b4 The King pointed to the carpet at his feet. "On your knees, bastard." --" J.R. Ward
4f734a1 Rhage piped up. "Also, let's face it. You're the most reasonable one in this group." "A full cock going off," somebody chimed in. "Instead of a half cock like the rest of us." "Quarter cock in Rhage's case--" Hollywood wheeled around and glared at V. "Okay, fuck you--" "With what?" J.R. Ward
135ab10 This time..." He bared his descending fangs, his upper lip twitching. "I want your fangs in me, I want the pain and the rush. And I want you at my throat." J.R. Ward
5868f9e The nurse stared at him with such shock, it was clearly the first time anyone had not provided her with a safe, supported, emotionally aware and nurturing, micro-aggression-free educational platform. J.R. Ward
3c0485f If anyone ever wanted to sense the infinity of time and existence, all they had to do was look at the night sky and feel their precious dead staring back at them. It was the great duality of union and separation. J.R. Ward
33a65b8 Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy, he thought. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistible urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. J.R. Ward
2dbc231 There was a reason for rituals. When you were lost in your own life, they provided a false structure, like paper walls for your house of cards, the illusion that things were predictable and safe sometimes the only thing that got you through. J.R. Ward
7ab84d8 You are real," she said to herself. "Aye." His voice was deep and resonant, a caress in her ears. But then it cracked, as if he were in pain. "And you are with young." "I am." He closed his eyes again, but now it was as if he'd been struck by a body blow. "I saw you." "When?" "At the clinic. Nights and nights ago. I thought they had beaten you." "The Brotherhood? Why ever - " "Because of me." His eyes opened, and there was such anguish in t.. layla xcor J.R. Ward
0e43a83 symphaths treated everything like a chess match--right down to the moment they captured your king, turned your queen into a whore, and burned down your castles. J.R. Ward
414c978 What happened to your other nut? Was one of those ponies hungry? J.R. Ward
7b345c2 Destiny is not a straightaway. It's cluttered with corners and all of them are dark. We make the turns we do...and find ourselves where we are. destiny J.R. Ward
63e7758 Could the past be like this, he wondered, looking around at the empty clearing. A structure in your mind that you could burn down and get free of. J.R. Ward
e507430 The strong do not wallow. They move forward. J.R. Ward